Forest adventure

Forest adventure


Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Adventure Games.

As a frog myself, this game is the perfect representation of a frog’s daily walk in the forest, from the lava to the green monsters. I’m sure this game will be able to give humans a good understanding of a frog’s daily life and the ongoing war with the green monsters.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Forest adventure on Steam

Bloody Everybody

Bloody Everybody

I had a good evening playing this game. A peppy pixel slasher, what else do you need to have some fun?

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Action Games.

Quite an unusual slasher platformer, with a very cool visual style and good music.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Bloody Everybody on Steam

Aeon Must Die!

Aeon Must Die!

I was very excited to play this game. I normally don’t buy based on trailers but the art style got me and I think I’m in a great position to write with just over 5 hours in one sitting playing this game. The price is something you can’t complain about either. Aeon Must Die was not what I was expecting. I knew it was going to look great and I figured it was going to be like Streets of Rage. I got something a bit more tactical which makes the pacing slower but that’s not a bad thing at all for this particular game.

Real player with 36.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Action Games.

Now Before I start would like to say I don’t play many fighting games so for me this is game is out of my comfort zone, but I must I say I love it….

Fighting is just makes me feel like a badass plain and simple most other fighting games I’ve played never really made me feel like I was good because I couldn’t do their 900-button combo, but this is super simple and so much fun…

And there is skill involved you need to know when to parry or when to doge and then you also need to pay attention to whether you’re going to overheat or gone cold. And probably my favourite part is the fact that I can kick 7 shades of shit out of someone then throw them to the side lines at their friend all while yelling get the fuck off my screen

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Aeon Must Die! on Steam

Animals Fight

Animals Fight

Nice game Quarlellle add jumping and blocking n a few extra moves n maybe side scroll maps with the enemies and make the enemies also be able to block. I will complete every single level, I just enjoy being a chimp and doing martial arts moves. Travis the chimp is a story that should be made into a fun game soon

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

I brought forest adventure first and was instantly amazed by the game, i was so excited to see this game come out and i’m impressed with it so far, well worth the 47p.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Animals Fight on Steam

Assault Spy

Assault Spy

Assault Spy is currently my favourite PC-exclusive game. It’s a character-action game in the same vein as Devil May Cry, which is impressive considering a small indie dev team in Japan made it. More additions to this subgenre are welcome.

Wazen and everyone who contributed to this game should feel proud, because they nailed it, and took heed what makes a great character-action game. The combat system rewards stylish play and changing your attacks constantly, with an indicator akin to DMC, and you use the in-game currency to buy more moves to use in battle. The two main characters play very differently from one another, with their own strengths and weaknesses rounding each other out, and the presentation of the game is pretty nice overall. They certainly found smart workarounds for their limitations, as most cutscenes feature well-drawn illustrations of characters talking, akin to a visual novel, and while you’ll be playing through the same levels you did the first time around during Amelia’s campaign, they found a clever story-reason for it and used a few new bosses to keep things interesting.

Real player with 54.9 hrs in game

This was a game I bought on a rather decent discount and yet ironically…I would have bought it at full price, now don’t get me wrong like any game out there it has it’s flaws, it by no means is a perfect game, not technically or graphically but what it is as a game is a surprisingly interesting and funny story with gameplay mechanics that although a bit awkward at times feel like they have a strong impact and style to them that has a mix of cool, elegant, badass and funny as heck, so the short version here is me saying this is a good game I would recommend to anyone that is very DMC in terms of combat but lives up to it’s own style dood.

Real player with 49.5 hrs in game

Assault Spy on Steam



I need to know why I jumped into a game, our team won the CTF game and it shot me into another right away. We won that game and then I jumped to main menu, only to see that I had gained no exp at all. I thought it might be just a little glitch so I played FFA and got 55 K and 7D again no exp. Look the game was entertaining but if this simple mechanic won’t work then I’m not going to put any more time into this game.

Quick question. Besides exp, do I earn anything else? I never got any microchips or parts after winning. So someone explain to me what is going on cause I just don’t know.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

I buy weapon module. What i got was 2x armor pieces?


Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

RoboArena on Steam

Zeus Begins

Zeus Begins

You know, I grew up playing games like Golden Axe and the Streets of Rage series, so side-scrolling beat-em-ups games are kinda part of my gaming DNA. So imagine my overwhelming sense of nostalgia when I first booted up Zeus Begins and was greeted with a story told in pictures with text at the bottom of the screen, and then the opportunity to punch random bad peeps to a pulp!

I honestly had a blast playing this, it brought back so many memories, and there are some lovely little added extras (like every boss having it’s own unique little style, and some bullet-hell vertical-scrolling shooter stages between main levels that are reminiscent of games like 1942). And getting to play as an actual god, being able to kick some serious butt only adds to the value!

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Zeus Begins isn’t a bad game. It just isn’t very good either. Kind of bare bones in the fighting department, which is the whole reason anyone would be playing this really. Some good ideas, like the shooter travel portions and the unique boss fights, but only barely implemented in a successful way. Solid starting point for future projects, but not worth the asking price.

Full Review:

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Zeus Begins on Steam

Cats War

Cats War

This has to be one of the most exquisite and adrenaline pumping games that I have had the opportunity to experience. The graphics, gameplay and game physics all scream AAA game. All of this done on unity engine speaks levels to the talent and dedication that this dev team has invested in this game. Every detail of this game is polished and well rounded, users are faced with a fun, challenging journey. To anyone that is questioning whether purchasing this game is a must, the obvious response to that is a resounding “YES” personally i feel that the gaming community as a whole has overlooked this diamond in the ruff because this is genuinely the best game on the market and it isn’t much of a competition. - Trenton Horner

Real player with 62.6 hrs in game

There really isn’t much here as a game, I mean it’s .99 cents and I got it on sale for .59 cents.

That being said, it was worth the laugh me and my friends got out of it and I’ve now become a Cats War speed runner.

In conclusion, is this game worth it? no, go buy a pack of gum with your money instead.

should you buy it? FUCK yeah!

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Cats War on Steam

Charge Blade Hero

Charge Blade Hero

Charge Blade Hero tells a story of gods and heroes. Visit dangerous forests, ancient ruins, a city of mushrooms, and more. As you fight to end a war against a once undefeatable enemy.


  • Action-Packed Arena Battles - Charge Blade Hero is a fast paced hack and slash with tight controls and fluid combat. Attack, Dodge, and Charge up to maintain your weapon’s durability as you take on waves of enemies. Your reflexes, positioning, and strategies will determine your success or defeat in battle.

  • Equip Blessings - Purchase and equip various blessings to change the way you play. Mix and combine blessings to find a build that works for you.

  • Dynamic Soundtrack - A beautiful and energetic score composed by Jeremiah George, with vocals by Julia Henderson, will celebrate your mastery in combat as you fight towards a high combo streak.

  • Reactive Narrator - Be accompanied throughout your battles and journey with insightful and encouraging narration by Gianni Matragrano.

  • Beautiful Environments - Hand-painted levels that gives depth and story to every location.

  • Side Quest - Players can take on missions outside the main story to reveal a new side of the world.

  • Challenge Missions - For players looking for an extra challenge, you can visit the goddess for new challenges and greater rewards.

Charge Blade Hero on Steam

Defect Process

Defect Process

This game is addictive and fun to play. It is a good fighting game with a fair amount of strategy. The 2D environment is deceptively simple but there are a lot of complex moves and a good amount of weapon choices. Every time you die, you try to figure out a better way to utilize the weapon or use a more effective weapon.

It seems like there was a lot of thought that went into designing the weapons and enemies. It was a lot of fun figuring out how to handle each enemy’s specific attack patterns with the different weapons. For example, using the teleport to pass through the laser wall or trying to time the stone form correctly to reflect the regular laser attack.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Defect Process shines through its singular focus on satisfying combat. It’s relatively short (around 3 hours to my first boss kill) and straight-forward (combat arenas mixed with light platforming sections), so there is not much else on offer (though it looks like there is much to come). But that’s ok because the combat feels really good.

Each weapon is completely unique, and really requires a new play-style to get the most out of. For example, the staff initially felt like a wet noodle that was largely fun for its ability to let me hop around like a mad man. But once you get to used to spamming and recharging the whirlwind ability, you can unlock an incredible amount of DPS (while still hopping around like a mad man).

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Defect Process on Steam