

I can’t seem to think how to write this review properly right now, so I’ll just go with an easy pro-con list.


  • The environments are quite pretty to look at and the lighting is nice (though the player character looks like a bad CGI creature from a 90’s music video)

  • Has a lot of nice variety in terms of stuff to craft, mine or place

  • Uhhhh… I really can’t think of any other points at the moment


  • The story in this game is forgettable and uninteresting.

Real player with 157.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Crafting Games.

There is quite a bit to say about Darkout. I’ll try to be as non-partisan as possible.

With the explosion of greenlight games and the large number of ‘Metroidvania’ sandbox style games on Steam, it’s hard to make one stand out from the rest. Darkout, like Terraria, or Starbound, takes yet another approach at these sandbox style games, but, of course, is still very much the same.

Indeed, Darkout is much the same old grind. Spending hour upon relentless hour, mining through piles of the same dirt, and rock, only to fill your inventory and discard, rinse and repeat. Just enough to get you the resources to build an elevator to reach the depths of the shaft you just dug. With the same old spotty mouse targeting as others, a horrible grouping system for mining, a terribly inaccurate crafting system, and a slew of other annoying bugs, it is tedious at best during these hours, searching for resources, and can often be a real chore, during these times, to play.

Real player with 133.1 hrs in game

Darkout on Steam



I’ve been waiting for a VR game like this, and now its finally here. The shaky screen that many people reference isn’t very bothering for me, and it only shakes occasionally, though it would be better if it was fixed. The ability to go to other islands after thinking they were just blobs to create scenery is a pleasant surprise. Id like to see what this game becomes, and maybe even different birds with different flying styles. The best part is that the game is free. I found that there was a heart shape in the map, and that there was a sphere in the sky, which I tried to reach, but once I got pretty close it seems like I was making no progress, so its safe to say that there is a limit on how far you can go upwards, and the sphere is outside of that limit.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Flight Games.

19 sep ‘20: Wow the game has changed quite a lot! It’s much prettier! Also there are now these planets with gravitational force, which you can use as stepping stones to go higher and higher. I still experience what I wrote on the 14th of May. Because unlike before I cannot gain real speed anymore. You just can’t get high! Before you would gain speed once you got a little higher and higher, that was so cool and made flying so easy. Now it’s real hard work :-( This is my complaint now. It doesn’t feel like a dream-flight anymore, more like work-flight. For people new to this it must be hard to learn man…

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

DreamFly on Steam

Float Night

Float Night

First up - well done 仿生梦 Personal Studio for doing this without help.


I have changed my review to positive. I’m having a lot of fun with the game, setting up many laser cannons to defend against the ‘Scorpion Beasts and Trolls of Tang’.

It’s still in Alpha mode, so I hope the game grows and develops more.

It’s not a polished game for sure, but it has a certain charm to it.

Real player with 54.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Adventure Games.

So far this is actually pretty fun. It’s a fairly simple game loop, but has a few surprising moments and I’m enjoying it.


I’ve figured out how to do some basic mods for Float Night which was my #1 feature request:


Some bugs / quality of life stuff I’ve noticed, but which don’t stop me from playing it:

  • Big one that I thought made my safe file unrecoverable (see update): It’s possible to place a foundation piece and become stuck. Even reloading the game doesn’t help (obviously I shouldn’t have saved after this happened, but normally I get returned to the starting point on every load so I thought it would fix the issue). Update: Just let your character die of hunger if this happens, it’ll respawn you with -1 day survived lost.

Real player with 35.2 hrs in game

Float Night on Steam

Oh Crab!

Oh Crab!

You can’t move and it bugs with my PC

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Maybe don’t sell the game that always freezes eventually.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Oh Crab! on Steam



Hidden gem. You create maps using a HUGE database of stock images. Every world you make has a strange dream like quality. A must if you enjoy sandbox games. Iv’e played hours of this. Making worlds is easy and fun. Visiting other people’s worlds is funny, weird, and sometimes sad. A multiplayer option giving players the ability to visit worlds together would put this over the top for me. I hope they keep updating this gem of a game.

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

dzieki tej grze odkrylam moje powolanie ktore jest architektura zawsze chcialam byc architektem ale nie zwawsze o tym weidzialam tak uwazam . i ta gra pomogla mi w okdryciu smageo sb nien oniezle zbudowalam burdel i zbudowalam szope to szalona sprawa ale bardzo sie ciesze ze to zrobilam

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

sok-worlds on Steam



Game reminds me of Starbound and the game play is almost spot on to how startbound is played. Even some of the sounds are the same, But I did like this game and its fun to play.

Graphics are good, Game play is smooth no glitches durning any of my game play. There’s Magic, Monsters and lots of Exploration. Building, Crafting goodness! This is a Good buy!

You can check out my game play at: https://youtu.be/YwwURWnAt80

Game play part 2: https://youtu.be/Ecwj_rmayLY

Real player with 64.8 hrs in game

First, a thanks to [57th] Stilgar, who pointed this game out to me. This title was overlooked by most of the community because the foreign company who made the title accidentally listed this in the wrong section and took my advice and changed it so many can now view its features. Had it not been for [57th] Stilgar, this title most likely would have died before getting off the ground.

Id rather not waste space describing what an Early Access title is. Look at my other reviews if you’re not sure. I only give bad reviews for abandonment, scamming – Selling a product, but charging more to use features advertised as coming with it and selling a title as complete when it is not even close to being completed. This title falls under none of these criteria.

Real player with 39.0 hrs in game

Alchemage on Steam

Brick Inventions

Brick Inventions

This game is simply one of the funnest, enjoyable and addicting in its simplicity. Its so fun to log onto the game and build to your hearts conent and hope you dont f up and ruin your creation. Its building mecanics are point and click building and it works well. I like that unlike Minecraft (which i love :) this game has you have physics when playing. So if you F up like i did on probably 20 times so far you can have a catastrophic collapse. Thats the fun of the game. Building something then saving the world and trying to get it to what you want without collapsing. The amazing dev also added some fun special blocks to mess with yourselves and your friends. If you are concerned with the lack of polish / content (which the game really has great content/replay value) dont worry. The game has been out a week and already 2 major updates. One even came out a day after the game. This guy cares about the game and you can tell he will support it. So the question remains would i recommend this game? YES YES YES!!! I would give this game a…………….. 9/10 Its amazing for what it is but bring it just a step higher dev which i know you will and you will get 10/10

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Well I put quite a few hours into this game. For what it is, it’s not bad at all. All the negetive reviews have less than an hour so I wouldn’t even think about listening to them.


-Decent price

-Decent graphics (I really dont care about graphics, heck I think half life one looks good.)

-Some fun and challanging single player levels like protecting a crown from getting shot off its stand, making towers that have to survive for 20 seconds without falling, making a bridge for a ball to roll acrossed (sounds boring but it gets crazy), and some other things.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Brick Inventions on Steam



Welcome in 2019 !

Game realeased in something like 1200x800 , no resolution adjustments or any option …

No languages selection , to set it in English you have to start it through your Steam library and set it as English (every start)

No key bindings either.

Otherwise the game itself looks nice with a lot of objects to place , and build .

Would like to play more on it but not like that , will wait a bit otherwise it’s a refund … :/

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

DearCraft is a great concept but needs a bit of refinement. It’s like the creative mode in Minecraft but without the survival elements. Personally it didn’t run very well on my PC, a bit buggy.

You can watch my brief impressions here


Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

DearCraft on Steam

Farlight Explorers

Farlight Explorers

New Information (as of 10/20/2019)

Started a new game, put 4 hours into it. The game is more responsive, there have been improvements in the power system and kits. Saved game twice on my own. Lost about 15 minutes with a fatal crash error. Would be nice to see an auto-backup and let me pick the frequency so you don’t lose as much when things crash. Game is worth the cost, dev appears to be a one man show working on things in his leisure. Going to change from negative to positive. Wish there was middle ground, I would select that.

Real player with 64.4 hrs in game

For those that are into hardcore survival with a space theme this game is not quite what you are looking for at the moment, think space engineers but less complicated. Still it does fill a unqiue niche in the genre and even in its current alpha state is extremely addictive. If you are a early access support of games this is definitely a jewel to have in your library.

What it does right.

  • Being able to hop from planet to planet with realtive ease is a beautiful and sadly rare thing amongst games of this genre but Farlight pulls it off.

Real player with 49.4 hrs in game

Farlight Explorers on Steam

Mod and Play

Mod and Play

I was a mod creator of Mod and Play, you see my props and level ports and even a pack of some old models I made in school. What do I think of this game?

Don’t buy it. Garry’s Mod is better, and if you want a next-gen of it then look into Modiverse, which is to be released January 29th. The game aims to be way better than Mod and Play, and the developer is actually skilled in Unreal and is very helpful with modders and gives proper documentation to his SDK which are project files that work in the normal Unreal Engine, so all plugins are supported. The link to their Discord server is right here and I suggest you guys check it out: https://discord.gg/XUSereXTFU

Real player with 62.8 hrs in game

Had very high hopes for the game but it is apparent that the Dev has no care in the world about the community.


The community discord is a load of hopeful gamers asking for the content they paid for only to get shot down by the sad reality that the Dev is highly irresponsible and unprofessional. A few reasons to save your cash.

  • Constant promise of updates for 5 months with nothing to show for it.

  • Developer with poor communication skills and no care for his community.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Mod and Play on Steam