

Manage a sundry store and expand your areas of expertise until you become a multinational of commodities and durable goods, and become the richest in the world.

Read More: Best Indie Pixel Graphics Games.

Dismantler on Steam



I just have finished the game.

Is easy to see that the developers have given everything to make this game a very good one. The plot is incredibly good, the mechanics agroup all what you wish and even more in a strategy game, and the levels are really immersive (I love the cold effect in the screen).

I really recommend to play it, this game absolutely deserves the price that it has.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Post-apocalyptic Games.

A title that could serve as a welcome to new players to the strategy 3D turn-based combat. Encounters are short and sweet, requiring a decent amount of strategic thinking, without reaching desperation or those odd “I’m lost” moments.

Story is quite engaging, and the characters that go along with it are charming and interesting. Recommended!

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

1971 PROJECT HELIOS on Steam

Herald: An Interactive Period Drama - Book I & II

Herald: An Interactive Period Drama - Book I & II

A charming visual novel with a dash of point&click, though don’t let this game’s(beautiful) visual mislead you, since it soon finds it’s roots in the mystery genre and could deceive when it dedicates its narrative to some heavy topics. Addressing all those it wishes to address with the necessary weight, without bashing it over your head with an anvil.

The narrative follows the “how-we-got-here” model, recounting the sea voyage of a man trying to reconnect with his roots. He finds himself instead being dragged into the mysteries surrounding his fellow passangers on the titular ship, while framing it in the form of a flashback that Devan himself is narrating.

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Indie Adventure Games.

Herald is a tightly woven dramatic interactive novel, which plays like a mystery play. Some beauty knows no language. But, this beautifully animated point & click choice based drama crosses language and race barriers with issues that we struggle with today like suicide, faith, racism, gun control, interpersonal relationships, & slavery; all set in the 19th Century.

It seems that, in Herald, I am everyman and every woman. The script draws us in to experience the motives & thoughts of each character. The narrative, characterizations, art, & voice acting are incredibly well done.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Herald: An Interactive Period Drama - Book I & II on Steam



A short and (bitter)sweet dive into the American history mostly from nature’s point of view. You’ll get to watch how the last few centuries have treated a beautiful river area that is full of tiny, easily missable details. Your main objective is just to wander around and pick up items that trigger story snippets that - as far as I understood - were written or said by real people of that age. All in all the game seems to put a lot of value on historical accuracy, which is certainly a refreshing thing to see in a video game. And when all of the profits made from this game are even donated to environmental charity, I can only recommend giving this walking simulator a try!

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

No. Sorry. As much as Tombeaux tries to be an atmospheric walking simulator and simultaneously perform as an educational title it succeeds only in the lastly mentioned and barely. Despite of delivering some quite interesting though general knowledge how indian and western culture clashed in the past and how mankind’s ignorance can lead to the disaster, it is very short, thin and one-sided. While I acknowledge the sins of the white man, this game makes me ponder that should I be ashamed of myself for what happened or should I just shake my head and ignore the game’s far too naive and pious statement.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Tombeaux on Steam

EMPYRE: Lords of the Sea Gates

EMPYRE: Lords of the Sea Gates

I played a lot with this game because the victorian style steam punk world created in this game is very interesting. The quality of the graphics is not on the same level as the top games but it is well made with a good atmosphere.

The gameplay is the same old rpg feeling, with party, movement, action (fights and dialogs), collecting loot, get stronger. The story is interesting, the setting is exciting.

Real player with 870.9 hrs in game

Borderline recommendation. The negative reviewers are not wrong - it is clunky and linear, the combat is unsatisfying, there is a lot hinted at but never realized. It’s not just poorly documented but a lot of the skills you’ll bother developing are never actually used. I suspect they planned a much bigger game and had to dramatically scale back. They aimed for Wasteland 2 and fell a bit short of Shadowrun.

Having said that I wasn’t actually bored and that’s my line for recommending. I finish all games in order to provide a fair and detailed review on my site and in this case I didn’t have to force myself. The story is cliche but well written and brisk, you get new guns and characters throughout and constantly change maps. The combat improves to passable and some of the missions are interesting. It did enough to engage me and with the lovely setting that gets a pass.

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

EMPYRE: Lords of the Sea Gates on Steam

Genius! NAZI-GIRL GoePPels-Chan ep1

Genius! NAZI-GIRL GoePPels-Chan ep1

Amazing game, makes me laugh every time I open it up. There is one problem, and it is that the game is only like 20-40 minutes of gameplay, on all of the eps for all options. Still a good game though. I would expect it to be at least $2 each

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

A short but sweet visual novel. Has a surprising amount of historical accuracy for a moe-styled retelling of the Nazis' propaganda efforts. I’d recommend not posting anything about it on YouTube if you value your channel (I’ve learned this the hard way).

You can reach an ending in about an hour if you don’t rush it and listen to the dialog.

Translations are very well done and everything is perfectly understandable.

One playthrough has me wanting to buy the sequels, if you’re interested then pick it up!

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Genius! NAZI-GIRL GoePPels-Chan ep1 on Steam

Master Of Secrets: Dark Europe

Master Of Secrets: Dark Europe

strongly do not recommend. it looks more like a draft student work with a lot of mistakes than a commercial product

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

This is a text adventure with an interesting premise and cryptic puzzles (number sequences, decoding, word search, etc.). You are required to solve each puzzle in order to progress. I blew through the first few puzzles, brute-forced one puzzle with number patterns, and then came to a dead stop (where I have been for a couple of hours). The current puzzle has one in-game hint that is not helpful in figuring out a message hidden in a 10x10 grid of 2-letter combinations.

I do not appear to be the only player stuck and it would be nice if the developers were checking the Steam discussion board to provide some insight.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Master Of Secrets: Dark Europe on Steam

San Camillo II

San Camillo II

Welcome to San Camillo II.

San Camillo II is a renowned orphanage for children with special needs. With dedicated staff and great accommodations, our home is open to those who doubt. Visit our accommodations, talk to our dear staff and discover our history.

Play as Janey, a journalist who sees her job go down the drain, who receives a call from her friend about a new story. An informant of the institution informs the precariousness that occurs in that home. This could not have come at a better time for Janey, her job may not be more at risk after this matter.

Collect information, talk to employees, and find out what really happens at this institution in this Multiple Ending Visual Novel.


  • Resolution: 1920x1080 (Window and Full Screen)

  • Genre: Mystery/Thriller

  • 4 Endings (1 good, 3 bad)

San Camillo II on Steam

The Temporal Invasion

The Temporal Invasion

This is a review of Cases 1-5 of this game, 6-10 have yet to be released. This is a pretty good game if you enjoy puzzling things out. Will definitely exercise your brain. There’s a variety of different things you will do to solve puzzles including but not limited to…


Reverse image searching

Deciphering morse code

Deciphering other kinds of code

Using your smart phone as a QR reader

Logical deduction

Scanning documents with UV light (in-game)

Manipulating photos' colors to find hidden messages (in-game)

Real player with 36.7 hrs in game

The Temporal Invasion is a mystery puzzle game with a great story and very interesting puzzles.

If this review is too long for you, I suggest you to only read the first paragraph about the game’s content and the final verdict at the end.

What is happening in the game:

You are contacted by a mysterious person called Dr. Quantum and before you know it, you get pulled into a series of events beyond initial expectations. The story takes place in an alternate reality and it introduces elements such as time travel or alternate universes and combines them with real world events, locations and people, providing a one-of-a-kind experience.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

The Temporal Invasion on Steam

a Museum of Dubious Splendors

a Museum of Dubious Splendors

I’ve spent almost two hours exploring this game. It successfully simulates the experience of walking through a real museum and examining the exhibits, only here the latter comprise everyday objects and their stories are fairy tales; and very well-written ones at that. The graphics are pretty and the soundtrack is nice. Do play it. I suggest that you make note of which doors you went through and then replay it choosing a different route to get more stories. See how many playthroughs it takes you to visit all 15 rooms in the museum and see all 12 stories. Use a mouse though, at least my trackpad doesn’t seem to like this game for some reason.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

I stumbled upon this game back when it had no user reviews, and decided to check it out out of sheer curiosity. I didn’t really expect much from the game besides some pretty visuals, but I was surprised at the quality of the short stories that I read, as well as the experience as a whole. It is a fairly simple game, you walk around some rooms, read some (very good) short stories, and then explore a new room that links to the story you just read. I’m not quite sure if the choice of door you make in each room makes a difference, but I found the game an incredibly enjoyable experience. I would reccomend this game to those who enjoy reading, as well as those who like a more surreal gaming experience. Those that are looking for a long game with complex mechanics won’t find that here. It’s a short little game, likely not lasting you longer than half an hour, but one I found quite enjoyable, and I eagerly await to see what the developers will make next.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

a Museum of Dubious Splendors on Steam