

I’ve tested it with some games and other applications. The tool is easy to use and easy to adapt to the different applications. The recordings work quickly and properly.

For me, it makes the gaming experience even more real.

Real player with 137.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Artificial Intelligence Games.

Clearly an innovation!

I am using this app for a while now and I have to say, this is the best voice app I ever used.

Yes, it is not the cheapest one, but it’s worth it.

The developer releases constant updates and listens to the wishes of the community.

Finally an App which is not using any preprogrammed words.

I like that I can use my own words.

After recording I have simply connected the words/commands with multiple keyboard buttons and that’s it! I was ready to play within 5Minutes, without writing skripts.

Real player with 101.7 hrs in game

SpellCaster on Steam

Bot Colony

Bot Colony

Bot Colony is an ambitious title, maybe even too ambitious for what it’s worth. So far, playing it is more of a struggle than entertainment…

I am aware that Bot Colony is an Early Access Game, but still, this build is not playable by far. I’m afraid i wouldn’t even be wrong if i would say that there is literally almost nothing in Bot Colony that works as it should… Let’s start with the game’s motto: “The Game You Speak With”. This is the main reason why anybody would pay attention to it, but unfortunately in the end the player will find out that this is actually “The Game Which Doesn’t Understand You”. That’s it. I’ve said it. Natural language understanding is just not ready to be implemented in a game. It wil get you right about one time out of ten. Other then that you’ll get replies like “I don’t know what you mean”.

Real player with 55.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Robots Games.

Review after June 18 major upgrade


Bot Colony is an ambitious title, aiming to provide a non-scripted story by allowing you to freely converse with robots. If you enjoyed literary works like ‘Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep’, Isaac Asimov’s Robot series, movies like ‘Space Oddysey 2001’(not one of my favorites though) or Anime like ‘Ghost in the Shell’ and ‘Psycho-Pass’, you’ll find a similar setting here.

An important remark is that most of the gameplay is text (or speech) conversations, which at times can be both agitating and humorous, and that might not appeal to everyone.

Real player with 27.4 hrs in game

Bot Colony on Steam

The Broken Seal: Arena

The Broken Seal: Arena

“Arena,” I have yet to see anyone else play the game and the game-integrated opponents are the same enemies from the original game. There are virtually only two new spells to the Arena version vs. the original game which is overwhelmingly disappointing. The weapons are all the same–nothing original. Truly, the developers should have focused their time on improving the original game and not even wasted the time creating the “Arena” version. It is not worth even the mere $5 dollar price tag.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Action Games.

The Broken Seal: Arena on Steam

Boo! Greedy Kid

Boo! Greedy Kid

A retro arcade-style game, with tight controls and good level design. The game is very fun to speed-run( in order to get under par times in every level) and even though the Kid’s moveset is limited, there are ways to minimize your times, f.e. rolling through an open door to close it, instead of stopping in your tracks and pressing up. My only 2 small gripes are:

  1. the level select cursor moves very slowly, so selecting later levels takes a bit ( a big contrast to the overall ‘snappiness’ of the game) and

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

Boo! Greedy Kid is a challenging one for me to accomplish, especially if you are the player type who mostly aim on completing the game with the achievement being done too. For my own opinion, it was actually fun and strategic to begin with. You can play modes such as campaigns and other steam workshop contents created by other devoted players. Each levels were comprise with system-default difficulties as you encounter and passed them from time to time.

I am glad somehow, that I as a player and a customer of this game, manage to complete the game with full stars achieved and unlocked all game achievements. It was exhausting to play, yet it does worth out to burn some of your valuable time.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Boo! Greedy Kid on Steam

The Broken Seal

The Broken Seal

(Using Samsung Odyssey+ Mixed Reality)

I LOVE this game! No tutorial, very little hand-holding, get out there and figure it out. Reminds me of old school Everquest but better. Me and a friend with a Vive have played about 20 hours of it so far and am not even HALF way through the content! That’s not even counting the fact there’s a HARD mode after you beat Normal and a HELL mode after that!

EDIT: Now two weeks later and over 70 hours played each, my friend and I have played through Normal, Hard, and Hell! The game gets progressively harder despite starting with your previous gear and spells. Enemies are tougher and drops just keep getting better. By the time we started the Hell mode we were just over level 40 and by the time we beat it we were both nearly 60. The gem levels increase up to 60, and weapons so far I’ve seen up to level 71 (with ONE weird appearance of a level 91 sword when we were low 50’s). Although we have effectively “beaten” the game we continue trying to upgrade our items, take different paths, and just having fun trying out the spells and weapon types that we under-used or avoided before.

Real player with 84.9 hrs in game

I edited this after more time in.

Bought The Broken Seal during the winter sale on Steam. I am not disappointed. Buy it and give it some time to get comfortable with it’s quirks. As new as it is I am very suprised at how well it runs.


-Vast world (edit: Far more vast than I realized at first. I am 7 hours in and about to kill the bone dragon on the first board. I played multiplayer with someone last night who is on the 5th board and has not finished the game.) This is the largest game I believe exists on VR.)

Real player with 61.0 hrs in game

The Broken Seal on Steam

There Came an Echo

There Came an Echo

In a digitally-aware world encryption is everything. In light of recent revelations involving the NSA and GCHQ spying on much of the world’s internet traffic, encryption has become a hot button issue. Whether you know how it works or not, it’s there securing your online presence against unwanted intruders. And yet, how often do you stop and think about the people who make your communications and data secure? Not often, I’ll wager. In There Came An Echo, Corrin is one of those people, one of those geniuses, you might say. He’s your typical computer whizz and he is about to become embroiled in something larger than himself, or anything the physical world has to offer.

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

Disclosure: I backed this game on Kickstarter.

This review is about the 1.06 version of the game.

There Came an Echo is a game made from independent game developer Iridium Studios.

It is based in a not too distant sci-fi setting and has teambased RTS elements.

The innovation of the game is that the issuing of orders to your team is done with voice control,

meaning you issue the commands using a microphone, the game registers them and the respective units execute the orders.

It is possible to play the game without using a microphone though i do not suggest it since the voice control is fairly responsive.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

There Came an Echo on Steam

In Verbis Virtus

In Verbis Virtus


This game has great atmosphere with an immersive spellcasting system and nonlinear level design that also at times has really clever and hard to figure out puzzles!


  • Fun and a really Great way of doing spellcasting that makes the game so much immersive!

  • Also if for some reason you’re having trouble casing some of the spells, make your own voice recognition model (it’s a feature implemented in the game, just go into the options menu).

    This actually, for me at least, nullifies the ‘con’ I’d otherwise have since I found it a bit tricky to cast the ‘mark of fire’ spell.

Real player with 32.7 hrs in game

In Verbis Virtus is a terrible game that you probably should not play, but not for half of the reasons I’ve seen in other negative reviews for which I’d like to clarify here.

Bad points that actually were not bad:

Like you, I was lured to this game by the voice command spells. I believe the people saying that this does not work do not have it configured well or do not have a mic. The store page warns you to have a mic, and outside of a very few moments in game I found the voice commands to work very well even when speaking quietly, and I have a voice that mumbles, so that piece impressed me.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

In Verbis Virtus on Steam

Starship Commander: Arcade

Starship Commander: Arcade

I can’t recommend this to anyone other than those that want to support VR development.

Sorry, but I was thoroughly unimpressed with every single aspect of this project. I’m not sure I would have even been impressed 3 years ago. It’s just not a good game. Period. The graphics are uninspired. In a world with Alexa and Siri, the voice recognition and responses are pathetically limited. In a world with Half Life: Alyx, this hardly even qualifies as a VR tech demo… even for a mobile VR platform, let alone the Vive Index I played on.

Real player with 20.5 hrs in game

Experienced on the Oculus Rift

You can view my (edited) gameplay here: https://youtu.be/FoH5CmxQVvo

This is an approximately 13 minute cinematic experience, which has varying scenes depending on your voiced answers. This is like a 360 stereoscopic video, choose your own adventure type experience, which is like the stuff on Amaze VR. You don’t use motion controllers at all. It can be fun to try to find new scenes based on your novel responses. Unfortunately, even though the reviewer VR Focus said the AI was good, the AI responses really aren’t good and have severe limitations … but they can be funny (I wouldn’t trust VR Focus who seems more concerned about clicks than accuracy in his reports).

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Starship Commander: Arcade on Steam

SoundSelf: A Technodelic

SoundSelf: A Technodelic

tl;DR: I am genuinely amazed at how effective this “game” is at its stated goal of inducing transcendental states of consciousness. Was skeptical, but then profoundly amazed. Literally helped transform my consciousness. (More on what that even f***ing means down below.) It can have the same sort of power (and therefore danger) as psychedelics, be careful. Lay down or get a neck pillow with a HMD.

I have a lot of experience with meditation, hypnosis, LSD, mindfulness, and healing complex PTSD, so I did have some background in mental restructuring before going in. However, I didn’t take the claims or warnings seriously, I figured it was marketing fluff. “Ask my doctor? Don’t operate heavy machinery? What the hell, I mean, it’s just some computer program, how much could it really do to me? I’ve done heroic doses of acid, I’ve even done DMT man. I bet it’ll barely do anything outside of a placebo effect.”

Real player with 108.0 hrs in game

Tibetan Monk Simulator 2020

Seriously though, SoundSelf isn’t like any other “game” I’ve ever played. It’s not so much a game as a piece of software that’s designed to induce an altered state of consciousness. I don’t think it’s fair to liken it to a drug trip because it’s not like being high; it’s more like doing an extended meditation session but you don’t necessarily have to meditate for half an hour.

The visuals combined with the audio feedback and modulation of your own toning helps to lull your analytical mind into passivity so that you can enter a purer state of being. You can literally feel the shift in your consciousness as you slip into that meditative state. My opinion is that this is a fantastic tool for those that have been looking for a way to start a meditation practice or enhance one they already have. In my case it got me meditating again regularly after years of neglect.

Real player with 34.1 hrs in game

SoundSelf: A Technodelic on Steam

Radio General

Radio General

In the WW2 RTS Radio General the player assumes the role of a Canadian army general, leading troops into battle from a tent far away from the fighting, using only a radio and a tactical map. Unlike other games in the genre, the positions of units do not update automatically, the player has to regularly communicate with their own troops to learn where they are and what they are dealing with, and manually place small tokens representing the units on the spot on the map where they have last been reported to be.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

… all I said in my review is maybe true but simply not valid in this case. It would be true if this were a big company like e.g. Ubisoft. Speaking of which it is most unfair to compare this title to two Ubisoft titels as I did in the beginning.

So I recommend this with all my heart to anyone who wants to support a very small but gifted company and having a good time for a couple of hours.

“At ease, Officers! Have a seat, relax and go out commanding your troops, a.s.a.p!”

… and don’t forget to enjoy the real big archive of photos and movies.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Radio General on Steam