The Perfect Tower II

The Perfect Tower II

I have been playing this game on early access for 2 months now (since apparently we’re flexing playtime in reviews I have 1475 hours). I’ve played a lot of idle games before but this is the first one that managed to keep me hooked more then a few days. There are a few reasons for that :

  • the content is very varied, much more then any other idle game I’ve seen before, with a lot of different buildings that feel like different games but somehow tie together really well (you can fight bosses, optimize a factory that feels a lot like modded Minecraft, or try to get the highest possible scores in the various experiments of the laboratory, and a lot more…)

Real player with 5474.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Idler Automation Games.

I don’t typically do reviews. Usually someone else said it better and didn’t take 13 pages to say it. But for whatever reason I felt the urge to hear my own sweet Cherry keystrokes and here we are. Hi.

First off, this is probably one of the most, if not thee most advanced TD variant out there. It’s extremely involved and has system upon system that initially don’t seem too connected but everything assuredly is. Don’t go into this expecting Desktop Tower Defense 1.5 (My first TD game back on Kong). This will take hours to fully understand if you go in blind and don’t read a guide. The ingame help wasn’t much help when I started and the updates to it still don’t seem like they would be too helpful. But if you stick to it, the systems and loop aren’t in some foreign language and can be figured out with some time and effort.

Real player with 1183.8 hrs in game

The Perfect Tower II on Steam

CompactO - Idle Game

CompactO - Idle Game

I could have gotten this for free but decided to buy it instead. There was more content in the alpha version but it was removed due to it being pretty broken. There is more content currently in development that will extend the life of the game and help to better balance the later game. The dev has made some other games that I enjoy playing and look forward to where this one goes.

Edit: A lot more content has been added.

Real player with 180.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Idler Indie Games.

This game is short and sweet for an idle game. Definitely not worth $2.99. On top of that, once you beat the game it allows you to keep playing in order to earn more money, but I have now gotten to the point where I can’t even open the game because my numbers are too big for the game to handle. The prestige system in this game is fairly boring and the second layer of prestiging is lame because you quickly get to the point where it is working as fast as possible and all you can do is wait. It was overall a fun game but not worth any money.

Real player with 176.5 hrs in game

CompactO - Idle Game on Steam

Idle Monster TD

Idle Monster TD

I really wish Steam had a neutral option. This game, for me, would be a case of “Yep, it’s okay” or “Fun under specific circumstances”.

Let’s get started!


1. The game actually rewards you spending time interacting with it. The little helicopters that show up every so often will make you frequently check in on the idle game. While the rewards aren’t “outstanding”, an overall reward of 10% boost to damage of all your monsters for every 5 clicked can add up quite quickly if you’re active. There are also spells (which you can automate, but isn’t as effective for anything except the resource gathering spells) which you can activate in order to help push you through a wave.

Real player with 1429.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Idler Pixel Graphics Games.

I have been playing this game on a number of platforms and did test it on the Steam platform here. I truly like this game and it has kept me coming back since June. There’s always something else to build on, upgrade, or figure out. The developer is actively adding content, quality of life improvements and is still working on more.

It is not necessary to pay to progress and two of three of my accounts (Steam and iOS) are free to play. Yes, it takes longer as free to play, but everything is fully accessible and nothing is behind a pay wall. The good thing is that there is no one best set-up and all godly and immortal monsters are viable to use.

Real player with 626.4 hrs in game

Idle Monster TD on Steam

Inventory Manager

Inventory Manager

A cute little idle game for a dollar. Gave me Flash game nostalgia.

It’s rough around most of its edges, but it does handle an enormous number of customers just fine, which is fun to watch. I’m also easily motivated by bars going up and the “made a sale” sound happening faster and faster.

Weirdly, in the end, my shop was just sellers, my initial bag, and a hundred grabber arms and distributors.

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

I’m not sure how i feel about this game. it’s a bit like a clicker, but without the clicking. you make numbers get bigger until you get to the biggest number, and then you win. I saw it through to the end though, so I must have not hated it? 18 hours played, but probably 12+ of that was leaving the game running to gather funds to get myself over the finish line

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

Inventory Manager on Steam

Lazy Galaxy

Lazy Galaxy

i’ve been with this game since even before it went into Early Access, and I’ve liked it since the very beginning.

The gameplay hits right home for me, and it’s overall a pretty unique game.

It was my first idle clicker game, and I’d say the best I’ve played so far.

There’s a lot to do when you start the game, definitely takes at least 24 hours of VERY ACTIVE gameplay to get to NG+ - took me many days since I was focusing on unlocking all achievements first -, so I believe the price is definitely worth it if you’re a fan of idle games.

Real player with 586.1 hrs in game

I wish we had options other than Yes/No. Clearly I enjoyed the game. Steam reports I’ve got 250 ish hours into it. A lot of that is sitting idle until I figured out I should cheat. Except it wasn’t cheating. The developers figured out the simple change your computers time trick and programmed it into the game. That’s where things went from good to meh.

Going in, this was a good idle clicker. Sure there are tricks to learn and learning them is part of the fun. If your goal is to defeat the enemy and finish the game that way, you can do it fairly quickly. If you decide you want to get all the in game trophies that’s where it turns into a slog.

Real player with 265.8 hrs in game

Lazy Galaxy on Steam

Magic defense

Magic defense

no mute

no speed control

no demolish

and no ending…

seriously, i’m over 500,000 points

but difficulty level was the same…

the next level was the same, the next next next level was the same

so so so boring and finger painful


Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Does not give you a lot of information at the start, but after a bit of fumbling, you will enjoy a good “Tower Defense style” (their words) game.

The enemies come at you from all angles, but if you have a “good” starting map (it’s very easy to restart the game) you are off and running. You will soon work out that once the pot of gold is moved, the enemies will typically exit to the top of the map and you can lay your defences accordingly. The only tricky bit are enemies who then attack from the top of the map.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Magic defense on Steam

Conquer The Universe

Conquer The Universe

The core game itself is still in it’s infancy. Seems the dev has a lot planned in the future. It certainly has a lot of growth potential and I feel like this one is worth keeping an eye on. I’m definitely going to have to jump deeper into this game and see some of the unlocks available etc.. Then of course (after that) waiting for the new content and immediately eating it up :)

Real player with 160.2 hrs in game

This is a review of version 0.012. If there is a later version, this review may no longer be valid.


I am reviewing this after the 9th day of playing it, after getting the last unlock available at this time and roughly 5e16 Antimatter. I made a minor update after 0.012 was released. For full disclosure, at the time of this review, I, like everyone else, obtained this game for free.


This is not a bad idle game for consuming a dozen or three hours over a bit more than a week. However, its main loop isn’t that interesting (unlike, say, Incremental Epic Hero), and there are few choices of any real significance (unlike, say, Underworld Idle). The math in several places seems dubious, as there are direct feedback mechanisms on several of the currencies, and most of the multipliers are not well-limited. Most of the unlocks aren’t that interesting, and at the end, mostly I was waiting for fairly short periods of time to access one or another unlock for my workers. Finally, I am uncertain that the automation actually improves the game, and it seemed strange to be spending a lot of the only prestige currency on gaining tiny bits of automation, one at a time.

Real player with 81.6 hrs in game

Conquer The Universe on Steam

Critter Clicker

Critter Clicker

Ok; I agree with reviews stating this is not a clicker game. Maybe ‘Idle Critters’ would be a better name. But I don’t agree that this makes it completely pointless and not worth the money don’t even have to spend on it.

I actually really liked it; trying to get all the upgrades and embiggen your farm is fun.

Plus, despite being a bit ‘bare bones’, once you get used to the interface it definitely has a quirky charm that I actually found far more pleasant than a lot of the more ‘polished’ idle/clicker games out there.

Real player with 335.8 hrs in game

There is nothing to this game. Great at first but once you unlock the very minimal amount of things there is to unlock that it for the game.

If the game gets a major overhaul update I will reverse this to recommend.

Edit the 80+ hours are from mostly leaving it on overnight for a few nights… really only spent maybe an hour at most configuring things.

Sure it is free but if the developer added way more stuff I would pay something for this game because in the beginning it is fun.

Real player with 83.5 hrs in game

Critter Clicker on Steam

Fastest Hands In The WASD

Fastest Hands In The WASD

Really nice simple idle with good mechanics.

The devs are also really nice and every problem I had they fixed!

The prestige system is painless and you can see the benefits quickly.

The clothes are silly and the skins on the weapons look nice (wish there were more!)

The pets are also pure RNG and are a nice little sink to put extra plats into hoping for the best.

I was playing before they added most of these elements and each one has blended in well.

I liked the first version and have had it open since!

Real player with 1449.7 hrs in game

TLDR - Worth the money for the idle mode, and the idle mode is very good! Other sections of the game are fun for a bit but unpolished. Keep in mind this review was made during Patch 11 so things will undoubtedly change.

Idle mode is great, and is one of the best idlers I’ve ever played no doubt. There’s enough content and fun references to keep you entertained for as long or as little as you want. The animations are fun and clever; the weapons, elements, critical system, and hats are very interesting too. If I had to make one critique here I’d say the pacing is a bit off; it starts out sluggish for the first 15ish waves (can be skipped after getting an in-game upgrade) and then by the time you’ve got your fifth or sixth gold hat you literally can’t click fast enough to spend the silver you’ve accrued. After your 50th prestige it is a racing game for how fast you can click, and you won’t spend your money before it’s time to prestige again.

Real player with 152.4 hrs in game

Fastest Hands In The WASD on Steam

Idle Armada

Idle Armada

  • Not a clone like many other idle games.

  • Continues to be updated and developer is active on Discord

  • Fun and has an ok balance for active and passive play styles

  • Enough content and unlocks to justify the price, new jobs have been added in updates since release.

Real player with 755.8 hrs in game

An humble little clicker that does not promise much but delivers.

Although progression is very slow, it’s very pleasant to just see your fleet cruising in space, casually shredding any and all opposition to your grind.

The gameplay is quite simple, with two upgrade trees + a prestige tree, three base resources and three advanced ones. Grinding is relatively slow, but just enough to make you keep coming back after a few days.

The graphics, ripped from the 90’s classic Tyrian are very nice to the eye and blend well with the retro interface

Real player with 276.3 hrs in game

Idle Armada on Steam