

So 320 hours of gameplay, met many super nice folks, visited all areas multiple times (Map is huge). Super stoked i gave this game a shot upon release!

Developers are really friendly and work really hard, updates have been frequent, sometimes daily depending on what theyre working on. Lots of exciting things to come in the future of Capsa, but need to give them time. Just 2 developers and the game hasn’t been out long at all. Lots has changed from the short amount of time it has been released.

Real player with 1640.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horses Beautiful Games.

So far I have spent like 32 hours in Capsa and not one minute was boring.

Even if the community is still small it is growing, but you can easily spend hours exploring by yourself.

I didn’t even visit all of the islands yet, but found a marvellous place for my home…just imagine a house directly on a beach with your own mooring to the right there is a romantic looking lighthouse and I can listen to my favorite music while dancing with a friend or simply gazing at the sunset!

When I feel like going somewhere else I can choose between a boat, a horse or a buggy to go wherever I please in this huge open world.

Real player with 41.1 hrs in game

Capsa on Steam

Horse Riding Deluxe 2

Horse Riding Deluxe 2

So far I really love this game, the graphics are pretty, I like that it’s open world and even if I haven’t gotten around to explore everything yet (still a bunch of HRD coins, dogs and wild horses missing) I already had a great time riding around! I love that you need to use the signs and the map to find your way around and to the villages.

What I also really like is that you can go swimming with your horse, I don’t think I ever played a horse game where you could do that before!

The races are challenging enough but not so challenging that you can’t win gold and they have somewhat varying degrees of difficulty which I like.

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horses Immersive Sim Games.

Another very interesting, enjoyable horse game!

I played the first Horse Riding Deluxe and really enjoyed it, so I was quite excited to see a second game and I wasn’t disappointed!

There are a lot of similarities between the first and second game, so I won’t go into as much detail in my review for this one as I did the first.

I’ve been looking for reasonable horse games for a long time and I’ve tried many of them. This game is one of the closest ones I’ve found to what I’ve been looking for.


Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

Horse Riding Deluxe 2 on Steam

Horse Riding Deluxe

Horse Riding Deluxe

I wanted a game where I could ride a horse and just explore. Although the graphics are not very up to date it really did not matter because it was exactly what I was looking for. You get used to the horse controls after a while and as the horse levels up they get easier to handle. The wild horses around the world are hidden but easy enough to find when looking properly, although it would be nice to see more roaming animals there was wildlife around and it looked nice.


Collecting all the horses both wild and from stables in the world.

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horses Relaxing Games.

A very interesting, enjoyable horse game!

I’ve played many horse games and am always on the lookout for new ones with different ideas. I’ve got to say this one really stands out to me, I’m very impressed. If you want a game where the horse and character animation and design are beautiful and perfect, then this is probably not the game for you. But if (like me) you want a horse game that includes unusual, interesting features (something a little different from the rest!) and an open world to explore freely, then you’d probably really enjoy this game. Let me go over some of the features:

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Horse Riding Deluxe on Steam



Really great game, I am having lots of fun with it, would highly recommend!

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

The game is absolutely terrible. The controls are sluggish and you will get your tail feathers handed to you about 99% of the time. There is no time to even try to aim your lance. Shield or Head I can’t see to aim for them. You just put your lance over the line and pray you either break your lance or do some serious damage to your opponent. The balance mini-game is an absolute joke. It is totally unresponsive. I hit right as soon as the dot appears, and it shoots straight to the left and throws me. The Rock Paper Scissors mechanic of Barding, Shield, Lance, and Armor need to be explained better than “Oh, just play around with it.” All these elements make for a frustrating and unpleasant experience. I do not mind a challenge. I do mind a skill-based game leaving it up to lady luck to make the final judgement. This game has so much potential but in its current state I do not recommend it.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Gallantry on Steam

DreamWorks Spirit Lucky’s Big Adventure

DreamWorks Spirit Lucky’s Big Adventure

NOTE: This has functional keyboard and mouse support, contrary to what the store page claims. Aside from platforming sections being a bit janky the default layout works just fine.

This is pretty fun, but it is almost criminally short for the initial asking price. For such a massive world around the Miradero town site, there’s not a whole lot to do in it once you’ve finished the main quest. Once you complete the side quests, there is literally nothing to do in it apart from riding around on Spirit until he needs grooming.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

This game is really good! Beautiful scenery, massive open world, tons of quests/errands to do for people, and, of course, an exciting story. I haven’t got through the whole story, it’s very exciting so far, though! The reason I posted this review this early, though, is because I know lots of people considering wishlisting this might not even consider it worth getting, because it says that the keyboard and mouse is not supported, but, IMPORTANT, that is incorrect information!! You CAN use it, for this game, don’t know why it says it’s not supported, in this game, very misleading….the controls in-game are just shown by what controller buttons to press, yeah, with no option in-game to look at what the keyboard key bindings are, but they are still there, nevertheless, and do work. Because I’m a PC player, more than any other console, I’m used to using a keyboard and mouse, and didn’t like the controller when I tried it out, so am now playing this game with the keyboard and mouse, and, after trying out all the keys on my keyboard, I discovered all the keyboard controls for this game, which do work:

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

DreamWorks Spirit Lucky's Big Adventure on Steam

Secret of the Magic Crystals

Secret of the Magic Crystals



–—Basic Info—–

Here you see the overview of all of your buildings. You can upgrade them

from here in exchange for cash.You can also find pickups here.All you

need to do is click on them…

—–Info Board—–

This gives you a list of all your ponies. It tells you their level,

current amount of training, amount of time until they become available,

if they qualifyfor breeding, and tells weather or not they are sick.

It’s really only useful if you keep several ponies around at one time

Real player with 301.1 hrs in game

I’d like to start off by saying that I’ve actually beaten this game.

Second, I should note that I’m a horse person. I’ve been riding hunt-seat for quite a few years now, and consider myself fairly well-versed in equine knowledge. But you don’t need a lick of knowledge to play this game.

You got this game from a friend, didn’t you? Probably during the Winter or Summer sale. Because no one in their right mind would buy this game for themself, unless it was to occupy a seven year-old for a while.

But whatever. It’s in your library now. And if you want to 100% it, you have to beat it. And to beat it you need five level 5 horses of each different breed.

Real player with 40.2 hrs in game

Secret of the Magic Crystals on Steam

The Vagabond Emperor

The Vagabond Emperor

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Do you know what it feels like to be beaten, broken and struggle just to later look back at the hard road that lead you to glory? Well that is the name of the game in The Vagabond Emperor. You begin as a lowly nobody and have to really use your wits to scrap for gold and experience. As time goes on you can build yourself up to afford armor, weapons and even companions to help as you make your way out into the world.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Information / Review English

The Vagabond Emperor is an indie strategy game developed by WigglingEyeBrows. The game is still in the early access phase.

Gameplay / Story

You start the game as a simple vagabond who is still so unknown in the world and has not yet made its way into the history books. The story takes place in a fictional medieval world, which is haunted by a spreading curse and has already cost many their lives. At some point you can build your own cities and buildings in them, which produce raw materials for you that you can trade with other cities and their rulers. they try to conquer your city and need your warfare to defend them. Of course, you can also use your diplomatic skills and negotiate with them. Opponents will try to sneak into your community and cause you problems. The more relationships you have with other characters, the more opportunities you have to put things right again. There is also equipment for you to make yourself stronger, such as special upgrades for your armor or clothing itself. Many different types of weapons have made it into the game, which fit into the era. After every battle won should not be unrewarded, of course, and unique spoils of war await you. A highlight is that you can also start a family and what is special about it is that when your main trafficker dies, the parents' abilities are passed on to your children. You are free to decide what your next step is and where you will go to achieve your goals.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

The Vagabond Emperor on Steam

Red Dead Online

Red Dead Online

I dislike having to share the game with hostile players. I would be very happy if I could purchase a guitar to play in the camp, maybe as one gets more practice you can purchase a better one as time goes on and with it get more pre-loaded tunes. I would quite like a bugle to carry on my horse. A selection of European and US and Mexican uniforms would be cool to buy I think. Maybe if you worked for the Pinkerton’s you would not show up as a real player until your opposition got close? But only when on PInkerton missions. Shacks or houses maybe in Mexico, but rented not bought outright. A derringer that might be able to be used at a card table might be cool? Some dance anims might be good for around camp or bars too?

Real player with 859.6 hrs in game

This game has quite a lot of little problems here and there, From bugs that haven’t been fixed to the lack of content. But I’m willing to ignore those and enjoy the game for what it is, I’m currently a level 43 and have close to 200 hours so far in the game, And i want to play more, But. The god damn cheaters make this game a total mess and waste of time, It was fine when i first started playing the game but now I’m seeing more and More of these cheaters, No matter how much i change sessions one always appears in my lobby. It started off with explosions spawning under my or my horses feet, You could outrun them on foot if you tried hard enough, But the most recent experience I’ve had with a hacker consisted of those same explosions on CRACK, It would instantly kill me OVER and OVER, I couldn’t run anywhere to get away even if i tried, After getting fed up I decided to try and leave but I couldn’t even open my fucking pause menu to change sessions, I was FORCED to quit the game to get away from the infected lobby. It’s so tiring and frustrating when you’re just trying to grind and enjoy the games beautiful setting, I love this game to bits, But PLEASE Rockstar for the love of god, Fix this! I’m sure i’m not the only one with this problem, And i’m sorry to anyone who is also experiencing this.

Real player with 198.5 hrs in game

Red Dead Online on Steam

The Ranch of Rivershine

The Ranch of Rivershine

Build a horse ranch on a wild plot of land!

Settle into a new town and learn the ropes of running your own ranch! Repair your stables and add new stalls, expand your pasture or build new obstacle courses for your arena. Make the ranch your own as you care for your horses and grow your herd!

Befriend the townsfolk of your frontier town!

Meet the lively villagers who’ll help you along your journey in the west! Get to know the farrier who’ll take care of your horses, the carpenter who’ll raise new buildings and the ranger who’ll clear new forest trails for you to explore!

Train your horses and get ready to compete in cross country!

Saddle up and improve your horse’s skills in multiple disciplines such as speed, endurance and flexibility! Equip your horse with the best tack and participate in different cross country courses to become your town’s champion!

Grow your herd and raise your own foals!

Build a herd of up to a dozen horses by breeding them or trading them at the auction house! Pick which horses to breed wisely and pass onto the foal rare coat colors and good personality traits. Earn your foals' trust, train them with unique activities and care for them as they grow up!

Cultivate crops and fruits on your ranch!

Plant a variety of grains and hay in your fields! Expand your ranch with an orchard and grow fruit trees to gather snacks such as apples and pears. Feed your horses a healthy diet to boost their energy and gain their affection!

Explore the western wilderness on horseback!

Trot along on different trails such as the meadow path, along the coast range or up on a rocky mountain hike. Bond with your horse and enjoy nature… You might even encounter wild horses during your ride!

The Ranch of Rivershine on Steam

Primal Hunger

Primal Hunger

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” Friedrich Nietzsche

Hunt or be hunted. Eat or be eaten. Evolve or die. Play as a fledgling creature vying for dominance. Eat. Kill. Evolve. Dominate the evolutionary chain, and crush those who challenge your right as the Alpha Predator.

You must slay other evolutions to gather catalyst. As you gather catalyst you can evolve into more powerful creatures eventually turning into an Alpha Predator, capable of wiping other players from the game permanantly.

Primal Hunger on Steam