Choose for ME

Choose for ME

Choose for ME belongs to the “Puzzle Drama” genre, in which the player will find himself at the center of an exciting story told as in a movie.

  • Help Mads to shed light on his memory and reconstruct the moments that marked his life… and the development of his video game

  • Live this emotional journey and discover the truth solving puzzles and riddles

  • Get carried away by the psychological flow and explore Mads' mind

Read More: Best Indie Adventure Games.

Choose for ME on Steam

Answer Knot

Answer Knot


Something wicked this way comes…


You are at home, tidying up your apartment while your wife keeps calling you and leaving messages. But you won’t pick-up…


An open-plan house that you navigate in first-person, exploring.

  • selecting items yields clues

  • interacting with certain items triggers the next increasingly desperate phone message

  • the game has one story, but there are side objectives to find

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Interactive Fiction Games.

  • If you like free to play, short, first-person, horror, mystery,

! extraterrestrial , point and click walking simulator, you are in for a treat!

  • The game vibe gave me a mix of Gone Home, What Never Was, Marie’s Room, What Remains of Edith Finch. However, it has no voice-over narration except the phone calls. (you can’t answer the phone)

  • Controls are moving (w,a,s,d), interact (left click), zoom in (right click), and pause (esc).

  • Music is composed of piano/chill/mellow tracks. Suddenly the quiet house becomes creepy after some distressing calls (addition to tapping and wind sound makes it more uncomfortable). Do you know that slow build-up tension feeling where you look around if something might pop out? That is what this game does to you without any jump scares.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Answer Knot on Steam

A Sketchbook About Her Sun

A Sketchbook About Her Sun

Essentially it’s an animated music album with some simple sketches for every song. I assume the visuals were created for the music and not the other way around, but the game still has a narrative as we follow the same individual that goes through melancholy, heartbreak, and possibly depression. You can also just pick the songs from the main menu, but I am not sure if I unlocked the feature at the end. I believe the 11 songs make the full album, so it’s kind of like buying a soundtrack. I am not sure if there is any purpose to the choices that you can make during the songs, I assume those are for the 2 optional achievements. I guess it depends on how much you like the music, for myself, I liked more than half of the songs, and even for the songs that I didn’t love, I still enjoyed the lyrics. Don’t take this as a criticism because I honestly don’t care if the singer has a perfect voice, but I enjoyed her voice more within a lower range. Also, I noticed some guitar clipping which I feel should be cleaned up in the processing. Aside from those small nitpicks, I enjoyed the album overall and I will be playing it when I draw for months ;). I know not many people like paying for music on Steam, but I am all for it personally, especially this cheap. I always like to list my favorites, and that would be the ‘Planet X’, ‘Document’ and ‘Human Copy’ (I only wish you reused the part in the end of HC once in the middle, too).

Real player with 24.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Visual Novel Games.

A Sketchbook About Her Sun is an enjoyable experience with incredible artwork and an amazing soundtrack. The gameplay warrants itself well to replaying and is definitely worth your attention

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

A Sketchbook About Her Sun on Steam



AREA MAN LIVES. Or does he? If you could join a radio drama already in progress, talk to the characters and interact with the environments the story painted in your mind, you might find yourself in the world of the area man.

A quirky radio drama unfolds around you in VR while you do your best to keep the radio station humming along as its new DJ. You record commercials, interview callers and try your best to piece together how your actions inside the station impact your listening audience in scenarios so wild they can only live in your imagination.


The Stanley Parable

The Stanley Parable

Stanley? What are you doing trapped in a steam review Stanley? Get out of there this instant! This is not a joke Stanley! You are ruining my story.

Real player with 37.5 hrs in game

god, an absolute classic to be sure. and getting the Don’t Play For 5 Years achievement legit feels amazing

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

The Stanley Parable on Steam

The Singularity Wish

The Singularity Wish

I was looking for a game that deals with the concept of developing transcendent A.I and this turned out to be just what I was looking for. It reminds me a bit of the movie Her and the game itself kind of reminded me of a chapter of Chrono Trigger minus the combat but with much better dialogue. I found every bit of interaction in the game enjoyable and there’s a lot of topics covered including the notion of nested virtual realities, quasi-omnipotence of hyper-intelligent A.I, infidelity, animal cruelty, drug addiction, depression and getting research funding from the Cartel. I found this to be just the right amount of detail and variety to set my imagination on fire.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

A small, lovingly crafted game with a trippy storyline. It’s more than worth the pittance the game creator asks.

Although if I can make one complaint, it’s silly that I was able to avert the worst ending (there are multiple) by reloading just before the final segment and making what appeared to be a minor choice differently.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

The Singularity Wish on Steam

The USB Stick Found in the Grass

The USB Stick Found in the Grass

Really immersive game. I love it so far. I played it for several hours this evening and mostly just read the diary, which was a great story. Most games that have a diary, the diary is pretty bland but this was intriguing and I spent the whole time enjoying the story while also trying to anticipate what might be a clue or not.

I’m stuck at a part, but still working at it. The discord channel is very helpful

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

Cześć Gucio. Pisze na czacie ale nie widzisz :( nick afkret. A gra bardzo przyjemna chociaż po otwarciu wszystkich 3 plików nie czuje żeby przeszedł grę.

Real player with 18.5 hrs in game

The USB Stick Found in the Grass on Steam

Thomas Was Alone

Thomas Was Alone

THOMAS WAS ALONE - A beautiful, minimalist indie 2D puzzle/platformer.


|| 8.5 ||

| Score | Comment |

| Graphics | 8 | Simple but pleasing, using clean lines and shapes to form the game levels. Game Characters are also simple shapes with different colours but are easily identifiable. Background colours and effects have a different pallet for each level. The overall effect is minimalist, stylish and elegant. |

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

When this game first came to my attention, I thought it looked like a nice puzzle platformer with a minimalistic art style. While it is that, I found much more to it once I began playing.

Before I get ahead of myself, let me say a few words about the gameplay. It is a platformer, and most of your actions will be some variation on jumping. Some of the mechanics common to the genre can be found here: double jumping, reversed gravity, bouncy springboard-like surfaces, and so on. It is also primarily puzzle-focused, so, while there are a couple of places where a moving environmental hazard forces you to act within a short timeframe, response time is generally not a factor.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Thomas Was Alone on Steam



Lie on my back

Clouds are makin' way for me

I’m comin' home, sweet home

~Darren Korb, Setting Sail, Coming Home

In my reviews I often talk about just how many developers treat their games like products. Well, technically, those are the products, of course, but… you can’t create anything really beautiful just by doing your job. If you’ll do your job good enough, you may come up with a really good product, but that’ll be just that. A product. While we all know that video games can be… something more than that. Much more. When Miller brothers started creating their MYST? It wasn’t because they wanted to make a popular game. Heck, they weren’t even gamers. They just had that certain vision and they really wanted to turn it into reality. To share it with the others. To let the others dive into it and experience it together. And it’s not just words. You can clearly feel such things. From Westwood Studious' magical worlds of The Legend of Kyrandia and Lands of Lore to Cyberdreams’s I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream, based on Harlan Ellison’s short story. That certain artistic touch? That special something that makes a game more than just a game? As long as you treasure it as much as I do, I want to introduce you to one of my most favorite independent developers. Please, welcome – Supergiant Games.

Real player with 41.3 hrs in game

Bastion 2012

When Bastion came out it was at the beginning of the Indie craze. People were first starting to realize that amazingly fun games could come from tiny studios with no budget. Well now in 2017 the term Indie game has all but lost its meaning both financially, and terms of team size. But at the time, a game with such deep combat, definitive flavor, and overall polish was a treat.

Bastion does a good job of grabbing you with the colorful paint-style world that appears beneath your feet as you move forward. Every action you do is narrated by a grandfatherly voice that explains the story and smaller moments. There was a time early in the game when I walked off the edge of the platforms and the narrator said “And that’s the end of the Kid’s story….I’m just kidding.” And I respawn and he says “The kid goes back for another round.” It was a charming break of the 3rd wall.

Real player with 33.3 hrs in game

Bastion on Steam

Best Day Ever

Best Day Ever

Bummer… I was so hyped about this game! Playing the Demo was great. However, the actual game failed to launch properly on my pc (Windows 10). After about 2 hours spent trying to find any working solution, I’ve just requested for a refund.

UPDATE: The team of developers reacted fast to my report and fixed the problem just within a couple of days, offering the code as their apology. WHAT A FANTASTIC WORK! Great story-lines and multiple-choice dialogues done nicely, everything seems well-thought-out and made with care. Mainly, I like the idea that all protagonists can intersect each other, and also a “chirp” panel with funny “chirps” aka “twitts highlighting the game’s milestones. Some rare non-translated parts from French do not bother me since I understand a little French, but it might be an issue for those who play the English version, though. Hope, the developers will fix this asap as well… In general, I totally recommend this game, especially to someone who likes decision-based stories framed into a social context. Well done!

Real player with 74.8 hrs in game

This game is very sweet and well written. I feel every character’s struggles are made to feel realistic and, sometimes, too real. The pacing is smooth, although it takes multiple replays to really learn the best steps to take. Sometimes it’s not very clear what you’re supposed to do in order to trigger the next event, which takes me to the biggest flaw this game has. It needs to be replayed, over and over again in order to have certain events from other characters to trigger something in the story you’re playing. I find that a tad boring and repetitive. I’ve also found a lot of moments when the dialog was suddenly in French. It’s not a big deal but it does break a bit of the immersion.

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game

Best Day Ever on Steam