City Night Carnage

City Night Carnage

City Night Carnage is a first-person survival horror in the setting of a night city. Make your way through the city blocks filled with terrible creatures from nightmares. Find weapons and ammunition, first-aid kits and mysterious records that reveals what is happening here. But most important is to find a key in the apartments of the neighborhood that will help you avoid a deadly encounter with HIM!

Game Features:

  • Find weapons and ammunition to fight the disgusting monsters that drool on you.

  • Explore the city blocks to find clues that shed light on the horrors that are happening.

  • Look for components for crafting ammo, first-aid kits and weapon upgrades that will help you defeat the nightmare creatures.

  • Several districts of the city each you will have to pass to get home.

  • An original soundtrack from a talented composer will help you feel the full weight and heaviness of the oppressive atmosphere of the events.

  • Plan your route carefully, beware of dark areas because HE can wait for you in any shadow. The end will be quick and bloody then…

Read More: Best Horror Action Roguelike Games.

City Night Carnage on Steam

The Horror Of Salazar House

The Horror Of Salazar House

რეტრო სტილის თამაშები ყოველთვის მომწონდა, ან თუნდაც პირდაპირ რეტრო. ბავშვობის ნოსტაკგიაა თუ კონკრეტული მიზიდულობა, ვერ გეტყვით. მიუხედავად იმისა, რომ ეს თამაში უხარისხო შეიძლება მოგეჩვენოთ თავიდან, დამიჯერეთ უკმაყოფილო არ დარჩებით.

თამაში არის “თავგადასავლის” ჟანრის, და ნახევრად-სვლებზე, რადგან ზოგიერთი მოვლენა მთავარი გმირის მოძრაობისაგან დამოუკიდებლად ხდება. ზოგიერთ მომენტში, გაუგებარია ზუსტი მექანიკა, მაგრამ თამაშს, ეს ბევრს ვერაფერს აკლებს.

ვიზუალს რაც შეეხება, არქაული სტილისაა, თუმცა თანამედროვე დამუშავება აშკარად ეტყობა. არაფერია გაუგებარი ფორმის, და ყველა ნივთი ადვილი საპოვნელია.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horror Point & Click Games.

I always have been a firm believer of the idea that horror games reach their full potential as point and click games or visual novels; after all some of my favorite horror games are “Corpse Party” and “Misao”. The reason for this is that visual novels and point & click games have the freedom to add an enormous amount of depth to the story to compensate for their simplistic gameplay. 

And so this game that I have mentioned in the title was on on my wishlist for quite some time, for two reasons. Firstly I have never played a retro styled horror game such as " I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" , and it has been on the backburner for too long and secondly Puppet Combo recommended it on twitter.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

The Horror Of Salazar House on Steam

Zombies Must Die

Zombies Must Die

Zombies Must Die

Good fun - movement&shooting feels very satisfying ( like the guns&gore ) - hope the developers add more levels to the campaign in the future - the game is on the short side as it is now - recommended at the discounted price -35% 7,01€ !

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horror FPS Games.

Short but hard and fun!

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Zombies Must Die on Steam

Crimson Ranch

Crimson Ranch

The atmosphere is really effective, you feel claustrophobic even in the open areas, I was alert the whole time.

The art and music (specially the music) highly complement the experience.

I liked the puzzles too, nothing was unnecessarily complicated :)

I got the characters mixed up all the time and I’ll have to replay it to get the full story but that’s on me.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

The story was short, and very nice.

Best I could expect from 2D graphics, all this dev’s games have the same style.

Sometimes it is hard to figure out what you’re supposed to do, but nothing a bit of spamming the interact button can’t fix.

Lots and lots of dead animals.

Very good game for three dollars.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Crimson Ranch on Steam

Deadly Cosmic

Deadly Cosmic

It’s a short but very cool game, I liked the creatures and the mystery in the plot, I also liked the little moments of humor. In fact I wanted the game to be bigger because I was very involved, but it makes sense for the price. From my point of view it is a game that worth it!

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Loved the premise of the game, and the graphics definitely give it that unique feel and add to the creepy vibe. I had a little trouble with the perspective, especially when there was a creature just off screen that I could no longer see because of the change in perspective, but you learn to maneuver and function quick enough.

Took me a while to find and operate the toilet… longer than I would like to admit. Overall, I would definitely recommend playing through this one, it is worth it!

Here’s some gameplay if interested (first stream terminated with no warning and I had to restart the stream)

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Deadly Cosmic on Steam



I honestly really enjoyed this game. I found it by accident while looking for another game, and added it to my wish list. I am very happy I did. If you are a fan of horror and/or puzzle games, I would highly recommend Kalidazkoph. It had a very unique style that I found interesting since the first time I watched the trailer. The extremely distorted old-fashion video camera look to the game had me hooked. The scares in this game, while there are not very many, got me better than most horror games have. This game lets you feel comfortable only to completely brake your trust time and again. The story of this game is interesting, though it is certainly not a lore heavy experience. All and all, this game was great and gets a 10/10 from me.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Oof. If you do buy this, I recommend that you get it when it’s on sale. $6.99 is too much.

This is more of a ‘Meh’ rating since steam’s tragically binary rating system only seems to allow for a yes or no. If you are highly sensitive to motion or film effects, stay away. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve had to bring this to a Developer’s attention, but ‘headbob’ and ‘film grain effect’ NEEDS to be a toggle for f*cks sake. Headbob stopped being a novelty when the Doom engine was popular. That was almost thirty years ago. Sheesh!

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Kalidazkoph on Steam

Murder House

Murder House

From start to finish I knew I was going to love this game. At first it was just the pure novelty of a game that looked like something I’d watch an older family member play through while hiding behind a blanket as a kid. It only took a few minutes into actually playing the game to realize it would in fact make me FEEL like that kid too. The primitive textures and models give off such a familiar yet uncanny feeling. There’s so many horror games that look “conventionally” better than this, so why am I so off put by the appearance of the polygonal bunny man? Beyond the ps1 era influence, the atmosphere is just spot on. I was seriously impressed by the prologue because it was such a good representation of some vague nightmare I’m sure we’ve all had at some point in our life. After that, the main chunk of the game is where Puppet Combo’s love for Old School horror becomes so much more evident. News Reporters. VHS tapes. A Creepy House. A Psycho Killer. What more do you need? Even more terrifying than the visuals and set up though is the audio. Sometimes a sudden spike in distorted sound will be used as a mere jump scare (which I have nothing against), but what really gets you will be the distant drips and drops in the basement or the wind blowing against the trees outside as you cautiously avoid your predator. The lofi nature of these sounds just really get at your nerves, like nails on a chalkboard, but for some reason it just sounds so damn cool.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

If you’re about to read this, let me first state that I actually did have fun with this game. I played it with 2 of my friends and we took turns controlling the player character,

! Emma, and we did enjoy the experience. The game also greatly captures exactly what it was going for in terms of ‘scary VHS 80s horror’ and it really does look like an old video game. It also had some genuinely scary moments that caught me off guard, and it was a fresh breath of air as compared to the typical indie titles that emerge.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Murder House on Steam

Rescue Lucy 2

Rescue Lucy 2

It does seem a bit better compared to the first game, i did enjoy the jigsaw puzzle in this one. However there is not much plot and felt it was quickly thrown together, so unfortunately i will have to say that i do not recommend this game.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Rescue Lucy 2 is a Flash-based attempt at a horror point and click game. There’s a very bare story and a lot of poorly designed puzzles. It feels like an indie game from 10 years ago. 3/10

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Rescue Lucy 2 on Steam

Buddy Simulator 1984

Buddy Simulator 1984


*Potato laptop aproved.

*Takes about 5hours to complete.

*Fun and interesting characters.

*Spooks that don’t make you shit your pants but give you that nice adrenaline rush.

*Interesting endings.


*Takes a long time to get all of the endings.

*Can’t skip dialog.

*When you replay the game it’s really repetetive and only the endings are different.

Real player with 43.1 hrs in game

This has easily been the best experience I’ve had playing a game

I can’t recommend it enough

It’s really short, first run will probably be like maybe 6 hours

And after that, you can easily finish it in 3

Go into this game as blind as you can

It’s much more than a text adventure game

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

Buddy Simulator 1984 on Steam



My opportunity to play CARNAL has come after hearing about it in the E1M1 Magazine blog. It sure does look and feel retro, but here are my ups and downs


-Neat and effective weaponry

-Diverse enemy lineup from your usual soldiers with weapons to T-Rexes with rocket launchers and self-operated lawn mowers, PLUS shopping carts with minds of their own

-Nice level visuals, giving the atmosphere of a pretty desolate environment overrun by the Sons of Anak clan

-Retro soundtrack, ranging from Quake levels of ambience to intensely amazing bangers

Real player with 28.3 hrs in game

I like this game’s graphical style and level design (at least it’s not another ‘abstract sci-fi levels’ style retro-FPS) and there are many enemy types, but the whole game desperatly needs some polish.

The protagonist’s ‘pain sound’ is atrocious and the controls are sometimes very bad, you have to press jump to go up on a staircase, etc.

The enemies are too small and too silent (and too dumb) and technically they aren’t hitscan, but almost.

I understand that the creator of this game wants a life system instead of saving, but the game is way too hard in this way.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

CARNAL on Steam