

UI has an unusal design to help increase the options for the massive number-growth generator applications that all idle-clickers are.

The demand for input from you as a player feels obstructive at a fair bit of time and the techs that allow you to automate yourself away are not clearly advertised with the tech tree being ‘shrouded’. This can add some frustration.

There is little else to add, the combat is mostly for show - my own ‘35K force’ tank brigade does not take any damage at all anymore when facing supposedly superior forces and development of my faction has pretty much gone to a standstill for the past 5 hours while I’m tabbed out letting the auto-combat handle conquering everything.

Real player with 92.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Idler 4X Games.

This is a ‘yes, but’ review, so. If you’re skimming, pass this one up. If you’re interested in details on why this MIGHT be for you, read on.

So. This is one of those compelling semi-idle games where you fundamentally click things on spreadsheets to make the numbers go up until you literally take over the world. And that’s pretty fun! However.

For the random store browser, there’s not much more to it than that, and I think there’s a lot of room to be disappointed with your purchase.

For people who enjoy the semi-idle thing…?

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

SimPocalypse on Steam

Space Merchant

Space Merchant

nice little chilled game, easily played ( and minimised when the boss walks in ) between working on spreadsheets etc. Nice simple and relaxed.

Real player with 124.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Idler Crafting Games.

It’s a mobile game, fun but you’d need to spend some time to get to other galaxies (it’ll unlock more ships and crafts). Great if you like slow paced games.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Space Merchant on Steam

Industry Idle

Industry Idle

No waiting on energy / stamina / turns. bloops you down with 5 million cash and you do the rest.

After playing about 5 maps and at the current stage of the game ill rate it like this.

R = rating / S = suggestion / Number links both

(R1) Game play 9/10

(R2) GFX 8/10

(R3) Menu Layout 5/10

(R4) Misleading Overwhelming-ness 6/10

(R5) User Overly Clicking Fatigue 6/10

(S1) Solid Game (people should be required 2 hours of play before reviewing on steam)

(S2) (more color never hurt. building colors. and background green when same type selected) (S3) (needs a right click on map or building with wheel menu option.)

Real player with 511.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Idler Automation Games.

“Oh yay.” I thought; “another idler to waste my free minutes on whilst I’m busy answering my emails…”

Boy was I wrong….

Welcome to Industry Idle; a minimalistic game in the spirit of games like Factorio and Satisfactory. The game places you in the shoes of a company CEO tasked by setting up a profitable factory complex in a city of your choosing. Build a booming automotive industry in Rotterdam, go deep into IT-development in Detroit, arm Toulouse with nuclear armaments and sell it all on a dynamic market…OR your competition !!

Real player with 352.6 hrs in game

Industry Idle on Steam

Intelligent Design: An Evolutionary Sandbox

Intelligent Design: An Evolutionary Sandbox


This is a game for people who enjoy patiently solving puzzles. Completing all the game objectives is not the end game, it’s where the game starts. Once you know how everything works, you spend time trying to develop genetic recipes for plants, herbivores, and carnivores. You can conduct experiments inside the contained forcefields. You tweak the balance until it stays stable. You observe how random mutations either help or hurt the design.

I spent an entire day developing my “stepping stone” plant recipe. Over the next few hours the plants mutated into taller “fat candles” that were better able to stand up to the stresses of wild fires and getting munched on by herbivores. This weekend I’ve assigned it as a science project for my homeschooled kid. I haven’t figured out how to get the herbivores and carnivores into a stable balance yet. I have lots of experiements left to run!

Real player with 60.1 hrs in game

this game is interesting enough in its mechanics, to me, to give it a thumbs up, although seeing the general opinion and commentary on this game i see there are just as many reasons to give it a thumbs down, a neutral vote would be amazing here.

all in all this is a fairly simple looking game, but not very optimized for what it needs to do, especially when populations start going into the thousands the game grinds down to a snailspace or worse, this is because of the many calculations going on while the game is not multithreaded, leaving it incapable of processing its own data at a fast enough rate,besides that, and if you keep populations low enough (amount depends on your pc’s cpu power) you will have a fun time for a while.

Real player with 35.9 hrs in game

Intelligent Design: An Evolutionary Sandbox on Steam

Magic defense

Magic defense

no mute

no speed control

no demolish

and no ending…

seriously, i’m over 500,000 points

but difficulty level was the same…

the next level was the same, the next next next level was the same

so so so boring and finger painful


Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Does not give you a lot of information at the start, but after a bit of fumbling, you will enjoy a good “Tower Defense style” (their words) game.

The enemies come at you from all angles, but if you have a “good” starting map (it’s very easy to restart the game) you are off and running. You will soon work out that once the pot of gold is moved, the enemies will typically exit to the top of the map and you can lay your defences accordingly. The only tricky bit are enemies who then attack from the top of the map.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Magic defense on Steam

Palladise Island(帕拉小島)

Palladise Island(帕拉小島)

I just finished the game with 100% completion so I feel qualified enough to write this review.

Palladise Island is a simple idle/clicker game in which you collect and evolve many different creatures known as PA. The core gameplay is passively waiting for silver coins to upgrade your buildings to earn more silver coins and upgrade your intimacy bar (the PA’s level/XP Bar) to evolve and unlock more PAs. There is also a building that allows you a chance to randomly get rarer/more expensive items but you’ll probably upgrade this last. You can also click the PAs to earn intimacy faster, thus levelling up faster.

Real player with 60.0 hrs in game

First I was like what, but then I was like what

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Palladise Island(帕拉小島) on Steam

MiniMap Kingdom

MiniMap Kingdom

It’s a simple mini explore game + buildings. It has potential to be big if player constantly feedback what system /mechanisms to be added. The game will be improved. It’s pretty fun game if you are willing to spend some time to understand the mechanism.

It will feel a little complicated in the early stage. but once you get hooked and understand how the game works, you can lead your armies to occupy enemy’s base. It will earn you satisfactions.

The developer is very passionate and friendly approach, willing to listen to feedback. Give him a support if you are free to check out this game.

Real player with 33.8 hrs in game

Great game.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

MiniMap Kingdom on Steam

The Perfect Tower II

The Perfect Tower II

I have been playing this game on early access for 2 months now (since apparently we’re flexing playtime in reviews I have 1475 hours). I’ve played a lot of idle games before but this is the first one that managed to keep me hooked more then a few days. There are a few reasons for that :

  • the content is very varied, much more then any other idle game I’ve seen before, with a lot of different buildings that feel like different games but somehow tie together really well (you can fight bosses, optimize a factory that feels a lot like modded Minecraft, or try to get the highest possible scores in the various experiments of the laboratory, and a lot more…)

Real player with 5474.0 hrs in game

I don’t typically do reviews. Usually someone else said it better and didn’t take 13 pages to say it. But for whatever reason I felt the urge to hear my own sweet Cherry keystrokes and here we are. Hi.

First off, this is probably one of the most, if not thee most advanced TD variant out there. It’s extremely involved and has system upon system that initially don’t seem too connected but everything assuredly is. Don’t go into this expecting Desktop Tower Defense 1.5 (My first TD game back on Kong). This will take hours to fully understand if you go in blind and don’t read a guide. The ingame help wasn’t much help when I started and the updates to it still don’t seem like they would be too helpful. But if you stick to it, the systems and loop aren’t in some foreign language and can be figured out with some time and effort.

Real player with 1183.8 hrs in game

The Perfect Tower II on Steam

AFK Summoner

AFK Summoner

cann’t join trial of the champion, same shit

Real player with 580.0 hrs in game

p2w and the p2w purchases don’t even work.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

AFK Summoner on Steam

Smithy Wars

Smithy Wars

Pretty good! The crafting is well thought and original. The enchanting cards really take me back to Legends of Mana

Real player with 174.2 hrs in game

Fun little game if you like to watch auto-battles and try to figure out the best gear and setup to advance further.

The adventure mode is very bare-bone but the puzzles are interesting (although repetitive) and it is a good way to farm for gear and money, especially early in the game.

I got over 20 hours of fun until I felt I maxed out on gear and could not push further.

But the game just got an update with new, much more expensive gear that should allow me to push my champions a little further and squeeze more fun out of this game.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Smithy Wars on Steam