Bound Up & Squirming!

Bound Up & Squirming!

Bought it during a sale, and what seemed like a joke game turned out to be quite the challenging platformer.

It starts to get a bit frustrating in some levels around midway through the campaign - just when I thought I got good at it, the game whoops my ass.

It’s good in short bursts as a side activity while listening to/watching something, otherwise it might get a bit too frustrating (though, obviously, your mileage may vary)

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Intentionally Awkward Controls 3D Platformer Games.

Its a fun, simple, polished little game where what you see is what you get. It’s made by the same guy as Mount your Friends and Mount your Friends 3D and the similarities are obvious like the non traditional platforming and character design. I’ve been spending a fair amount of time with the game while listening to streams or podcasts which it has been perfect for. Bound Up & Squirming has offered me strong simple gameplay mechanics and fair challenge I’ll probably play it all the way through which has become more of a rarity with the large amount of games being released every month. If you have Mount your Friends 3D you should have automatically gotten a coupon for the game that takes off a dollar or so to the games already small price point. The game is far beyond worth the price of admission especially since it’s $5.69 Canadian. Check it out if you want something simple and fun to play while consuming other entertainment or are interested in weird platformers.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Bound Up & Squirming! on Steam

BH Trials

BH Trials

This game feels like learning to walk after suffering a stroke. At first your movement will be uncontrolled and you will flail your limbs about the place helplessly. But soon you’ll get the hang of it and instead stumble about like a drunken toddler. Great fun!

There is quite a bit of content and extra challenge, as each level offers a collectible and a highscore list where you can try to beat the times of your quadriplegic fellows. Some levels are insanely hard and the highscore lists at later stages have very few entries. I really wish this game would be more popular, it would be well deserved.

Real player with 42.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Intentionally Awkward Controls Automobile Sim Games.

I absolutely love this game.

I have always wondered how these sorts of machines are controlled in real life so when I saw Northernlion playing this, I bought it pretty much instantly.

BH Trials is an obstacle course game, where you navigate a “backhoe loader”, as I’ve learned these are called, through a path riddled with all manners of different obstacles. The only problem is, that the only way of movement is manipulating the loader and the backhoe arm. The wheels roll but that’s about it, you can’t actually drive or steer the machine in a normal fashion.

Real player with 37.1 hrs in game

BH Trials on Steam

Cranked Up

Cranked Up

Initially found the game didn’t have enough content, but with the lava versions of levels, secret levels, and the challenge mode, there’s a surprising amount to do. Game feels fun to play and explore through, story is pretty basic but still fun, and the challenging ramps up pretty gradually. Definitely recommend to give it a go and see if it’s for you.

Real player with 93.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Intentionally Awkward Controls Time Attack Games.

The game is really fun and can be very challenging to complete all levels in all modes, especially in “Floor is Lava”. Very dynamic and the songs are really good. Can’t wait for the new modes levels !

Real player with 64.3 hrs in game

Cranked Up on Steam



A beautiful and addictive addition to the asldfj;oaisheouhigoiu genre. Highly recommended.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

I like the game. Happenlances approach to teach things is like how it was done back in the 8bit days. Levels are designed in a way that you have to learn to do new tricks in order to continue, and you don’t get any annoying tooltips or small videos that show you what you have to do. You really have to figure things out yourself. And oh boy it gets challenging and fast.

Only thing that i would add, is somekind of collectibles in hard places. That way when you get better in the game, you would revisit some maps to get those collectibles that you couldn’t get before.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Happenlance on Steam

🚀 Human Rocket Person

🚀 Human Rocket Person

Whoa! Way to go Activision! As you probaly know, Call of Duty has been going nowhere the last couple of games and many has been wondering what Activision would do with the franchise to revive it. Well, enter CC:HRP! It takes the series in a whole new brave direction! I mean, the inter-war, inter-age theme following different generations of the same family through ww1, ww2, the vietnam war, afghanistan and the american war is damn cool! Also, the historical accuracy is great. And then there is the changed controller scheme that changes the gameplay but in a really cool way! Anyhow, to sum it up:

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

This game is full of shit! In a good way :)

When I read the game was hard, I though: “Yea right…. How hard can it be?”. Well, it is hard! At the moment I’m mid level 6, and there is ass juice and helmets everywhere. It looks like a warzone, just with shit instead of blood. But the humor is awesome!

I see this game as a challenge. I want to beat this, no matter what. It takes time, and there will be poop. A lot of it. But I hope some day I will complete the game. Don’t give up if you play it, and don’t smash your keyboard or controller into the wall ;)

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

🚀 Human Rocket Person on Steam