Spingun is a 2D retro pixel “spacewar/moon lander” ripoff with a gimmick. Instead of reasonable controls, the developer decided only left and right arrow will work. Left arrow gives a little thrust to the left, right to the right. Alternating this will propel you like a fish. Tapping both left and right shoots your weapon. Collect weapon upgrades and shoot the baddies.

It’s a massive failure in game design if, lacking the competence to create decent graphics, compelling story or gameplay, interactive content, or any of the elements that successful games bring to the table, you instead decide that you should rip off games from the late 1970’s but make the controls worse, because you think players like bashing their hands on two keys like demented chimpanzees. The retro pixel graphics are lazy and bad enough, but this game gets a thumbs down for the developers sheer misunderstanding of the correct species attributed to PC gamers.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Intentionally Awkward Controls Arcade Games.

First impressions: This is worth more than $1.99

EDIT I am now addicted

Do yourself a favour and buy this

Then do yourself a favour and buy this on your phone

It’ll cost you less than a fiver for both

ANOTHER EDIT Long train rides and boring waiting rooms now get me excited, just an excuse to play more spingun! The game seems to make more sense on a phone as the controls are well placed and ultra responsive (no travel time for buttons). Also the look and feel of having everything so tiny on a phone is also super cool imo. Some way for your acheivements and scores to cross over between the phone and computer versions would be great.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

SPINGUN on Steam

Juan v Juan

Juan v Juan

A solid typing-shooter with hilariously creative character art and design. Although frustrating when my opponent can apparently type as fast as a macro, I can see this being a neat, chill game to play.

Real player with 27.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Intentionally Awkward Controls Multiplayer Games.

Juan v Juan is a simple game but has a unique charm within it. It reminds me the days when my dad took me to work and i played browser games on his pc. Back then i was laughing in enjoyment to silly kid games but with this game im laughing because of frustration.

Jokes aside the game might look easy to play but trust me when you load the game up for the first time read the fucking “How to play” if you don’t want to look like an idiot. It’s not just about shooting, what makes the game interesting is the whole reloading concept with balanced perks you unlock later on in the game. The pixel art is also pleasing to look at.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Juan v Juan on Steam

Circle Tank

Circle Tank

Circle Tank


difficult controls. (you can only turn in one direction and the same button shoots the tank at the same time.)

game becomes unintresting after a few minutes.


Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Intentionally Awkward Controls Procedural Generation Games.


Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Circle Tank on Steam