I love this game, probably the best store of all time. No other game and match up to this game. I love gag. short and will bring you on a journey as you play as a sexually abused co host for a sit com. Paul is the best character in the game.

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Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Interactive Fiction Games.

I would recommend playing this game blind… because not knowing what will happen is one of the most terrifying things I’ve experienced in a game.

This game was genuinely interesting and unsettling… I’m not sure how well the topic mattered. It could’ve been about choosing the flavor of ice-cream and it would just be as gross and horrific. If you just let yourself become immersed in these short experiences, there’s a real sense of danger and unease between all of these ‘games’. I would say if Gag was a ‘short story’, I would make the other ‘games’ out to be poems. They’re excellent experiences, definitely worth it for me.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

GAG on Steam



“Sometimes words alone can’t paint the whole picture.”

A VR game about depression.

Change the dim world, fill it with light.

Each inky struggle improves your sight.

In real life as in game the isolation is absolute, yet you are never alone in your suffering and struggle, so many suffered before you with you and long after you are gone. A game, a virtual symbolic space for introspection and calm confrontation with the topic depression. No instrumentalizing of depression for a story. Depression is the story. with its duality, undramatic yet all consuming, Isolating and yet indirectly unifying aspects. if you need a place to confront yourself with the topic depression, for your own sake or others you love, this is our effort to create it.

Read More: Best Indie 3D Platformer Games.

INK on Steam

No Cure 2

No Cure 2

Set one year after the events of the first game, step back into the shoes of Jon and battle a new kind of zombie that switches back and forth from human.

The horror is real and the switchers are hiding in plain sight infecting people… They must be stopped… Your old squad is back to help in the action and the stakes get even higher as one of the main detectives goes missing.

No Cure 2 is a follow-up sequel to the first game. It has a unique art style and focuses on storytelling and challenging action set pieces featuring many zombies…

Read More: Best Indie Horror Games.

No Cure 2 on Steam

Queerskins: a love story

Queerskins: a love story

This left a bad taste in my mouth.

There just wasn’t enough time for reflection or enough moments to challenge the perspective that is being driven into us (that being Gay is wrong because it is against God). I suspect (hope) the intention was to prompt reflection and thought, but in a 15 minute 360 video, there is no opportunity for this, and the developers don’t fuel it at all.

The result, whether intentional or not, is a mess of bigotry and “cruel and irreligious piety.” I hate this. It should be withdrawn until it can be amended so that it isn’t provoking hate. I have reported it.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

game bad and about hating gays

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Queerskins: a love story on Steam



I really enjoyed the game. It doesn’t have jump scares yet, it builds tension with the environment. Def got me jumping a few times. If you’re interested in seeing what this game is about, check out my video!

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

This game is like pressing your nose inside of an opossum’s crack. It’s boring beyond belief and has absolutely no merit.

A literally empty experience which leaves you wondering why the dev even bothered.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

B.D.K on Steam



Travel through Hyperbolica, a Non-Euclidean curved space like you’ve never experienced before. On this whimsical journey, you’ll discover bizarre landscapes, solve puzzles, battle in a snowball fight, navigate a labyrinth, and much more. All with new challenges in this strange new world.

How is hyperbolic space different?

Hyperbolic space allows exponentially more volume to fit in the same ‘space’ than you’d normally expect. This allows you to explore enormous areas while taking very little time to walk anywhere. You’ll find that building a mental map of your surroundings becomes impossible. Lines can no longer be parallel. Traversing the map can result in unexpected rotations. And many more strange consequences that will make you question reality. You’ll also explore spherical space, which has the opposite outcomes. For example, a reverse-perspective: Objects appear larger the farther away they are.

It’s a difficult concept to explain, and first-hand experience really is the best way to understand and build an intuition about these interesting geometries. Hyperbolica was created specifically for this purpose, to break the mold and to have a fun experience in an alternative universe different from our own.

Hyperbolica on Steam

Memoir En Code: Reissue

Memoir En Code: Reissue

It’s tough.

It’s a narrative game with a lot to say, without saying anything in particular. Not brilliant, or even remarkable, but definitely creative and agrees with new videogame tendencies, as seen in games (or if you prefer, interactive animations) like Plug & Play, Pony Island (maybe Pony Island is stretching it) and in unorthodox game jams, that might be what you’re into.

It’s a really personal work but sometimes relatable.

Weird, but weird isn’t always good. It’s easy to call something good when we don’t understand it, but even when we don’t understand things we can be blown by them. When I finished Memoir En Code, I’ve just verbalized “Ok”, because is far more author purging than it is player focused.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

This is a game I keep referring to when talking about the potential of interactive media, and one that really made me say “This is the kind the direction I want to take when making games”.

I realised I never publicly left a review, after first playing this so many years ago.

Memoir En Code shows us how far can you go about storytelling in interactive media, cleverly making use of its game design in each track to let you experience the story, to help you understand how it was to be there in these slices of the author’s life.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Memoir En Code: Reissue on Steam



SUMMARY: A musical/visual game where you manipulate various settings to create your own visual/musical combinations. Worth purchasing if you enjoy experiential games, and like unusual musical and video experiences.

Panoramical is best summed up as an audio/visual toy. It’s a kind of spiritual lovechild of screensavers, Proteus, and the Atari C-240.

As you play (with minimal instruction) you enter various settings. In those you have nine factors you can maniuplate - there’s no directions, you have to find what they do. Each factor alters both the musical and the visual landscape - what could be a mysterious black and white swamp, with a few tweaks, becomes a strange mirrored plain with shooting stars flying about. Music could be dissonant, orchestral, whimsical, or something else.

Real player with 41.1 hrs in game

A Stendhal Syndrome inducing piece of art, that becomes David Kanaga’s most ambitious work to date

I should start this review by saying that after the first 20 minutes I spent with Fernando Ramallo and David Kanaga’s new creation, I feel forced to stop in a state of anxiety while tears of emotion blurred my eyes.

Panoramical puts me in the same state of euphoria that Stendhal felt visiting the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence for the first time, as he became overwhelmed by the dazzling beauty found in Giotto’s frescoes.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game


POP: Methodology Experiment One

POP: Methodology Experiment One

What is POP: Methodology Experiment One ?

Genre: adventure, told in different, non-canonical scenes

Setting: different 20th century themed scenes, both famous and common, to be travelled by the player

Difficulty: 0/10 – you progress, no matter what. 9/10 if going for achievements

Length: about an hour for a single playthrough

Mode: singleplayer campaign, replayable “vignettes” (=scenes)

The positive aspects:

  • different scenes from 20th century’s history, such as manned spaceflight, mignight air raid, boarding a helicopter in a war territory

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Full Disclosure: I won this title during the Steam Winter 2014 Auction (look at the braggart) and basically got it for free.

Being up front, I would wait for this title to go on sale and pick up the Deluxe.

I love WTF/Mind destroying games/experiences. So when I saw the trailer for this I got very excited.

The first time playing through is somewhat magical, you’re in complete wonderlust. Meanwhile, your constantly dancing with the sweet release of death from drowning from your own blood as it pours from your eroded eye and ear holes into your big dumb gaping maw.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

POP: Methodology Experiment One on Steam

Post Cards

Post Cards

A gorgeous little collection of 3 games, well worth the price. :)

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game


Post Cards has three parts that can each be beaten in about two minutes. I would hesitate to even call these “mini-games” because that would imply a higher replayability factor than they have. These “micro-games” aren’t bad, but they are extremely short.

Recommended at whatever price you think is worth six minutes of play.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Post Cards on Steam