Casina: The Forgotten Comedy

Casina: The Forgotten Comedy

An interesting take on classic play, that needs just a tad polishing

Casina….well not gonna lie, it was a pretty unique experience for me since I have almost no idea about classic play. So, by the time I finished the visual novels (which surprisingly hooked me in) I was kinda curious so I looked for the original Casina play. I was like “aaah so this is what they’re adapting” and I like how they tried to keep it as close to the original play as possible.

Now about the game

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Interactive Fiction Comedy Games.

Casina: The Forgotten Comedy is a modern iteration of the ancient Latin play set in Greece with the same name “Casina”. I have a little background with theatre and plays and was excited to enjoy the story and the art together in a different way! Fully voice acted with accompanying art and scenes to set the stage of a highly desirable slave and all the men who wish to have her to themselves.

Even before playing the game, I could tell the art of the game was going to be easy on the eyes. The art for the game is well done and I enjoyed the consistency across the entire game. Some of the backgrounds aren’t as finely detailed or manicured but were still appealing and enjoyable throughout. I like the idea of having choices in a visual novel and multiple endings, it makes it feel like your choices may have bearing on the outcomes which makes for a more focused patron of the story. Others have said they don’t care for the voice acting, and while it is not the best of the best and some of the ranges of character seem limited, I still found them to be very well done in craft and style. The voices felt like they were fit for the characters they were voicing, which I feel like is the key to voice over acting like this.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Casina: The Forgotten Comedy on Steam

Evil Shogun

Evil Shogun

Finished in less than an hour. Too short for this price. Dialogs are lame and the story is underwhelming. Puzzles take 3-4 seconds to complete.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Interactive Fiction Adventure Games.

❗❗❗ Warning: Mac/iOS ONLY ❗❗❗

There is no warning about this anywhere on the Steam page, this game does NOT work on Windows.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Evil Shogun on Steam

A Curse From Beyond

A Curse From Beyond

Really fun for a text-based game which is not my normal game. I felt freaked out in my gut about certain moment. Really impressive work from a solo-developer. Worth it.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Interactive Fiction Adventure Games.

Full play through w/ all achievements and time stamps here (once it uploads):

Overall it’s a pretty interesting story about some cave folk doing cave folk things WHEN BOOM A FLYING HUNK OF SPACE S*** changes their mundane lives FOREVER. I dug the story and it does a pretty good job of grabbing your interest it’s a bit short and the plot seems pretty familiar, but it’s not frustrating to play through as a text based game(which is nice) and there’s multiple endings. You can see the effort the creator put into the game and it’s definitely a good solid first game.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

A Curse From Beyond on Steam

Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders

Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders

The case for

Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders is a murder mystery game, so the first, most important question should be: is the mystery engaging? And it is, which is why it earns my thumbs up. The plot is intriguing and the pace is generally good all throughout the game. It tells several short stories, with an overarching plot connecting all of them and ending on a satisfying conclusion.

The case against

When compared with other murder mystery games, like the Gabriel Knight, Sherlock Holmes or Laura Bow series, in Detective Di there’s surprisingly little detectiving to do. There’s a clue board that fills up as you uncover relevant information, but you don’t have to actually figure out what clues are relevant or how they connect, as the game does all of this automatically, and once you reach the end of the chapter and the board is full Magistrate Di will make all the connections himself and explain his conclusions to you. All the actual detective work in the game is done automatically.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders

The best point and click adventure game I have played in a long while. A really gripping story full of twists and turns that will keep you entertained to the end.



👍Gripping Story

👍 Wonderful music

👍Great atmosphere

👍 Achievements and Trading Cards



👎Sometimes the scene music felt repetitive and annoying


Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders is a point and click adventure game set in ancient China.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders on Steam

To Burn in Memory (Anniversary Edition)

To Burn in Memory (Anniversary Edition)

Concise and very engaging. Great aesthetic, uses some beautiful flourishes to add to the atmosphere. Played it and finished it twice and I still wanna go back to make sure I have seen everything. Definitely give it a try!

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

This one is good for those moments when you’re torn between reading a book or playing a game. This game is somehow simultaneously text-based and atmospheric, interrupted only by a couple of UI flaws and the constant feeling of disorientation. Maybe the latter was intentional due to the story’s content, but still, it would be nice to have “go back” as an option all of the time. Overall, I liked it.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

To Burn in Memory (Anniversary Edition) on Steam

Nikola Tesla: War of the Currents

Nikola Tesla: War of the Currents

Alter the course of history as an inventor at the dawn of the electrical age! Can you outsmart Thomas Edison and help Nikola Tesla realize his dreams of worldwide wireless power, alien contact, death rays and sapient machines?

Nikola Tesla: War of the Currents is an interactive novel by Dora Klindžić. It’s entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

The man who invented the 20th century was a queer immigrant from Serbia. Nikola Tesla dreamed of distributing free energy to all of mankind but passed away in a New York hotel room alone and forgotten. What if it had gone differently?

In the year 1886, you join the eccentric Tesla as his laboratory apprentice. Notoriously bad at

monetizing his inventions, but nonetheless ingenious at building them, Tesla needs your help with making a living wage as much as with performing his experiments.

Fend off Edison’s spies, Wall Street bankers, electrical industry magnates and other unsavory types as you navigate real historical adventures involving electrocuted elephants, the Niagara Falls electric plant, pigeons, and that time Mark Twain had the mishap of soiling his trousers in Tesla’s lab.

Develop your own science skills, your social life, or opt to be more business-minded. Manage your mentor’s fragile mental state while balancing your laboratory’s checkbook. Love your work, your pigeon, or pursue a risqué romance with Edison’s daughter. Will you manage to maintain enough funding and influence to prevent the destruction of Wardenclyffe tower and perform the most esoteric of experiments? Bring free power to all, contact the aliens, or accidentally flatten a city. The history of the last great independent inventor, as well as the future of society, are in your hands.

  • Play as male, female, or non-binary; gay, straight, bi, or asexual/aromantic.

  • Achieve fame through spectacular inventions, people skills or cunning business.

  • Influence historic events such as the invention of the electric chair, the Chicago World Fair,

the social unrests of the turn of the 20 th century, and more.

  • Monetize your inventions or uphold Tesla’s ideals of working for the betterment of mankind.

  • Uncover secret societies lurking in the background of early-capitalist New York.

  • Meet a cast of historic characters such as Thomas Edison and his family, George

Westinghouse, Mark Twain, J.P. Morgan, Joseph Pulitzer, Lewis Latimer, Charles Steinmetz,

Lord Kelvin and many more.

The world awaits in darkness, ready for your electric light.

Nikola Tesla: War of the Currents on Steam

Sacred Fire: A Role Playing Game

Sacred Fire: A Role Playing Game

Where to start?

I do not write many recommendations (almost never), but this game deserves one.

Please ignore all and any negative rating, because this is a game in it’s early days.


This game is one of a kind. As a gamer that focus on RPG genre I would say this is an untold gem.

The creator of the game created a wonderful world, with an exciting story line, interesting characters, and what most amazing are the real world and life choices you have to make.

Unlike other games which focus on loot, leveling up, etc.. THIS game focus on the spirituality and morality of one’s very soul. You are faced with choices that sometimes leave you breathless as there is no good choice. Other times, you will make a choice and the way things unfold will surprise you in disbelief.

Real player with 59.3 hrs in game

TL;DR - Clunky UI and Easily manipulated dialog/combat check system. Too many statistics that have no discernible impact on game-play. Good story telling and choices actually matter.

So far I’ve played this game a bit, I’ve gotten through the content for the first act relatively quickly. Take your time with the choices you make and think carefully about them as they WILL affect the rest of your play-through. Some choices completely change what story elements you see and will entirely remove various story branches. You character does not have plot armor, you can and will die if you make stupid choices.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Sacred Fire: A Role Playing Game on Steam

Silk Roads: Caravan Kings

Silk Roads: Caravan Kings

Here’s the deal, even if this game is not the most polished thing I have ever played, it shows potential. I mean the developer shows potential. It’s kind of like Oregon Trail, if you’ve ever played that. The thing that impressed me the most about this game however is the developer(s). They are willing to listen to a LOT of feedback. It’s very encouraging to have a developer who does this, especially in this day and age. While its not a huge grand strategy game like Hearts of Iron or an amazing role-playing game like Crusader Kings, it definitely deserves a place.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

In any game there comes that particular crossroad point of is there enough to keep me interested or do i go back to the old faithful ones. Four hours of game time in i think i have hit that crossroads. I am now wondering if there is more to it or have i had my fill. I had this game on my wishlist, and part of my decision to purchase was based on its pricing.

I like the map set up, and the game icons are simple and to the point - which is a good thing. I concur about other reviewers statements about character development - the cat, the lute and the fishing rod. However, once the initial surprise of receipt is over, the actions around them seem disconnected and grindy. To be fair, the not wanting to disappoint my customers aspect of my gaming personality means I have not ventured too far to the East, as I want to meet my contract obligations.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Silk Roads: Caravan Kings on Steam

The Book of Distance

The Book of Distance

What can I say that hasn’t been said already?

About 30 minutes, not much to “do” but so much to read & feel.

You’ll need a solid 1.5m x 1.5m space to get the full effect.

Ok, enough with the technical stuff…

Such a wonderful VR experience!!! Just wow.

It resonated with me so much, (lens got foggy, something in my eye…both eyes, weird) as I am first generation after my father immigrated to the United States.

He worked very hard & for almost nothing for decades to provide for our family. We were very poor, no Nike’s or name brand stuff but always had food.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

This game is a great way to introduce VR to beginners.

Truth be told I did not believe the other review when they said it will make u cry.

The first 3 minutes when i played this the atmosphere just captured my attention and It made me teared up because of the ambient. From the tone of the narrator to his father’s point of view. It got me on edge. Granted there are a few flaws in the game. But from the way The game was made and told You know that the developers wanted to capture the story telling. Making an immersive experience. Keep in mind that this story is a sad one.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

The Book of Distance on Steam



I was hooked from the start. Never have I ever had such a delightful experience reading interactive fiction, and I feel more open to trying similar games in the future. Sebastian, with his heart of gold and noble soul, stole my heart. The writing is so good. My only complaint is that I don’t feel there was enough build-up in Amaryllis' and Lou’s routes, they didn’t draw my attention to start with haha I’m happy I got to share sweet moments with Sebastian. He’s my definition of husband-material ❤

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

i think this is the first time ive ever actually struggled to just pick 1 love intrest i wish i could be poly with amryllis, lou and sebastian, i seriously cannot pick! theyre all so precious, and i love them all so much i just want to make them all happy T.T

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Belle-de-Nuit on Steam