假如我是人工智能 Big Brother Is Shaping You

假如我是人工智能 Big Brother Is Shaping You

I bought this game by searching for the publisher of excellent expectations. Excellent expectations is so great and special and big brother is also as awesome as it! It’s more fun when I found if you select several options in a different order, you’ll get a different feedback. So special, I love this

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Artificial Intelligence Games.

Big Brother Is Shaping You is a game about the facts of AI, free speech and algorithms about showing interst to different people.

To be honest, this is not really a game. This is a chill program about telling facts and showing how a fictonal AI works and operates. Long story short, it’s an intersting game and some of the facts could be true, too. However, this game shows both side of the AI works. Music and graphics is really good looking, but if you looking for something action fueled, this is not your game, but if you want to know about this topic, get the game. It was all right, pretty short too, so get it when it’s on sale.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

假如我是人工智能 Big Brother Is Shaping You on Steam



אני שמח לראות שהקסם של המשחק נשמר. יש שאולי היו רוצים להיות יותר דמויות מהמשחקים הקודמים, אולי עוד ימים, אך לדעתי המשחק הזה פשוט משאיר טעם לעוד! וזה חיובי לדעתי. לא יודע אם מתוכנן משחק נוסף בעתיד אך בינתיים אפשר להסתפק בזה. לפחות ככה אני חושב, בתור אחד ששיחק ברוב המשחקים וסיים אותם (חוץ מהתלת מימד שלא סיימית) אני מוצא את המשחק הזה כמבדר וההומור לא שונה כלל. נפלא! כי יש דברים שלא צריכים להשתנות. וכן- וידוי- אני מאלה שהיו שמחים ליותר משלוש ימים ליהנות מהקסם הזה. אך כמו שאמרתי מצד שני הוא מספיק טוב בשביל שלא אבכה על זה. בסופו של יום מדובר במשחק שעשו מאמצים להוציא עם בעיות תקציב בדרך ומה שיצא, התוצאה הסופית, מספקת מאוד. לא מובן מאליו! תודה אבה שהחזרתם את פיפוש אלינו. התגעגענו.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Story Rich Games.

אחד ממשחקי פוינט אנד קליק הכי טובים שיש.

עשרים שנה אחרי המשחק הקודם - פיפוש חוזר! מעודכן וטוב יותר מבעבר!

רואים את ההשקעה של היוצרים, המשחק עצמו מהנה מאוד, אפשרויות הבחירה וההחלטות שמשפיעות על המשחק אדירות,

קאסט אדיר (אילן גנני!) ואיך לא, החוצפה הישראלית הרגילה!

משחק מעולה.. מעריצים לא יתאכזבו ושחקנים חדשים יהנו ממשחק מעולה בעברית

One of the best point and click games there is.

20 years since the last game - Piposh is back! updated and better than ever!

You can see all the time and efforts the creators did on this title.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

Piposh on Steam

DLC Quest

DLC Quest

English Version:

Given to me by a friend, I wanted to try this game, starting to play it without many claims.

A satirical and polemic indie about the continuously increasing downloadable contents after the sale of any game (contents that, as a matter of fact, should already be included in the game itself).

The game has no real plot, or rather, It’s the same old ‘‘save the princess’’ like Super Mario. It offers simple but diversified scenarios (some of theme are totally absurd). To me it was brilliant in some aspects, in others a bit too extreme but always funny. However, the whole thing is a fun and challenging adventure.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Comedy Games.

7/10 – Remember to not kill the Sheep

This review is a reupload from Gao Li Occasionally Reviews

In a treacherous game of greed and escapades a princess gets kidnapped under the watchful eye of her lover. Now, in a fatal game of cat and mouse, facing almost insurmountable odds, he must overcome his limitations and embark on a journey to … buy more stuff, because he can’t even jump over obstacles let alone walk left and the shopkeep is the only one selling these abilities to him. DLC Quest (2013) contains two adorkable little satires by Going Loud Studios in which players go through the motions of everything that’s wrong and right about video games of the early 2010s.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

DLC Quest on Steam

Kony 2020

Kony 2020

Kony 2020 is a story based Visual Novel where your choices don’t matter.


The year is 2055 and Jessica Kellen, The (former) United States President has tried and failed to capture Kony for the better part of a century, trying, failing and trying again on a non stop quest to bring the Ugandan Warlord to justice, dead or alive. However, she has a problem, a big problem. The Universe, as it turns out, really, really doesn’t want her to catch Joseph Kony which is a bit of a problem when you really really want to catch him, so what can you do.

The year is 2020 and PU-Jessica Kellen, disgraced war hero who has fallen from grace more times than anyone can count has been convinced to betray her country once again, this time to help Joseph Kony defend the capital of the Lords Resistance Army, Konyville, from the forces of Tupacalonia their accursed enemy. It is here that the story begins as Bernie Graters, Joseph Konys long time confidant and Oracle rushes in, delivering the bad news. An interdimensional demon has come, and she’s out for blood.

PU-Jessica Kellen must travel to the distant lands of America, a land wrought with chaos and warfare, shattered into squabbling factions and ruled by the iron thumb of an oppressive dictator with a people more divided than ever before. Can she avoid overt yet meaningless political commentary? Can she find the strength to overcome her plight? And most of all can she save Joseph Kony?

Theirs only one way to find out.


Click text, read, read more, occasionally look at a picture. Yeah!! Video Games!!!


  • A fully fleshed out story with two dimensional caricatures and next gen physics

  • Over a hundred unique backgrounds and CGs for all the picture enjoyers

  • A huge glossary filled with completely useless lore tidbits that you can unlock as you play for all the word enjoyers

  • An obligatory mingame where you engage in the ancient art of Field Hockey to destroy your enemies for all the game enjoyers.

  • And much more! …Wait, no, that’s it.

Kony 2020 on Steam

Out of Shapes

Out of Shapes

At first I thought this was a classic case of ‘baby’s first game’ syndrome. Clunky movement, basic visuals. Then the signature Kris Takahashi writing kicked in and I started laughing every two minutes. There is so much excellent dialogue and neatly observed satire in here that you forget the cheap-looking parts entirely. If you don’t mind a largely text-based game, then the quality of the writing makes this a decent way to spend some time. Some of the music is really very good too, which helps. For a few quid, I don’t feel short-changed at all.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

This game has the vibe of “What if 1984 had a bunch of robots in it…and also (an optional) happy ending?”

The game gives you:

  • Cats!

  • Green buggy creature-features

  • Puns and jokes so awfully good you hate yourself for laughing

  • Robots with more fleshed-out personalities than your average coworker

  • Philosophy

The game doesn’t give you:

  • Crippling depression about the inescapability of the capitalist system

  • Striking fear of the grim place that is your future

  • Freecam during conversations (this is the only feature of the 3 I’m mentioning I’d love to see)

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Out of Shapes on Steam



This game has the potential to be a decent game, but it has a number of frustrating bugs that have never been fixed that greatly take away from the game experience. For that reason I can not currently recommend this game to anyone, however if they ever issue an update that fixes these bugs then I would definitely change my review to reflect that as the game would be more playable.

Bug #1: Game can become unplayable due to a livelock. To reproduce, wait until the start of a new day when you have one pre-work action available. Bring up the Social Map, then click on any person to bring up their Spacebook profile on the left. Click “Like” on any of their Spacebook posts and the game triggers “work mode” that pops up a dialogue box half on top of Spacebook on the left, and half underneath the Social Map on the right. You have to ALT-F4 out of the game as input is no longer processed at all.

Real player with 32.9 hrs in game

While this game is rather funny and the puns are witty, the actual gameplay gets old pretty fast. It’s an okay time sink, but if you’re looking into buying it, I would wait for a sale.

You have a limited amont of actions per day - 1 before work and 3 after, and 6 actions on Saturday/Sunday. Writing one message or SpaceBook post, requesting one friend, REJECTING a friend/relationship request etc takes up one action. Oh, and you have to make sure you eat or your health starts declining, so eating will take at least one action per day. Of course, you can organize events to restaurants and be social, but some events take more than 3 actions. It feels a bit silly that grabbing a burger and pressing one “Thumbs Up” to someone posting a bunch of random lyrics takes the same amount of actions.

Real player with 25.9 hrs in game

Redshirt on Steam

Dark Passenger

Dark Passenger

Another great concept that failed in execution.

In this game your entire game play is centered around the fact you have no eyes. You have a narrator that will help guide you along as well as sounds and hints in the game. You must avoid obstacles and guards/traps ( the story line really doesn’t help in this regard ) all by using sound. While most of the sounds do not sound similar, there definitely could be more ambiance to add to the game, seeing as it is solely based on hearing. For example: there is guide sound byte that is just a grandfather clock ticking back and forth. This tells you that you are basically on the right track. It never changes throughout the levels.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game


The game concept itself lacks in so many points that you will find an absolute terrible game. This game is as fun as it read, you searching blind with ONLY you sense of hearing around, even if there where any ideas given, like a touch around a table so that you maybe could get any orientation, but nothing, you realy have only your ears and thats terrible. What makes the whole thing even worst, is it that you have to do the most time something like a quicktime events and if you fail, the whole scene starts again and you can listen to the whole crap again and again and again… besides its only luck to find what the game want from you, because there is absolute NO hints

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Dark Passenger on Steam

Freedom Defender

Freedom Defender

This game sat in my library unplayed for 18 months because I though it was just going to be a tacky, novelty joke game. It’s actually very well made and a lot of thought and effort has gone in to it. The music is particularly good.

Other than being a Lane Tower Defense it is nothing like Plants vs. Zombies. There are 35 levels which can all be done again in New Game+, 7 Mini-Games and Survival Mode. Throughout the 35 levels the goal is to prevent the Hexicans, Burubs, Commies and Aliens from crossing your border. There are a lot of different enemy units and units to battle them with however you are restricted to only picking 6 at a time and I found myself pretty much sticking to the same ones.

Real player with 22.8 hrs in game

Well, what can I say?

Young me played ‘Plants vs. Zombies’ (a game which you can find as a comparison / reference in 90 % of the reviews here, since it was / is the most popular tower defense game) when it was published years ago - and I loved it. Then, I tried out Freedom Defender after a recommendation and my long lost love-feelings for tower defense games have immediately been evoked once again. I loved every minute of this game.

I can say, that it’s the best tower defense game i have played in the last couple of years.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Freedom Defender on Steam

Irony Curtain: From Matryoshka with Love

Irony Curtain: From Matryoshka with Love

Irony Curtain: From Matryoshka With Love



👍Superb Voice Acting

👍Bold and Colourful Hand Drawn Graphics

👍Puzzles Had Just the Right Amount of Difficulty

👍Satire was amusing and fun to uncover

👍Meaningful Achievements

👍Trading Cards



👎 Only Six Save Slots

Short Analysis

Irony Curtain: From Matryoshka With Love is developed and published by Artifex Mundi, usually attributed to making Hidden Object Games. Recently they broke the mould a little when releasing My Brother Rabbit and have now released their first adventure in the point and click world.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Irony Curtain is a delightfully clever adventure in the ‘old style’ of point and click classics. It has all the elements - meaningful story, detailed graphics/animations, professional voice acting, obtuse inventory-based puzzles, mini-games, and a lot of running back and forth across scenes. It does not have complex dialog trees, which I appreciated. Instead, it has simple dialog choices and a number of cut scenes.

You play Evan - a child of capitalism who is in love with the idea of communism. Through a wild series of events, he ends up in Matryoshka and discovers that life under ‘The Great Leader’ is not what he imagined. He is thrown into playing a role in a revolution of the people and the rest is just good fun. Evan is a bumbling hero and his antics within the communist bureaucracy are quite entertaining.

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

Irony Curtain: From Matryoshka with Love on Steam

Social Justice Warriors

Social Justice Warriors

Social Justice Warriors is a bit of a clunky game, not always clear to new players, and at times, blatantly unfair. So as a playable version of internet arguments, 10/10, extremely realistic. But there’s a whole lot more to this game than you can tell from screenshots and comments.

For starters, despite playing as an SJW and battling a variety of trolls, the game doesn’t pick a side as much as you’d think. Yes, the narration describes you as a valiant force of good against internet ne’er-do-wells, but it’s so over the top at times that it’s clearly not expecting to be taken completely seriously.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

The thing about this game is that they picked a very hot topic in the gaming community and had a humorous premise to go with. Social justice warriors, the infamous scourge of the internet gaming community, who have recently done their part to ruin everything as we used to know it.

Except, the problem is that in this game, the trolls exemplify one of the logical fallacies in the standard school of “logic”, which itself is used ad nauseam in the game, referred to as “No middle ground” It’s very clear that there is heavy bias painting the SJW as the hero, when the reality is (despite the disjointed and non-existent arguments presented by the trolls [caused by the game deciding the “troll’s” next moved based solely on a random number roll associated with a set of statements]) BOTH sides in the game are trolls, and some of the statements that were used for the troll side’s dialogue are actually reasonable, if not the outright truth. Even so, they don’t make any sense because they are random, so it’s not as if you are battling a “troll” that’s actually presenting a real argument.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Social Justice Warriors on Steam