Guns Craft

Guns Craft

so boring.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Idler Relaxing Games.

you can’t make anything on your own you can only recolor the pre-made ones and even then it won’t let you chose new colors

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Guns Craft on Steam

Dizzy Two

Dizzy Two

So there’s a DIzzy game on Steam! Not really clear what the involvement of Codemasters, the Oliver Twins or whoever owns Dizzy these days is, but I’m accepting this in good faith.

This is a fairly typical Dizzy arcade adventure, resembling the 16-bit versions with full colour graphics rather than the black sky 8-bit originals. It starts out in an actual house instead of one of those treehouse things, seeming to put Dizzy in more of a realistic setting than usual. I’ve played for a bit and found some annoying platform-jumping bits where you’ll struggle for a while just to get back to where you started… Which is, of course, totally on brand for Dizzy. The puzzles I’ve encountered so far make sense; if anything they’re a bit too obvious.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Idler Side Scroller Games.















Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Dizzy Two on Steam

Legends of IdleOn - Idle MMO

Legends of IdleOn - Idle MMO


EDIT 2: Okay so just a heads up. The Dev (LavaFlame2) is extremely extremely fragile and if you leave a bad review and finds out who you are he will ban you on everything he possibly can and all your friends. After i spoke to him on discord he then blocked me. Banned me from the discord and sub Reddit and then banned all of my guild members. He took this review very personally and now attacked me and my friends because i gave my honest thoughts about the game and how i feel about it in its current state. Dev has been late with every single update he has ever released is usually on holiday not actually working on developing the game unfortunately. Make sure not to spend money on the game as odds are he will be giving up developing this game very soon (just like his last games he has done the exact same thing with).

Real player with 1393.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Idler Massively Multiplayer Games.

First, let me start off by saying that I am having fun in the game. I am. However, the game has a lot of issues which means people who traditionally enjoy Idle Games… probably aren’t going to have much fun.

An Idle game, traditionally, relies on a specific gameplay loop. If it gets this loop correct, players become hooked. Not a lot of idle games get this gameplay loop correct.

What is that loop?

1. Lots of easy levels in the early game.

2. Each new system introduced is a new avenue for gaining power and clearing gameplay.

Real player with 923.0 hrs in game

Legends of IdleOn - Idle MMO on Steam

Idle Wasteland

Idle Wasteland

This game is FUN! Too fun… No wait. I mean to say addictive. Or… is the real issue that it seems too needy? Let me get more to the point… This game has everything you would want and expect from a wasteland apocalypse game, and it can be played as an idle game for a while, but the issue I am having is that its constantly squawking with birds and notifications to get me to click inside it for a resource. I could turn off those noises, but then I’d miss some important and rare stuff which will help me progress into the game much faster. Which means more likely that I am over stimulated by this game. I drag my mouse back and forth to collect all the trash piles and bugs that spawn, plus the loot bugs and the 10 minute free ad drone (steam does not allow ads, so its free resources). Then the base crafting timer is about a minute long, so I am constantly back into the game to click it twice, then the other craftables. I feel like I can’t leave it alone until I mute it all completely. What it tells me is that this game is very well designed to cause me to want to monitor it while doing other stuff, but has been designed to make me want to click on every junk pile to gain its scraps.

Real player with 766.5 hrs in game

Perfect idle game. Something to do for 15 minutes here, 40 minutes there, just enough to knock out some of the daily missions. You feel a sense of making progress, just try not to analyze the fact that only .1% of players beat the game (or only got the hardest achievements)

If you want a game of upgrades, this is it. This game has upgrades on just about everything, and those upgrades come in tiers, and those tiers have higher tiers. I can’t believe I’ve only put in 18 hours in this game. I’ve unlocked sooooo many things and I still feel as if I’ve only just begun my journey through the wasteland.

Real player with 294.8 hrs in game

Idle Wasteland on Steam

Bard Idle

Bard Idle

Build a unique team

Build a unique team! You will choose heroes from a list where each character has a random weapon, race and class. All this gives a huge number of random combinations! Your choice is important: in a strong team, the heroes will supplement each other.

Create a ballad

The game presents a ballad creation system. Create a ballad of your choice to support your playing style and enhance your team of heroes!

Engage in epic battles

Only strong combinations of heroes, enhanced by the ballad creation system and jelly dwarfs, can leave a mark on history!

As well as:

  • 16 classes

  • 20 types of weapons

  • 6 races

  • Over 100 unique ballad lines

  • 7 types of jelly gnomes

  • Events: chests, altars, animals and unexpected encounters

  • Game Modes: Arena, Hero’s Way, Battle with Titans, Training

  • Combination of active and passive play

  • Original soundtrack and attention to sound

Bard Idle on Steam

Cookie Clicker

“Ultimately, the cookie economy is not designed to help people. It just makes cookies. Like a virus or a tumor. Its nature is to exploit everything around it for its own expansion. Grandmas, banks, temples, every part of life is perverted to serve the purpose of the economy. Nothing is too sacred to be sacrificed on its altar. And for what? What’s the point of a massive, global economy, if it fails to protect the elderly and the vulnerable? Even those with the most cookies don’t really benefit from the system. Past a certain level of wealth, you can never spend that many cookies. And it’s not like the game ever ends. You cannot “win” Cookie Clicker. You just keep making cookies until you stop or you die. You just hoarding cookies for its own sake. It’s not really about the cookies, it’s about the accumulation. Getting more. You could be collecting any meaningless number: points.. subscribers… small, green pieces of paper… past a certain point you just making a number go up.

Real player with 2202.0 hrs in game

Cookie Clicker is a bizarre game and one that makes me wish that Steam had something better than a binary Yes/No review system, as this game can probably work well for some people but horribly for others. I have tried to keep this review as short as possible, but with enough depth to let you know whether this game could be for you.

The idea that idle games can form some sort of critique of modern games (especially with RPG elements increasingly commonplace) is well-worn and incredibly applicable to Cookie Clicker, and whilst some idle games have started charging for in-game purchases, Cookie Clicker is admirably devoid of them. The real question for someone approaching this is whether what Cookie Clicker does is subversive enough to warrant putting time into it at all.

Real player with 836.1 hrs in game

Cookie Clicker on Steam

Critter Clicker

Critter Clicker

Ok; I agree with reviews stating this is not a clicker game. Maybe ‘Idle Critters’ would be a better name. But I don’t agree that this makes it completely pointless and not worth the money don’t even have to spend on it.

I actually really liked it; trying to get all the upgrades and embiggen your farm is fun.

Plus, despite being a bit ‘bare bones’, once you get used to the interface it definitely has a quirky charm that I actually found far more pleasant than a lot of the more ‘polished’ idle/clicker games out there.

Real player with 335.8 hrs in game

There is nothing to this game. Great at first but once you unlock the very minimal amount of things there is to unlock that it for the game.

If the game gets a major overhaul update I will reverse this to recommend.

Edit the 80+ hours are from mostly leaving it on overnight for a few nights… really only spent maybe an hour at most configuring things.

Sure it is free but if the developer added way more stuff I would pay something for this game because in the beginning it is fun.

Real player with 83.5 hrs in game

Critter Clicker on Steam

Idle Monster TD

Idle Monster TD

I really wish Steam had a neutral option. This game, for me, would be a case of “Yep, it’s okay” or “Fun under specific circumstances”.

Let’s get started!


1. The game actually rewards you spending time interacting with it. The little helicopters that show up every so often will make you frequently check in on the idle game. While the rewards aren’t “outstanding”, an overall reward of 10% boost to damage of all your monsters for every 5 clicked can add up quite quickly if you’re active. There are also spells (which you can automate, but isn’t as effective for anything except the resource gathering spells) which you can activate in order to help push you through a wave.

Real player with 1429.3 hrs in game

I have been playing this game on a number of platforms and did test it on the Steam platform here. I truly like this game and it has kept me coming back since June. There’s always something else to build on, upgrade, or figure out. The developer is actively adding content, quality of life improvements and is still working on more.

It is not necessary to pay to progress and two of three of my accounts (Steam and iOS) are free to play. Yes, it takes longer as free to play, but everything is fully accessible and nothing is behind a pay wall. The good thing is that there is no one best set-up and all godly and immortal monsters are viable to use.

Real player with 626.4 hrs in game

Idle Monster TD on Steam

Lazy Galaxy

Lazy Galaxy

i’ve been with this game since even before it went into Early Access, and I’ve liked it since the very beginning.

The gameplay hits right home for me, and it’s overall a pretty unique game.

It was my first idle clicker game, and I’d say the best I’ve played so far.

There’s a lot to do when you start the game, definitely takes at least 24 hours of VERY ACTIVE gameplay to get to NG+ - took me many days since I was focusing on unlocking all achievements first -, so I believe the price is definitely worth it if you’re a fan of idle games.

Real player with 586.1 hrs in game

I wish we had options other than Yes/No. Clearly I enjoyed the game. Steam reports I’ve got 250 ish hours into it. A lot of that is sitting idle until I figured out I should cheat. Except it wasn’t cheating. The developers figured out the simple change your computers time trick and programmed it into the game. That’s where things went from good to meh.

Going in, this was a good idle clicker. Sure there are tricks to learn and learning them is part of the fun. If your goal is to defeat the enemy and finish the game that way, you can do it fairly quickly. If you decide you want to get all the in game trophies that’s where it turns into a slog.

Real player with 265.8 hrs in game

Lazy Galaxy on Steam

Leaf Blower Revolution - Idle Game

Leaf Blower Revolution - Idle Game

I started playing this game a couple of months ago and after just shy of 1800 hours I am not putting this down as not recommended and the reason why is this.

The update on July 19 2021 just added online accounts, competitions, bonuses from said competitions, new challenges and such and for people who are most definitely not into competition in any way shape or form and or any online accounts what so ever plus now the game is going to have advancement tied to online activities.

As a result anyone who does not utilize the online portion of the game is automatically at a disadvantage and will progress at a slower rate then the crawl the game has already become.

Real player with 1795.4 hrs in game

I spent months of my life on this game, sometimes I would leave it in the background and do other things, some times I would spend hours dedicating myself to maximum leaf blowing efficiency. This game is an unholy amalgamation of all things unrighteous in this world. No one, and I mean NO ONE deserves the state of limbo that you are THROWN INTO VIOLENTLY while being sucked into this depression trap of a game. “It’s okay, It’s okay..” I tell myself before I sleep every night. All I can dream of these days is the leaves, the leaves, the leaves…. the leaves…. they haunt me constantly as I go throughout my daily life I can’t remember the last time I went outside to listen to the wind blow softly against the trees. I can’t hear a fan without remembering. I just want to be happy, I want to start a new life without the leaves is that so much to ask? I can’t help but feel fear and regret whenever I see this game in my library, so much time so much time, tik, tok, tik tok, I just want to be free from these feelings, when will God bless me with the gift of freedom, when does it stop when does it stop when does it stop, I can’t help but wonder who is the devil that managed to hide this game under the radar of he who banishes all evil things to the demon realm, how much do you hate this world, o foul creator of this abomination? tik. tok. tik tok.

Real player with 703.2 hrs in game

Leaf Blower Revolution - Idle Game on Steam