Magic defense

Magic defense

no mute

no speed control

no demolish

and no ending…

seriously, i’m over 500,000 points

but difficulty level was the same…

the next level was the same, the next next next level was the same

so so so boring and finger painful


Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Idler Strategy Games.

Does not give you a lot of information at the start, but after a bit of fumbling, you will enjoy a good “Tower Defense style” (their words) game.

The enemies come at you from all angles, but if you have a “good” starting map (it’s very easy to restart the game) you are off and running. You will soon work out that once the pot of gold is moved, the enemies will typically exit to the top of the map and you can lay your defences accordingly. The only tricky bit are enemies who then attack from the top of the map.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Magic defense on Steam

Idle TD: Heroes vs Zombies

Idle TD: Heroes vs Zombies

ITDHVZ это IMTD от того же разРаба, с некоторыми изменениями. Поэтому напишу об отличиях.

Плюсы, в сравнении с предыдущей игрой:

Нет экзотиков, в некотором плане может даже проще формировать расстановку монстров на поле;

Отсутствуют щиты, а вместо элементалов монстры делятся на профы - 8 мобов в каждой группе редкости - по 2 дд, 2 бафера, 2 голд/эксп-фармера, 2 дебафера, 2 бафера;

Имеется 3 слота сохранений/загрузки для абилок на каждую карту, не только для монстров;

Отсутствуют скучные чалленджи, но есть принципиально новая музыка;

Real player with 2980.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Idler Strategy Games.

as far as idle games go this is kind of a sequel to a game called idle monster tower defense. when i say its a sequel mostly i mean that it is a similar game but built from the ground up to be easier to work on. at the time of this review it has little to offer as far as new content from that game but its a fertile start and the dev is already nearing new content released. I recommend this game as an idle game especially considering my optimistic attitude toward future updates.

Real player with 2952.7 hrs in game

Idle TD: Heroes vs Zombies on Steam



This game is not worth even .99. The map is useless, doesn’t show where you are and the flashlight doesn’t light up much of the area that you are in. I have yet to make it very far from the mountain start point before being killed. Maybe I just need a difficulty setting that is easier.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Idler Outbreak Sim Games.

Oh my fucking god. I got this game from random steam key bundle… I bought it because i like new “deep in steam” games BUT THIS ONE IS WORST I HAVE EVER PLAYED. And fuck god I am done. This game looks nice in pictures even the reviews are good but they are FAKE. Because this game has HUGE map. BUT you will spawn in corner of it and you are not able to get somewhere where is something so you can for 5 minutes and get killed by zombie because u have only knife. I have died like 10 times and never even spotted any house or loot. So PLEASE DO NOT BUY THIS GAME. REVIEWS ARE FAKE AND GAME IS UNPLAYABLE… REPEAT UNPLAYBLE

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

ZAR on Steam

Zombie Gotchi

Zombie Gotchi

Fun little game!

Still needs some polishing here and there. But it has potential and I’m waiting to see how this will develop.

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

Se você quer voltar aos bons tempos do tamagotchi, esse é o jogo!

De início você pode escolher entre um zumbi macho ou fêmea, ,as pode ter acesso aos mesmos itens do sexo oposto (ex: roupas). Existe uma grande variação de roupas, acessórios, cenários, atividades, comidas, remédios e até mesmo itens para dormir! E de acordo com que você joga, o seu zumbi de estimação vai adquirindo níveis maiores que irão desbloquear novas atividades e itens.

Apesar de estar no EARLY ACCESS, ficou bem completo… tudo que falta é uma música ambiente.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Zombie Gotchi on Steam

Wild West Z

Wild West Z

Even though this game is released in early access, it is far from complete and not made with common user experiences in mind. Here’s some reasons of why you shouldn’t buy this game at this point:


-There’s no key re-binding. The only mention of controls is through dialogue at the very beginning and the main menu tells you nothing.

-During character dialogue, pressing tab or control allows you to edit their text lines, and you can’t back out of this “debug” mode unless you restart the game save.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Okay, look at how bad the trailer looks and then understand that the trailer makes this game look about 50 times better than it actually is.

This game and developer should be FINED.. and then have his face SLAPPED HARD… for one reason. He has maximum MOTION BLUR and NO SETTING TO TURN THIS CRAP OFF! WTF?!!? Yes, fine this guy AND slap the hell out of him!

It’s buggy, it’s not fun to play. It’s much more comedy than it is a fun “action shooter”. If you think ridiculous bugs like a bridge breaking apart for no reason and spinning at 3,000 spins per minute in mid air. Ugh. LOL! No, UGH!

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Wild West Z on Steam

Desert Magic Adventures

Desert Magic Adventures

Lucky me wins the dubious honour of writing the first review for Desert Magic Adventures, an asset flip from cash grab copy + paste artists, wow wow Games.

Desert Magic Adventures is another GameMaker Studio asset flip from serial copy+paste infringers, wow wow Games. All these guys do is rip off game templates and projects from the Yoyogames/GameMaker Studio store, change the name and a few cosmetic details, and try to scam people into paying for someone else’s work on Steam. They have run asset flip scams dozens of times, and this is no exception. It’s nothing but a cash grab.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Desert Magic Adventures on Steam



“But it’s just an idle game.”

I’ve been playing Zombidle for over a year now (since its first builds in July 2015) and throughout the year, I’ve become more and more involved with the community. Even still, I am a heavy player of Zombidle, just in the beta test alone I’ve racked up ~280 hours, though as is the nature of the game, it’s open most of the time doing it’s own thing.

The game itself is awesome, it’s kept me engaged all this time (not an easy feat, I get distracted easily!) As you progress, you are always unlocking more things to do, whether it be the first time you discover that the game world you’ve seen thus far is but a fraction of what there is, when your main source of power now falls to the wayside as you discover and unlock greater sources.

Real player with 13742.9 hrs in game

I know what you are thinking: “Oh god, ANOTHER idle clicker game? Pass!”

No… stop right there, come back, and try it.

How can I best put it? Early on may feel very slow, and the game seems like your standard clicker game, it changes once you progress to a certain point. When you can start crafting, which is… at some point down the line. You’ll have to play to see it for yourself!

Aside from that, the auto-click spell? It’s not 10 clicks/taps a second, it’s way more than that! And while there are no things like Clicker Heroes' Hero Souls, you have Hell itself willing to build you buildings that provide DPS, Skulls (your in-game currency), DPS to Click/Tap damage, and better Devil Deals.

Real player with 7421.9 hrs in game

Zombidle : REMONSTERED on Steam

Horror Girl Puzzle

Horror Girl Puzzle

It actually seems that among the 100-achievements, profile-limited games that are coming out these months on Steam there are some of them worth the while. I mean, I see every week a ton of “everything + puzzle” game or similar titles and of course most of them are asset flips and little else.

Developer Anatoliy Loginovskikh made a great effort in his drawing style here and he shows us his best horror-themed girls' operas, that of course compose the base of this puzzle game.

We will in fact be asked to solve puzzles through various mechanics, mainly by dragging and rotating the various pieces. And we will compose some really beautiful artworks, all made specifically for this game.

Real player with 46.5 hrs in game

  • ### Morlan’s shorts:

No more and no less weird than the other games from this developer. At first it’s a simple twist-puzzle but later there are..elements added. The nude-tentacle-girl-art is quite well done and I liked it and the little other puzzles are fun. It’s a very very short game though so you may want to pick it up on sale.

Don’t waste more time reading lengthy reviews.. time is of the essence!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Horror Girl Puzzle on Steam

Zombie Strike

Zombie Strike

honestly i have only played 3hrs and that was from first login. i will be continuing as i have no reasons yet not to. consequently, this review is subject to change

the incredibly naive will quote this as a pay-to-win game, which is utter nonsense. only game i ever played (in 40 years of gaming) that falls into THAT category is zynga’s poker game which you could win actual money playing…….. as long as you were an american living in america. you can pay but you don’t win anything.

this game does NOT target your wallet……..that’s just cheap. no, this game is SO overly priced it targets your savings account :D

Real player with 101.0 hrs in game

good game😊 . but it can be better than that 😐😑

Real player with 48.4 hrs in game

Zombie Strike on Steam

Crusaders of the Lost Idols

Crusaders of the Lost Idols

Crusaders of the Lost Idols is my favorite idle/incremental game. It has such a depth of concept and ever growing content. It just not get boring. I probably played it everyday since I discovered it on Steam.

Real player with 4613.8 hrs in game

Crusaders of the Lost Idols is a clever game that is far too hard core and far too grindy to really be enjoyable.

The premise is simple, use a group of characters, in a certain ‘formation’ to complete a goal, say level 350. Each ‘crusader’ has slot with equipment as well as powers. By placing certain ones next to other ones you might gain more damage or more gold. Each level has a goal, when it’s met you move on to the next one. Then you ‘reset’ the game which gives you idols. The idols in turn, permanently give you more dps and gold.

Real player with 2508.8 hrs in game

Crusaders of the Lost Idols on Steam