Mr. Walker’s Basement

Mr. Walker’s Basement

Very fast paced even in the second room. I did only get to the second night as it seemed that the developer throws a lot in your face from help sheets till button bashing to staring at an alien at on time. Plus the door may have been bugged as it never opened AND the keyboard I dont think worked either. the only advice I have is, even though you already are busy do a multitude of things at once, you have to pay close attention to find the number for the keypad which the game doesn’t tell you is small and hidden around the screen. Do give this game a go and try and beat my score.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horror Atmospheric Games.

Honestly its pretty hard but worth it since the characters are super creepy and the gameplay is exciting

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Mr. Walker's Basement on Steam

project BLARI

project BLARI

For a game coded by a single person, Project BLARI is a game that at first, seems to be a simple retro / horror game like any other, but I can tell you it isn’t !

Pros :

  • The Enemies you encounter are easy to predict and counter if you know how to, a brand new player will have some trouble at first but after some playtime, you can basically counter all enemies easily. (this can be a Pro and a Con, depending on personal opinions)

  • The attention to realism is well made ! you can’t just turn your camera and check behind you, your view is represented by Terence ! The LORE of the game only adds up on it, the small details can tell you a lot about the complex story this game has !

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horror Survival Horror Games.

very old school game with several routes and endings

but watch out its also creepy and spooky

i love that mechanic of spamming a button to run instead of just pressing it, its kinda more stressful in a way which fits the situation

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

project BLARI on Steam

Stramedia: my_MISADVENTURE

Stramedia: my_MISADVENTURE

Me and my mom have been having a good dinner in the kitchen that night, then the doorbell rang and an envelope slipped through the mail hole.

“Good evening! You’ve been invited!”

…it started off, continuing that it’s an invitation to the “Stramedia Safehouse Facility” breach. The survey was…odd, to say the least, but some of the things were done fairly easy, though I didn’t think it would go through. Then some of the days were spend outside of our homes and school, though it’s up to you to think of whenever or not these were the good days. And then I am sure you know what happened next.

Stramedia - my_MISADVENTURE is an indie horror themed adventure game where you step into the shoes of a classroom warden who signed the agreement to possibly the most bizarre, yet somewhat deadly school trip in his entire life. Of course it may not start off deadly right away, but, uh…yeah, things are gonna escalate. But can you blame him? He really didn’t know what he and his friends (fiends? Frienemies?) were going up for.

Well, what can he do now? Surprise, surprise, getting the hell outta there he must.

(AKA: the stuff worth checking it out and/or purchasing for)

  • The main protagonist is wearing a fedora hat! This is probably the best selling point to this game… I think! I mean…this is one of the main factors you got attracted to that other game with a kid, the kid’s hat, the stuff…uh, no? Okay, but if you know what you’re doing, you can find and recruit three other friends you’ll get (or have) to play as!

  • Essentially, this is another “average mediocre indie” horror game, except the mediocrity here is 99% intentional! And not to mention that it’s got everything you love and hate to see and experience in a horror themed videogame! Stupid simple and ridiculous (and somehow twisted) puzzles (with a lot of “ands”), cliché monsters and thirsty spooky mannequins…except they actually want to drink tea, you pervert. Get out of here!

  • Simplistic Visual Pixel Art Style, Soundtrack and Audio Design! If you like looking at pixels with different contrast, I am sure your eyes will love that, and if your ears love to feast on the Low-Quality DPCM-ish Audio, giving you an illusion that you’re playing a crappy retro GameBoy Advance styled game or something, then you’re all welcome in!..oh, wait, I forgot that we are talking about a game that LOOKS pretty retro…huh, that’s lame.

  • No, really. That kid has a hat.

  • Despite it’s horror nature, it’s also a comedy game! What kind of comedy? This game has got most of it! Whenever it’s all bad puns, visual humor, random, dark, dry or somehow outright gross and (“mildly”) offensive humor, Stramedia has it in the stock and shelves!

  • Prepare for some surrealism, because no matter if it’s an optical thing or not, things are…weird, yet somewhat disturbing, but not personal space like disturbing, because this is where it draws the line even for us.

  • A nice variety of accessibility options! Whenever you want to reposition the dialogue box, change it’s text size, whenever you find some colored text hard to read, or just don’t feel like playing the game with a controller and just want to rest your only arm and control the game with it, it’s no problem! The accessibility (and other) settings options may enhance the experience more nicely! (if there’s something you want to suggest, please let us know and we will gladly look into adding it!)

  • Seriously, that kid is wearing my hat! SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING! DON’T LET HIM GET AWAY WITH MY HAT!! :U

Read More: Best Horror Action-Adventure Games.

Stramedia: my_MISADVENTURE on Steam



Overall this is mostly a well thought out game. Its got puzzles that aren’t to complex, A captivating story line, and some amazing art and voice overs. The reason i chose not to recommend this game though is mainly because it is very easy (to get the evil win screen) and because there is a lack of community made content it means a player who wants to feel like they won could be forced to repeat the same levels and chapters over and over again until they finally find the objective. I hope im being direct enough about this. I dont want to spoil anything so im not putting the name of objective or an explanation to what the evil win screen is. (im going to change this to a positive review because i really appreciate it when developers listen to there community and use that to try and make there game better and because this game only needs some minor changes in my opinion.)

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Turonos is an interesting little puzzle game. All the features you expect are in there and the overall feeling is that of a polished game.


  • engaging gameplay due to the darkness and the constant need to flee

  • elaborate levels that require at least two playthroughs in order to uncover most of the secrets and powers

  • engaging puzzles without being difficult. I don’t really like puzzle centered games and that is why this one has just the right content. Just enough to give you something to quickly think at while running, but not difficult so you would have to stop and risk being mauled to death.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game




I played the game for a few hours, this game caught my eye because it reminded me of “the forest”, and it was free so I enjoyed that.

I had a few problems,

1. There really isn’t much of a guide, outside the Guide picture which isn’t all that helpful, I know its free roam but I had no clue what to do besides loot the village, then I had no clue how to place a fireplace/torch/furnace (i know now you have to equip it in your hotbar), or simply what tools gather what materials.

2. when it comes to the objectives and notes, I wan’t sure if my game was broken, I got to the radio room, with the objective, and nothing happened, I looted the axe and flashlight, looked at the letter, played with the radio, but nothing happened, also are letters supposed to be picked up, I couldn’t find a way if so, because i find it hard to read them, also the english needs a little working on.

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Black_faith used to be a survival gathering game, it reminded me of a early rust, you had to get rocks, wood and stuff to craft a stove and other stuff, then suddenly they remade that into this….Call of duty zombie like game

And while its still OK, it would be better as a gamemode not as the actual game

They really went in the wrong way by takeing out all the actual monsters they had and just replaceing them with the same basic zombie/ghoul model

It had a co-op mode somewhat before, now theres no co-op at all, theres no real true “survival” to it other then “STAY ALIVE” dureing the zombie waves

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

BlackFaith on Steam



Creepy game. Jump scares got me alot. Super fun tho. Must check it out if you like creepy games.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Gameplay Video

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game


Childhood Fears

Childhood Fears

very hard but fun night 6 and 7 are the hardest

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game


graphics are sharp on ultra. Even with a bare house, you find yourself ignoring this as your head is spinning 360 degrees constantly. it is a horror but if a child suffers from this amount of monsters for seven days AND not sleeping, it would drive anyone to hallucinate. I could only get to night six but you can watch my walk through below:

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Childhood Fears on Steam



DarKnot is a game about the extermination of monsters on the streets of a foggy city. Here you will find insidious opponents, dynamic battles and puzzles of various degrees of difficulty. It’s up to you to decide in what style to play the game.

Darknot is a gloomy world of eternal terror. You are the one who has been left alone face to face with death in its labyrinth. Challenge yourself and try to keep your mind sane meanwhile. Welcome to the third-person non-linear psychological horror game with a high level of detail and immersion by ElbrusLab studio, a new indie game developer.

The action takes place in a labyrinth of streets of a huge city. They feel deceptively calm while being deadly dangerous. You know almost nothing about the world and even less about yourself. You can become a part of Darknot, resist it, or find your own way. What will you do to survive? How far will you go to save yourself?

Explore the world, experience survival at your best. You choose your own style of play and strategy for interaction with each of your opponents. You can return to Darknot again, and your fate will be different.


  • Playability: we use immersive simulation and design the lore in a way that will provide you with a new experience every time you play the game.

  • Hardcore: it is not easy to survive, each death affects the plot development and the way you play through the game.

  • Several styles to play: Warrior, Explorer, Survivor, Fugitive. Who of them are you?

DarKnot on Steam



One of the best survival/horror games I’ve ever played

Real player with 69.5 hrs in game

At first i just grabbed this game for something spooky from the halloween sale (which needs to start oct 1st, not 2days before halloween!). After the prologue is wasnt very impressed but the steam halloween sale doesnt have many quality games this year so i kept on playing. Now i cant put the damn thing down, yes its that damn good! Yes its scary but more importantly its has a quality story and it becomes very addicting once you start finding clues and weird items, that you have no idea what they are for till later on. So glad i took a chance on darkwood, and the fact it takes place in the 80s is always a plus. Worth buying full price imo. Cant wait to see if there will be more content added or even a darkwood 2. Darkwood is an easy 8/10 for me and i havent even reached chapter 2 yet. Hurry up and buy!

Real player with 63.1 hrs in game

Darkwood on Steam




  • The environments are quite pretty at times and I often find myself stopping to take in the scenery.

  • The day/night cycle is good. Seeing sunrays filter through the trees after a tense night of sneaking around in the dark feels good man.

  • A reasonably enjoyable main questline.

  • A good assortment of weapons and melee weapon modifications.

  • The ambient audio seems well done, e.g. floorboards creaking/hearing your character panting during a stressful encounter all helps to build tension.

Real player with 72.3 hrs in game

So many bad reviews for a day 1 alpha release. Give them at least 24 hours to work out the first wave of kinks before bringing the hammer down.

Edited after additional gameplay (2-14-18)

The game so far is creepy, fun with friends, challenging, has an interesting and fresh story, and is inviting to explore. The world that I have seen so far is detailed and full of points of interest. This game already runs better than some ea titles that have been out for ages, the combat is basic but works, and the multiplayer worked without a hitch.

Real player with 48.7 hrs in game