Cookie Clicker

“Ultimately, the cookie economy is not designed to help people. It just makes cookies. Like a virus or a tumor. Its nature is to exploit everything around it for its own expansion. Grandmas, banks, temples, every part of life is perverted to serve the purpose of the economy. Nothing is too sacred to be sacrificed on its altar. And for what? What’s the point of a massive, global economy, if it fails to protect the elderly and the vulnerable? Even those with the most cookies don’t really benefit from the system. Past a certain level of wealth, you can never spend that many cookies. And it’s not like the game ever ends. You cannot “win” Cookie Clicker. You just keep making cookies until you stop or you die. You just hoarding cookies for its own sake. It’s not really about the cookies, it’s about the accumulation. Getting more. You could be collecting any meaningless number: points.. subscribers… small, green pieces of paper… past a certain point you just making a number go up.

Real player with 2202.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Idler Indie Games.

Cookie Clicker is a bizarre game and one that makes me wish that Steam had something better than a binary Yes/No review system, as this game can probably work well for some people but horribly for others. I have tried to keep this review as short as possible, but with enough depth to let you know whether this game could be for you.

The idea that idle games can form some sort of critique of modern games (especially with RPG elements increasingly commonplace) is well-worn and incredibly applicable to Cookie Clicker, and whilst some idle games have started charging for in-game purchases, Cookie Clicker is admirably devoid of them. The real question for someone approaching this is whether what Cookie Clicker does is subversive enough to warrant putting time into it at all.

Real player with 836.1 hrs in game

Cookie Clicker on Steam



This is a cute, psuedo-clicker that is extremely simple compared to many of the other titles in the Clicker genre. Everything goes together very nicely. The only problem is that it’s mostly a quest to complete the achievements, and then there isn’t much to do. The garden gets maxed out. The upside is that it doesn’t require micro-transactions (I’m looking at you, Clicker Heroes, Adventure Capitalist, etc) to “complete” the game.

The idea is to build a garden with 3 layers of plants (trees in back, bushes in the middle, and vegetables in the front) to harvest, as well as animals to get “produce” from, such as wool, milk, eggs, and random stuff the pigs dig up. There are various critters that will try to interrupt the farming. Wolves and foxes will scare the animals, rabbits will steal vegetables, and birds will fly away with one produce item. Obviously this has minimal impact on the overall output, and they don’t really add much except something else to look at.

Real player with 86.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Idler Sandbox Games.

Published by: VaragtP

Developed by: VaragtP

Genre: Casual, Indie, Simulation, Family-friendly

Release Date: 29 Jan, 2016

Create, expand and watch your garden grown in this super addictive and totally adorable casual clicker game.


Plantera is a simple and highly addictive clicker game, where the basic objective is to build and expand your own garden. As your garden grows, you collect more coins which allow you to further boost your garden (and coin collecting efficiency). Boosters can be bought with the coins, which allow higher value of produce, collecting coins when the game isn’t running for larger periods (I can currently leave my game for 12 hours, and come back to a large sum of coins waiting for me!), and guard dogs and scarecrows to scare away the critters trying to steal your produce! Though I’m not generally a fan of clicker games, I have really enjoyed Plantera thus far.

Real player with 73.2 hrs in game

Plantera on Steam

Grim Clicker

Grim Clicker

~~TLDR: The game itself is pretty good but the state of the cash shop has led me to ultimately downvote this game.

This game is definitely better than a vast majority of other garbage clicker games on Steam. Good art, music, UI. The items can be a bit confusing. At least early on the game is pretty generous with handing out chests, so you’ll end up with quite a few weapons. To me at least, it’s very difficult to tell what is good and what is bad. I would like to see some additional way to tell how good a certain item is.~~

Real player with 1245.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Idler RPG Games.

So, this review will be a bit long, but it will be a idle game lovers view, and marking all pro’s and con’s I see, with some thoughts on it.

What I would like to begin with is, I had a save issue, after I had drop some $ into the game, and I wrote a message to the email given when I was looking for support. The first response back was amazing. They gave many different ways to try to fix my save file from loading cloud, or finding computer save, etc. They said if I could, they would love to at least have me start from the beginning and they would refund “all” my shards. If I could find a save of me in the 2nd world, they would start me there while refunding all my shards.

Real player with 823.8 hrs in game

Grim Clicker on Steam

Idle Pins

Idle Pins

Edit 02/11/2021: Three things related to monetisation have happened. First, leaderboards have been removed. That’s good, they were useless anyway and clear cheaters mostly populated the top spots. Second, the daily premium currency (Derium) given has increased dramatically, roughly doubling over the first month. While the amounts are still very, very small, it’s something. Good job.

Lastly, I cursed the game when talking about RNG based purchases, because there is now a slot machine for the Halloween event. The listed chances are 1.23% for a good drop, 29.88% for a not very good drop, 68.9% for absolutely nothing. You also get a tiny consolation prize with each roll, all for 100 Derium. If you wanted to buy Derium it would take roughly 8,100 to get one of the good drops, costing around $20. More absurd monetisation from the developer, sadly.

Real player with 1220.6 hrs in game

This will be a fully honest and unbiased review, i personally enjoy the game as i did with the original.

Personally i consider this game a pretty good balance between the active and idle sides of the incremental community. (if you complain about the game require to much active then, simply put the game isnt made for you, as its more geared towards the more active side of the incremental community. dont expect something like melvor, expect something like realmgrinder in terms of activity) The game however isnt entirely active and does have a somewhat long waiting periods, not timewalls per say, but just waiting periods. none the less, despite the fact i prefer EXTREMELY active games like perfect tower 2, and The Prestige Tree. this game has somehow entranced me despite the larger waiting periods.

Real player with 304.3 hrs in game

Idle Pins on Steam

Wild West Saga: Idle Tycoon Clicker

Wild West Saga: Idle Tycoon Clicker

As a pointless idle game to play halfway through and then forget about, it’s an acceptable game.

If you want closure on a game, or 100% achievements, or a feeling of playing a completed product, it’s not.

To get 100% completion, you have to refer at least 120 new players, either by constantly spamming every board you can find, being one of the few lucky ones able to get their family code listed on the highscore list, or by creating 120 fake accounts. Not that I in any way endorse cheating the referral system by switching chrome to incognito mode, opening the game on kongregate, and using the free gems to skip ahead until you can insert your family code.

Real player with 6451.6 hrs in game

After 1000+h, I can safely say that this game, although fun at some times, is an unbalanced mess, with repeated technical and design problems…

People cannot finish a World without the Devs resetting them to the next world, if they try to maximize the cards you get in each town (which is of course the natural thing to do). This problem is known for more than a year, and its still not fixed, the Forum is full of these requests. I too had to use it once already, and removed my previously negative review based on that they helped me manually…

Real player with 1228.7 hrs in game

Wild West Saga: Idle Tycoon Clicker on Steam



I’m only a couple hours in on release day, and will update review accordingly if my conclusion changes, the deeper I get.

I don’t tend to read anything when I start a new game, and that fact didn’t make me feel lost at any point. I quickly figured out what was going on. Even with simply jumping in, like I do, the game immediately drew me in, and made it rewarding to keep going, as most idlers do.

I really like the card system, as opposed to the normal “hero” upgrades.

Even though there are a lot of cards in both decks that you have access to, at the start-ish of the game, to look at, and consider, the game keeps it pretty straight forward, and the management feels very simple and easy.

Real player with 7307.0 hrs in game

If you like my reviews, drop me a follow:

DPS IDLE seems to be a nice game at its core and you can easily feel it is still in EA as the balancing is far off.

The graphics are okay. Sadly the game doesn’t really tell you anything about what feature does what. If you never played an idle game before, you’ll probably stuck quickly. Else you will see nothing really much new.

Now the part why I give this game a no is the monetization.

The prices for the given features are extremely high.

Real player with 299.3 hrs in game

DPS IDLE on Steam

Coin Treasures

Coin Treasures

A really novel idle idea!

I have already put some hours into it and am looking forward to seeing how the game goes.

The developers are very nice and this game definitely needs to be seen by the eyes more idler junkies!

The game can seem too easy at times then the next moment Thor’s hammer takes away all your stuff!

You can sit there and spend all your coins and try to maneuver the items the best you can, but when you come back

it’s always going to look like a crazy mess haha. It will start slow of course, but gradually you can drop more coins faster

Real player with 198.5 hrs in game

This is a neat more visual take on relatively simple incremental mechanics… and it kinda works.

TLDR: The game has some issues, but I find myself still playing it after 5hours+, and still enjoying it.

Don’t expect this to be an incremental with tens of new mechanics to unlock over 100+ hours, it is a much more condensed experience. And if you enjoy more visually appealing incrementals, then it’s definitely worth a try - although the current price might be a tad high compared to other games in the genre based on content alone, I found it more than worth it - and especially if the dev sorts out some of the below issues it’ll definitely be justified.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Coin Treasures on Steam

Fastest Hands In The WASD

Fastest Hands In The WASD

Really nice simple idle with good mechanics.

The devs are also really nice and every problem I had they fixed!

The prestige system is painless and you can see the benefits quickly.

The clothes are silly and the skins on the weapons look nice (wish there were more!)

The pets are also pure RNG and are a nice little sink to put extra plats into hoping for the best.

I was playing before they added most of these elements and each one has blended in well.

I liked the first version and have had it open since!

Real player with 1449.7 hrs in game

TLDR - Worth the money for the idle mode, and the idle mode is very good! Other sections of the game are fun for a bit but unpolished. Keep in mind this review was made during Patch 11 so things will undoubtedly change.

Idle mode is great, and is one of the best idlers I’ve ever played no doubt. There’s enough content and fun references to keep you entertained for as long or as little as you want. The animations are fun and clever; the weapons, elements, critical system, and hats are very interesting too. If I had to make one critique here I’d say the pacing is a bit off; it starts out sluggish for the first 15ish waves (can be skipped after getting an in-game upgrade) and then by the time you’ve got your fifth or sixth gold hat you literally can’t click fast enough to spend the silver you’ve accrued. After your 50th prestige it is a racing game for how fast you can click, and you won’t spend your money before it’s time to prestige again.

Real player with 152.4 hrs in game

Fastest Hands In The WASD on Steam

Fidget Spinner Editor

Fidget Spinner Editor

July 11 2021:

As of writing this review many things in my life and the world are changing. Not only is the COVID-19 pandemic coming to a close and the world is finally opening up, but I am also preparing to move. However one thing has stayed the same throughout these past months. My dedication to this wonderful and truly magnificent game “Fidget Spinner Editor”.

Let me preface this review by stating this… I am entirely biased toward this game, and this entire review will be describing this game in positive light and elaborating/building on my previous two reviews of the game

Real player with 3000.2 hrs in game

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Fidget Spinner Editor. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also the Spinners nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- its personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Fidget Spinner Editor truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Spinners existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Myarcadegames genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Fidget Spinner Editor on Steam

Lazy Sweet Tycoon

Lazy Sweet Tycoon

I enjoy a lot of clicker games, and I did enjoy this one as well at first, but the game has a few achievements that are way too grindy to keep enjoying the game. After completing all the other achievements I have the following achievements left:

  • clicking 100k energized trees left (I only got around 10k while getting the other achievements with active play)

  • Start/complete 100 jobs, most of them take 1 to 2h in real life which means you have to log in every 1/2h to start a new job if you want to get through this one as fast as possible.

Real player with 99.5 hrs in game

Really fun game, it is not as indepth as other clickers but I like the chill environment and themes

Cross play is cool as well, I was a fan of the mobile game so I liked being able to bring my progress over

Runs pretty well on my computer too :)

Real player with 41.1 hrs in game

Lazy Sweet Tycoon on Steam