Priest Simulator: Heavy Duty

Priest Simulator: Heavy Duty

Only played the game for a while and stopped when I finished the early access content. As a playable demo essentially, Priest Simulator: Heavy Duty is surprisingly a lot of fun.

The core concept- without going into too many details, is enjoyable. You play as a vulgar-Polish-vampire-priest that kills Shatanists with baseball bats, gun fists, and gravity gloves. You can even slow time by chugging beer.

So far. my favorite weapon in-game is the gravity glove. In function, it’s pretty much the Gravity Gun from Half-Life, but as a glove. Like the Gravity Gun, you can pick up select items from the environment and fling them at high speeds. Items flung do considerable damage to npcs, and when struck, makes them ragdoll with the blow. Another bonus is that when an npc is dead, you can pick up and throw their bodies around with the glove. Unlimited ammunition!

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Immersive Sim Sandbox Games.

I liked the polish postal like humor, the absurdity of some mechanics and themes, the original presentation in the form of “documentary” with characters being interviewed. It is surprisingly fun to play. Even though it is called Priest simulator I wouldn’t really put it into the simulator bucket - instead its more like its own weird game with a story and sandbox-ish mechanics to play around without restricting you like most games do nowadays.

I think that priest sim can be a great game if some minor concerns get addressed and tweaks happen. It is sometimes unclear when my melee attack will hit and whats the range, during exorcism it is hard to navigate the house - especially drunk, some doors get stuck so you need to improvise - destroying all doors there seems like the best solution because opening them is a problem. I want to play around and see a lot cool weapons and other ways to obliterate enemies as well as more complicated enemies and bosses as content.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Priest Simulator: Heavy Duty on Steam

Neverlooted Dungeon : Almost Epic Adventures™

Neverlooted Dungeon : Almost Epic Adventures™

Venture deep into the Neverlooted Dungeon and face its treacherous, deadly traps. Armed with your creativity, trusty weapon and magical items, find your own ways to outsmart the dangers in a highly immersive world. Be careful, become paranoid, be the first to loot!

“Have you ever heard of the Neverlooted Dungeon and its Legendary Treasure? It’s a perilous place filled with deadly traps that no one has ever returned from alive, but I’m sure someone as smart and skillful as you could easily succeed. Try your luck now, loot and glory await you!”

As you enter, you feel like something isn’t quite right, and there may be a good reason why no one has ever returned. Will you be the first to loot the Neverlooted Dungeon?

  • Defeat Hidden Treacherous Traps

    Live out an intense adventure with a unique focus on defeating treacherous, deadly traps. Be careful, pay attention to the details, sharpen your senses, watch your steps, don’t touch anything, become paranoid.

  • Find Your Own Ways Through an Immersive World

    Find your own ways to overcome the dangers and challenges in a deeply immersive and interactive world where your creativity is rewarded. Pile crates on stakes, block saws with chairs, throw buckets at levers - it’s up to you.

  • Careful Nonlinear Exploration

    Explore a great variety of non-linear levels overflowing with forgotten secrets, hidden relics, piles of treasure, countless traps, and lurking monsters.

  • A Dungeon Unlike Any Other

    Discover a dungeon full of flashing arrows and vending machines, in a unique satirical dark fantasy world where something really wrong is going on.

  • Customize Your Abilities

    Acquire powerful magical items to customize your abilities, whether you’re a careful explorer, an outstanding acrobat, or a reckless fighter.

  • Survive Lurking Monsters

    Avoid monsters, fight them, lure them into traps, kick them into pits, or serve them as food.

  • Dying is a New Beginning

    If you die, try your luck again. Loot your previous corpse and use it to your advantage to progress even further.

Read More: Best Immersive Sim Dungeon Crawler Games.

Neverlooted Dungeon : Almost Epic Adventures™ on Steam

Comedy Night

Comedy Night

Get it on sale.

It will be 2 pm. You are ready to do your stand up. And then be called every racist slur in the book. You will try for what seems like days to perfect your approach; and fail. You will hear people read some lines off the web, and they will get burnt. You will take part in burning them off stage.

It will be 10 pm on a thursday and hear some chick crying about how she just cain’t become a thot and she will try to get you to go to her host. You will see her kicked and every one will rejoice. You will most likely show up in the wrong room and hear conversations that are insane.

Real player with 69.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Immersive Sim Memes Games.

Fantastic game.

It’s got a decent set of features and types of performace options which is appreciable

but at the meat of it (ground beef of it: this game is only as good as it’s playerbase.

There are plenty of funny people on here that naturally gravitate towards what this game is all about (roleplaying, having fun, laughs) but they have to be dug up through the racist trolls and children that you can expect to find on a game priced at $4. I’m thankful there are ways to quality control your rooms via kicks and vote offs, but the options are very limited in handling your club.

Real player with 56.7 hrs in game

Comedy Night on Steam

Happy’s Humble Burger Farm

Happy’s Humble Burger Farm

If you are just playing through the in-game story and nothing else, then you’re doing it wrong. Read this review.

Most players will play through the story and call it a day, so I will let those players review that Story Mode aspect of the game in their own reviews. Though the story is fun, it’s not what makes this game special. For me, the appeal of the game is allowing yourself to sink into and be immersed in the living and breathing game world and not fight to escape it. I had an absolute blast waking up, exploring, unlocking locations, making money by working shifts at the restaurant, upgrading and decorating my apartment, sitting on the couch watching awesome shows on my flatscreen TV, hanging out at the Jazzy Java Joint for a cup of coffee, and just living it out in the city. Once you understand this and immerse yourself, you’ll realize that the main storyline was just an extra side mission and the real game is everything besides it, not the other way around.

Real player with 28.7 hrs in game

There is a review for this game that seems to be a negative one and also happens to have a lot of upvotes. This review complains that this game is not how its demo was. That this game went from a horror diner dash game, to a horror diner dash game with story and added mechanics. Because of this, it wasn’t a game they expected to play at release and it sucks.

The only thing they got right in their review is that this game does not have a “slow burn” horror approach, which I agree it doesn’t and that kind of sucks. Other than that though… This review is wrong. This review is a hot take. This reviewer has terrible opinions. Everyone that upvoted that particular review also have terrible opinions. Below are reasons why…

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Happy's Humble Burger Farm on Steam



In the game you have to earn money. You can play on a crypto exchange, or just collect bottles on the street.

Money is an integral part of the gameplay; it is used to buy food, alcohol, cigarettes and other at a local small shop, as well as various things on the Internet’s shops.

All this is necessary to maintain the physical condition of the main hero at the proper level. You can no longer sit at the computer carefree, addictions interfere with this, and money is needed to quench them.

Your only friend is a white rat. Stroking it fur lifts your spirits a little.

Mechanics and features

  • A operating system on your pc

  • Trading on the gaming exchange

  • Collectiong of glass botles on the street to sell it on collection point

  • Food cooking

  • Ability to buy junk on the Internet and furnish a room with it

  • Music player in your phone, with an excellent selection of Russian post-rock

Doomer on Steam

Cruelty Squad

Cruelty Squad

Cruelty Squad is a game that assaults all of your senses until you gain the skill and knowledge needed to assault the game back. Once you have ground the game into the dirt for what it did to you and there is nothing left to accomplish, it asks you if you are proud of yourself. The words make you feel like you winced, but outwardly you have shown no reaction. You continue to punish the game. You just keep playing. You have enough money but you keep harvesting organs. You have beaten every level over and over again but you keep replaying them. You’ve gotten S ranks in each level but you just keep going for shorter times.

Real player with 114.3 hrs in game

The art style is like being born again. Merely the appearance of everything is so unfamiliar, yet the form has a purpose. What is at first is an assault on the senses becomes this journey to have a precision beyond that of machine, to retire at 30, to be a home owner. But now that you’ve reached your destination, there’s a distinct emptiness. What more is there left to do? You’re a high net worth individual now, and you can’t truly take that journey for the first time again. If you throw away everything, you’ll just navigate effortlessly back to where you were. Simply put, there’s no more destination to venture to, there’s no journey to be had, you’re at the end of what this planet has to offer and what a society of miserable chunks of meat has to offer. What do you do at the end? Desperately try to relive any past experiences, no matter how boring they’ve become? Or maybe keep doing the same routine every day in hopes that something new will cross your path? What purpose does man serve when they’ve done everything?

Real player with 41.1 hrs in game

Cruelty Squad on Steam

Unholy Heights

Unholy Heights

An apartment management tower-defense game about your resident monsters against humans.

While the idea of being a landlord is enticing the tower-defense part can get incredibly tedious & repetitious since there’s not a whole lot of strategy to use here from beginning to end.

The idea of the tower-defense is just to stop humans from stealing your money and if they get away with it you only lose your highly expendable tenant should they have died defending the money taken so there’s no real fail state. You try and stop the humans by knocking on the room doors of the monsters of your choosing and IF they’re home (which most usually are) they’ll do their tower-defense thing and help kill the intruders.

Real player with 59.0 hrs in game

Let me tell you about Popan.

Popan was the first baby ever born in my apartments. She was a Cheepy so I didn’t have high expectations. Popan was probably 3 days old when her parents died in an unfortunate ambush on my complex. I had a ton of other tenants, so I didn’t see the harm in waiting for her to grow up. Somehow, she never became in debt. This fucking baby was paying the rent. She grew up to be a total badass. She would single-handedly wipe out entire waves of enemies without breaking a sweat.

Real player with 34.2 hrs in game

Unholy Heights on Steam

Horror Bar VR

Horror Bar VR

I wanted to love this game soooo bad, and I did, until several bugs made it impossible to progress.

I’ve made it to level 19, struggeling with disappearing fish and fries, plus mustard working randomly, and as other people mention- too little time for given tasks, especially orders with several dishes. Things like trays, cups and plates falls easily over, and often far, so you have to start over. So far, so good, with a little luck I could finish the levels despite of theese annoying bugs, still with a little love for the game.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

If you like games like overcooked then this will be an instant hit for you.

I got this on sale for $16 and I think that was a good price, $20 seems a little high because of some lacking features like a freeplay mode and some difficulty options.

I’m really hoping for dlc down the road with a different settings like a carnival or bakery that expand the way you play, it could be really fun.

Pros :

Fun setting and neat characters with good graphics

many different recipes and combinations, I’m only about halfway through the campaign and there are still ingredients that I haven’t even used yet. Everything recipe and combination feels unique and cool.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Horror Bar VR on Steam

The Advisor - Episode 1: Royal Pain

The Advisor - Episode 1: Royal Pain

My secret word is ‘Blessing’.

I knew to expect quality and a fun time. This surpassed expectations! It got me really thinking about what I know in terms of army logistics and self-sufficiency. I know, that may seem redundant these days but, in my humble opinion, striving for self-sufficiency and knowing how to work together as a group is always good idea. Growing food, purifying water, basic medicine and basic repairs on everyday objects, all that can be very useful. I still need to know more but that only means I’m excited to replay this in a few years and see how my ideas and capabilities have grown!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

My Secret Word: Bard

My apparent skill as an adviser: Magnificent

Overall, I found this to be a very intriguing game. Like all other games by this developer I found myself having to face very difficult ethical questions. However, unlike the others there was also a lot of questions regarding leadership and tactics (personal interests of mine). Overall, I loved the opportunity the story provided me and the story itself. As for the main character, I find him to be painfully pragmatic somewhat in contrast to my values. However, not as much as I would like to admit. Aside from his quick leaps to pyromania I do not think Magnus is an entirely evil person. Perhaps this is due to my own propensity for witticism that endears him to me. In addition, I am sure he is smart enough to recognize benevolent leadership is better for the leader and their people as well. I like to think of it as enlightened self interest that benefits others. Along with the previously mentioned shared traits Magnus and I both have a nigh obsessive love of magic. Regarding the choice of kingdom, I find myself conflicted. I value loyalty above all else, yet know too little of this magical staff to be certain of the value. Gun to my head, I say stay with the current king. Given how well I turned things around I see no reason that the king and the Magnus can’t barter for the staff from a position of increased strength.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

The Advisor - Episode 1: Royal Pain on Steam

The Trolley Company

The Trolley Company

Actions speak louder than words.

Welcome to The Trolley Company, founded on helping people travel safely across the nation.

Your job will start by looking after passenger safety, making sure there are as few casualties as possible while trying to keep the moral high ground.

Later, if you can make it past basic training, you will be faced with lives toughest questions, not knowing who to trust when you are put on the spot with difficult choices to make in only 60 seconds.

But don’t fret, throughout your moral dilemmas you will have me by your side, helping you stay on the path of the righteous.

An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.

In ‘The Trolley Company’ players are pitted against many philosophical questions, varying from some well known in pop culture to others usually only found in textbooks, packaged in a comical and thought-provoking journey.

Each ethical conundrum will give you the choice of two outcomes, not only will these test your moral fibre but you will also have the judgement and commentary of your conscience at all times helping you along. With 60 choices to make you better get started! Peoples lives depend on it!!!

The Trolley Company on Steam