Rag Doll Kung Fu

Rag Doll Kung Fu

Amazing fighting game with responsive physics and bullet time slowdowns. Still one of the most unique games in my library. The reviews don’t do it justice, this game went over most heads due to the difficulty curve and was rightly criticised for being abandoned by Mark Healey when he went on to develop little big planet.

Ignore my playtime, we battered this game before records began


  • smooth ragdoll physics creates amazing combat sequences

  • weapons, bullet time and magic from your fingertips

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Intentionally Awkward Controls 2D Fighter Games.

To all People Who Want To Buy This:RETURN.NOW. DONT WASTE 10 EURO ON THIS GAME…

The Game’s Fully Abandoned,It Was In Work For A Few Years,And There’s No Multiplayer.

The Story’s Meh,Combat System Feels Weird,No Advice,And And And…

I acutally paid for this…Im Not Happy,But it’s Ooookkaaay.

If you want to use this as an Review in the Internet,Try it.

Yet there are no real features…there are many missing ones,And Such…If you want to support someone who gave up on this game,buy it.If Not,Then Waste Your Money On Hats In TF2 Or Something Like That.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Rag Doll Kung Fu on Steam

Juan v Juan

Juan v Juan

A solid typing-shooter with hilariously creative character art and design. Although frustrating when my opponent can apparently type as fast as a macro, I can see this being a neat, chill game to play.

Real player with 27.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Intentionally Awkward Controls Shooter Games.

Juan v Juan is a simple game but has a unique charm within it. It reminds me the days when my dad took me to work and i played browser games on his pc. Back then i was laughing in enjoyment to silly kid games but with this game im laughing because of frustration.

Jokes aside the game might look easy to play but trust me when you load the game up for the first time read the fucking “How to play” if you don’t want to look like an idiot. It’s not just about shooting, what makes the game interesting is the whole reloading concept with balanced perks you unlock later on in the game. The pixel art is also pleasing to look at.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Juan v Juan on Steam

Go Kart Run!

Go Kart Run!

Lets be real. This game takes very very little storage and the quality is immaculate. The driving has been made to be as realist as possible and the characters are all brought to life with their personalities. The more you level up the faster you go which gives a sense of thrill and achievement. The game is completely free and worth downloading.

Yours truly,


Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

looks early in development but it has potential, its fun but needs work, just a bit of it

my suggestions

more content - sorry if ur new and workin ur butt off but hey that shows determination

audio - like there is not even sfx my guy

speed differences - 60 is no different from 200, HOW?

collision bouncing nerf - was chilling and got into a round of pingpong midmatch only for someone to somehow get a popsickle or something and hit me once for left side to fall off right (i was on right of the guy)

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Go Kart Run! on Steam

Hand Simulator

Hand Simulator

cfygvujhcfgxcrgcts34dcrt6v7by8unxe5crvtbuyhinjse35dcrgvy i got stroke from game. it good

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

i now know what it is like to have hands

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Hand Simulator on Steam

International Space Banana

International Space Banana

I just got this because of the minute hour dude. I kept coming back to this like an abused partner. the level with the shifting gravity was particularly brutal. worth it on sale lol.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

honestly just get it for the dialogue alone. This game is great! Yes it can be rage inducing, Yes it will make you want to buy all the banana’s at the super market and blend them out of pure hate. But I still highly recommend it!

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

International Space Banana on Steam

The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time

The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time

noot NOot nOot

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game


Noot noot noot, noot noot noot noot. Noot noot noot noot noot nootnoot.. Noot.

Noot noot noot noot noot noot noot noot noot, noot noot, noot noot noot. Noot noot.

Noot noot noot noot. Noot!

Noot Noot Noot

Noot noot! Noot, noot noot noot noot. Noot noot noot noot noot noot, noot noot noot noot noot noot. Noot noot noot noot noot, noot noot. Noot noot noot noot, noot noot noot noot noot. Noot noot noot, noot! Noot noot! :^)

Noot noot noot!



Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time on Steam

Cyber Lemur

Cyber Lemur

This game is a really fun challenge. I don’t typically go for awkward control games, but this game achieves just the right level of difficulty with good pacing. The later levels are really challenging and would take a while to really master! The multiplayer options are where the real fun happens. There’s an element of unpredictability and silliness that balances the challenging controls to make it really fun both when working together to control the same character, or when competing against each other. I would definitely recommend it whether you are looking for a challenge, or just a casual game to play with friends!

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

game was pretty fun just hard to control

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Cyber Lemur on Steam

Stilt Fella

Stilt Fella

After 18 hours of what can only be described as psychological torture aimed at people with masochistic tendencies and fingers swollen to the size of bowling balls - I have finally beaten the game. And I feel the most accomplished than after beating any other game. And… and… I hate this game. I despise it. And I love it. It is so good it will literally make you hate it and love it at the same time. At one point it even confused me sexually. I cannot recommend this game enough. I’m serious. I cannot recommend it. DON’T BUY IT. Unless you like really challenging games that will force you to fail thousands of times in the most infuriating ways possible. If this review confuses you, then you understand how this game made me feel. But seriously, BUY THIS GAME. It’s amazing.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

I’m one of the beta testers and responsible for the menu and end credits music so I’ve walked along this game for a while…

I have seen people mention games like Getting Over It, but I do see that view a bit lacking. While Getting Over It starts fairly easy, forcing you to get around a tree, this is an instant slap in the face, much like QWOP. Although, because the stilts are much easier to control than the runner’s legs in QWOP, you will be picking up the correct rhythm quite quickly and feel like a god just finishing the first levels.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Stilt Fella on Steam