Jessie ‘Boom’ James - a jigsaw chess tale

Jessie ‘Boom’ James - a jigsaw chess tale

Another great chess jigsaw puzzle from the “Chess Knights” universe.

This one brings some delightful illustrations from the Wild Wild world!


Real player with 23.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Immersive Sim Western Games.

Cute pictures (I’m still on the first one) I chose max ### pieces 580 in the new ‘chess piece’ cut with no picture shown. Wow, it is actually a challenge! No traditional edge pieces! I love it My main problem with most OTHER jigsaw games I’ve played is that even on their max difficulty they are way too easy some don’t even let you choose not to see the picture in advance. Here the story tickles my funny bone so far. My only complaint is the music got on my nerves after about 3 repeats (it’s a cheesy b-western movie theme) but I muted it and am playing my own play list to relax with. They have some nice touches like a sorting drawer and dark mode. I Love it cause it is quite difficult and for under $2 I know I’ll get my monies worth! If you like easier you can opt to see the picture, use way fewer pieces, have traditional cut pieces and highlight edge pieces.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Jessie 'Boom' James - a jigsaw chess tale on Steam

Shinobi’s Way - a jigsaw chess tale

Shinobi’s Way - a jigsaw chess tale

Eh, for the price it’s okay. The ‘chess’ mode is pretty bad (just jigsaws shaped vaguely like chess pieces), but otherwise the jigsaws are fine. There are only 6 of them though, but with 4 different amounts of pieces and the option to turn rotation on and off it offers just enough variety for the asking price.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Immersive Sim Ninja Games.

A very nice jigsaw puzzle, relaxing and bold. If you ara fan of the Knight´s Retreat series you are gonna love it.

i reccomend.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Shinobi's Way - a jigsaw chess tale on Steam