Benbo Quest 2  (LEAKED)  reeal 2021 pre released???

Benbo Quest 2 (LEAKED) reeal 2021 pre released???

WTF Portal to the Skeleton Universe have opened up and it is a catastrophe; The Ultimate Infinite Unlimited Skeleton Army of All Time has come to take over the plant……very uncool anyway like i was sayin the skeeltons came outta the portel and now the all the everything is messed up :( Seceret Government Organization combat the menace to no success, there are too much powerful Skeletons and President Obmama can’t do shit about it.

Meanwhiel at your house: you (anime girl) all like o_o wtf why is there skeleton lol so you GO ON THE EPIC QUEST TO BUY THIS GAME FOR $15


SUPER BENBO QUEST TURBO OVERDRIVE is the newest first and last installment of the Benbo Franchise

you play as The Legendary Anime Girl with unlimited damage attacks and its a 2d pixel platformer so you basically walk to the side of the level - and punch the skeletons on the way it’s not complicated


  • more than 9 million level

  • Punching Skeletons


  • game about self discovery

  • list

  • me adding speeling miskete on purpous so you have to reread it 20 times

  • 99% more epic and swag than any other Benbo Game


Read More: Best Illuminati Platformer Games.

Benbo Quest 2 (LEAKED) reeal 2021 pre released??? on Steam

Meme Run 2

Meme Run 2

Meme Run 2 review

This is my Meme Run 2 review, this isn’t anybody else’s Meme Run 2 review.

Whilst there may be several like it, this is MY Meme Run 2 review. It’s not warxillusion’s steam review of Meme Run 2, its not Twitter User GoingRandomNow’s steam review of Meme Run 2. It. Is. MINE.

Anyways, now that i got that out of the way and that you guys know that it is my Steam Review of Meme Run 2, i would like to express my opinions on Meme Run 2 in this Review about Meme Run 2 by ioletsgo.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Illuminati Platformer Games.

I love this game so fucking much, it is incredibly addictive and very difficult. I see a few reviews on here calling the game bad but I don’t think they understand the point, you see all the crazy seizure inducing shit on the screen is what makes the game interesting, funny and hard. Every single crazy thing on the screen is designed to do three things, be funny, be ironic and make the game harder. Instead of having mobs that you have to fight off you have 1000 dollar bills on your screen covering 50% of what you see. In the past 24 hours I have spent 6 hours playing this game and every minute was worth it and I hope to be meming on for many more.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Meme Run 2 on Steam