The Black Watchmen

The Black Watchmen



  • This game is NOT subscription-based! Think of it more like The Walking Dead series, where you pay for a season whenever it comes out. You can play any seasons you own indefinitely.* This game WILL take over your life. Like the slogan in the old ARG Majestic from EA: “It plays YOU” Will clarify later.* The game on Steam is only 25% of the actual game. It takes place in real-life, on websites created specifically for the game, and on social media.

Real player with 165.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Illuminati Atmospheric Games.

**** Full Disclosure: I’m a volunteer Moderator on the official forums; however I’m not paid in any way, shape or form. ****

EDIT: Since I posted this review, I have been hired by Alice & Smith as PR/Community Manager. Therefore, I will no longer update this review as long as I hold that position.

Also; to make room for this update, I removed the “Updated” list at the end of this review.


While the amount of content seems limited, it is worth making a huge note that the Content of any ARG is not found primarily in what you are presented with - in this case, what you see when you start the EXE file - it is the secrets you can find based on that initial presentation.

Real player with 164.5 hrs in game

The Black Watchmen on Steam

Hunt Down The Freeman

Hunt Down The Freeman

Hunt Down the Freeman.

Is it as bad as people say it is? Unfortunately, yes. The majority of this game is not great at all, and that’s with me playing the whole thing after the updates and going in with the mindset that people were probably just hating on it and that I’d like it.

This game is split into four parts. Prologue, Acts I-III, and the Epilogue. Part by part, here’s how I felt. (No spoilers)

Prologue- Actually decent. It has issues like certain things being too loud or too quiet, but I never had a tough time or got lost, at least not for very long at all.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Illuminati Walking Simulator Games.

Dear potential buyer,

Good job for scrolling down to the reviews rather than trusting the developers.

First of all, the trailer doesn’t show actual gameplay footage, it was made in sfm and it’s supposed to show how would the game play out.

If they actually cared to finish it

On launch day, the game was unplayable, full of missing textures, no cutscenes at all and with a massive list of gamebreaking bugs (varying from losing your weapons in between the loading zones, randomly teleporting and sometimes invisible enemies to just straight up crasing for no reason).

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Hunt Down The Freeman on Steam

Tomato Way

Tomato Way

I don’t need to play it more than 0.1 hours in order to know that his is the best game I have ever played. Compared to games such as the Witcher 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2, this game holds no candle, it has great lore which is very understandable, great music which makes you emotional and exceptional graphics which sometimes deceive me for being something that has been filmed in real life. I honestly believe this is one of the better games released in 2016. The voice-acting is also great, not only is it only in boring old English, but also in French, and what I believe is Russian. This also has a fantastic way of playing it’s game, you can interact with other characters and items in ways I never imagined possible.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Illuminati Gore Games.

You know that feeling that you get about 45 minutes after you eat too many magic mushrooms somewhere public, like a concert or a campsite or whatever, and you start getting that tingle in your spine that’s simultaneously completely alien and intimately familiar, and then the sinister realization begins to creep on you that you’re miles from home surrounded by people you don’t know?

If that feeling was a ghetto Ukrainian fps that costs as much as an energy drink and lasts about as long, this is what you would get. So if you’re into that, or you’re curious what would happen if the creator of Veggie Tales started making snuff films, then give this one a shot.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Tomato Way on Steam

Rothschild: The Sheep Will Wake

Rothschild: The Sheep Will Wake

*Based of v0.1a Hotfix


Overview: Horror/Adventure

*Based of v0.1a HotfixPros:

•User Friendly -(You learn the controls very early without much effort)

•Graphics Are Beautiful-(The graphics are so fantastic)

•Spooky and Terrifying-(I might need a heart transplant after playing this)

•Game Runs At Decent FPS-(Stayed at around 60 the whole time playing it)

•The story is mysterious-(The whole time you are trying to learn about the town and the people in it)

•Fog Adds to The Horror Effect-(The fog makes normal walking around scary :P)

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Just finished the alpha release and though it is filled with some glitches and bugs here and there it really has some potential story wise.

I am well versed on the Rothschild family and their influence on politicians, pushing for sustainable living with a one world governance.

Though the developers may have made this as pure fantasy it has an air of truth to it and i would like to see it go for the jugular with known facts.

Game is scary and right off the bat, it should be a slower cooker that builds tension as the story progress’s.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Rothschild: The Sheep Will Wake on Steam

Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy

Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy

My 3rd cousin used to be atheist, in hopes to get him to see the other side I showed him the game, Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy, which is this game. At first he didn’t want to play, refusing the offer. I eventually coaxed him to go into a closet with a laptop with only a steam account, with no money and only a copy of Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy with no internet connection. The closet was wet, dark, with nothing else except the laptop, that was charged by being attached to the wall, the outside of the closet soundproofed, 6 cans of Spaghettios, 12 Caprison Packets of limeaid flavour, 1 packet of unbranded candy, a copy of the holy bibel, and a framed picture of obama that was held onto the wall by tunsten nails. after he went inside the closet, I quickly confiscated his phone and electronics and locked the closet door. After that I went to the local Gamestone and bought myself a copy of Shrek’s Carnival Craze Party Games and some Windex Cleaner Solution. I went back home and played some games. 3 Months later I went back to check on my cousin to see that my cousin had converted to Hinduism.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game


This is a fully functioning RPG with 3 games: you can play as Baby Jesus, Adult Jesus, or Jesus after the rising. I’ve only tried playing as Baby Jesus so far and have found the experience surprisingly fun - way more than I expected it to be! The game is very easy to understand and grasp - you’ll get the hang of how things work after some trial and error, even if RPGs aren’t your thing.

Playing the Baby Jesus game

  • You get to control Mary and Joseph first, and lead them through to the birth of Christ. After Jesus is born, the game then switches you over to the 3 wise men, which you control. You must lead them from their kingdom through the desert and other locations until you reach Christ in Bethlehem. After visiting Christ and giving him their gifts, you then switch back to playing Mary, Joseph and now Baby Jesus as well.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy on Steam

Alone in the Dark: Illumination™

Alone in the Dark: Illumination™

I heard how bad this game supposedly was. Watched very negative reviews on youtube. But something made me want to try it anyway. Got it for $5 on a steam sale and I’m happy I did.

This is not a bad game. Not a good game, But certainly not bad, I’ve played several games that were far worse this year alone. At launch it may have been bad, but it seems after some patches in the years following its release, they fixed a lot of the criticisms.

The atmosphere is pretty nice, Some spooky locations on dark stormy nights, abandoned mines or in a graveyard for example. There is a voiced narrator that adds a lot to each of the 4 characters journey. The character models were good and the levels were overall nice looking. A Few glitches. And while not a good game, it kept me wanting to play it. Each character is unique and plays differently and has their own story. I can see this game being fun as a multiplayer experience with friends but works as solo player.

Real player with 41.4 hrs in game

I’m going to go against the general opinion here when I say that I do recommend this game, at least, I do since the June 2016 patch.

Alone In The Dark: Illumination suffers from one major design flaw that’s caused it garner such hate from it’s audience… the fact that it’s called Alone In The Dark. Whilst I am a small fan of the AITD franchise, I am also open-minded when first playing a video game and play them without expectations or immediate judgement. Alone In The Dark this game certainly is not, as it features nothing of the tropes that the franchise normally features, what it IS though is a competant and fun third-person horror/action game.

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

Alone in the Dark: Illumination™ on Steam

Rock Paper Scissors Champion

Rock Paper Scissors Champion

So I have the belief that i’m a man of good taste when it comes down to vido gaymes And I can tell you right now that this game is a MASTER PEICE! 76 HOURS OF CLICKING 3 POORLY DRAWN ICONS IS THE EVOLUTION OF VIDEO GAMING I mean just look at WoW… The Innovation is Insane I have never nor has anyone else ever played or heard of rock paper scissors and to top it all off THREE EXTREMLEY LIKEABLE WELL DEVELOPED CHARACTERS SUCH AS Rocky, A man with big ambitions trains hard to win a very important boxing mat- Wait a moment. I think. No. Ahem Rocky is.. Rocky almost looks like a rock! If you just imagine it to a very certain degree and maybe even flip it 90 Degrees clockwise? Anyway the next character Ripley! She’s a c u n t. Who else, Hmm that’s it. You can trust me I have Over 70 hours in this game. Anyway 10/51 Reccomended that you wear a tinfoil hat and something that can protect your dignity and/or soul. Enjoy Hell~ Riley.

Real player with 76.4 hrs in game

I usually don’t write reviews, but this game was such a hunk of sh*t that I just had to…

I got it for the achievements, and it became a rage-inducing, random waste of time. The “battles” are completely random and for some reason, you usually lose. On multiple occasions I’ve been about to win and then lose 5-6 in a row to lose the match. The game is short, thankfully, but the fact that you have to beat it twice is honestly stupid. The randomness is dumb and there should be at least some sort of algorithm so you don’t waste too much time. Moving on past that, the “combos” are pointless and don’t help at all - plus there’s no tutorial to show how to properly utilize the combos. Then on top of the gameplay you have to deal with the cancerous, 2001 Microsoft Paint looking graphics which is just… bad.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Rock Paper Scissors Champion on Steam



This game is a spiritual journey through your inner self. You will dwelve into the life you know you have. The quality of this game makes me forget what time it is. I can feel temptation as I hear the drumming of the sound, the sound of our future. ASCII numbers and letters will forever and always haunt my life. This game brings realization, with top notch sound/music effects. The world is like my mind, deep with uncertainty, a void that is filled with logical nonsense. This game is like a drug, some of you will see it as not your thing, but some of you, will see this as an awakening.. a spiritual path through our life, I will cherish this game for as long as I can. I truly believe this is a beautiful masterpiece that will stay hidden and only a few of us will be able to carve into its inner beauty. Give it a shot, you might like it, you might not, but don’t say I never warned you to stay away or to cave in. Numbers and letters have always been the answer to everything, what we made. We are the beginning and the end, but this game, this product of perfection, has no end. Even if it did you can’t reach it. This game test all who is willing to enter what has been unknown to us since the beginning of mankind.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

And intensely shitty game comprised of 3 endlessly looping levels where you fight shitty unity enemies with even less effort put into their AI and design than usual. Expect to be shot through any wall you try and hide behind and don’t expect the levels to even be completable, as whatever small, terrible ammount of random level gen there is can easily keep you from ever completing the same shitty easter egg hunt objective that is every map.

It is staggering how little effort was put into this game as a whole. This game boasts RPG elements, which means you level up but the stats don’t do anything and leveling doesn’t do anything. It says you have random characteristics on all monsters and armor, but all the monsters are the same in each level but with a different look, and there IS NO ARMOR.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Illuminascii on Steam

Secret World Legends

Secret World Legends

I have really enjoyed the Borderlands series and story - The characters made the difference. I wanted to try out my first MMO however I’m extremely picky about “Fantasy” - I usual don’t like it. With TSW, it takes place in the Present. It has a “grown-up” story full of characters, etc. not found in most games. Plus, this game has as much playtime as the entire Borderlands series combined.

There were some Sci Fi MMO’s I considered, but I didn’t want to level grind - TSW has linear growth and I can “spend” my Skill Points where ever to determine my Quality Level (1 - 10).

Real player with 3423.5 hrs in game

ADDENDUM: We are now approaching the 2 year anniversary of the relaunch. In this time, they have added about two hours worth of new story content. Much of the old story and PVP modes are still missing from Secret World Legends, and they are trickle releasing the holiday event content one year at a time. Anyone still questioning if this was just a cash grab?

Make no mistake about it, the real reason this game died the first time is because Funcom only expanded the game by about 25% over the course of five years. Even after that new content was added, the game really only has about a month worth of content to experience, even for a casual player. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great content… the story is fantastic, with great missions that go far beyond the menial tasks that pass for quests in most MMOs. How will the game die this time around? Read on and find out.

Real player with 1842.5 hrs in game

Secret World Legends on Steam

Disney’s Chicken Little: Ace in Action

Disney’s Chicken Little: Ace in Action

3rd person shooter. You also can fly and run a tank.

Music is nice. Cutscenes are nice (but low resolution and not fuillscreen - neither is the game itself).

Controls are good, few glitches, no bugs.

An enjoyable 7 hour experience which is not that hard and has a quite linearly (not completely) increasing difficulty curve.

If it´s on sale: WTB - Worth To Buy

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

This was surprisingly fun to play. I really don’t care about the Chicken Little franchise but ended up playing this game with my daughter on the Wii and found it quite fun. It is basically a 3rd person shooter with lots of unlockables and replayable levels. You get to play as someone on the ground, as a tank, and as a starfighter. Lots of varied enemies and levels. Never seemed to be repetitive. So glad to find it here on steam. I was worried as the gameplay was super fun with the Wii controllers but I have found it even more fun with keyboard and mouse on the PC. Highly recommend this game. It is just surprisingly fun.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Disney's Chicken Little: Ace in Action on Steam