Revolution: Path of a Weaponsmith

Revolution: Path of a Weaponsmith

Alternate History

It is 1989, due to a breakthrough success of the so-called Star Wars space defense program the United States has become a sole state entirely protected from a nuclear weapon attack. Its influence has since spread over most of the world through both diplomatic and military measures.

USSR weakened by a devastating defeat in the Afghan War has been swiftly overtaken. Many large cities lie in ruin, others are being controlled by the US military forces. While the occupants are establishing control over the new territories rebels are gaining more and more members each day, many of whom have combat experience.

You play as a scavenger-trader whose main source of income is to search remnants of your home-town for provisions, valuables and sometimes even weapons. Sell your findings to make sure that your loved ones are kept safe.


The town is being overrun by military, bandits, and rebels. You are often outgunned and outnumbered so direct confrontation can often be deadly. Use stealth and explosives to turn the odds back in your favor. Gather supporters to help you or force enemy factions to fight each other making a room for your next move.

  • Disguises - got a clean kill on a guard? Take his uniform and try to look as if you know what you are doing, most of his colleagues will not pay too much attention to you. But beware, higher-ranking officers can notice even the smallest mistakes in your disguise and become suspicious.

  • Weapon visibility - civilians can’t carry visible weapons, but you can still have a pistol hidden. Or you can just fold your AKMS and hide it in your backpack to take it out when it is time for a more radical approach.

  • Visibility - people will have a much harder time noticing you in complete darkness, choose your path carefully or just get rid of those pesky lightbulbs.

  • Noise cover - guards will investigate suspicious noises unless of course there is heavy machinery working nearby that will cover that silenced shot sound. Pay attention to your environment and use it to your advantage.

Inventory Management

Food and medical supplies are scarce and hard to find. You will have to look around abandoned and demolished city buildings to scavenge for valuables and provisions. Or you can target some of the better-protected gang or even military warehouses. Alternatively, there is always an option of taking things you want from other survivors by force. The choice is all yours as well as the consequences.

  • Loot - search the houses and enemy corpses for useful stuff. Some things you will be able to use directly, others can be traded for what you need.

  • Backpacks - equip larger backpacks to be able to carry more, but be careful not to overexert yourself, too much weight would slow you down and make you get tired quickly.

  • Gear - want to see in the dark? Get night-vision goggles and take them on, but watch out as they will make you look suspicious.


The world of Revolution is filled with different people: bandits, USSR and US civilians, US military and rebels and honestly they don’t get along too good. Firefights between factions are happening pretty often and sometimes even civilians can pick up a dropped weapon to join one of the sides.

  • Factions - members of rival factions would be hostile to each, that is when they identify each other as enemies which is done by judging clothes and also a location at which they meet.

  • Civilians will usually run away at the sounds of shots, but sometimes they can join

  • No seeing you through the booshes - don’t you just hate it when an enemy is somewhere behind the bushes where you can’t see them but apparently sees you well and can shoot right through, well not here!

Difficult Choices

You will face hard choices every step of the way. Do I help the rebels or the occupants? Do I trade or take by force? Does this family deserve to survive, or do my people need their supplies more? Every choice you make will have a varying impact on the world around you, but remember not everything is as it seems and more often than not you will have to choose the lesser evil.

  • Story - become part of the epic story in which you will have to make hard choices between sides where black and white are hard to tell apart.

  • Branching dialogues - choose what you say careful, choices in the dialogues matter just as much. In many situations fight can be made easier or avoided if you talk to the right people

  • Characters - communicate with many different characters each having its own personality and preferences.

Read More: Best Indie Looter Shooter Games.

Revolution: Path of a Weaponsmith on Steam

Deeply Dark

Deeply Dark

EA Roguelite survival + challenging - optimization = Master the colors of life, acquire artifacts, and collect items to help you survive. Multiple deaths before figuring out things.

Follow our curator for similar games

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Early Access Games.

At the current time (05/31/21), the game does not actually allow you to play. The idea seems incredible and the trailers look awesome. Please let me know if this game gets up and running properly.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Deeply Dark on Steam



Great game that combines strategic gameplay similar to submarine simulations with tactical air battles between flying tanks.

You command a fleet with the aim of capturing the enemy capital city, while fighting off enemy fleets searching for you. Fleet movement is a game of cat and mouse using a very well realised radar system, aircraft carriers, cruise missiles, intercepting enemy radio signals and much more. When two fleets meet, the game switches to tactical battle in which you directly pilot a ship and fight against the enemy. You can design individual ships in your fleet from the groundup and then use them.

Real player with 233.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Post-apocalyptic Games.

The all-time best ever flying submarines in the sky game ever made. Although I have spent most of my time obsessing over ship design, “submarine airship game” is the best description for this FTL-like rogue-like UNFORGIVINGLY Difficult game I can come up with; in campaign, you spend a lot of your time trying to manage 15 different simple things (signals analysis, threat tracking, resources and fleet management, navigation, combat, landing, and then the global story/factions/political overlay of story driven decisions). The ship editor will drive you on the express train to crazytown; every. single. decision. carries huge implications for your campaigns when you start running custom ships, and this gets into the infinitely complex fleet design (what roles do you want your ships to play is critical, and the game lets you figure out your own ways to fail). This is one of my favorite games of 2021.

Real player with 84.1 hrs in game

HighFleet on Steam



If you’re looking for a cute farm sim, with a unique concept, this is it! At first blush it seems quite simple, but after an hour or so, you start to see more complexity and the pace picks up. The goobers are very cute and, as you play through, you’ll discover the humour of the dev shining through in some very entertaining ways.

I only played a few hours because of time constraints, but I’ll be back into it. Its very fun, and I enjoyed playing it a lot!

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

It’s a farming simulator in early access, so of course there are some things being ironed out. Luckily the dev is really cool and willing to hear out when players are having issues. I will say there’s not much of an endgame really, i.e. there’s a point where you can easily hit the peak of the gameplay and you won’t find much content left. The dev does post frequent updates about adding content. It just takes time since he’s a solo dev. All things considered, it’s a cute little game that I’m sure I can enjoy playing with my son. He really likes the characters, especially the Goobers.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Gooberries on Steam

Restaurant Renovation

Restaurant Renovation

Restaurant Renovation is not only a game but in particular stories that always start at the heart of every restaurant — in the kitchen. That’s where the awkward owners see the causes of their business flap. Is it right? Where is the problem? And how to solve it? It is on you to show them their mistakes and to make their restaurant profitable again. It will be up to your advice, knowledge to save them from bankruptcy. Convince them to your vision and show them the right path to success in food business.

Explore the area and check among the local residents which restaurant will fit their needs. Create a new menu, change the appearance of the restaurant, reopen it.

Create a miracle

It is on you, to show them their mistakes and to make their restaurant profitable again. It will be up to your advice, knowledge to save them from bankruptcy. Convince them to your vision and show them the right path to success in gastro business.

Know the neighborhood

Explore the area and check among the local residents, which restaurant will fit the needs. Create new menu, change the appearance of the restaurant, reopen it and look at the owners' smiles.

Key Features:

  • Changing the interior design in the restaurant

  • Creating a new menu

  • Possibility of environmental interview among residents

Restaurant Renovation on Steam

Factory Engineer

Factory Engineer

I enjoyed this game, it’s fairly easy, relaxing and although it’s far from perfect I feel some of the reviews are a little harsh.

This game does look like Big Pharma but the game play is quite different. Besides, I’ve completed Big Pharma and absolutely loved it, would it be such a bad thing if more games were like it. In Big Pharma you raise and lower the concentration of ingredients which you then combine to make drugs while competing against the AI. In Factory Engineer you import raw materials to make intermediate products which are then used to make and sell finished goods. You start off with only a few simple products to manufacture but as you research more technologies many more products become available that are much more complicated and require many components to complete them.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

This review is late. Very late. To preface; I bought the game a long time back, for some substantially low amount, during a sale. I hadn’t played much when I did get it, and now, as of writing this, I’ve “Finished it”. Though the game has no end, there no reason to keep playing. By “Finished it” I of course mean I’ve now gotten all the achievements. All 8 of them. A concerningly low amount for a game that is about solving complex puzzles. However, they’re not real puzzles. I call them that because having to figure out the most efficient way to make something is a challenge in and of itself in this game.

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

Factory Engineer on Steam

Forest Ranger Simulator

Forest Ranger Simulator

Forests are flooded with rubbish! Let’s have a look at the valley you live in - entirely covered with them…

It’s a high time you finally hunker down, grab a bin liner and lets your area challenge you - explore it and admire how the view is changing when you take care of it.

You can find rubbish in the forest, by the river or near your favorite lake. You can even fish garbage up from the water.

Hey, it’s great you are excited, but pay attention to the constraints of your body - if you collect too much, you may have a hard time carrying it back home. So, firstly plan it wisely and then, why don’t you buy a car?

How does it feel to be the mane of a change? Go further, be eco and segregate the rubbish you gathered. Paper, plastic, glass - each segregated rubbish is extra money you can make!

Sometimes you can find a real treasure in the rubbish - a really rare and valuable object.

What to do with them? One option is to sell it on the market and instead buy new tools, chic furniture for your place or even, buy your own car to scale up your business!

No worries, if you really like something you found, simply keep it and use it to decorate your house. It’s all up to you!

Great you decided to take care of your valley, but by now you probably know that it’s not enough to take care of your area. Build bee yards in the forest, buy and build birdhouses and repair hives. Don’t forget to take car elf animals and remove animal traps, make sure you prevent fire and many more.

Forest Ranger Simulator on Steam

Tiny Rails

Tiny Rails


Update: The game is idle. Idle money making is bugged and has been for more than two years. It doesn’t seem like the devs are even trying to fix it.

There are so many issues with this game.

  • All train cars come from the gum ball machine, and you may need one that’s quite rare

  • You need said car because: The more passenger slots you have, the more you need to please them

  • If you find a cart that gives the stats you need, it will also have space for passengers, increasing the amount you need to please them

Real player with 455.0 hrs in game

This game doesn’t have many reviews so I felt the need to write one out.


Good lord the graphics are impressive! And as a fellow artist I heavily appreciate the “proper” use of pixel art. I noticed some games that use pixel art don’t use it the way it was supposed to be done and took me right out of the game. So this is a big bonus for me. The trains are all gorgeously done and many of the cars are really unique, or even easter eggs. I really appreciate we have the option to stick to more “realistic” cars and don’t have to use the ones that purposely look silly. All of the background assets are a joy to look at and I can’t imagine how much time was spent working on everything individually and also have it all fit together so well in a scene. Honestly if you’re a pixelart buff I’d just recommend the game to gawk at the graphics!

Real player with 315.8 hrs in game

Tiny Rails on Steam

Wilmot’s Warehouse

Wilmot’s Warehouse

I’m a big fan of these niche organising/cleaning games, and I’m so glad i found this game. It’s very fun and engaging to try to keep things organised, not just visually but in a practical manner as well!

At first I was a little worried about not having the time to organise the way I like due to in-game time limits, but i learned not to stress about that. Every few rounds you get a stock take, which lets you take as much time as you like to organise, without time constraints. Late game warehouse management is the most strangely engaging time I’ve had in a long while.

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

Oh great, new items to ruin my organization.

Wilmot’s Warehouse is a simple game. You basically play a cheerful square named Wilmot who recently got employed at a warehouse. At the start of each round you’ll be getting deliveries of what you’ll be stocking your warehouse with, which are other squares with some art on it to signify what it is. It’s all up to you to decide where these products will go, how it’s organized, and how you interpret what the art is supposed to be for some products where it isn’t as clear. However, you better be quick about it as you’re on limited time here to finish stocking up. Once that phase is complete, you’ll enter service phase. In service phase you’ll be delivering these products to four co-workers, each asking for different things, in a short amount amount of time. So you’ll have to remember where everything generally is and be able to get it and get to the service hatch in time. Of course, having products grouped up by similar type helps. Depending on how quickly you fulfill all the orders, and if you fulfill the orders of co-workers with stars under them, you’ll get stars for your work. Though, remember to clock out or you won’t be able to get as many, or any, of those stars.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Wilmot's Warehouse on Steam

Hard Times

Hard Times

This game is challenging and fun.

Its early access so I think the developer will fix the bug I found.

My best game so far was 8 days. I want to try to last 100 days. even if I don’t last 100 days this game appears to be very fun so far.

Most the time I die from being out in the rain too long it seems. the default time starts in april which is a common time for rain where I live.

I think being free is enough to give players a chance to try this game.

I would donate to the development of this game if I found in some ways it helped homeless in the nation.

Real player with 80.0 hrs in game

This game is full of surprises. At first you don’t think much and the expectations are low. However, you will be pleasantly surprised and you will feel the love for detail.

The game has many sides and you can build a kind of second life. From the good homeless to the dealer or what ever you would like. There are many options and also a few great mods (BestFriends, LifeBalancer, StackBalancer etc.) that expand the game again.

It is definitely worth a try if you like building, collecting, quests and adventures. You need RealLife Stamina anyway :o)

Real player with 77.5 hrs in game

Hard Times on Steam