Air Marty

Air Marty

An…interesting game. First, let me talk about the downsides of this game: some typos in the game and some of the minigames were either a bit hard or the controls were a bit finicky (I wasn’t sure which it was in all honesty). Both issues I have with the game are actually pretty small overall. I did thoroughly enjoy myself playing this game, so that definitely outweighed any downside I had with the game. There are a total of 64 (technically 65) endings, which I did love. I didn’t realize at first that I could use the continue feature to pick points in the game so I can get the various endings a lot quicker than redoing the whole game every single time. I expected a comedy (which it most definitely is) but I wasn’t prepared for a dark comedy (which a lot of the endings get pretty dark, so a warning for anyone who is sensitive to dark jokes and

! themes of suicide/self harm). Strangely enough, I did also thoroughly enjoy the artwork in-game. It was varied and some were (purposefully?) odd/bad, but it was unique and added another comedic effect to the game.

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Multiple Endings Games.

The game was worth the money and time I spent with it. This is this developers first game, you can definitely feel it. There is a level of polish missing that while isn’t too distracting is definitely notable.

The game takes quite a long time to launch. There is a button binded that brings you directly back to the menu instead of a pause screen. There is a button that skips the menu that takes you directly to the level select. You can spam these buttons and reload the menus really fast and cause the soundtrack to restart rapidly. The way certain controls feel on multiple levels feel very floaty and weird. Not being able to skip through the dialogue fast enough to replay a mini-game can be a chore, especially if the mini-game isn’t very self explanatory and you can fail some of them instantly.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Air Marty on Steam

The Last Day of Adolf

The Last Day of Adolf

Shot my dog, found some poison and some wine but can’t seem to use/drink either. Not sure what I’m supposed to do at this point.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Adventure Games.

I would give this game a positive review, but it seems unfinished to me, like a late beta in need of final content and copyediting passes.

I really like the pixel art, and the music loop has a simple “Wolfenstein 3D” sound to it that evokes memories of the early 1990’s era. As a student of WW2 history, I like the concept; to be sure, making the game at all skirts the limits of taste, and it would take a skilled writer to make the game humorous without being offensive – though the many parody videos of Hitler’s ranting in the movie “Downfall” show this is possible.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

The Last Day of Adolf on Steam

Time to Fight

Time to Fight

Funny game. I like that you can defeat your enemies by trapping them into a toilet. Also it’s fun to play soccer while fighting. Great fun hilarious casual fighting game to play with a friend

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Action Games.

Time to Fight on Steam



I wholeheartedly wanted to like this game, but I can’t recommend it to everyone.

TL;DR it looks great, the premise is great, the voice acting is great, but it doesn’t feel great.

I’ll start off with some positives:

-I absolutely love the aesthetics. The artwork and the lighting and effects are fantastic.

-The environment is extremely detailed and there are plenty of background conversations to eavesdrop on.

-The voice acting is pristine, with a few exceptions.

-Meeting the Greater Demons was really cool.

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game


Afterparty is an story driven, supernatural game from the creators of Oxenfree.


The player controls Lola and Milo that just found out that they died and now have to endure hell for eternity – except there is a way to escape hell by outdrinking Satan in a drinking competition. This where the best buds decide to give it a shot and face Satan.

Personal Note

When I’ve heard that the creators of Oxenfree made a new game I was very excited to play it, unfortunately they decided to make it Epic exclusive for a certain amount of time. When it finally released on Steam, I waited a bit to just buy it during this year’s summer sale and I have to say that I really enjoyed playing through this game.

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

Afterparty on Steam

City Quest

City Quest

Okay, so far I’m only two hours (on record) in playing this game, on my first play through and have no idea how far into the game I am and just how much there is left to go. I saw this pop up on Steam, thought it looked quirky and interesting and decided to wait for a sale and when it happened I snapped it up. The only regret I have is in waiting so long, this game is worth it at full price.

This game may not be for everyone as it makes you think out of the box, I understand that the box these days is “Here is a gun, go shoot things” but I’m talking about in adventure game terms.

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

It feels odd to be proud of licking everything in a section of the game (or nearly everything) but it is this kind of bizarre behavior that is rewarded in City Quest. The storylines (there are four) are amusing and the music is a true tribute to nostalgia. My hands-down favorite part of the game is the ENDLESS amount of amusing text the developers must have written to cover every conceivable object looked at, licked or fondled.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

City Quest on Steam

Cyanide & Happiness - Freakpocalypse (Episode 1)

Cyanide & Happiness - Freakpocalypse (Episode 1)

The game gives a few laughs and so far the story seems to be intriguing, so I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes next. And it’s nice to see some familiar characters from the animated shorts in it.

Some problem I have with this game is how much of it is exploration and how little is a part of the story itself. The game can be completed really quickly if you only focus on the tasks they give you. But there’s a bunch of locations and countless of objects you can interact with in each of them. So vast majority of the game is just clicking everything and listening to your character saying something funny about it, coming up with another pun (I swear this game contains every single pun you could ever come up with), sometimes unlocking a costume piece or giving you some easter egg. I don’t think the balance is right if I have to spend hours examining all the new locations open to me, but when I move on to actually do the tasks to carry on in the game, it turns out it only takes a few minutes and suddenly I’m back to having to explore more locations.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


You go to the school doctor because you feel ill - and she welcomes you by telling you that they don’t do plastic surgery here. Or whether you’ve come because of your malnutrition or your terrible body odour … well, that’s how you constantly get treated in Cyanide & Happiness - Freakpocalypse. Funded on Kickstarter, it is based on the dark yet humorous Explosm comics. To ensure that the humour and character design of the comics is also reflected in the game, publisher Serenity Forge and developer Skeleton Crew Studios have worked closely with Explosm and I-Mockery. With Cyanide & Happiness - Freakpocalypse, subtitled Hall Pass To Hell, the first of three planned parts has now been released.

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Cyanide & Happiness - Freakpocalypse (Episode 1) on Steam

Elevator VR

Elevator VR

The payoff at the end of the ride is well worth the journey and the $2 spent.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

This game is really puzzling. The only thing the player can do in the game is to quietly watch the light from the outside of the elevator door swaying and enjoy the fear of the claustrophobic space.

Let’s not say that the game has great requirements for space. If the space is small, the player can’t reach the only elevator button that can be touched in the game. Even if the button is reached and pressed, nothing will happen.

All in all, this game is just to let players feel the claustrophobic fear, no other gameplay, more boring.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Elevator VR on Steam

Father´s Island

Father´s Island

This could have been a very nice game, except that in its current version it is plagued by far too many bugs, making it impossible to enjoy it. It still feels like a beta, not quite ready for prime-time yet.

Here are some of the problems I came across:

  • Loading the game takes a long time, even on my PC (Skylake, GTX980Ti, SSDs, etc.) This wouldn’t necessarily be a problem if it only happened when you start up the game. But if you want to reload a save, or if you accidentally die and you have to reload a save, it reloads the whole damn thing all over again, and you just have to wait, and wait… every time.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Things you can do with $5. You can enjoy a Big Mac and still have enough money left for a small soda. You can rent a couple of movies from Redbox. You can go to the dollar store and buy 5 items. You can go to Goodwill and buy some underwear and socks, or you can light $5 on fire. All of which will be more fun than playing Father’s Island.

Without a doubt, Father’s Island is one of the worse games of all time. I’d rather play Atari 2600’s E.T. I’ve played some bad games in my time but this one takes the cake.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Father´s Island on Steam

Sea Of Fatness: Save Humanity Together

Sea Of Fatness: Save Humanity Together

Pretty bad

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Bitchhhhh This fucking game makes sea of thieves and Ark look like shit. 100% buy it now.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Sea Of Fatness: Save Humanity Together on Steam

The Lovebirds

The Lovebirds

I didnt really enjoy it, its very confusing, the game seems to open other applications in the background, sometimes the game just exits etc. I see others had fun with this, i don’t get it. Worst VN i have played so far..Sorry but i tried

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

this game is very good we can see that the developer has work very hard detailly……the story is ok but the way of portraying the whole story is very much interesting….the best part was error….i truly felt like someone could watch my every step by the way he was talking in game to me …..its short game and very very good and the ending was best…………….

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

The Lovebirds on Steam