Mira’s Brush

Mira’s Brush

Cute, colorful, and full of lighthearted humor. I had a little trouble getting a feel for the color-swapping mechanics, but other than that, I’ve enjoyed what I’ve played so far. Looking forward to seeing how the game develops as it gets close to full release.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Immersive Action Games.

Mira’s Brush is a colorful take on the side-scrolling pixel-art platforming genre, a genre that defined early video games and has persisted through the years. The basic idea is that all the color has been stolen from Chromaland which is now greyscale and it is up to Mira and her brush to restore color. You can steal colors and paint and do a host of different shapes and colors to defeat or blend enemies. Sadly it is marred by clunky gameplay and tutorial and clunky menus.

The platforming aspect of the game is pretty icy and takes some frustrating moments getting used to. I found it difficult to jump high enough sometimes and it really takes more technique to get on to stuff but it is manageable, but it should be like 10% higher. The tutorial floating text is terribly placed and floats off screen and is difficult to see. Sometimes matching enemies to the background does not work.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Mira's Brush on Steam

Shipwreck Escape

Shipwreck Escape

So I wrote a review around half way through the game. Im new to reviews and wanted to edit mine now that I finished the game.

The game itself is fun. Some levels feel super easy and come to you right away while other levels take some time and “trial and error” before you understand what needs to be done. There are multiple endings so if you want to at the end you can go through again just to unlock these different endings. For me it took about 9 hours to complete but being a puzzle game, some probably could do it much quicker!

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Immersive Logic Games.

Shipwreck Escape:

What would be the perfect job? Well, a position where you can make good money without working too hard, meet people who have a purse or a wallet overflowing with $100 notes or an uncapped credit card and to top it off, travel the world. It's your lucky day! Your application for a croupier on the luxury ship, the Antaraxia, has been accepted! And your first cruise is from Athens to Dubai! Everything was running as smoothly as the last few days, until . . . You woke up with a pounding headache, blood running off your face, torn clothes and covered with debris, three decks below the casino level where you were working! You quickly realised by smelling smoke and hearing the water that something went terribly wrong on the Antaraxia! The only way out is up! Good luck in Shipwreck Escape.

*– [Real player with 6.5 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003030375)*


![Plumber](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1513500/header.jpg "")

## Plumber

This is fun for a time. I HATE the time limit. I much prefer to approach puzzles in a logical way, and this game lends itself to a slow and methodical approach rather than a scramble.

Also, the torch and dark levels add nothing but jank (now we have to work with one hand whilst holding a torch in the other).

Also, the bugs (worst part) led me to lose my trust in some of the levels having a solution, as there are levels that are obviously impossible becasue of programming faults.

Also, the spelling mistakes….

*– [Real player with 3.2 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197971905574)*




Read More: Best Immersive Logic Games.

--- This is a fun little 3D puzzle game that challenges your spatial visualization abilities with the classic "connect the pipes to make the water flow" concept. I'm playing standing up and walking around to pick up and place the pipes, which needs a large enough play space, I have not played it sitting down. I've completed 65 Tasks so far. One was unsolvable due to a bug (one pipe won't connect to other pipes), and two have a part spawning in a way that activates the water valve, but if you catch it fast enough when the levels start, you can solve them. *– [Real player with 2.7 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198032993552)* --- ![IIN](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/795110/header.jpg "") ## IIN Once I could understand how to use game I appreciated graphics , music and quick easy to understand loads. I have played the game more and I appreciate the fast loading, simple graphics and relaxing content. Sometimes the puzzlres get me thinking. Very nice game. Any chance of anything more or similar in the future please ?Well recommended ! *– [Real player with 10.0 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198138028127)* I found the game very fun, good graphics and the mechanics of changing squares very interesting, several achievements. To tell the truth, I didn't find anything bad in the game, ahahah I loved it! *– [Real player with 4.8 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198996891915)* --- ![Adventure Light](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1628300/header.jpg "") ## Adventure Light ![](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1628300/extras/GIF_1.gif?t=1638759052) Adventure Light is a very atmospheric stylized puzzle side-scrolling game about a young boy named Steve. He is compelled to find his best friend Adam and, in his quest, he ventures onto the darkest paths of the mysterious forest. Throughout the whole trip, you will encounter various interesting puzzles, which you will have to solve in order to keep moving. All the puzzles are designed as a combination of different elements of the environment that the main character interacts with. In particular: levers, boxes, platforms, carts, lamps, elevators, timers, doors, mills, pulleys, gears, and so on. In order to make the trip even more enthralling, along the entire road, you will have an opportunity to find hidden plot items, that will reveal the details of this tangled story. A special emphasis has to be placed on the atmosphere, given that it allows you to put yourself in the main character’s shoes and ultimately immerse in the fantasy world. The proper atmosphere in Adventure Light is established with the help of several key aspects, such as story, arts, color scheme, environment, forest sounds, and background music. All of them combined to allow the player to tap into the right mood and induce in him the right set of emotions. --- ![Eye of the Temple](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/589940/header.jpg "") ## Eye of the Temple I've been playing video games since 1978.In 2013 I fell out of love with video games ! Then in 2016 this New Video game "Gimmick" Known as Virtual reality came along .My first experience was PSVR And I was Instantly transported into dreamland !However I craved More .I built a PC and bought a Rift S and then a Quest 2\. In My 5 years of enjoying VR this was the first game that delivered the roomscale experience that was seemingly Abandoned.It will test your mental ability as well as your physical fitness {Remember I'm 50 years old ) This game was utterly brilliant /sometimes frustrating because of difficult sections but extremely rewarding once completed.This game got my fat backside off the the couch literally (Because I had to move it) To create a 2x2 meter space .If you loved The original Tomb raider games but wished you could jump inside them or hoped for a Star Trek Holo deck experience with the clever design of folding a physical space inwards and outwards upon itself .Then this is an absolute Must Buy Game! With a torch in one hand and a whip in the other ducking /sliding and moving my way across some very cleverly designed Puzzles and Deadly Traps I was exhausted and amazed.Hopefully the very small team that has delivered this innovative game can bring out a sequel .One of the best VR games I've ever played ! *– [Real player with 19.4 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198950708222)* As far as VR games go, this one is a gem. While there have been experimental games with nothing but real-world locomotion (for lack of a better term), this is the first full game utilising the concept and it does so masterfully. In case you haven't heard and are reading this because you are on the fence about the game: There is no artificial movement in this game at all. No stick movement, no teleport, nothing. The whole world is completely navigated by physically moving around in your playspace. The way the game uses that small space to traverse a huge gaming world is nothing short of genius. And most of all, it's really fun. *– [Real player with 14.4 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197995839344)* --- ![Aquaria](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/24420/header.jpg "") ## Aquaria Aquaria is a Metroidvania game where you go about as Naija, learning songs and dishing out malice upon the bosses of the under water world. I 100%'d achievements in 21.5 hours (A big part of this was not having the fish form until later), but you can beat it in 12-15 hours easily. Difficulty is deceptively hard. Used a game controller for the bulk of it, with mouse for the menu and keyboard for quick changes. Recommend keyboard over controller. Pros: - The art and environments of the game are great and really do stand the test of time. Each area of the map is unique and identifiable. There are plenty of fishies in this sea. *– [Real player with 23.2 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198121112670)* + Large beautifully detailed world with various different looking areas + Dozens of spieces to discover + Astonishing soundtrack + Lifetime (about 20h) + Sweet story and swell voice acting + Lightweight system requirements - No RPG elements - Stiff controls on the land (very rare) - Pad is supported, but basically useless Many might have not heard about Aquaria which was released in late 2007 by two men independent game company Bit Blot. Being an indie title is one of the oldest of the genre and it was realeased much before Braid which is considered a game that launched wide a boom of independently-developed video games since 2008 and onward. Whatsoever Aquaria is absolutely marvelous game all the way! Thanks for its excelent gameplay design and classic colorful graphical design - years have threated it very well. *– [Real player with 22.1 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197983152533)* ---