Arkhangel: The House of the Seven Stars

Arkhangel: The House of the Seven Stars

So far I have read the equivalent of a 300 page book and I’m only an hour in. I don’t mind that there aren’t any voice actors. What bothers me is that every place our hero goes, he “finds” a stack of books and instead of going about his business, decides to pick each one up and read from it. I understand there’s a theme to the books, but why would you kick off a game with this much reading? Our hero goes into the library where there are about 20 shelves filled with books. I’m not exaggerating when I say that he picks a book from each one of the shelves and reads about 3-5 paragraphs from each book. Then he goes around and reads books on stands too. I love to read but today I decided to play a game instead of reading a book. Unfortunately, the game disagreed with me and made me read a book anyway.

Real player with 15.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Interactive Fiction Mystery Games.

Arkhangel: The House of the Seven Stars is a beautifully great haunting Lovecraftian game; okay let’s talk about the story.

It’s a cold wintery day as Michael Kearney is on a train with his wife Lily and their daughter Gabrielle as they head to their new life in the little town of Haven, where they can put all their troubles behind them and start anew.

But Michael has been having strange dreams about dark waters and an unknown ancient evil resting beneath the cold waves, what could it mean? Is it just anxiety or is it something else. Whatever it is if Michael is not careful it could destroy his whole world.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Arkhangel: The House of the Seven Stars on Steam

Sovietpunk: Chapter one

Sovietpunk: Chapter one

First off, the art direction is great. Secondly, the skill of the writing was adequate, if a bit too simple and without personality to make it really pop or entice you like the art.

The rest, however, is less favorable. It’s like a foundation meant for a house that won’t seem to exist until some unknown time in the future. The world has what I think is a very interesting premise. Unfortunately, it’s just all implications for now. You see parts here and there that could be fleshed out, but are left as little nods. Perhaps this game is a taste of what might be a a more exciting sequel (it’s practically advertised at the end - an end that’s feels too vague and without real impact). If this is so, 99 cents isn’t a bad price for a glorified trailer. But if the sequel is released and does not evolve the gameplay or immerse you in the world, this is a waste of money. The future in this game is bleak. Let’s hope the future of this series isn’t.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Interactive Fiction Atmospheric Games.

Info: This review was written before the game title’s change occurred, therefore each recall to the title will be done with the usage with previous name of the game.

Late Rebirth is the first chapter and the introduction to a story rich game situated in a post-apocalyptic Soviet Union, where technology is currently evolving through an enterprise named Biocom.

Note: This game displays the usage of strong language and violent settings

Game’s premise:

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Sovietpunk: Chapter one on Steam

The Epsilon Outcome

The Epsilon Outcome

The Epsilon Outcome is a wonderful and clever point & click adventure game. Kenneth A. Perrine clearly loves and understands the genre - if you have a similar feeling for these types of games, do not miss out on this thouroughly enjoyable five or six hour experience.

The game has a nice sci-fi foundation, but it knows how to have fun with it. There are the hilariously far-fetched solutions to puzzles and ways to overcome obstacles any aficionado of classic P&C adventure games knows and loves, but the game is never too vague about it. The challenges will make you think and the characters will make you smile.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Interactive Fiction 2D Games.

What a delightful game! It’s a love letter to the point-and-click, Sierra-Online-style adventure games I played as a kid. The hand drawn graphics and dry humor make this feel like a very personal, interactive art project as much as it is a game. I enjoyed solving the puzzles—always felt taken care of by the designer, in that things were hard enough to be interesting but not so hard as to be frustrating. Even the manual is fun!

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

The Epsilon Outcome on Steam

A Date in the Park

A Date in the Park

This one’s a really good graphic adventure, coming completely for free.

It may take you some time to look everywhere.. even if it isn’t that long :)

Graphics are quite particular for these point and click adventures - you’ve got prerendered backgrounds and a 3D character over them (or more).. it’s quite strange for a point and click adventure but the images are good and overall the setting isn’t too vast to explore.

Many said that this game is overly played due to being free and this is a valid point, but trust me, as a visual adventure it had deserved its own 1€ price. Being free it’s a great plus here.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

(Before people thumbs-down this review for “being a hater”, please keep in mind that it’s about whether the review was HELPFUL or not.)

Yet another candidate for the “Mixed Review” section. Ultimately, however, I’m going to have to say that I do not recommend this game unless you either want a free game to try out or if you want a quick, free 100%.

Play as……. umm…. Some blue-shirt guy who fell in love with a girl a week ago (literally…) . You’re in the park looking for your girlfr–…. well, date really… You look for the girl in the park through this point-and-click adventure title. Without spoiling the game, few events happen and the ending is disappointing. (It’s clever, but disappointing. Seriously, don’t fall in love with someone you just met… there are consequences for such passions. Same can be said for this title.)

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

A Date in the Park on Steam

Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders

Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders

The case for

Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders is a murder mystery game, so the first, most important question should be: is the mystery engaging? And it is, which is why it earns my thumbs up. The plot is intriguing and the pace is generally good all throughout the game. It tells several short stories, with an overarching plot connecting all of them and ending on a satisfying conclusion.

The case against

When compared with other murder mystery games, like the Gabriel Knight, Sherlock Holmes or Laura Bow series, in Detective Di there’s surprisingly little detectiving to do. There’s a clue board that fills up as you uncover relevant information, but you don’t have to actually figure out what clues are relevant or how they connect, as the game does all of this automatically, and once you reach the end of the chapter and the board is full Magistrate Di will make all the connections himself and explain his conclusions to you. All the actual detective work in the game is done automatically.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders

The best point and click adventure game I have played in a long while. A really gripping story full of twists and turns that will keep you entertained to the end.



👍Gripping Story

👍 Wonderful music

👍Great atmosphere

👍 Achievements and Trading Cards



👎Sometimes the scene music felt repetitive and annoying


Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders is a point and click adventure game set in ancient China.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders on Steam



I don’t know, maybe I just didn’t “get” this game, but I couldn’t figure out what was going on or what my actions actually accomplished. The gameplay was a bit annoying because the text in the text boxes loads very slowly, and you can’t skip previously read text. The mouse movement to move the camera view is also extremely slow, and for some reason during dialogue the camera kind of bobs around.

Aside from that the game looks beautiful, and I’m glad to have bought it to support indie developers, but it’s hard to recommend.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

strange little thing. more of a short play than a game, truth be told. an interesting little setting. good to support small time artists

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game


Floor 13: Deep State

Floor 13: Deep State

The negative reviews are just stupid to me. We have visual novels on here with little or no gameplay that get higher reviews then this. I own the original game and have played it on and off for years and yest this is not as good as the original but its not bad either. It has members of the original team on it and you can see a lot coming through from the original because of it. The original had a little more complexity to the game play then this one and it did have more of an urgency. The graphic look of this is amazing to me but I do wish more was interactive in your office to add to the immersion. Why do we need hand holding in 2020 ? You have to think about the different files and pay close attention to what the you are told in your meetings it is obtuse but it does help if you pay attention . Yes the game is obtuse and when you think are doing OK but somehow miss something and you are exiled (better then being thrown out a window) its frustrating but for me at least it makes me go back through to see how I missed something. It may not be everyone;s but of tea but I’m sure there is a few that will like a game like this.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Honestly, this game could be way better, and should be. I absolutely love the premise but for a modern game it lacks a fair bit right now. You are pretty much chucked in the deep end when you start, with only a cursory “probation period” which serves as the tutorial (although it barely deserves to be called that) which you seem to have no choice but to repeat each time you restart the game. You can breeze through it in a few minutes but honestly it shouldn’t be too hard to let it be skipped. My main issue though is with the complete lack of direction when playing. It’s just, ‘here you go you figure it out’. Next thing you know you’re fired. I have no idea which of these people I should put under surveillance since there’s more than 3 and you can’t put more than 2 under surveillance and 3 being tailed and none of what I find makes any sense to me whatsoever. This would seriously benefit from like, some form of easier mode, or a better tutorial instead of a few short ‘documents’ that simply show you how to issue orders and not at all explain when to issue them or how to make sense of any information that your pursuit or search yields. I’m like “so the search of this persons house found nothing and all he did for the last two days was leave home, go to work, and come home.. what the hell do I do now??”

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Floor 13: Deep State on Steam

Frog’s Princess

Frog’s Princess

great game, very emotional plot made me cry. ive been depressed for days after finishing this game :(

very well made 10/10 made me laugh a lot too :)

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

After a troubled launch whereby promised features didn’t work (Text To Speech) meant I, as someone who is visually impaired, coild not use the game. Navigation was impossible.

Finally the issue is resolved and I can finally check out the game.

A game aimed squarely at the younger market telling a tale from both sides of the story. Text To Speech mean the menues are now accessible and the story is fully voiced. Some of the recordings were quieter than others, but overall a reasonable production.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Frog's Princess on Steam

In Cold Dark

In Cold Dark

An interactive space story about rediscovering a life, our friendships, our choices and regrets.

Three years scouting the distant reaches of the galaxy. You’ve been all on your own, but now it's time to head back home … to SAGI 499: a divided colonial society on the edge of the Sagittarius spiral, and your home. Old friends calling, new faces to meet, political turmoil … and hints of something far stranger. What will you choose?


#### What is In Cold Dark


In Cold Dark is a sci-fi point-and-click branching narrative. You're returning from a distant exploration gig with your trusty glitchy AI, SPARC, and soon you'll need to decide your priorities.

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#### What do you want to do?


*   Navigate interstellar jumps?

*   Read a book?

*   Watch your favourite show?

*   Tackle sector colonialism with the Voiders?

*   Reconnect with your old love?

*   Make a new one?

*   Just do your thing and survive?

The story places a focus on irrevocable decision-making each playthrough, and a blend of pixel art and paintings make for a unique and striking journey through the spiral arm of the Milky Way.

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#### Who are we?


**The director:**


Efehan Elbi is an animator, author, and interdisciplinary storyteller. With a constant desire to craft stories whether in colour, code, poetry, or prose, “In Cold Dark” aims to bring these elements together for an interactive tale of life choices, regret, and striking spacey futures.

**The team:**


done \ undone is a collaborative studio of friends, with a love of many kinds of games, art and experiences.

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✨✨ We're still in development! So look back for more details and news ✨✨



![James Peris 2: La fuente de la eterna embriaguez]( "")

## James Peris 2: La fuente de la eterna embriaguez

James Peris, the rookie secret agent 00.5 is back! He will have to solve no more and no less than two missions; yes, TWO missions in one game. Hence the 2 in the title…

This time Peris will have to deal with a mafia boss and get the lost necklace of Sant Angelo, one of the jewels created by Leonardo Da Vinci. At the same time, he will have to find the mythical Holy Great Beer, a legendary artifact forgotten for centuries. Why leave such important missions to someone so incompetent? We have no such answer.
