I just have finished the game.

Is easy to see that the developers have given everything to make this game a very good one. The plot is incredibly good, the mechanics agroup all what you wish and even more in a strategy game, and the levels are really immersive (I love the cold effect in the screen).

I really recommend to play it, this game absolutely deserves the price that it has.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Alternate History Games.

A title that could serve as a welcome to new players to the strategy 3D turn-based combat. Encounters are short and sweet, requiring a decent amount of strategic thinking, without reaching desperation or those odd “I’m lost” moments.

Story is quite engaging, and the characters that go along with it are charming and interesting. Recommended!

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

1971 PROJECT HELIOS on Steam




Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Adventure Games.

Brilliant and fun game! Classic point and click with great humor, weird story, just the right kind of madness and entertaining puzzles to solve. I find it strange that this game hasn’t gotten more notice. I feel I stumbled upon a hidden gem and it made this rainy cold saturday pretty perfect.

Some of the translations are a bit off, but it doesn’t bother me. I recommend this to all that love point and click, quirky humor and solving nutty puzzles.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

3 GEEKS on Steam

Green Project

Green Project

Fun game, with a lot of potentual.

The alone feel is nice, the humor, while terrible, is so bad it’s hillarious.

the progression feels a little arbitrary, with zones “locked off” by that goo stuff, that apparently is some toxic muschroom stuff? Yet you eat other mushrooms?

Honestly, it makes more sense if it was leftover pollution from humans, and the “spore” increase you get from eating uncoocked food, or existing should be toxins or such.

Would be more of a statement to the earth being uninhabital cause of our pollution, rather then some fungus.

Real player with 141.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Simulation Games.

I love this game so much. In general i gave 5/10 at first time i played (May) . But , the developer keep listening feedback and suggestion from Steam and official Discord channel. So , i will give 8.5/10 atm (November) . The comment of this game is as follow:

I love the environment and atmosphere of this game, good as follow:

(1) The whole map is not small i sure since there are different areas in this game , like big company building , village zone, mystery camping zone,old car park , dark caves, cemetery etc.

Real player with 95.6 hrs in game

Green Project on Steam



Great game that combines strategic gameplay similar to submarine simulations with tactical air battles between flying tanks.

You command a fleet with the aim of capturing the enemy capital city, while fighting off enemy fleets searching for you. Fleet movement is a game of cat and mouse using a very well realised radar system, aircraft carriers, cruise missiles, intercepting enemy radio signals and much more. When two fleets meet, the game switches to tactical battle in which you directly pilot a ship and fight against the enemy. You can design individual ships in your fleet from the groundup and then use them.

Real player with 233.4 hrs in game

The all-time best ever flying submarines in the sky game ever made. Although I have spent most of my time obsessing over ship design, “submarine airship game” is the best description for this FTL-like rogue-like UNFORGIVINGLY Difficult game I can come up with; in campaign, you spend a lot of your time trying to manage 15 different simple things (signals analysis, threat tracking, resources and fleet management, navigation, combat, landing, and then the global story/factions/political overlay of story driven decisions). The ship editor will drive you on the express train to crazytown; every. single. decision. carries huge implications for your campaigns when you start running custom ships, and this gets into the infinitely complex fleet design (what roles do you want your ships to play is critical, and the game lets you figure out your own ways to fail). This is one of my favorite games of 2021.

Real player with 84.1 hrs in game

HighFleet on Steam

I Shall Remain

I Shall Remain

I’ll update this review later, I just wanted to give a sense of what this game is like.

  1. Imagine a game that plays from a similar point of view as Nation Red with similar quality of graphics. Basically, it is a third person action, with 3 levels zoom in and out.

  2. The game is pausable real-time. This allows you to pause the game at any time to check your inventory, your map, quest logs, Infected Monster Entries, Journal entries for tips on how to play or books you read or dialogs you have had which are recorded. You can review your Character Page with Attributes and derived skills, Your Doctrines aka Training etc.

Real player with 174.1 hrs in game

I purchased the early access version of this game on sale from Humble Bundle and was pleasantly surprised by the current quality of an “alpha” game. First, the atmosphere is superb. At times desolate and claustrophobic, the levels demonstrate a nice variety with logical obstacles rather than invisible walls, and the sepia option (which is adjustable) adds to the period feel. Special mention should be made of the score: though at the moment the tracks are limited, the music is somber and beautiful.

Real player with 88.9 hrs in game

I Shall Remain on Steam



great game, for a low price of under 10 USD, its well worth the buy. Includes up to 20 hours+ minimum of farming content, all resources are perishable, but if you have a good strategy leveling up farming, you can save metals and scrap materials to buy necessary tools and last many in game years in this game. You kinda are like a squirrel stashing your stuff in this game. Once you build a base, You can save all your stuff in base with unlimited stacking items. You can stash and stash… the point is to survive the winter with basic needs: shelter, water, food and heat/wood logs. This game is great for people who just want a simple survival game that requires logistics… those who are good at calculating and planning ahead have a great advantage in this game… strategy and planning ahead is key to winning as well as picking a good location for the end game grind/hunting/fishing/farming…. the best way to play this game is to be frugal with materials to survive as long as possible… also it is possible for trees to regrow and animals to reproduce so there is arguably unlimited endgame farming… again under 10 USD is well worth the buy… i mean movies at a theater costs like 10 USD…. 8.6 hours and I got addicted to playing this for now… also you can kill pigs and hunt bears… bears too strong for me I haven’t gotten the weapons to fight it yet…

Real player with 27.2 hrs in game

PostCollapse is in it’s infancy but with a lot of growth potencial and no..no zombies (yet) which IMO is fine. With a few bores, an occational bear and some radiated areas, the only real threat is trying to survive through the harsh winters.

I started with the smallest house (fewest windows) which didn’t require to many materials. I have since explored around the map and located a large town. I found a larger house in this town and slowly aquired the materials to make this my new Headquarters. Making several trips back to original HQ to retrieve all the stored material I had there, i now have a pretty good HQ. I didn’t like the boarded up windows so I gathered blocks from a bldg close by and blocked in all the windows. :)

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

PostCollapse on Steam



A choose your own adventure gone horribly wrong due to branching dialogues giving you incorrect story or out right refusing to advance the game. There is also mixed languages in the UI and using the rewind button caused multiple text lines to blur over each other to the point it could not be read.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Good game for the price. But it is kinda short. Easy achievements to get.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Z-End on Steam



Severely disgusting and awful little Top Down Shooter game. Graphics are cool, but even that have a issue: needs at least a I5 processor to run or will crash to desktop soon or later; an exagerate requirement for things shown, like flat colors with simple grey shadows. A lot of older products recreate much more with less hardware.

The mechanics is basic: player can carry 2 fireguns and 3 grenades, and thats all. Character haven’t any skills, only can move, get mission objects and shot. Simple rules imply that a game is fast to learn, nothing more. But in this one have been implemented in the most restrictive and worst possible way. Indeed, looks like even an unfinished product.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Game that I would call pleasant in overall.

Not bad graphics, fun gameplay, story not too elaborate but interesting in its own way.

I recommend to be careful in “reading the story” because if you don’t pay enough attention, you may be confused about who is who.

Some grammatical errors in the narration (at least in Italian) but I think we can “fly over” certain things.

Some imprecations here and there when you die randomly but I think this is normal too.

Game completed with all the achievements without particular difficulty and with tranquility in 5 hours.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Zomborg on Steam

末日竟在我身边 - Zombies Everywhere

末日竟在我身边 - Zombies Everywhere

The game is disappointingly short, even without reading a walkthrough, i finished the game under 1 hour, it was a big let down.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

末日竟在我身边 - Zombies Everywhere on Steam



Some weirdness:

  • Since the maps is really small, the resources are regenerating. (rocks, trees, animals…)

  • You can’t repair your ride

  • Who the Hell cares about the color of the car?

  • The aliens. Not adding much to the gameplay (nothing)

  • Steam Inventory drop? Well, could give you few cents after marketing them…

  • You can’t do much thing at all, it’s EMPTY.

I remember the “original” version of the game which was a bit different.

But not much progress since…

Supporters pack? Nah, skipping it…

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

This game is bad, good concept though, gameplay reminds Rust. It is good if it was someone learning how to make video games but it doesn’t even play smoothly.

Why a cap at 30FPS? That was in 2006, now he play at a minimum 60FPS. 30FPS basically broke the game for me.

Didn’t see a single animal, zombie or alien.

Map is limited, I got to a fence or whatever and couldn’t get past.

UI doesn’t seem professional in the slightest. Must get better.

Sound too loud, headphone users be aware when you start the game, you must lower the volume immediately.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Andarilho on Steam