BATTLESCAR: Punk Was Invented By Girls

BATTLESCAR: Punk Was Invented By Girls

Got it for 56 cents as a part of a bundle. Still got disappointed.

To be fair, it is well executed in terms of visual storytelling and cinematography. Some really creative sets there!

Unfortunately, these can’t do much if the narrative and the main characters are bland and uninteresting. The abrupt and undercooked ending made the already underwhelming story - a complete waste of time for me.

Also, it is an oculus exclusive, has a good amount of gender politics at its core, and if your chapter gets interrupted, like USB disconnection (thanks AMD) you need to suffer through the whole chapter without the option to skip forward.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Immersive Interactive Fiction Games.

As a VR artist, I really enjoyed this experience. It is quite daring in terms of the format of narrative and also mixing a kind of “book” feel into the VR aesthetic. I would recommend it for any VR artists as a source of inspiration.

The story is not the best however, a bit tacky and shallow but still enjoyable.

Disappointed that it took much longer to get on Steam than on Oculus Store and also that they only support Oculus headsets, especially since there are almost no interactions (any?), so it’s not like supporting controllers of other headsets would’ve been difficult.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

BATTLESCAR: Punk Was Invented By Girls on Steam

Pandemic by Prisms

Pandemic by Prisms

Learn By Solving Real-World Problems

Have you ever wondered how scientists developed strategies to limit the impact of the 2020 pandemic on human lives and health systems?

Pandemic by Prisms is an immersive algebra learning game that builds lasting fluency with exponential functions and allows you to apply algebraic thinking to one of the most important problems today - the global pandemic. While it does not deal with the science behind pandemics, it is designed to equip you with foundational algebra skills to understand how to make informed decisions about a critical public health issue.

Collaborate With Us!

We’re launching our beta module to collaborate with users (like you!) to gather feedback so that we can continue to iterate and make this module fun, engaging, and meaningful for all users!

Please leave us a review, provide feedback, or ask us any questions on our Discord. We will be refining and finalizing our module based on reviews and user feedback from this beta launch - we can’t wait to hear from you! We will be releasing an update to this application later in 2021.

A Mathematical Approach from the Comfort of Your Room

Experience how a virus spreads through everyday activities and join a task force!

Explore virus containment strategies hands-on (literally!) and discover how math modeling can inform public policies

Feel, touch, & move to develop mathematical intuition and discover the underlying structure of exponentials

Get fluent with graphing and equations and determine when a virus overwhelms our city’s hospitals and save the city!

This module was developed with support from the National Science Foundation.

Math Is Not Boring Anymore

Prisms’ built-in math tools enable players to experiment, iterate, and gain fluency faster. Whether you use exponential functions every day or don’t remember what the word means, Prisms guarantees fun and intuitive learning for:

  • High school students, to easily understand core math concepts

  • Middle school students eager to learn advanced topics in math

  • Parents, to refresh their algebra skills

  • Teachers, to stay sharp and informed on new pedagogical approaches

  • VR enthusiasts interested in educational applications

Stellar Team For Stellar Results

Prisms is an educational company based in New York. We are an award-winning team of educators, designers, curriculum developers who are passionate about education. Backed by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and partnered with diverse schools across NY, MA, and CA, our mission is to create a new paradigm for STEM learning.

Read More: Best Immersive Software Games.

Pandemic by Prisms on Steam

Construct VR - The Volumetric Movie

Construct VR - The Volumetric Movie

Construct VR - the first ever fully immersive Volumetric 6DOF movie

Watch the free demo first to learn more about the technology behind Construct VR.

Construct VR is an experience in the PresenZ movie format, that showcases the technological breakthroughs of VR storytelling through volumetric photorealistic video, powered by V-Nova point cloud compression.

Enter a science-fiction dystopian world, where a robot must fight for his life and the lives of his family. This is the first actual action movie in six-degree-of-freedom (6DoF) photorealistic VR, exploring unprecedented and game-changing dimensions for the medium.


  • PresenZ’s volumetric movie format, powered by V-Nova compression, allows you to experience unprecedented immersion comfort compared to “standard” VR 360° movies

  • Position and orientation of the VR headset is tracked at all times inside the movie, allowing you to get closer to objects and characters as well as to look around or behind them, creating a real sense of scale and immersion

  • 6DoF eliminates the motion sickness commonly associated with VR 360° movies

  • V-Nova’s point cloud compression technology compresses the file to a small enough size to be downloaded and played on standard VR gaming set ups, finally bringing breath-taking immersion experiences to VR Gaming PCs at home

Construct VR, with a runtime of 8 minutes, is an immersive adaption of the short movie created by Kevin Margo. The PresenZ format keeps the original design and visual quality while transforming the short movie into a fully immersive experience.

Read More: Best Immersive Short Games.

Construct VR - The Volumetric Movie on Steam



This is fun for a time. I HATE the time limit. I much prefer to approach puzzles in a logical way, and this game lends itself to a slow and methodical approach rather than a scramble.

Also, the torch and dark levels add nothing but jank (now we have to work with one hand whilst holding a torch in the other).

Also, the bugs (worst part) led me to lose my trust in some of the levels having a solution, as there are levels that are obviously impossible becasue of programming faults.

Also, the spelling mistakes….

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

This is a fun little 3D puzzle game that challenges your spatial visualization abilities with the classic “connect the pipes to make the water flow” concept.

I’m playing standing up and walking around to pick up and place the pipes, which needs a large enough play space, I have not played it sitting down.

I’ve completed 65 Tasks so far. One was unsolvable due to a bug (one pipe won’t connect to other pipes), and two have a part spawning in a way that activates the water valve, but if you catch it fast enough when the levels start, you can solve them.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Plumber on Steam

Meditation VR

Meditation VR

I don’t have VR, so I was uncertain if this product would work for me. I tried it and it works fine without VR. The controls are a little different, The black screen with the VR instructions can be passed by pressing Enter on your keyboard. To get the image to be full screen you need to press F11. The ESC key will close the program. Screenshots are the usual F12.

I don’t know what the movement limitations are with VR, but you can move around without any problem when you are not in VR, The sound is also fine.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Great Relaxation App

Extremely beautiful environment with lots of little details that ramp up the realism. It’s a simple experience, sitting in a chair on a tropical beach. Nonetheless, it’s very well-done. If you enjoy casual VR experiences, it’s worth the download. The guided meditation at the beginning is pleasant, but it would be nice to have options to turn off voice and music, leaving only the nature sounds (update- I just noticed that the audio options have separate volume controls for voice, music, and sound effects- I may have just missed it before). The developer is very responsive to messages in the discussion forum and put out a patch within a couple days for a crash I was experiencing.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Meditation VR on Steam

Brickbuilder VR

Brickbuilder VR


Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Its lego, in VR, its automatically cool. I will admit theres a couple of oddities, I dont get why the steps are repeated and it would be nice to rotate them rather than just move them around, make it clearer where hidden parts are going but seiroulsy, despite its flaws it works so well.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Brickbuilder VR on Steam



Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2

So this is yet another meditation app for VR. This one uses short looping stereoscopic 360 videos. Unfortunately, this means there are no interactions and you’re only using your motion controllers to select items from the menu.

This is free at the moment with several meditations to enjoy, from calm to focused to more intense. You can also buy some DLC. However, there’s mention of a registration and subscription plan in the future. I’m not sure this experience is premium enough to warrant that, of course, Flow EHF is free to do whatever they want to monetize their product. I just don’t think it would be successful.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Flow is not a game. It’s a bunch of VR videos and some hippy soundtracks to aid in meditation. There’s no gameplay loops, there’s no gameplay or meaningful interaction.

It’s intended to be a paid/subscription kind of service but seems to have been abandoned prior to that. That doesn’t stop the developers trying to scam the hippies for this non-game, there’s a whopping $20 worth of predatory DLC.

To paraphrase PT Barnam, there’s a hippy born every minute, and two to take ‘em.

Anyway, this is not a game, despite being erroneously published as a game, cannot be recommended as one.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Flow on Steam



Definitely recommend this game if you like puzzle adventures, and the price is well worth it at this time. The graphics are good and it runs well ( I am using Vive Pro wireless with Vive controllers) now that the devs have applied some quick hot fixes….this dev team is the most responsive of all game devs that I have seen on Steam ( and I have been a Steam/Valve member since 1999)….shows you how much they care about making this game great.

No real complaints as it is a lot of fun….and the puzzles are challenging but not extremely difficult. The atmosphere is generally dark and the immersion is good. Audio/sounds are well done to match the content.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Anderson is a very fun puzzle game. Even though its still in early access, it has a lot of potential! I noticed a few bugs and other issues during game play, and the developers were very receptive to the reports and suggestions.

If you like puzzle games, especially in VR, this is one title to get and solve!

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game


DeepStates [VR]

DeepStates [VR]

(Received this for free thanks to the thoughtful developer, after I provided a bunch of feedback during the ‘beta’. I had been planning to buy this on release and I think the asking price is just right!).

Absolutely stunning (highly realistic) environmental beauty, not just in visual fidelity but in sound, space, and spirit.

I’ve played and enjoyed a variety of ‘environment’ apps in VR, and none of them have impacted me like this. I’m on the Reverb G2, and these spaces feel so incredibly real I almost cried just looking out at the stars and moon from the desert landscape.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

This is a great vr experience, my favorite worlds were the planet and the time lapse area. The guided meditation worked surprisingly well, especially with the humming interaction, that was awesome. The mixing of the voice kind of knocked me out of it though the more I heard it. I feel like it’s too present, too much low end EQ and not enough verb. It sounds like someone speaking right next to your ear when it might be more comfortable for it to sound like it’s coming from the heavens. And maybe some gentle effect that quickly ramps up into the voice to let you know you’re about to hear it so it’s less alarming when it starts. Comfort adjustments worked great, the strobing effect was super intense (which is a good thing, I’d rather have effects like that come in strong and be able to dial them back with settings). Great work, this is awesome and I look forward to what worlds you build next.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

DeepStates [VR] on Steam

EscapeVR: Trapped Above the Clouds

EscapeVR: Trapped Above the Clouds

Oh boy that was an adventure !

I played escape games in real life and this virtual one is reeeeeeally good !

I can’t tell you much about the gameplay (I don’t want to spoil you) but it’s a really well designed game, really clever.

I finished it in about 1H10, taking my time.

If you have a virtual headset, you must definitly buy this piece of art of a game !

Totally worth it !


Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Fun VR game; it took me a couple hours and I used the hints (disclaimer: I’m not familiar with escape games). The hints themselves are very much worth reading, pretty fun and well worded. They don’t give away the solution, but still point you in the right direction. Also, the game has some unexpected and nice physics effects I didn’t expect and did cost me a couple minute alone to play around with ;)

One of my first VR games, and I enjoyed the experience throughout!

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

EscapeVR: Trapped Above the Clouds on Steam