Hunt Down The Freeman

Hunt Down The Freeman

Hunt Down the Freeman.

Is it as bad as people say it is? Unfortunately, yes. The majority of this game is not great at all, and that’s with me playing the whole thing after the updates and going in with the mindset that people were probably just hating on it and that I’d like it.

This game is split into four parts. Prologue, Acts I-III, and the Epilogue. Part by part, here’s how I felt. (No spoilers)

Prologue- Actually decent. It has issues like certain things being too loud or too quiet, but I never had a tough time or got lost, at least not for very long at all.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Illuminati Horror Games.

Dear potential buyer,

Good job for scrolling down to the reviews rather than trusting the developers.

First of all, the trailer doesn’t show actual gameplay footage, it was made in sfm and it’s supposed to show how would the game play out.

If they actually cared to finish it

On launch day, the game was unplayable, full of missing textures, no cutscenes at all and with a massive list of gamebreaking bugs (varying from losing your weapons in between the loading zones, randomly teleporting and sometimes invisible enemies to just straight up crasing for no reason).

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Hunt Down The Freeman on Steam

The Culling 2

The Culling 2

I never played the 1st Culling, have only watched my favorite streamer play it a lot, and bought it because they wanted to plan matches vs. subbies. I play PUBg casually, and it’s not my usual genre, but even so could immediately see the easy access to everything and overabundance of guns totally killed the original melee and crafting fun. The size of the map and lack of players, game machiniques are also a problem. I’m in Europe, never could get a game on EU server at all. I can understand why so many people are angry, but you can make it fun if you don’t take it too seriously, but for the price?

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Illuminati Sexual Content Games.

Ok… here we go…

I wrote a very long twitch thread to the developers regarding this title. The things that I can say that are positive:

  1. I’m glad the announcer is back

  2. The recoil control feels really, really good. It’s erratic in a good way.

The bad:

  1. They missed the boat on the character customization aspect by a mile. They needed to be WAY more over-the-top with the outfits and craziiness that would be this type of a game show.

  2. They missed out on the gameshow feel of the game completely. The only thing that even makes it feel remotely like a gameshow is the starting area. After that, you’re in a typical battle arena.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

The Culling 2 on Steam

Wooden House

Wooden House

For this review I will talk about my reviews.

I am none-native english speaker and I use steam review to practice my english. It generally worked out for me and I even have a few small review fans that like to read them. Which made me very happy. I feel bad that a lot of my spelling and grammer is bad but I don’t overly concerned to fix every single one of them because i am not selling my review for money.

This game however is selling for money on steam. Very well made small indie horror game by a none-native developer that put in a lot work for the enviroment, music, sound effect and terrible english.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Illuminati Singleplayer Games.

GDNomad strikes yet again, with another really bad horror game.


You play as a man who wants to get away from every day life and decides to take a retreat to their new home, but after a night there you notice there’s some spooky things going on and that’s where the story kicks off.

The story is atrocious and is insanely hard to follow and you barely know what’s going on, because of the most notorious staple of GDNomads games, THE BROKEN ENGLISH. Pretty much every sentence written has poor english grammar that makes it hard to actually understand what is going on.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Wooden House on Steam

Autumn Dream

Autumn Dream


This is the 4th game I’ve played by GDNomad and the 6th one that he has developed. I hate repeating myself, but this game is following a similar pattern with his other titles, it’s the best one so far but unlike Nomad’s other titles, this one is actually not all that bad.


Gameplay in Autumn Dream is virtually the same as GDNomad’s other titles. The game plays primarily as a horror game along with some puzzles added in different sections, even if they’re pretty unnecessary, they’re still rammed into sections of the game.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Autumn Dream is another indie horror asset flip from GDnomad.


You play as a man who inherits an old house, but with a small catch, you have to stay for a few days so you can fully inherit the house. But also the document states that you can’t leave the house at night or go to the basement.

If you read my previous reviews for GDnomads games or played one yourself you already know that the game will have broken English making it impossible to follow the storyline as the character speaks nonsense all the time. For example when you first go to the house the main character says ‘This place looks wonderfully’. So imagine reading a bunch of lore building documents with the same type of English.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Autumn Dream on Steam

Grass Simulator

Grass Simulator

In its current state, this game is not worth getting. There are several modes, but not really anything to do in most. You’ll be lucky to squeeze 1-2 hours out of it. The multiplayer mode is useless, as there are never any lobbies open. You can create one, but no one is ever online to play. Additionally, the performance is poor. Alone on a multiplayer map with graphics on ‘Fastest’ I get marginally better FPS than Battlefield 3 with 64 players on Intel graphics. The guns feel and sound weak, though they are vastly improved from the single player guns. The controls can be painfully awkward and are not rebindable. To quit multiplayer I have to Alt+Tab and close it as I cannot find an option to return to the menu or quit the game. Finally, the Grass Simulating mode has the worst graphics of any mode, featuring 2D ‘sprites’ rather than 3D models of grass (this is most noticeable with the green silhouette of corn.)

Real player with 22.1 hrs in game

Although this game was very entertaining and very fun to play for ten minutes, all in all, based upon the content, it’s a waste of money. It doesn’t cost much, no, but you do have better games for the same price to spend your money on.

Classic Mode:

Has no objective at all. You walk around in a reasonably small world filled with a single cabin, grass, fences, trees and cows with buggy heads. Shooting the cows makes them explode but once you’ve seen that once and you’ve giggled - do you want to see it again?

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Grass Simulator on Steam

Bear Simulator

Bear Simulator

I have had this dream since I was a little boy in Quebec, this dream that has stuck with me for nearly two decades. It all started during my first ever visit to the zoo, I was…I was 5 years old. My parents took me before their divorce, before my mom started to take a liking for nigge󠂪r dic󠂪k. I don’t remember much from that trip besides one thing, a gigantic 680kg grizzly bear. He was so big, so strong, so…sex󠂪y. This is also where I remember experiencing my first boner. I remember seeing this magnificent creature and just feeling all tingly inside, and I felt something in my pants going hard, it was my tiny little 5 year old pee pee. Anyway, I can see the bear like it was yesterday, oh I so dearly wish I knew the concept of se󠂪x back then. I knew this bear was different, even then, and the thought of it stuck with long enough to when I got home. I had my first dream about the bear that night. The bear appeared in my sleep, and was still the same muscular and powerful creature I saw at the zoo. It just stared at me, I didn’t know what to do, I stood there in awe and engrossed with what I know now is lust. As the nights went by my dreams only grew more frequent, and by the time I was 12, I found out about internet por󠂪n. However, I never found the girls to peak my interest like the bears did. So I started watching nature documentaries about bears to explore my sexuality. It was the best discovery 12 year old me could have made. Unfortunately, I became more and more immune to the sight of bears screwing on the TV, and wanted to try some bear dic󠂪k for myself. I was 16 at the time, and knew about the native bears in my province. I decided to make a 3 day trip into the Boreal Forest. It did not take me long to find what I was looking for. I saw him…this almost holy creature…I found the one whom I wanted to do unholy things with. I was at a distance, and quietly stripped to my bare as󠂪s, and slowly made my way towards him. However, he noticed me from about 20 meters out and began to run at me full speed. My coc󠂪k became extremely hard, and I ran towards him, I remember so clearly when we made impact. He pinned me to the ground and began to take advantage of my body. He ravaged me right there in the forest. He swiped at my face breaking my jaw and crushed my sternum, he then slashed at my leg, almost ripping it off. I passed out from the pain, and when I awoke I was at the hospital. Although no penetration occurred I was told by the doctors that I was lucky to be alive. I was disappointed though. To this day I still dream of a bear to pin me down, and force itself into me every night. I want to experience these dreams in reality, but if you’ve ever had thoughts like mine, Bear Simulator is the game for you. The sex animations are absolutely sublime and I nut to this game about 120-150 times a day. If only I could feel the true sensations.

Real player with 20245.0 hrs in game

I’d like to start off with a simple statment of profound meaning for anyone who is curious why this game bombshelled: F*ck PewDiePie in his pretentious judgemental and cruel little nordic butt.

That aside. Bear Sim is a wonderful game. The elements of exploration and the way the game is designed to keep you drawn in is fantastic. Very few games have ever capitivated me in the way that this game did. It has humor in place of horror or cheap jump scares. It gives a sense of purpose which is quickly and easily adopted without the need of an explanatory narrative. It is build to be friendly and still challenging. An absolute marvel of ingenuity on the dehalf of the developers.

Real player with 55.3 hrs in game

Bear Simulator on Steam

The Park

The Park

The Park is a first-person adventure game, but the subgenre ‘walking simulator’ describes the game a lot more accurately. You won’t be solving puzzles and you won’t be exploring an open world, but instead, you’ll follow a linear path through an abandoned amusement park, going from one ride to the next, until you get to the end of the game.

So, where’s the fun in that? Well, like all decent to very good walking simulators, The Park makes up for its boring gameplay with atmosphere and story. The story is hit-and-miss, though: it’s mysterious and engaging, but it turns out to be without much content in the end. The atmosphere is where The Park makes up for that: walking around an abandoned amusement park at night, riding the rides and finding them haunted by strange beings, is a genuinely thrilling game experience.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game


  • Really great atmosphere (albeit presumably of the “love it or hate it” kind). Enough so that despite of its problems, I still consider the price of admission money very well spent.

  • Short. No, I’m not listing “short!” under “bad” – for one thing, I was dead sure I’d played for 3½, maybe 4 hours when it was only two (very tense) hours. I’d argue the length is just about right; any longer than that would likely have taken away from the experience. At two hours, you can play it in one uninterrupted sitting, which I highly recommend. The length suited the story, and I consider it a boon to have a game with limited commitment (heck, I have a stack of 100+ unplayed games, and so, in all likelihood, do you). So in the end, it’s a question of comparison – at two hours, it was cheaper than a movie ticket, and a more satisfying experience than most movies I’ve seen in the theater in recent years. Can you get more play-time per dollar from other games? That’s pretty much a given, and if that’s your concern, fair play to you, buy this on sale, or take a pass altogether and buy Fallout 3 instead.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

The Park on Steam

Yohjo Simulator

Yohjo Simulator


Real player with 1431.3 hrs in game

Yohjo Simulator isn’t the traditional open-world experience most players would prefer since it’s missing various vital elements. Not only that, figuratively and literally, it’s empty and forces players to fully utilize their creativity to understand and enjoy everything. Sadly, even with minimum resources, there’s hardly enough content to give them any genuine understanding of its lack of storytelling and very eccentric implementation centered in one stage.

The “story” follows a young schoolgirl named Yagi who is somehow given superpowers and entirely isolated within an unknown random city. Within this city there’s nonstop property damage, strange men roaming the streets, strange clones of those men being spat out of a machine, and many more. As ridiculous as it sounds, that’s all it really is throughout the experience since there’s hardly anything to do except abuse Yagi’s “powers” and “roam” the streets until you’ve reached water.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Yohjo Simulator on Steam

Get Rich or Die Gaming

Get Rich or Die Gaming

I got this game in a bundle before, so I was not as irritated as some people who paid full price.

It has a number of bugs in it - one causes the game to crash. It is pretty short (under 10 minutes), art is okay, the whole thing is kind of something you would have seen on Newgrounds before.

The best part of the game was the business dude conversations which ended up making me laugh.

I don’t recommend buying it, instead just go watch the 5 min let’s play of it.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Let me walk u through the game. Ur dad kicks u out got not making a butterfly game. u meet a guy named adickle he gives u 10 dollars. use 10 dollars to buy food for baker. sell food to baker and crash game 40 times before you figure out trick. that is u have to exit the baker fast before crash. get robbed of money u made trade your clothes to a hobo for his. With new clothes drug dealer will sell you drugs. get pie from baker . take pie and drugs to food place wher ex racer food guy will make drug pie. take drug pie to baker get 4000 bux. get another pie from baker becuase the game doesnt realize u already did the invent pie quest and will let u repeat it ad infinium. That is all ive been able to do i made like 60 thousand selling pies to the baker but nothing else happens. and i also talked to the guy up the elevator. so ya this game is poop

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Get Rich or Die Gaming on Steam

Reading Simulator

Reading Simulator

It’s worth the dollar I got it for, and not much more. Not to put the dev on blast or anything, it’s certainly a good effort, (I know how particular unity development can get!) but it could use some additional polish. The book’s hitboxes are absolutely incredibly finnicky at best, and that motion blur honestly made me a bit sick. Really the biggest thing the game needs is an options menu, to disable motion blur, adjust the bloom of the lighting, turn off the music, that sort of thing! But hey, for a single dollar, it’s a pretty solid frontend to read project gutenberg books from. If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, you could even add some sort of interface to let the user pull in pdfs from their files on disk! Keep up the work, Reading Sim dev!

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

As a book lover, I really loved the ambience of this library and the selection of classics I could find! There is definitely room for improvement, so I’ll start with that.

  1. It’s hard to find which books can actually be read. I ran around randomly clicking books I saw and only 20 of them were readable (even though there is at least 100). So maybe a shining or glowing function that happens when you hover over a readable book would cut down on that.

  2. It’s hard to tell what books are available. A library catalogue that can be pulled up would help. When you select the book you want to find, an arrow could point at it until you read it.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Reading Simulator on Steam