

Played for 7 hours was more than enough. Good try for a 16 year old. Gets boring fast.

  • Fly traps don’t work is always 0 flies.

-Drill does nothing when right clicked on

-Door does nothing when right clicked on and never closes anyway

-Chicken coops don’t give more chickens even if bar is kept in the middle. Easier to just pick it up and place it again for full restock.

-Trees stay fallen 50% of the time and need more chopping before they disappear.

-Wheat has no icon in inventory when fully grown and picked.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hunting First-Person Games.

Not ready for release. Needs an intro reading book or small help window, not some guy speaking in french, (which I do not speak or understand), to give a long video explaining mechanics and needs more content and building/crafting details per item so people understand what the item is, purpose its for, etc… Also the first day I had four men show up and had no weapon to craft to attack them. They destroyed everything.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Grandiose on Steam

Storage Hunters

Storage Hunters

Have you already heard about storage auctions? Do you want to try, but be afraid of the risks? This game was created especially for you! Hundreds of storages, garages, realistic auction system: hundreds of players compete for garages in real time! Buy, open, pay off, upgrade! Do you want to cheat? Be careful, law enforcement officers are watching you!

  • Open world

  • Unique upgrading system

  • Realistic auction system

  • In-game marketplaces

  • Law enforcement system

Read More: Best Hunting Hidden Object Games.

Storage Hunters on Steam

Birding Simulator

Birding Simulator

The incredibly unique Birding Simulator hits Steam with an amazing ornithological journey full of unforgettable adventures. For the first time in gaming history, you can discover true-to-life bird species and photograph them in a virtual, North American-based world. This simulator lets you experience the realistically reproduced mechanics and aspects of photography and bird watching. Dive deep into the world of wildlife and get up close to birds in their natural habitat.

The Most Realistic and Diverse Locations

Discover a variety of meticulously crafted locations and travel through rich biomes: natural forests, wetlands, swamps, and hills. Explore uncharted, eco-friendly places in the heart of nature. Make your mark by keeping a travel diary and taking photos of newly-discovered bird species living in North American lands. Play the role of a professional birder and photographer, collecting pictures of various bird species famous for their plumage and rarity.

Become a Real Birder!

Adjust all necessary camera parameters accordingly, choose the right lens, distance the tripod, observe nature’s beauty, and take magical photos. Experience incredible realism, thanks to the game mechanics of photographing and tracking birds. In the stunning natural environments, each bird species looks phenomenal – take advantage of that.

Meet the Rarest Birds Worldwide!

Discover over 300 different realistically reproduced bird species in dozens of virtual locations. Learn about their natural behavior and origins, observe them in their authentic environment, and – most of all – capture as many as possible in the best photos. Small, medium, large, popular, rare, undiscovered, it doesn’t matter – find them all!

Love, Intrigue, Saving the Forest…

Participate in the story of a businessman who returns to his family home and discovers an ecological threat to the nearby forest. The compelling and extensive storyline, complemented by the real-life simulator, will allow you to go through the various stages of the hero’s life: from learning photography, through childhood love, to a rescue mission in the endangered forest.

Read More: Best Hunting Immersive Sim Games.

Birding Simulator on Steam



Clanfolk is an elaborate life sim set in the highlands of medieval Scotland.

Live off the land using historically accurate tools and processes to survive while building a growing settlement for your Clan. Every tile on the map has a purpose. Where you place your settlement, and how you build it, really matters.

Clanfolk will execute your grand building plans while also intelligently fulfilling their own personal needs. Get to know your Clanfolk as they live their entire lives in your care.

The world is fully simulated, and the largest threat is nature itself. Initially, food will be plentiful and the nights warm. There is lots of time to plan and enjoy the medieval homestead atmosphere. As the seasons change, resources will dwindle and careful planning becomes critical. Surviving your first winter is highly unlikely.

Colony Sim

The Clanfolk’s homestead will begin as a wilderness surrounded by mountains, forests, grasslands, and lakes. Over time it may develop into an industrial farm, or a livestock ranch, or a bustling trading post, or a quiet forest Inn, or maybe a hidden mountain fortress.

  • Build sealed structures out of Floor, Wall, and Roof tiles.

  • Structures track lighting, warmth, beauty and various unhappy smells.

  • Windows allow ambient lighting into rooms.

  • Use wall torches and fires to heat, light, and occasionally burn down straw houses.

  • Venting system to allow fire and body heat to travel from room to room.

  • Door locking system to keep Clanfolk, visitors, and livestock where they belong.

  • Storage container objects to keep the ground clutter under control.

  • Crafting can be prioritized, scheduled daily, and also controlled by maintaining a desired supply.

  • Till the land, plant seeds, water them, add fertilizer, harvest, re-till the soil, and start again. All automated to the level you desire

  • Care for livestock from birth. Keep them warm, dry, fed, watered, and clean their stalls.

  • Learn just how hard it was to make a linen shirt. Grow the flax, thresh out the seed, throw the stalks in a river, let them rot for months, strip the loosened fibers from the stalks, spin the fibers into thread, weave the threads into cloth on the loom, and THEN sew your linen shirt!

Life Sim

Clanfolk live their whole lives on the Clan homestead, from birth until death over multiple generations. Clanfolk follow daily schedules, waking up before sunrise, taking their morning meals, washing up, and maybe having a conversations before the day’s work starts. Throughout the day, they will work as hard as their mood and health will allow. In the evening, they finally all come back together to eat, drink, have a chat, maybe play the flute for a while, then off to bed, hopefully a little better off than the day before.

  • Clanfolk needs include: Hunger, Thirst, Sleep, Warmth, Cleanliness, Bathroom, Social, Fun, Beauty, and the inexplicable need for Plaid

  • When needs are not within safe ranges, then afflictions may result. These afflictions can range from having a bad mood, to a cold that slowly deteriorates into pneumonia.

  • Clanfolk have many skills which are improved through use. Skills can be prioritized or disabled to give Clanfolk different job roles to best utilize their skills.

  • Babies inherit some skill proficiency from their parents. They are mostly time vampires, but they are cute and keep everyone’s' mood up (during the day)

  • Babies grow into Juveniles that begin to provide labor. Juveniles are idea sponges, working slowly but learning much faster than adults.

  • When Juveniles become Adults, their learning slows, but Adults finally work at full speed. Ideally, their childhood will have been spent on jobs that they enjoy, making them experts by adulthood. Another benefit of adulthood is the ability to have children to grow the Clan.

  • Eventually Adults become Seniors. Seniors work and move more slowly than Adults, but they have the highest skills and provide learning bonuses to others working near them.

  • Finally the Seniors will be unable to work and will need to be cared for. Clanfolk are able to understand the needs of other Clanfolk and are able to take care of the sick and injured, fulfilling all their needs when possible. Once the Senior dies, they can be buried in the family plot, and the cycle continues.

World Sim

The seasons in Clanfolk never seem long enough. Winter is always approaching and your time needs to be spent wisely. Each Season has ranges of temperature, rain, snow, wind, and even windchill. Some seasons are for growing and others for harvesting. Winter is for staying inside a warm room and processing the materials collected throughout the year.

  • All four seasons have smooth transitions between them, ever advancing and changing each day.

  • Sparks start fires that spread throughout the environment based on moisture and object flammability.

  • Plant growth system that is aware of ground moisture as well as fertility level, which can be changed with watering and fertilizer.

  • Overlays to quickly show fertility, moisture, heat, and beauty.

Neighbor Clans

Visitors will occasionally arrive from neighboring Clans surrounding the homestead. Over time your reputation with these neighbors can grow based on how they are treated as guests, workers, or traders. As your reputation increases with these Clans, contact will strengthen, providing better opportunities.

  • Each neighbor Clan comes from a different Biome with different products and desired items for trade. The savvy player can run a profitable trading post if there is enough trade traffic from different Clans.

  • As seasons progress, different items become more scarce and therefore more expensive.

  • Neighbor clans have intrinsic skill bonuses based on their Clan type as well as their Biome. When looking for the best workers (and potential partners) keep these in mind.

  • Neighbors do not send their best and brightest visitors until relations between the player Clan and the neighbor are strong.

Clanfolk on Steam

Era of Survival

Era of Survival

–— ONE YEAR UPDATE (February 16, 2021) ——

—— June 26, 2020 Update ——

What in the flying crap is this deception and FLAT OUT LIE being posted by the developer of this game?

^^ THIS ^^ - Is the type of crap that quite frankly p*sses me off. Let’s be honest here.. This is nothing short of intentional deception and manipulation and a flat out LIE by this developer.


Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Era of Survival will give you an hour or two of fun before the boredom inevitably sets in. The game fails mostly in that it ignores the lessons of other survival games. Almost everything you craft takes a minimum of 30 seconds. It also takes an absolute ton of resources. An example is one stone arrow takes something like 35 wood and 10 stone…for one! It also takes 30 seconds real time to make it. If you want to make a bow and 20 arrows, it will take 30 minutes. This is the same with everything. A wood door takes over 100 wood, a single piece of roofing 200. I think both of those items took a full minute each to build.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Era of Survival on Steam

Ranch Simulator

Ranch Simulator

Love the game, very chill. Would recommend this game who wants to build their own ranching world.

Real player with 105.6 hrs in game

Chicken Farm Simulator? Or Wood Cutting simulator? Its not bad if you like raising chickens for 12 hours straight and cutting wood for pennies just to buy another chicken…

edit: played longer. Now its pigs and coolers. lol.

Real player with 48.0 hrs in game

Ranch Simulator on Steam



Enjoyed the updates and game play. I normally don’t play this style game and I bought it for my son who shares this sit with me. He is autistic and just loves this game, he would get excited with every update. He really likes the direction the game is going with people connecting in the game.

Real player with 34.3 hrs in game

Went inside the capital, fell through the world into the endless abyss of the ocean, until I fell down the heavens to the earth. Only to fall through the world again to the depths of hell just to teleport to the tallest peek of the mountain, 4000m away from my settlement. I got a nice view though.

8/10 game. Would recommend.

Real player with 22.7 hrs in game


Noah’s Ark

Noah’s Ark

Noah’s Ark is one of the few Bible stories most people recognize. Now, you can play a realistic simulator game inspired by those stories from Genesis. Check if you can proceed with this challenge of the biggest flood ever.

Built according to the dimensions given in the Bible the biggest wooden ship ever from the scratch and prepare for the hard work. Use all resources around and prepare to be blown away by the massive dimensions of the biblical Ark

Explore surrounding areas as you track down different type of animal species. Start hunting animals in a new way! You need to save them and bring to your ship instead of killing them. In stunning natural environments, set off in search of a variety of animal species in this hunting (saving) simulation

And it is time for the the biggest flood ever in the world! Survive at your ship for one hundred and fifty days or entire world of people and animals will be lost.

Enjoy the time spend on this famous journey and give to the world a new beginning of life.

Noah's Ark on Steam