Tiny and Big: Grandpa’s Leftovers

Tiny and Big: Grandpa’s Leftovers

Well, Tiny & Big is a fun and pretty unique newer-age 3D platformer really.

I first completed this game in 2012, so I have come back to this game having not played it in 8 years. I wasn’t as accustomed to 3D platformers back then as I am now, and I remember getting through the game, kind of being a little glad that it was over and moving on. I didn’t finish this game with a very high opinion of it, and I’m not sure why I chose to come back to the game when I had that opinion. With that said though I’m not sure what kind of grumpy b*tch juice I was on back then because I really enjoyed it this time around. I couldn’t remember the game at all so it isn’t even as if it was any easier this time around.

Real player with 20.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Puzzle Games.

My playtime: 18.7h (based on steam, 100% achievements)

Grindy Achievement: Yes (3 achievements).

Optional Achievement: Yes (49 achievements).

Difficult Achievement: Yes (2 achievements).

Developer Response: Yes (~1 month).


Tiny and Big: Grandpa’s Leftovers is a puzzle adventure game where you have to explore and make your way through the level with a hook, laser, and rocket. There are 6+1 levels in total where the last level is focused on boss fight.

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers on Steam

Chocolate makes you happy

Chocolate makes you happy

CMYH is another Physics puzzle in the style of the ZUP series (just saying for reference, ok - I’m not about to get into which came first, the chicken or the egg on this matter LOL).

So anyway, CMYH is innovative and fun and different enough that I feel it deserves a place at the table, too. Most of the levels were on the easier end of the scale, but a few were devilishly difficult, and you WILL NOT find any Guides or Youtube playthroughs to help you, and for me, that made the challenges more rewarding when all 50 levels were completed. CMYH gets a thumbs up. I picked it up during the 2017 Steam Autumn Sale, and feel I got my money’s worth - Cheers

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Puzzle Games.

I just finished this game, and I’ve gotta say…

I’m glad I have all of them.

Because just like chocolate,

One just isn’t enough.

The game ran smoothly, the graphics and controls were simple and easy to understand, and the game overall was, dare I say, short and sweet.

I recommend this game to anyone that likes or is looking for simple and sometimes quite challenging puzzles, short games, inexpensive games, sweets in their games, physics games, or games that don’t hold your hand.

I disrecommend this game to anyone that dislikes or can’t stand puzzles, simple games, short games, sweets in their games, physics games, or games that don’t take you step by step through instructions on everything to do.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Chocolate makes you happy on Steam



Tags: Casual - Marble Routing

Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from Library

TLDR: Unity Engine. You do not even control the ball instead you rotate the pathways around to make the object routing happen with the dubious physics.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Great little game. The controls take a bit to get used to, but when you have them down it becomes a blast. I’d suggest using a controller, though.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Momentum on Steam

Perfect Universe - Play with Gravity

Perfect Universe - Play with Gravity

Chillin like a villain in the Perfect Universe

Full Site Review

When we received a copy for review, I wasn’t sure quite what to expect from this platformer. However it’s charming aesthetics and floaty jumping challenges had me on “chillax” mode in no time. This is a quick pick and play platformer, but who’s physics based challenges require an practice to master. This isn’t just one game, it feels like 9 different ones. Most level themes are creative, abstract, and interesting to play through.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

A fun enough platforming-type game with gravity mechanics. There are multiple modes with very different controls and gameplay. Hopping around in low gravity and going into orbit is really fun. I feel like its biggest downfall is difficulty progression - you might expect levels to increase in difficulty over time, but really you will hit spikes in difficulty randomly if you play the levels in order. Word of advice: if you are trying to get three stars/planets/what-have-you in every level, don’t be afraid to skip a level and come back to it later if it’s too annoying.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Perfect Universe - Play with Gravity on Steam

Slime Research

Slime Research

With a myriad of cookie-cutter puzzle games Slime Research is a refreshingly unique. Although visuals could use polish, the game works amazing for an early release! The devs spent a lot of time on the mechanics, and it shows. Honestly I’m curious how they got the slime to feel the way it does

I think the map creator is neat, and some of the workshop maps are already pretty interesting

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

A one-of-a-kind puzzle game with a relaxing vibe and comfy gameplay. Incredible level editor. Fun physics. Thoughtful puzzles to solve using wires and logic gates, and it’s even more fun to build your own. Kind of reminds me of Glover from way back when.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Slime Research on Steam

Tales of the Tiny Planet

Tales of the Tiny Planet

A challenging physics puzzle. World 5/6 are very hard, especially marathon mode achievements are annoying. Still cute and enjoyable.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

A very enjoyable game!

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Tales of the Tiny Planet on Steam

Adventure Lamp

Adventure Lamp

This game is one of the best platform games I have ever played. It reminded me a lot of Super Meat Boy, but that’s just because that was the only platform game that was really memorable after I played.

Firstly the artwork and design of this game is really nice to look at, very cute looking characters and map.

I think the idea of Simon and his hat gave this game a thing that separates from the other platform games, where you don’t only jump around with your character, you have to rely on your hat to clear the levels. Almost like a 2 player game.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Ever wanted to play a cute platformer? Wished for a platformer to use something new? A game surrounded by the use of a hat? Adventure Lamp, developed and published by Ryan Davis, is for you!

Lose Your Hat

In Adventure Lamp, you play as Simon equipped with a hat to accompany him throughout his journey. The game is built around the idea of losing your hat. But never fear, for the hat will always return to Simon’s head. Each time you jump the hat launches in the air higher than you, how high depending on how you make Simon jump. In addition, you can aim the arc the hat will travel, whether it be across a gap to hit a button or to set it down. The hat doesn’t just hit buttons though. Each level has a chance of a red enemy being included that can easily take you out in one hit. The one weapon you can defend yourself, even for a few seconds? Your hat. This addition of a hat easily sets apart Adventure Lamp from the other platformers.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Adventure Lamp on Steam



Not recommended for most players, recommended for a select few.

I have mixed feelings about this game. I have played 4 levels and died a lot of times. I don’t mind dying, it’s just that you spawn so far back, it gets anoying. There should be more savepoints. Doing the same part over and over again gets boring. Dying at the endboss of a level (and that happens a lot) makes you do the entire level again. Once you get the feel for the controls, it is fun to play, but the game is hard and unforgiving. It gets a bit easier when you have a lot of upgrades. The graphics are very good and the soundtrack is nice. I miss the health and mana bar/counter, this would improve the game a lot. Going slow and reversing when enemies come at you is the easiest way to get around, but that makes replaying parts even longer.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

I love surrealistic games.

A friend gifted Arktrum to me, so I was really looking forward to play it.

Design of Arktrum

Not much to say about the design. You see the pictures and that tells you already how beautiful this game is. It is even better in motion with all this interactable fragments floating around and the more or less destructable structures. Thanks to the amazing visual depth it can be tricky to find your way in some situations. But thats bearable since the (first) maps are not that big. On the other hand it opens nice possibilities for hidden passages.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Arktrum on Steam

Brunch Club

Brunch Club

I have never played a game that has been as infuriating as Brunch Club right from the start of the first level, but I can’t seem to stop playing it. The game is inventive and unique, challenging and fun, and I find myself saying ridiculous things which makes for a good laugh (I JUST WANT TO BUTTER THIS TOAST. C’MON BURGER WHY WOULD YOU MOVE THAT WAY?! HOW DO I CRACK AN EGG?!). I’ve actually gifted this to two other people because I like it so much and I want to play multiplayer with them as I think it’ll be even more fun!

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Really fun and challenging even solo. Interesting concept with plenty of different challenges.

I found myself failing multiple times at the beginning but I started getting more creative and despite multiple failures I really enjoyed finding new ways to approach the challenges.

I can imagine it would be even better with others and i can imagine it would be absolute chaos (which only makes it more fun).

Seems like a really well put together game and I appreciated the extra thought that went into the little things like the difficulty levels being defined in a more fitting way than Easy Normal Hard.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Brunch Club on Steam



It’s one of the worst game of the genre i have ever played.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Contraptions on Steam