Best Day Ever

Best Day Ever

Bummer… I was so hyped about this game! Playing the Demo was great. However, the actual game failed to launch properly on my pc (Windows 10). After about 2 hours spent trying to find any working solution, I’ve just requested for a refund.

UPDATE: The team of developers reacted fast to my report and fixed the problem just within a couple of days, offering the code as their apology. WHAT A FANTASTIC WORK! Great story-lines and multiple-choice dialogues done nicely, everything seems well-thought-out and made with care. Mainly, I like the idea that all protagonists can intersect each other, and also a “chirp” panel with funny “chirps” aka “twitts highlighting the game’s milestones. Some rare non-translated parts from French do not bother me since I understand a little French, but it might be an issue for those who play the English version, though. Hope, the developers will fix this asap as well… In general, I totally recommend this game, especially to someone who likes decision-based stories framed into a social context. Well done!

Real player with 74.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Narration Games.

This game is very sweet and well written. I feel every character’s struggles are made to feel realistic and, sometimes, too real. The pacing is smooth, although it takes multiple replays to really learn the best steps to take. Sometimes it’s not very clear what you’re supposed to do in order to trigger the next event, which takes me to the biggest flaw this game has. It needs to be replayed, over and over again in order to have certain events from other characters to trigger something in the story you’re playing. I find that a tad boring and repetitive. I’ve also found a lot of moments when the dialog was suddenly in French. It’s not a big deal but it does break a bit of the immersion.

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game

Best Day Ever on Steam



[FR] Par ou commencer ? Ce jeu… Une petite pépite. Je ne savais pas trop à quoi m’attendre quand j’ai commencé à y jouer, et j’ai adoré découvrir ce platformer assez atypique, avec un gameplay que je n’avais jamais expérimenté avant. Un jeu qui teste les réflexes (on m’avait pourtant prévenu !), mais qui a une capacité à transmettre des émotions assez incroyables. Des personnages intrigants et attachants (coucou Chester), une BO à tomber par terre qui crée une ambiance incroyable, une DA magnifique… Juste trop bien. Et puis le mieux, c’est que ce jeu nous pousse à nous dépasser toujours plus, toujours plus loin, et c’est très difficile de s’arrêter. Et même quand on pense que c’est fini… Ça ne l’est pas ! C’est un jeu qui est fait pour être fait plusieurs fois, afin de faire des choix différents, pour découvrir de nouveaux personnages, des morceaux de l’histoire, et surtout, les 28 fins différentes ! Petit plus pour les stats avec le compteur de morts, qui s’élève à 1 019 pour ma première run… Mais 6 758 sauts ! Impressionnant pour 8 ou 9h de jeu, non ?

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Replay Value Games.

Don’t be late in this race against time runner-plateformer game ! You can make your own choices and write your own story. The game got pretty intense and deep rather quickly and without noticing it you will be drown in the storyline. I would say the storytelling is clearly inspired by the cryptic Dark souls games so I would suggest you to be prepared to explore this world if you want to piece the whole story together and finally have the full picture. I can assure you it totally worths it !

Concerning the gameplay, I can only say one thing : Prepare yourself to split your brain into two parts, you will need it ! Sometimes you will feel like you want to rage and give up because you cannot get through a level, but the amazing soundtracks just won’t let you. When you will finally succeed, HELL YEAH it is so satisfying !

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Intemporel on Steam

Air Marty

Air Marty

An…interesting game. First, let me talk about the downsides of this game: some typos in the game and some of the minigames were either a bit hard or the controls were a bit finicky (I wasn’t sure which it was in all honesty). Both issues I have with the game are actually pretty small overall. I did thoroughly enjoy myself playing this game, so that definitely outweighed any downside I had with the game. There are a total of 64 (technically 65) endings, which I did love. I didn’t realize at first that I could use the continue feature to pick points in the game so I can get the various endings a lot quicker than redoing the whole game every single time. I expected a comedy (which it most definitely is) but I wasn’t prepared for a dark comedy (which a lot of the endings get pretty dark, so a warning for anyone who is sensitive to dark jokes and

! themes of suicide/self harm). Strangely enough, I did also thoroughly enjoy the artwork in-game. It was varied and some were (purposefully?) odd/bad, but it was unique and added another comedic effect to the game.

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Dark Comedy Games.

The game was worth the money and time I spent with it. This is this developers first game, you can definitely feel it. There is a level of polish missing that while isn’t too distracting is definitely notable.

The game takes quite a long time to launch. There is a button binded that brings you directly back to the menu instead of a pause screen. There is a button that skips the menu that takes you directly to the level select. You can spam these buttons and reload the menus really fast and cause the soundtrack to restart rapidly. The way certain controls feel on multiple levels feel very floaty and weird. Not being able to skip through the dialogue fast enough to replay a mini-game can be a chore, especially if the mini-game isn’t very self explanatory and you can fail some of them instantly.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Air Marty on Steam

Dark Abyss

Dark Abyss

I really like the potential with this game, the combat feels really nice and the dodge while a little wonky is quite versatile, the combo attacks are awesome and the parkour challenge for the 4th heart slot is quite nice.

In the future i hope to see more enemy variation, higher quality sound effects and a more fleshed out boss fight for the dash ability, other than that this game has really good potential and a strong foundation, keep up the work and i look forward to the next update :D

To anyone wondering at time of review the game is only about 20 minutes long AT MOST. It is very early access and is more of a tech demo. If you want to support the developer i highly recommend purchasing this.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Dark Abyss on Steam



I don’t know, maybe I just didn’t “get” this game, but I couldn’t figure out what was going on or what my actions actually accomplished. The gameplay was a bit annoying because the text in the text boxes loads very slowly, and you can’t skip previously read text. The mouse movement to move the camera view is also extremely slow, and for some reason during dialogue the camera kind of bobs around.

Aside from that the game looks beautiful, and I’m glad to have bought it to support indie developers, but it’s hard to recommend.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

strange little thing. more of a short play than a game, truth be told. an interesting little setting. good to support small time artists

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game




Full Review Curator Site

Video Review:

Headliner caught my attention with a simple tagline “What if you control the national news?” Interesting premise and a question that made me wonder “What if I did control the national news?” Fact-based reporting? No slant? Spread the writings of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense… I could do so much. So what would Headliner allow me to do?

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

I recently got this game for free from a curator connect offer. This 2D simulation game with 2D side-scrolling adventure game elements by Unbound Creations features a custom male/female protagonist Dianne Kalushky who is married to a custom male/female spouse Andrew or Sasha and has a daughter Amber(names of any character can be changed). Dianne has just started work as a Headliner at a news broadcaster Galmedia in the fictitious nation of Galixia.

Amidst the backdrop of a deep polarised divide between the genetically modified population and the non-modified minority known as Purists and an ongoing war in the neighbouring nation of Lerisia with a subsequent influx of refugees to Galixia, Dianne must manage his/her company’s expectations as a corporate entity which needs to rely on broadcasting the type of news to attract interest and subscribers, the conflicting interests from the pro-modified and the Purists as well as on whether to allow or control the number of Lerisian refugees into Galixia, Andrew/Sasha’s declining health, job security and concerns over Amber’s idea on having fun at a festival in a week’s time as well as Amber’s plans to enrol at a secondary and study biology which is beyond the family’s finances.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game


Love in the distance

Love in the distance

First of all, i am curious about this game because this is still freshly released by an indie company and it’s appear on my search results when i am looking for visual novels (for killing time obviously).

Then i purchase this game because good price and i took interest on the gameplay. So, here’s what i can say :

1. This game is VERY SHORT because technically it’s just like our real life internet chatting, but we do that with three characters.

2. Do not expect much from this game because, remember, this game is more like “WORD GAME” than your usual dating sims.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Aside from some grammer errors and lack of a soundtrack it’s a nice game story wise. You may have to play with a friend so they can have side commentary to help make it more cozy of an experience but it’s nice and charming for the price.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Love in the distance on Steam

Monster Loves You!

Monster Loves You!


Rating: T

Price: $9.99

Genre: Simulation

Time played: 23 hours

A choice based simulation of a Monster’s life. Every decision changes who you are and your skills, and eventually will determine the fate of all Monsters.

Gameplay - 6

There’s not much to this game, you make choices, then advance to the next stage of life and make more choices. All these choices combined form the monster you become and affect the world around you in a myriad of ways.

There’s a lot of choices, too many to get on 1 play through, per stage of life and each has a story of its own to tell. There’s a lot of reading, but the game made me feel like I was playing a “Choose your own Adventure” game. The background changes depending on what stage of life you are on, but there’s not much going on graphically.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

There is something special about Monster Loves You!

Simple, but deceptively replayable. It’s a choose-your-own-adventure type of game, starting you as a monsterling that was just born. With multiple stats (initially at zero), your actions will lead to the community respecting you (or not) and increasing statistical values about your personality (bravery, cleverness, etc.).

This is simple but, again, rather adictive. After 6 hours and about 8 (?) playthroughs I’m still getting newer and newer stories as I go along, which adds the replay value of the game (besides the fact that it possesses 14(!!) ending, to my knowledge).

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Monster Loves You! on Steam

One Night Stand

One Night Stand

Spoiler alert: There’s something in this game that should be spoiled in the review, because it’s to be assumed that the reader is a filthy pervert who would… No, I won’t say it in the first paragraph. Just buy this game. I promise that your filthy perversion can happen in this game. (And likely WILL happen in your first time playing!)


One Night Stand is a first person after-date simulator where you wake up with no memory of what happened the night before next to a woman named… No, I’m not telling you her name. You’ll have to play this game and find out for yourself. Thoroughout the game, the mysterious woman repeatedly leaves and enters the bedroom, and during that time, you can recover your own objects and dig through the woman’s belongings like I’m sure you would do if you were ever in the same situation.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

🌟 Review

One Night Stand surprised me, don’t be surprised at the few hours of gameplay.

The game is short but incredible.


Just like any visual novel, you play using your mouse only. But unlike the anime games, One Night Stand has a system of choices that have consequences in the short term. Despite being short, around 20min game, with the variety of reactions and consequences of our acts. It is compatible with controller too. In the game you need to click to advance in history and at certain times, have to choose objects to have specific information, the same ones that caused different reactions in the future.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

One Night Stand on Steam

Otaku’s Adventure

Otaku’s Adventure

I thoroughly enjoyed myself playing this game. I loved the multiple girls you could try to date, and I especially loved the multiple endings this game has to offer. It does have a lot of references to Kio’s Adventure, so I found them funny and made the game a bit more enjoyable in my opinion. The art style was kinda simple but cute and I liked the comic book aspect. Some of the minigames was a pain in the butt for me (like trying to do the shooting or alien fighting ones without losing any health was hard). Just like Kio’s Adventure, this game does have a lot of typos, but it does add to the humor of the game. My biggest issue with the game is the lack of a skip button (even a skip for only seen text would have been nice). A lot of my time was spent trying to quickly go through text I’ve seen just to find all the endings. A skip feature for text would have been very, very appreciated (and not just a skip feature for already seen endings…).

Real player with 35.8 hrs in game

Love the plot twist after plot twists, 10/10. English translation were not on point, other than that is perfect.

A skip option would be nice too.

❤ Audience ❤

☑ Beginner

☑ Casual Gamer

☑ Normal Gamer

☑ Expert

☼ Graphics ☼

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☐ Good

☑ Beautiful

☐ Fantastic

-Might want to install FAR mod to remove 60fps cap

♬ Music ♬

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☐ Good

☐ Beautiful

☑ Fantastic

-Music are all master pieces

☠ Difficulty ☠

☑ Easy

☑ Average

☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master

☑ Hard

☐ Unfair

-Level gap is quite huge between the difficulties

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

Otaku's Adventure on Steam