

Rodina.doc tells the history of modern Russia in catastrophes, protests, and criminal cases.

The gameplay is inspired by classic adventure games. It shows everyday life and tells the stories of ordinary people against a backdrop of historical catastrophes. Many artefacts from the epoch, research texts, and historical eyewitness accounts can be discovered over the course of the game. The documentary is combined with elements of fantastical realism, quotes with fantasy, adventure with classic arcades.

Rodina.doc is a documentary game from the Department of Pain, a group of critically minded documentary artists. This is a journey through the history of modern Russia, from 1991 to the present. Each episode is a catastrophe – the coup, the shelling of the Russian White House, the First Chechen War, terrorist attacks, politically-motivated trials, protests – everything that makes up our contemporary reality, the place we all came from. Our uncomfortable past, our invisible Russia. History is us, and “coming to terms with the truth is a recipe for civic solidarity”.

Game features:

  • Point-and-click quests with historical backdrops. Try to live in 1991, stand up against the totalitarian coup, and shop for wallpaper.

  • Varieties of mini-games, inspired by classics from the ’80s and ’90s.

  • Historic documentary evidence: books, video, radio.

  • Music from 1991.

  • Invented characters and real historical figures.

  • Authentic Soviet newspapers.

  • Deficits of toilet paper.

Episode 1. “The Start: 1991-93”.

Late-USSR, 19 August 1991. Typist and translator Nina Alesina wakes up at 7 a.m. in her Moscow apartment. Today Nina is only interested in her renovation work. For some time now, she has dreamed of new wallpaper. At the same time, a fraction of the Soviet government has for a while dreamed of stopping perestroika and returning to late Stalinism. Throughout the country, there are deficits, unemployment, strikes, and glasnost. Starting with the attempted coup in 1991, our story will continue with the constitutional crisis of 1993.

Read More: Best Idler First-Person Games.

rodina.doc on Steam

Cat’s Menace

Cat’s Menace

This game was a lot of fun to play in front of my stream audience, however playing it by myself without friends would have been a rather miserable experience, I’m afraid. The game has no save or checkpoint system, so when you have a Game Over, you have to start the entire game over from the beginning. The game operates by having you assign a cat to a task and making choices to decide whether the cats succeed or fail in the mission. The choices have no logic behind them, so it’s a coin flip in deciding if you lose the cat you assigned or not. Also, it doesn’t seem to matter which cats you assign to the mission. They’re essentially just very cute life counters.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Idler Experimental Games.

So, I’m going to be honest and say, I LOVE CATS…

Now, when I then looked at the “Similar to games you’ve played: The Witcher 3 and Portal 2” I was ready for this game to BLOW. MY. MIND.

Spoiler alert: It did not…

The other reviews are spot on:

  • English translation is bad, even to the point where some things doesn’t make sense

  • It’s game over pretty easily and you have no idea what would be the right answer to the events you’re prompted with

  • When you get a game over, you start over from the beginning - so it becomes a pattern of blindly guessing what’s right and having to remember every right answer to get further in the game. Which gets boring and annoying very fast.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Cat's Menace on Steam

Kingdom of Assetia: The Clicker Game

Kingdom of Assetia: The Clicker Game

this game is not as bad as many i’ve played on steam, i know this game is early access but its a hard grind right now, hopefully the balancing will get sorted soon

Real player with 42.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Idler Clicker Games.

Great Clicker/Idle game! Started rough, But it is an Early Access game after all, Developer has fixed the balancing issues as well as added more content and is really fast when it comes to fixing bugs that have been reported to him.

Real player with 31.2 hrs in game

Kingdom of Assetia: The Clicker Game on Steam



Overall - 70/100

A relaxing watercolor “zuma-like” where you play as a cat

Playing as a cat - 20/20


Acting like a cat - 5/20

You’re generally “shooting” your projectiles by knocking things off a ledge, which is obviously cat-like behavior. The menu is also full of small delights where you chew on plants and try to knock over vases. For most of the gameplay, though, the cat could be replaced with any other sprite (say, a frog) without losing anything.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

This is a charming little idler game that is very relaxing.

The game is structured into 12 different paintings tied to months of the year, each with 4 stages. The goal is to match the paints (“Color Spirits”) to 1 or more of the same kind to eliminate them. Each stage sends out 100 Color Spirits to float through the scene and in order to pass the stage, you must get 60 points (1 point for each one you eliminate). Despite the simplicity of the concept, there is slight increasing of difficulty within each month’s painting stages. My favorite thing about this is the collision. You can send the Color Spirits sprawling into other, non-matching ones which can send them flying. This allows for a couple strategies. You can create chain reactions if the Color Spirits are placed just right! Or you can use non-matching ones to try and push Color Spirits into others of the same type within the line of floating spirits! But be careful; you can also push them right off the screen, which means you won’t be able to match them, so that’s fewer points for you to accumulate.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

留白(WhiteWash) on Steam



Very bad for a game that actually costs real money.

could use more content and a better layuot for the graphical user interface, its literally effortless.

Real player with 137.7 hrs in game

For an idle game it is quite short, It is “beatable” in a few days.

Game is bugged and the dev does not care. The gains are faster/slower depending on which tab you are on. It tickles the surface of what makes idle game fun but that ends there. I doubt the game will evolve furthermore. Do not recommend.

Real player with 83.8 hrs in game

OPEC IDLE on Steam

Progress Game

Progress Game

I love this game. People are forgetting that this is still super new and wont have a lot of content. I am sitting at 90 hours on the game so far and love hitting those high numbers. To the reset complaints, I mean it only takes like 2 hours to get back to the max anyway so its not worth the stress over that. Also resets are common in alphas and betas and these children new to gaming don’t seem to understand that.

EDIT- I have hit a wall on floor 1318 of the infinite dungeon that after I beat the enemy whos health bar does not budge until death my game crashes. I however have fixed this by just going somewhere else on the map. Can’t wait for more!

Real player with 131.2 hrs in game

As of writing this review I am level 842 and have played for ~38.2 hours.

Progress game is a game about.. Well, progressing. You kill enemies to craft better gear so that you can kill even stronger enemies. You get points which you use to update various different stats & much more. There’s currently 7 different zones to explore and conquer.

You can play through the “main game” in about 2-6 hours but if you still desire more there’s a zone with infinite amount of enemies for you to slay!

You might think Progress Game lacks content, but you have to remember there’s only 1 developer working on it, and for free!

Real player with 99.3 hrs in game

Progress Game on Steam

Target Practice

Target Practice

There’s one game mode: Target Practice.

Click targets to bounce them, if they hit the floor you lose! You have three abilities to help you do this.

Q: Time Pause

Freeze all Targets in place for 5 seconds. Click again to stop early.

W: Bounce All

Bounce all targets at once!

E: Remove Target

Delete a target from existence.

You can also change how the game plays by changing the variables! Head to the Change Variables menu and do whatever you want. Make the targets fall like meteors for the challenge, or reduce the cooldown of your abilities for a relaxed game. The choice is yours.

Target Practice on Steam

The Sin

The Sin

This game has an incredible sense of mood. The translation to English was pretty wonky but this did not stop me from enjoying the game at all. Loved it.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Oh man, this needs a proper translation badly, it deserves one.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

The Sin on Steam



Not a bad game, with nice graphics and pleasant gameplay. Played for a couple of hours and it was worth it.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Dark Around You is yet another 2D retro pixel platformer polluting the Steam marketplace. This one has a telekinesis gimmick where you can drag things around with the mouse pointer to help you do the platforming.

While this was built in Unity, it doesn’t seem like an asset flip as there’s a bespoke story and some pretty uniquely done mechanics and visuals. Kudos to the developer for that.

They chose to use obsolete retro pixel “art” as a substitute for contemporary PC graphics. It’s unclear if this is due to lack of budget or talent, regardless, the overall visual quality of the game is extremely low as a result. Resolution and controls are locked. There’s a really unpleasant screen filter/effect that makes the camera sway as you move around, it made me feel a bit queasy, and I couldn’t see any way to turn that off. These flaws push this game far below minimum acceptable standards for PC.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game


Fidget Spinner Editor

Fidget Spinner Editor

July 11 2021:

As of writing this review many things in my life and the world are changing. Not only is the COVID-19 pandemic coming to a close and the world is finally opening up, but I am also preparing to move. However one thing has stayed the same throughout these past months. My dedication to this wonderful and truly magnificent game “Fidget Spinner Editor”.

Let me preface this review by stating this… I am entirely biased toward this game, and this entire review will be describing this game in positive light and elaborating/building on my previous two reviews of the game

Real player with 3000.2 hrs in game

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Fidget Spinner Editor. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also the Spinners nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- its personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Fidget Spinner Editor truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Spinners existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Myarcadegames genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Fidget Spinner Editor on Steam