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Affordable Cat, kinda sounds like something you’d type in the search engine for pet lovers. But anyhow, this dev came up with Martha (MRT) his first published game about a deranged granny hell bent on knocking your teeth out at intermittent intervals! Its price point (a buck cheaper on btw) and length reminded me of Chilla’s Art titles and stocked with a plethora of horror references to seal the deal! Finally, a person of culture!!

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horror Survival Horror Games.

I like the game, a few nice scares, overall spooky atmosphere, a few puzzles mixed in and with some combat here and there aswell. All in all a sweet little horror game, that all Indie horror game fans should enjoy, especially for this price.

I would however wish that i had a constant light source. I know.. Darkness is scary, But I also enjoy looking at my environment.

But that aside. Thanks for this little fun gem. Recommended.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Martha on Steam



Abstraction is an old school survival horror game. You take control of Violet, a young woman who wakes up in a familiar yet disturbing world. Gruesome creatures lurk around the corner, and Vi must survive her personal hell in a place that often does not seem to make sense. Will Violet be able to figure out why she has been brought to The Abstraction, along with a way out?

  • An old-school survival horror game where every resource counts

  • Tridimensional camera and fixed camera angles

  • Retro 3D graphics

  • Riddles and puzzles

  • Inspired by classics like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and The Twilight Zone

Read More: Best Horror Survival Horror Games.

Abstraction on Steam



I was initially expecting some sort of tutorial, or something to tell me how to play the game, but that’s not DOOMTANK’s style at all. Just die, and die some more, and maybe get a good score once in a while! The game will taunt you the whole time. It’s a great game for quick score-chasing, and I’m having a lot of fun so far. Basically my strategy has been: hide in a corner, wait for a decent power-up, then go to town; and hope you don’t get a ridiculously difficult level when it changes!

Happy dying!

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horror Arcade Games.

Pretty great twin stick shooter. Cool atmosphere with the Doom inspiration. Pretty killer music. You will die during level transitions but that’s part of the fun. Just wish for the tri-shot and rockets. Have a gory time!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game


✌ Johnny Rocket

✌ Johnny Rocket

It is honestly beyond me how someone could price this game above 1-2 dollars. (Let alone offer a monthly LICENSE for internet cafes!!!!!)

It’s buggy and un-polished.

It can be finished in less than 15 minutes.

And the worst of all is that the trailer on steam is GROSSLY misleading!! There’s no punching or grabbing opponents and connecting different moves together, creating combos etc. You just dash and shoot. That’s it.

I definitely don’t recommend it at it’s original price.

It’s barely a “maybe” if it drops at $1 - $2.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Johnny Rocket is a funny, frustrating, short and simplistic experience. I was drawn to this game due to its great minimalist animation and humor, but the game’s brief playtime and somewhat aggravating mechanics hold it back from being an experience I would recommend to others.

While I still enjoyed moments of this game and found myself laughing at some of its enemy designs (especially the Nazi Seal enemy..) the difficulty level and overall gameplay left me wanting much more out of the title.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

✌ Johnny Rocket on Steam

Secret of Harrow Manor 2

Secret of Harrow Manor 2

Do not buy

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Spent most of my time in the starting lobby, perhaps adding a control information for keyboard would be helpful. Game was clunky and controls were very rough. Aiming seemed to be impossible. Would not recommend for PC - VR may be better experience?

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Secret of Harrow Manor 2 on Steam

Shark Attack Deathmatch 2

Shark Attack Deathmatch 2

First of all, let’s start out with the positives and end on the negative notes. You buy this for the single player experience because the multiplayer aspect of it is DEAD. Abandoned by the developers to work on another game, which I find to be a real shame because this game had all the makings of a unique underwater 1st person PVP experience.

POSITIVES: There’s no real learning curve and part of the reason why this game is so fun, because players can jump in and start partaking in the underwater violence of killing, surviving and besting each other and the sharks in a variety of modes. Shark movements and behavior is pretty spot on and the graphics are hauntingly beautiful: from the texture detailing on the sharks, to the various marine life hovering in the background and to the way the sun’s rays penetrates into the ocean as you swim towards the surface. The controls of this game is also very basic and casual friendly, with only a few buttons assigned that serves as the focal point of the combat system. However, this doesn’t mean that your adrenaline won’t start pumping as you struggle, slash and evade your way to survive a group of hungry makos and tiger sharks darting straight at you from the heart of the ocean dephs.

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

Gnash your teeth through a series of challenges in order to come out on top as the fiercest predator of the sea. Tear, shred, pierce, or shoot your way as you go: the possibilities are endless.



If you ever wanted a game that allowed you to play as a shark, or even kill a shark, then this is the game for you. In Shark Attack Deathmatch 2, you are both the hunter or the hunted. Regardless of what class you select, you have a simple task: eliminate and survive.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Shark Attack Deathmatch 2 on Steam

Alien Dawn

Alien Dawn

Edited/Update: I had a lot of fun running with the developers (Christian and Jes) the day after writing this review :D We completed my first (and currently only) escape. I’ve been playing it daily ever since, determined to stay alive as long as possible before completing a second escape. I’ve made it a few days. I just wanted to say this is a really unique game and if I may add a suggestion, I would really love to pick up the enemy heads after shooting them off. I’ve seen numerous basketball courts around the map and it would be a healthy pastime. It’d be better if I could put them in a backpack but I won’t push it. I won’t push it. You’re the best.

Real player with 38.1 hrs in game

If you are a lurker, like I am, then this is the review for you.

This game is made by a duo, two people. What has been achieved here is rather impressive with the amount of systems they have in place. From having a reliable Desktop and vr mode, to the humble animation of eating something, there are many things going on under the hood that many may miss. Sure, there are going to be bugs especially since this has just recently released on early access.

Early access is meant to be a time to support the development, and to directly help shape the game. This game is no exception, the developers are wonderful human beings, who listen to you and genuinely enjoy spending time with people. One of the most impressive things I’ve seen these devs do, is on a few occasions, invite those who have negative experiences to the discord to chat about where the problems lie. These devs acknowledge there are problems and acknowledge that feedback is one of the more important tools in their toolbox. I see these devs going a long way with the attitudes I have observed thus far, even before I directly engaged with them.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Alien Dawn on Steam



This is the most Amazing, Original & Awesome Shoot Em Up I have ever played, I have been following this game for quite a long time..The wait is finally over with superb positive results,

far higher than my expectations.

This game feels like its from another dimension…Theirs lots of great side scrollers out there,

but this one REMOTE LIFE as got everything & much more, the graphics & the detail is incredible also everything you click on before you even start to play the game,

the Art work is beyond Awesomeness. :)

Real player with 43.5 hrs in game

First impression

The first thing you’ll notice is the game looks beautiful, it’s a 2d horizontal shmup but all the graphics and animations are 3d rendered. The art style looks like it could have been by inspired by HR Giger but it’s a lot creepier. What stands out as well is that it’s a twin stick shooter. It may look a bit unusual with all weapons coming from one point in front of the ship but it works well. It allows for the game to bombard you with enemies coming from all directions even while you’re manouvering through tight tunnels and obstacles.

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game


Cube Gothic

Cube Gothic

Even for an Arkhouse game, this was a very masochistic experience, it’s shame because this game has a great story and I wish more people could experience it - it’s almost like the developer does not want anyone to see his artwork. It took me slightly over 4 hours to complete, it’s pretty long for a 2D bullet-hell, give or take a few hours depending on your reflexes. The narrative is connected to at least 2 other Arkhouse games, so if you skip those you might have a hard time understanding the importance of recurring characters. Even though I love the narrative in his games, Arkhouse stories are very metaphorical, there is some space for personal interpretation. Unfortunately, the difficulty is not fair, I don’t mind challenging gameplay, but a lot of it has to do with confusing hitboxes, punishing checkpoint system, and the need for excessive stage repetition. If you don’t play carefully you can potentially create a very poor checkpoint with low HP, although sometimes you can reload the game and go a bit further back.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Oh this game…

I WANTED to like this game. I SO wanted to! The art style and the music was interesting! And while the game was hard, it was still fun! But then in the middle, the game jumped the shark with a m weird maze and minesweeper level and PLATFORMING levels which made no sense!

And the levels starting getting VERY cheap and annoying! Sadistically cheap! Being hit out of nowhere by attacks you can’t see! Weakpoints that you have to guess to find! And the story jumping the shark like that! And the most annoying thing being much of the non-story text being backwards! That made things VERY annoying to understand!

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Cube Gothic on Steam

Death Slayer V

Death Slayer V

The amount of fun I’ve had in this game is more than I expected. The melee is fun with the dismembering of the arms that get in the way to the head. One gripe I have with is the lack of staggering or flinching for both zombies and for the player. Damage from zombies seems to be a slow drain rather than an actual chunk and with the lack of response from the character it makes it difficult to know if you are being damaged. I love the models for the zombies and the looks of the interior maps. however the streets for the initial area I find to be slightly bland in comparison, although one of the only houses that you can get into the back yard of does have a pool, so I’ll let it slide. I enjoy the concept of using the corpses of zombies to heal and that you slowly take damage over time to keep you in the fight, however sometimes it’s just cruel that I can only carry one dose at a time after killing numerous zombies in my wake. When I first started, I felt that the guns available were horrible and a waste of a slot, such as the revolver and the double barrel shotgun, but venturing away from the objective and searching side streets not only allowed me to find increasingly better weapons, but slowly piece together the story being told via radio transmissions of dead operatives. While it isn’t master-class writing, it’s a nice detail that wouldn’t have had to be included until later.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

The game seems pretty good, graphics are ok but the fps on a 6800xt and Ryzen 9 5900x combo is 45 fps. The game also causes my gpu to run hotter than say Cyberpunk 2077. To make matters worse when you die you are stuck in an animation of dying nonstop and the center of the screen is black and stays black for awhile, seems only a restart of the game fixes it. I highly recommend skipping it

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Death Slayer V on Steam