Disney’s Chicken Little: Ace in Action

Disney’s Chicken Little: Ace in Action

3rd person shooter. You also can fly and run a tank.

Music is nice. Cutscenes are nice (but low resolution and not fuillscreen - neither is the game itself).

Controls are good, few glitches, no bugs.

An enjoyable 7 hour experience which is not that hard and has a quite linearly (not completely) increasing difficulty curve.

If it´s on sale: WTB - Worth To Buy

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Illuminati Post-apocalyptic Games.

This was surprisingly fun to play. I really don’t care about the Chicken Little franchise but ended up playing this game with my daughter on the Wii and found it quite fun. It is basically a 3rd person shooter with lots of unlockables and replayable levels. You get to play as someone on the ground, as a tank, and as a starfighter. Lots of varied enemies and levels. Never seemed to be repetitive. So glad to find it here on steam. I was worried as the gameplay was super fun with the Wii controllers but I have found it even more fun with keyboard and mouse on the PC. Highly recommend this game. It is just surprisingly fun.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Disney's Chicken Little: Ace in Action on Steam

Tomato Way

Tomato Way

I don’t need to play it more than 0.1 hours in order to know that his is the best game I have ever played. Compared to games such as the Witcher 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2, this game holds no candle, it has great lore which is very understandable, great music which makes you emotional and exceptional graphics which sometimes deceive me for being something that has been filmed in real life. I honestly believe this is one of the better games released in 2016. The voice-acting is also great, not only is it only in boring old English, but also in French, and what I believe is Russian. This also has a fantastic way of playing it’s game, you can interact with other characters and items in ways I never imagined possible.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Illuminati Horror Games.

You know that feeling that you get about 45 minutes after you eat too many magic mushrooms somewhere public, like a concert or a campsite or whatever, and you start getting that tingle in your spine that’s simultaneously completely alien and intimately familiar, and then the sinister realization begins to creep on you that you’re miles from home surrounded by people you don’t know?

If that feeling was a ghetto Ukrainian fps that costs as much as an energy drink and lasts about as long, this is what you would get. So if you’re into that, or you’re curious what would happen if the creator of Veggie Tales started making snuff films, then give this one a shot.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Tomato Way on Steam

Conan the mighty pig

Conan the mighty pig

Honestly, this is the best game I have ever played in my life. The graphics are beautiful yet the game can still run on even the slowest computers. The breathtaking graphic design of the pig is the definition of perfection. Don’t wait for a sale for this gorgeous game, please just buy it as soon as you can. Please.


☑ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☐ Amazing for its age

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Paint.exe


☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

Real player with 532.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Illuminati World War II Games.


Conan the mighty pig has a story that is open to much speculation. It is implied by the title that the pig you play as is named Conan and was for some reason granted the epithet, “the mighty pig,” most likely earning it for proving his strength during combat. Ironically, Conan does not display any strength and has to sneak around tougher opponents and has to use herbs to get past bees. After years of owning a farm and not making profit (speculation of the story told without dialogue) he decides to move on from the farm and look for truffles. Truffles can potentially be very expensive in a larger size and are found in the ground by animals like pigs and trained dogs in real life and are profitable if the time and effort are put in to the labor, so it is reasonable that Conan would make the choice to look for truffles. He sets off on his quest to find one hundred fifty truffles.

Real player with 67.6 hrs in game

Conan the mighty pig on Steam

Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy

Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy

My 3rd cousin used to be atheist, in hopes to get him to see the other side I showed him the game, Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy, which is this game. At first he didn’t want to play, refusing the offer. I eventually coaxed him to go into a closet with a laptop with only a steam account, with no money and only a copy of Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy with no internet connection. The closet was wet, dark, with nothing else except the laptop, that was charged by being attached to the wall, the outside of the closet soundproofed, 6 cans of Spaghettios, 12 Caprison Packets of limeaid flavour, 1 packet of unbranded candy, a copy of the holy bibel, and a framed picture of obama that was held onto the wall by tunsten nails. after he went inside the closet, I quickly confiscated his phone and electronics and locked the closet door. After that I went to the local Gamestone and bought myself a copy of Shrek’s Carnival Craze Party Games and some Windex Cleaner Solution. I went back home and played some games. 3 Months later I went back to check on my cousin to see that my cousin had converted to Hinduism.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game


This is a fully functioning RPG with 3 games: you can play as Baby Jesus, Adult Jesus, or Jesus after the rising. I’ve only tried playing as Baby Jesus so far and have found the experience surprisingly fun - way more than I expected it to be! The game is very easy to understand and grasp - you’ll get the hang of how things work after some trial and error, even if RPGs aren’t your thing.

Playing the Baby Jesus game

  • You get to control Mary and Joseph first, and lead them through to the birth of Christ. After Jesus is born, the game then switches you over to the 3 wise men, which you control. You must lead them from their kingdom through the desert and other locations until you reach Christ in Bethlehem. After visiting Christ and giving him their gifts, you then switch back to playing Mary, Joseph and now Baby Jesus as well.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy on Steam

Lords Mobile

Lords Mobile

A f2p, p2w game, one that constantly promisses that if you just keep evolving, the experience will become super interesting at some point ahead… yup, its another mobile game.

In the game’s defense, it IS possible to play without putting money, but make no mistake: its absolutely impossible to be even remotely competitive if you dont spend money(LOADS of money, enough to buy the all the DLC packages of DoA5 many times over). It is possible to play, but for players who dont put high quadruple digits of dollars into the game, “play” will for a loooong time mean stay hidden behind your shield 24.7 and just keep hoping your real life dont prevent you from renewing the shield or else some chinese dude will reset your troops count in very short order, it’s just a chore and that part of the game will last a VERY long time for free players.

Real player with 525.2 hrs in game

This is a game where its a purely pay to play. (Its not free to play) Free to play players once after protection cannot even play PVE, this was my experience as mostly free to play player.

PVE Rating: 0/10

PVP Rating: 0/10

Pay to win rating: 10/10

Free to play rating: 0/10

Day 1: Joined a new world which was 2 days old. Free to play players where all using tier 1 troops with numbers in the hundreds of troops. Pay to win players already had tier 3 troops with numbers in the 100s of thousands.

Day 14: Reach tier 2, paid 2 usd worth of in game items to enable myself to travel through time to gain a few days of virtual time advancement so as to get tier 2 units.

Real player with 132.9 hrs in game

Lords Mobile on Steam

Save Jesus

Save Jesus

4k graphics, blown away by the sound quality, the voice acting is superb. personally, one of my favorite quotes is “ya think yu can stop me? look it, ah gawt a tahme macheen!” very intricate and thought-out dialogue is one of this game’s strongest points. in addition, the plot and lore of save jesus is so complex and designed so well that its almost like you are actually there in the game saving jesus! it is an experience similar to that of smoking weed, while dying and going to heaven but learning that jesus is in trouble so you save him and then wake up wondering… “what did i eat for dinner last night?” you look over to jesus in your bed and he stares back at you and then you wake up again to find that your entire existence was actually a dream in itself. anyway, every game has its downsides as well. save jesus is no exception. one of the worst parts about this game is the lack of an easy mode, as the difficulty rivals that of dark souls. another issue is the demanding system requirements. my macintosh computer at school has trouble running this game. constant crashes and it struggles to get even 10 fps. no problems on my coughcoughsuperiorcoughcough pc though. the game is magnificent, and the sheer quality is reflected in every possible aspect. the system requirements can easily be justified for such a masterpiece. in conclusion, save jesus is a fantastic AAA title that i recommend to any fans of the popular book series “the holy bible,” based on this very game. hope this review helps!

Real player with 247.1 hrs in game

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

Real player with 163.9 hrs in game

Save Jesus on Steam

“BUTTS: The VR Experience”

“BUTTS: The VR Experience”

sense i was 10, ive always felt a void in my life i could never fill. i tried alchohol, love, and self mutilation. none of it worked. i was near the brink when i was browsing steam and one game caught my eye. butts, a vr experience. i did a double take as its shiny picture beaconed me forward. i clicked the game and was met with a glorious steam page. hastily i bought it with all my spare money i have saved up over the years. i open the game, and i am met by our protagonist, blue face mc blue. hes happily stutting along on his day when, halt! whats this? his freind red face mc red is sad! we see into blue face’s deep character where he does everything in his power to cheer his childhood freind up. SPOILERS! he reaches deep inside his anus, and pulls out confetti to cheer his freind up! never have i seen such sacrifice to cheer a freind up. red slowly but surely lightens up to blue faces ways, as he himself starts to shit out confetti. they share a heartwarming and gorgeous scene where the confetti propels them upwards, they land, and share an intimite moment. red face cheered up, they have a tender embrace. we gaze up to the moon, and gaze at it mooning us. a glorious end, to a deep, thought provocing game. truely makes you question ones self.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Didn’t have achievements, that being said, I now know I like eating a$$… I eat a$$… I eat a lot of a$$… hey, I dont think you understand, I eat a lot of a$$… like a lot of a$$…

I eat a$$

I eat a lot of a$$

I eat a$$

I eat a lot of a$$

From black to brown to asian

I eat a lot of a$$

I eat way too much a$$

It affects my nutrition

If there was an a$$ eating competition

I would easily win cause I eat the whole a$$

Cause I eat the whole a$$

(Ooooooooo) Eat the whole a$$

Eat the whole a$$

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

BUTTS: The VR Experience on Steam

Uriel’s Chasm

Uriel’s Chasm

(The description for this game flat out lies. There’s no metaphysics here, and VERY little “rich context” that in NO WAY can be investigated.)

I greatly enjoyed this game, but I would not reccomend it to most people. You have to have a very specific taste in these kinds of psychedelic games in order to appreciate it. Oh, and it takes 15-30 minutes to complete the game.

Uriel’s Chasm is a very complex enigma. First off, I would like to say that there is no “Shovelware Queens” as the description would have you beleive. I wanted to see their playthrough, so I googled it and searched for around 4 hours, and literally nothing even mentioning them popped up. This game is not based off an unliscened bible game, this is a game entirely handmade, not a revamp of a game from the 90’s.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

I bought this game just to see how bad it was. I mean, ‘overwhelmingly negative’ is not a rating I see very often. Here are my thoughts.

Here’s what you’re getting into if you play it:

  • A dystopian space voyage through vaguely H.R. Giger-themed terrain.

  • A loop of 80’s synth that will quickly begin to rot your soul.

  • Neon-colored, hard to read text with very amateurish voice acting.

  • A story of a nun on a mission to uncover the reason behind a galactic monastery’s disappearance.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Uriel's Chasm on Steam

Blood and Bacon

Blood and Bacon

Just a Classic game and I really love this Holdout game ever.

Plus exploring things. (Including space moon)

Real player with 27.1 hrs in game

ODAY it seems to me providential that Fate should have chosen Braunau on the Inn as my birthplace. For this little town lies on the boundary between two German states which we of the younger generation at least have made it our life work to reunite by every means at our disposal.

German-Austria must return to the great German mother country, and not because of any economic considerations. No, and again no: even if such a union were unimportant from an economic point of view; yes, even if it were harmful, it must nevertheless take place. One blood demands one Reich. Never will the German nation possess the moral right to engage in colonial politics until, at least, it embraces its own sons within a single state. Only when the Reich borders include the very last German, but can no longer guarantee his daily bread, will the moral right to acquire foreign soil arise from the distress of our own people. Their sword will become our plow, and from the tears of war the daily bread of future generations will grow. And so this little city on the border seems to me the symbol of a great mission. And in another respect as well, it looms as an admonition to the present day. More than a hundred years ago, this insignificant place had the distinction of being immortalized in the annals at least of German history, for it was the scene of a tragic catastrophe which gripped the entire German nation. At the time of our fatherland’s deepest humiliation, Johannes Palm of Nuremberg, burgher, bookseller, uncompromising nationalist and French hater, died there for the Germany which he loved so passionately even in her misfortune. He had stubbornly refused to denounce his accomplices who were in fact his superiors. In thus he resembled Leo Schlageter. And like him, he was denounced to the French by a representative of his government An Augsburg police chief won this unenviable fame, thus furnishing an example for our modern German officials in Herr Severing’s Reich.

Real player with 20.5 hrs in game

Blood and Bacon on Steam

Watching Delusion

Watching Delusion

this game made me realize I only have like 2 braincells 10/10

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

I didn’t finish it yet but it’s fun tho hard. If you like puzzles you can buy it to spend time.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Watching Delusion on Steam