Quarantine Cutz

Quarantine Cutz

It’s day 87 of the quarantine, and you’ve run out of options. You’re going to have to cut the family’s hair yourself. There’s just one problem: You have no idea what you’re doing!

Choose to play as either Pappa Smith or Momma Smith, each with their own special secret haircut skill. Each family member will ask for a haircut of their celebrity idol, who of course you’ve never heard of. Using a magazine as a guide, you’ll be graded on how closely you can match their dream haircut: “Soul Crushing”, “Terrible”, or most impressive of all, “Barely Passable”.

Each level challenges you to give a different family member an increasingly tricky haircut, culminating in the most difficult surprise challenge of all.

Key Features:

  • Master ludicrously uncontrollable jittery clippers that veer out of control at the slightest mistake.

  • Learn how to prevent ruining haircuts from increasingly unruly family members who resist and fight you at every turn.

  • A story that reveals the fates of the family members and their new hairstyles when the quarantine finally ends.

Can you overcome your jittery nerves and pop culture obliviousness to give your children a haircut that won’t crush their hopes and dreams? Probably not, but it’s worth a shot.

Read More: Best Intentionally Awkward Controls Stylized Games.

Quarantine Cutz on Steam