❂ Heroes of Hexaluga ❂

❂ Heroes of Hexaluga ❂

Interesting tactical turn based strategy-rpg game where you roam maps, survive, and fight.

There are a lot of different heroes you can buy as warriors, lots of different items both magic and weapons, 3 types of resources: money, food and mana that you need constantly take care of.

Very interesting project, though in early access, “70% ready”

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horror Action Roguelike Games.

Tactical turn based strategy-rpg game.

Looks good and plays very well.

The game is so very satisfying to play, it has so much charms there and there.

Some ideas are very interesting.

The game features a excellent combat system that’s more tactical and satisfying than in most games but without getting too quirky for its own good.

Game still have bugs, and they still need work.

Minuses are - graphics are not the greatest.

Wish the game and developer all the success and look forward to even more.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

❂ Heroes of Hexaluga ❂ on Steam

The Chronicles of Quiver Dick

The Chronicles of Quiver Dick

You had my attention with the crazy name, but when I saw myself on that store page screenshot I was sold!

(Haha, so in all seriousness, anyone reading this will probably assume I have a biased opinion, considering the developers decided to toss me in their game. Fuck that though! I’m gonna be honest as fuck!)

First off, let me say this is a very short game. Shorter than ‘MaP’ (Metal as Phuk) but that’s kind of the point. It’s a quick and comfy adventure. Flooded with dialogue that eminates some (sweet, sweet) low-brow humour. Sometimes it’s great, and sometimes it falls flat; which leaves you waiting to move on to the next joke. It’s kind of like SNL in a way.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horror Action Roguelike Games.

UPDATE: I have changed my review to negative, which is unfortunate. The developer has been proven to be a deplorable human being, and one that cannot be trusted. Do not support them. The game was fun, sure, but I’m not supporting this person anymore.

I, too, hope they cast a substantially less racist version of Mel Gibson in the movie about MY life. Guess I’ll have to settle for an awesome cameo in this game. (Seriously!)

And, while I have a cameo, I won’t let it affect my review of the game. I played and beat this in a single setting (took about 3 hours) and laughed so hard my throat still hurts. The game’s humor is crass, and in your face often, but it never feels overstated, nor does it seem ham-fisted. The pacing is well done throughout, and when a joke seems like it might be wearing out its welcome, it ends.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

The Chronicles of Quiver Dick on Steam

Witch’s Reign

Witch’s Reign

So first things first, this game is not worth the $10 price tag. That’s a steep price for a game that is fairly short, at the time of this review.

I got this game on sale for $3 and that is a pretty good price!

This game is pretty good, it’s got some solid puzzle ideas and I like the simple art design. It’s a memory puzzle where you explore a dungeon of sorts and make sure you don’t die to traps and monsters. You have a small line of sight due to a candle that can be blown out or lit again in order to trick the monsters onto the traps.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horror Action Roguelike Games.

Lucky me gets to write the first review for Witch’s Reign. This is a very simplistic, bare bones top down “survival horror puzzle”, whatever that’s supposed to mean. What you really get is what seems like a mobile app where you can only see one square ahead, and in only one direction, so you need to move around an obscured grid/maze without getting eaten by baddies or falling in traps.

This has been slapped together with Unity, the game engine that’s been enabling mediocrity everywhere and giving Starbucks baristas delusions of grandeur since 2005. However, it’s very unpolished, to the point I don’t think this is an asset flip or a copy+paste of someone else’s tutorial or game demo. Nor could I find it on app stores, although they have higher QA than Valve, so probably wouldn’t permit this. So, I guess kudos to the developer for having a try. I think that’s more likely the explanation, that someone wanted to make a game but didn’t really know how, but put it on Steam anyway. I kind of wish Steam wasn’t a dumping ground for half baked ideas, there’s places like itch.io for that.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Witch's Reign on Steam

Skautfold: Knight’s End

Skautfold: Knight’s End

Knights End - The final part of the Skautfold Series is finally here!

Yet again bringing a new style of game play this one features A Timeline based Rpg system while incorporating The Guard System from previous games, The Result fast paced unique combat which like usual takes a while to learn but as soon as perfected Is really fun to play.

Lots of different types of enemies keep it interesting with bosses featuring different mechanics which put a spin on what you’re normally used to.

Now The game is in early access but Is patched extremely frequently and the Dev welcomes feedback and Fixes bugs as soon as they’re reported.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Good so far. Interesting spin on a sort of time-based turn based battle system. Very moody atmosphere, very detailed enemies, and lots of different kinds. Fun sort of metroidvania element to world navigation.

Developer puts out patches very quickly.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Skautfold: Knight's End on Steam

Archons of Doom

Archons of Doom

This can be a fast paced game, but if you are very crafty you can slow it down and make it yours, but you will have to have worked on your skill with your spells and any objects you may find.

You can think you are winning and then BAM you are lost! Very good challenging game play by the enemy Archons, they’ll trick you and surprise you with their antics!

A very very addictive game. You lose so you want to try again, you win so you want to better your score. Very repeat playable. I Beta tested this but there were times I loaded this up just to play it anyway as it is that good!

Real player with 306.7 hrs in game

This is in the top 10 games of any turn-based game on the market. I is in my top 20 of all turn-based game I’ve played, ever. It takes a while to hone one’s skills, but that is the fun of the game. I was fortunate to beta-test the game and subsequently I learned a bunch about the mechanics. However, the finished and polished game is even more challenging, despite me knowing several of the maps.

We can also create our own Archons! Having played around 175 hours when this specific feature was added, I thought, “oh, I’ll mop up with my hand-designed Archon along with a hand-picked team. Nah. Wrong. This game is challenging. There is always another Archon with minions that counter your advantages.

Real player with 187.1 hrs in game

Archons of Doom on Steam

Lucid Soul

Lucid Soul

Deathtouched… Those cursed with Black Dragon blood in their veins, whether by bonding with one like the Dragon Knights of Lasserburg do by drinking the contents of the whelpling’s egg at birth, or by forced feeding of a living dragon. Whatever the method, the very design of the body is altered from the inside out, all organs cease to function normally, and certain powers begin to flood the embiber.

Some, not all, are horribly corrupted in the process. Some change appearance completely, some lose their sanity like the Ancient Black Dragon, Malganon, did. All are a threat to life, however, as all must feed off the living, through blood and flesh, to live.

It’s this need to feed that starts our story and tale of Lucid Soul, the Town of Guillen is housing foolhardy humans that decide it’s time to return to harvesting the woods around our castle. Silly little things, but how can they not feel comfortable; the world has Grey Paladins with holy powers governing every hamlet, a Priestess of Medina to relay all activities to others of their order, and above all, no fear of what lies outside their walls.

This all is about to change…

Well… for you at least. I make no promises for the others destined to bleed for our Lord’s amusement. Hytwart, King of the Goblins, now known as The Enfeebler, the longest living Goblin in history, is a thirsty deviant and it is… after all… our duty to slake his thirst! Elderly, women, children, all are used to feed the ever guzzling gluttony of the Deathtouched. Don’t look at me like that, you’ll be given an opportunity few others are given: a rare gift… if you survive the trial… A pit both deep and dark… filled with cadavers and meat from ancient raids and conquest.

A singular Black Dragon Egg, relic of the last known nest of the Dark Lady, Umbryss, second concubine to Malganon… shall be your prize. Oh, and we’ve chosen others to join you in that fetid catacomb buried within our tower… Do bring an appetite, a strong stomach, and a desperate need to survive, by any… means… necessary.

And now, for a taste of things to come…

Take control of not 3, or 4, but 7 characters at once in combat, switching between them to use Soul Points with the press of a button. Take your time to plan an assault strategically or use a character quickly and often if one is your favorite… Be careful though, you never know what the others are thinking if you focus too often on one…

Find and equip Souls taken from the slain enemies you’ve created or come across. These are your treasure chests. These are your armor and swords. As you equip them though… be ware, as some like to talk… a lot.

Leveling up your Infamy meter in this world will result in an Ability Tree selection for a character, and when you choose, their story will have a direct impact on the skill you select, resulting in you having to participate in their story to learn the new ability. Erzbet may ask you to help track down a violator of hers, Synella may be on the search for a sister or an appetizer, and Creep may be hunting down a mutinous crew member that resulted in her fate. Their stories will take place in the world around you, and you will participate.

Melee weapons and attacks, will only do so much damage, from the start of the game, to the end. It’ll be up to your creativity with contaminating enemies with your Black Dragon Blood, and how to use your skills properly, that will let you move swiftly from fight to fight.

Customize your home base of operations, Castle Wyrmsgate, with the aid of the Fleshweaver to change the surroundings and make them more suitable to your personal tastes.

Lucid Soul on Steam

Dead Simple 21

Dead Simple 21

I didn’t go in expecting much but this is a real gem. Variation on 21 with special cards, play modes, timer, interactive elements. Awesome solitaire or for challenging your mates. Highly addictive.

If you love your card games or need a fun way to kill idle time (on planes, trains, in bed, etc.), check out Dead Simple 21. It’s addictive. I’m challenging anyone that walks past to have a go at beating my high score. And I learned a new card game!

For more niche curation, follow me at: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/27440015-CSH-Picone/

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Dead Simple 21 is a blackjack inspired game where you draw cards from a deck and place them into one of four columns trying to hit 21. This game is a fun casual game to play. It features a fantastic art style and theme. This was fun to play, and I recommend giving it a try.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Dead Simple 21 on Steam

Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics

Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics

There are still problems with this “final” version. The biggest problem is the rotation of the scene. Rotations are limited to 90 Degrees or none at all. It should have been simple to allow an incremental rotation or even, at the lest, a 45 degree rotation, but keeping the rotation limited to 90 degrees often means searching for a view, ANY view, of the target area. It is difficult, time wasting, and frustrating … and unprofessional.

The loadout limitations on the characters are simply absurd. As someone who has humped 50 to 100 pounds into combat, I know that you can carry a weapon wih both a scope And an extended magazine, a pistol (though not a pistol with a scope) along with a couple of grenades of various sorts, a k-bar, an entrenching tool, a radio, water, food, more water, ammo, more water, more ammo … However, this is a game (the cry will go up). Why not limit the characters stupidly; one weapons mod, one extra “item”. Because it shows the imagination limits of the designers?

Real player with 50.6 hrs in game

I just finished the story of Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics on normal mode, so I think it’s time for a review!

Let me start by saying it could have been an amazing game. Instead it’s just…an “ok” game. It’s not bad but it’s also not brilliant. The combat mechanics are nothing new but they are interesting enough (and that is probably what made me kept me playing until the end). The soundtrack is appropriate for this game’s theme as well as the sound effects.

However, I have a few issues with the game and here are some aspects that could be improved:

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics on Steam



Othercide changes the concept of turns and introduces its own original creation, with a small dose of roguelike elements, neatly packaging it all in a freakish world, rich in lore and a whole lot of dying.

Destroy the Child, corrupt them all!

The story is shrouded in a Lovecraftian guise and leaves a lot to interpretation. The world is engrossed in an endless war with demonic creatures, as the last bastion of hope, The Mother, falls prey to the overwhelming power of The Child. But, a mother knows no rest, and even in death, she aims to free The Child from suffering, tearing pieces of her soul so she can conjure an army of her daughters that will succeed where she failed.

Real player with 74.2 hrs in game

Memento mori

Laid in black and white with a hint of red, Othercide is a turn-based tactical game developed by indie developer Lightbulb Crew and published by Focus Home Interactive. This title’s most striking quality is its distinct, minimalistic aesthetic. The game has a similarly humble soundtrack to match with subtle ambient and whispers, disturbed by occasional musical track only in the most extraordinary of moments. Impressive both in terms of gameplay and stylistic choices, the title in question is a bittersweet journey about keeping hope amidst despair.

Real player with 68.6 hrs in game

Othercide on Steam

Zombie Killer Drift - Racing Survival

Zombie Killer Drift - Racing Survival

Remember “Carmageddon”, the racing game where you could also score points by running over every pedestrian that dared to cross your paths? That was fun, right?

Unfortunately, while “Zombie Killer Drift” does scratch the itch of just letting go and mangling zombies with your car, that’s about all it does, and it doesn’t do it well enough to be interesting for long.

It all starts rather innocently. There’s no plot here, and why would there if you can run over zombies with your car? There are 16 levels which more or less all look the same. Some are set at night, others during daytime, but it’s all rather bland. Your car of choice spawns and zombies come running from everywhere. There’s no indicator how many you killed or how many you need to kill - instead, there’s a huge FPS counter on the screen. Why? No idea. Some zombies are tougher than others and have a health bar so you need to hit them several times. Their AI is rather daft so if you knock them far away by hitting them at full speed they often have trouble to find their way back to you and you can start searching for them. Not cool.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

This game has a very interesting drift physics with simple and convenient controls.

I was pleased with a large selection of cool and legendary cars.[/h]

В этой игре очень интересная физика дрифта при простом и удобном управлении.

Порадовал большой выбор крутых и легендарных автомобилей.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Zombie Killer Drift - Racing Survival on Steam