There The Light

There The Light

I can see this being one of those games that polarizes people - you’re either the type of person who likes this kind of game or you’re not. And if you’re not, you’re probably really going to dislike it.

Fortunately, I’m in the former category. I loved the “vibe” of this game. But more than that, I loved the feeling I experienced playing it. I come from the “walking simulator”/exploration game camp. I love games where I can explore, at my own pace, a place that has a lot to see and experience. I also like puzzles to an extent, and the puzzles in this were either simple (but somewhat meditative) or somewhat annoying (the circular ones). I didn’t struggle too long with any of them, but I enjoyed some more than others, even if they weren’t difficult. It felt like the point of the game wasn’t the puzzles but more the experience as a whole.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Immersive Short Games.

There The Light takes the player on a mystical journey through the abandoned ruins of a long lost civilization. The mystery of who these people were and what caused them to leave this world remains unsolved even after the end of the game, although there are hints indicating what actually happened. At the same time, the game leaves a lot of space for personal interpretation or various speculations, the story being conveyed solely through the numerous inscriptions and drawings that one can find on the walls of the surrounding temples. One thing is certain though: this advanced civilization left behind a series of puzzles and enigmatic mechanisms.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

There The Light on Steam

Wilhelm Gustloff’s Death

Wilhelm Gustloff’s Death

I remember when I learned about this ship once. It has a very strange and sad story looking into the vessel. Despite that it is the worst maritime disaster in human history, when I saw it come out tonight, I knew I had to give it a green light. The ship model looks good.

Real player with 38.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Immersive Naval Games.

Very good game. The only thing that’s missing for me is entering the bridge. I have played all your games (Titanic, Britannic and Lusitania) and I had lots of fun with this. The ship model is very well done, and when I´m playing this I feel like I were on the ship when it was sinking. Hope that there will come more games with sinking ships. Good job :) (sorry for bad english, I’m from Germany)

edit: Maybe I would like a free camera mod without sinking on daylight for exploring the ship outside :D

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Wilhelm Gustloff's Death on Steam

Cions of Vega

Cions of Vega

Another lovely walking simulator from Tonguc Bodur. In a departure from previous games, you have a companion on your journey to find your missing daughter. Your brother follows you, providing commentary (with a strong American accent that borders on a southern twang!) and a few inventory items. His dialog, coupled with notes found along the way, begin to alert you that all is not right in the world you are walking through.

The game is split into 7 sections, delimited by gates that each require a key. Keys are located by searching abandoned houses, a church, and some tunnels/caves for clues and solving some basic puzzles. There is one brief platforming sequence that is easy to navigate. Otherwise, you can run, walk, crouch and jump. For speedy gamers, there is a convenient ‘auto-run’ toggle.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Immersive Nature Games.

Finished it, finally. I say finally because I am a novice gamer and what might seem old hat to most players will give me fits! The puzzles are basic–this game is mostly about the story and the journey. I love Unreal Engine 4 games because the scenery is so neat and this game doesn’t disappoint. The cons for me were inside the houses it is very dark and made it hard to see, and I thought the brother was SUPER creepy, following like red light/green light, but I understand he is a necessary part of the game. The best part was at the end when you earn the right to make a choice (of 3 choices). I’m not going to spoil it but I’ll just say the choice I made was VERY satisfying lol.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Cions of Vega on Steam



It might need a little bit of tweaking (at the time of this review), but I HIGHLY recommend this game!

The rules -

Ship hits mine, you go to the lifeboats (not too early or too late) and survive!

I’ve already both killed and survived my player time and again (including jumping off the props!) LOL

Enjoy! :)

Real player with 35.0 hrs in game

While to game is a little buggy at times and there is some minor details missing, I thoroughly enjoyed it. You really do get a real feeling of impending danger and suspense. I hope the developer keeps refining and adding to this game as there isn’t much out there on the “forgotten” Olympic class sister. Recommended…

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

Britannic on Steam



I’m not entirely sure what I played. At first, it seemed as if I was playing a walking sim through a pretentious abstract dancing exhibit at some cliche abandoned building. There almost seemed to be some kind of suspense through out the game, as if you’re just constantly waiting for something to happen. The game itself is actually better than a lot of the lower grade games I’ve played. The strobe effects were a bit much in some spots (a unique kind of thing to have be the bulk sensory in a game, but it does mean that a certain percentage of gamers can’t play this game). My biggest issue was the story. I could definitely feel the game was trying to go for something but it kinda just fell flat. Even for an abstract game, I had to really think about what the ending could mean and I’m still lost and confused. Call me uncultured, but it was a bit too vague for my taste.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Honestly, a shocker from start to finish. The way this game manipulates lights and short looped movements is incredible. I adore the simplicity and how anxiety inducing this game gets, but the ending…hits too close to home. You get in such a loop of pausing and waiting for things to move and see where you need to go, then the ending breaks you out of that cycle and its just. 100/10. Cmon, you have 3 dollars to spare, just play it and experience the wonderful work that is kristallijn :)

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Kristallijn on Steam

DeepStates [VR]

DeepStates [VR]

(Received this for free thanks to the thoughtful developer, after I provided a bunch of feedback during the ‘beta’. I had been planning to buy this on release and I think the asking price is just right!).

Absolutely stunning (highly realistic) environmental beauty, not just in visual fidelity but in sound, space, and spirit.

I’ve played and enjoyed a variety of ‘environment’ apps in VR, and none of them have impacted me like this. I’m on the Reverb G2, and these spaces feel so incredibly real I almost cried just looking out at the stars and moon from the desert landscape.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

This is a great vr experience, my favorite worlds were the planet and the time lapse area. The guided meditation worked surprisingly well, especially with the humming interaction, that was awesome. The mixing of the voice kind of knocked me out of it though the more I heard it. I feel like it’s too present, too much low end EQ and not enough verb. It sounds like someone speaking right next to your ear when it might be more comfortable for it to sound like it’s coming from the heavens. And maybe some gentle effect that quickly ramps up into the voice to let you know you’re about to hear it so it’s less alarming when it starts. Comfort adjustments worked great, the strobing effect was super intense (which is a good thing, I’d rather have effects like that come in strong and be able to dial them back with settings). Great work, this is awesome and I look forward to what worlds you build next.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

DeepStates [VR] on Steam

The Painted Forest

The Painted Forest

You wash ashore as a castaway to come upon the painted forest, a fossil forest in a distant world. Your journey into this forgotten land leads to learning the secrets of a lost civilization that dedicated its worship and temples to nature. An ancient whisper breathes trough the petrified leaves, follow the song of the trees, and the traces of their dwellers, the forest will unveil its past life to you.

The Painted Forest is a short story of waking up in an uncharted extinct world that you experience in a minimalistic “walking simulator” fashion. Lose yourself in the detailed and immersive open forest environment with various paths and hidden places to find, marked by cairns and rock paintings. Visit the ruins of temples carved in cliffs and caves and immerse in the mythology of their creators, witnesses of an age when natural life thrived on this now barren land.

The Painted Forest on Steam

Through The Fragmentation

Through The Fragmentation

Short but sweet. Charming, but at the same time, low-key depressing. The setting, the themes, the visuals, and the music all come together very nicely. The multiple endings and achievements add replayability, and coming back for more was well worth it. There’s some pretty deep and metaphorical stuff going on, which might hit home for many of you, I found it really touching too. Had a very pleasant experience. I don’t think the charm of this game is going to wear off of me for a long time, very memorable stuff.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Defragging For More

I love it to pieces. Or should that be ‘I love it to fragments?'

If like me you’re a fan of Thirty Flights of Loving and Gravity Bones, you might be in the right place. One aspect I really loved about those was the light inventory management combined with something like a spy premise. There’s something so effective about an ‘augmented walking sim.’ Throw in as many varied and single-usage mechanics as you can and you birth something constantly engaging. Not the norm given how expensive a disposable approach to gameplay would make most games.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Through The Fragmentation on Steam

Robinson: The Journey

Robinson: The Journey

HTC Vive Review

First of all they put so much love into this game with so many details. The world is just incredible. The jungle just feels alive and you are guided quite well by your friend, the flying robot, which explains the controls bit by bit when you need them and he is also very entertaining and tells you what to do next.


They are ok at best. Only the climbing part feels very nice. You dont actually use your hand in terms of grabbing stuff. You have your device in your hand which lets objects move. Thats absolutly ok, it’s just different. I personally like it because you have longer range and you can easily pick up things on the floor.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

This game is a hidden gem buried under negative reviews. It’s not devoid of negative points (I’m gonna get to that later on), but it’s a game that really takes advantage of what VR has to offer. First off, the graphics are incredible. I was amazed by some of the environments, and had to stop more than one time just to enjoy the scenery, because you really feel the sense of scale in that game, it’s really impressive. And the dinosaurs are so realistic, you feel so tiny when the long necks are walking near you aha. Then there is the climbing part, which add even more to the experience. When you’re in the Jungle climbing these huge trees and you look down - you REALLY don’t want to loose your grip and fall. I got my fair rate of stress at certain times aha. I really liked the story too, and the ending was really nice.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Robinson: The Journey on Steam

The Abandoned

The Abandoned

I don’t think I can recommend the game. It started out a little buggy but overall it just wasn’t very scary. It was also super dark in the hallways and no flashlight so it was difficult to see. I also couldn’t get passed the second locked door. I’m not sure if it bugged but there are pretty much no instructions on what to do so you end up just stumbling through and I ended up getting stuck. I personally just don’t think this is worth the price. If you want to see some game play you can check out my video above.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

I don’t necessarily know how to feel about this game just yet. There’s no direction and seemingly no plot, and it feels more like an escape game than a story-driven series. But I digress; hopefully, the developer has some cool things in store for the other chapters in this story that will be available as DLC. For now, I’ll leave you with my gameplay below. As it stands now, I can not in good faith recommend this game to other users for the price of 5$. If it were free, that would be a different story.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

The Abandoned on Steam