

I loved playing both Shrine and its successor and I had high hopes for Vomitoreum, and what can I say: The most disappointing thing on this game is its title.

Vomitoreum is what I always wanted from lovecraftian cosmic otherworldly horror games. It is strange. It is sick. It is deranged and so out of this world that I have absolutely no idea who I am, where I am and what I want. A welcoming change from other horror games is (until now) the absence of jump scares and and a welcoming shortage of too dark areas. Vomitoreum lives from its alien world design and inhabitants, many of them not even hostile. And the great art style and soundscape enhance the impression of strangeness and foreignness so much that the strangest thing I literally experienced was finding cars and mundane machinery in one level whose engine noises sounded like music compared to the industrial synth drone that serves as the actual soundtrack to the game.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horror Shooter Games.

I would like to first start out by saying that scumhead is a budding developer and art director worth watching out for, I certainly look forward to what he and his team can do if and when they found a studio. I believe in his vision and capacity to deliver aesthetically interesting and old school fps games, that being said I think Vomitoreum displays some poor game design decisions that hold it back from being worth the price tag.


  • Unique setting

  • great sound design (ambiance and enemies)

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Vomitoreum on Steam

✌ Johnny Rocket

✌ Johnny Rocket

It is honestly beyond me how someone could price this game above 1-2 dollars. (Let alone offer a monthly LICENSE for internet cafes!!!!!)

It’s buggy and un-polished.

It can be finished in less than 15 minutes.

And the worst of all is that the trailer on steam is GROSSLY misleading!! There’s no punching or grabbing opponents and connecting different moves together, creating combos etc. You just dash and shoot. That’s it.

I definitely don’t recommend it at it’s original price.

It’s barely a “maybe” if it drops at $1 - $2.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horror Flight Games.

Johnny Rocket is a funny, frustrating, short and simplistic experience. I was drawn to this game due to its great minimalist animation and humor, but the game’s brief playtime and somewhat aggravating mechanics hold it back from being an experience I would recommend to others.

While I still enjoyed moments of this game and found myself laughing at some of its enemy designs (especially the Nazi Seal enemy..) the difficulty level and overall gameplay left me wanting much more out of the title.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

✌ Johnny Rocket on Steam



On my first playthrough of the game I was very in love. I’m a retro fan and this game nailed the NES style perfectly. I had some problems with the design, but I figured I would replay it a few times again and then leave a review.

Then when I tried to go for one of the achievements I realized the game was made to be very replayable. They test your knowledge on the game’s environment and present mostly distinct challenges from each other. The snappy movement is fun to master and the bosses are not too wimpy or bs. Weapons I thought were weak turned out to be good in their own ways. Worth noting that when you kill an enemy, it stays gone forever, which makes clearing out a room a bit satisfying when you’re dashing back through it to a new destination.

Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horror Action-Adventure Games.

A simple but great metroidvania, there’s plenty of things to find and if you’re clever you can navigate the spaces in a plethora of ways. Movement feels good and has weight, attacking requires a level of commitment as well as using your flashlight. Ultimately it is a tasteful game, the art services the gameplay and the enemy designs run the gamut from humorous to horrifying, a joy to play. I never once felt super frustrated and every scenario feels like it has a definite solution/weapon to use. There appears to be some final secret for metroidvania completionists as well.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Tres-Bashers on Steam

The Guise

The Guise


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Is this game a masterpiece? The Guise is a new Metroidvania from Russia with a little boy who is stuck in the body of a monster as the main character. The whole thing is presented in a visual design that reminds me of kindergarten drawings. Or drawings of inmates from the madhouse. Somehow creepy. Could be interesting.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

The game freezes a lot. I do not know if this game was rushed in order for this to be released. I am forced to exit the game when it freezes. and one of the quest is on an endless loop wherein you will need to kill all the mice on room in and endless loop. In order for me to recommend this game, I ask for the developer to release a patch to fix all the issues.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

The Guise on Steam

Abyss of Neptune

Abyss of Neptune

Abyss of Neptune is a well designed short game, with an interesting story and decent game play. The presentation and environment is the most notable, as they are overall beautiful.

I found the aiming to be a little tedious at first, but after many tries, I finally was able to get the degree of drop off that the bolts had, and hit my targets reliably.

The motion of the character was nearly perfect. The only problem I had, was the tail off felt more like a space motion then ocean, where the character drifted with little to no reducing of her speed. The controlled motions nail down the water feel, but there should be a little more resistance when you are not actively pushing a direction. Aside from that, the character interactions and movement were a dream.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

I really like the atmosphere of this game. It’s supposed to be an eerie underwater horror game, and the ambiance really sells it. The art is aesthetically pleasing, and everything looks really polished with the detail of the lighting. The sound design is really well done, I feel like I’m underwater, and the sound of the character breathing creates additional stress which plays well into the horror genre.

The resource management in the game is really well done. You have to manage your oxygen, which slowly depletes as you explore. It isn’t something you have to micro-manage, but it does have to stay in the back of your mind. The ammunition found in the game is fairly hard to come by, and is something that you have to carefully manage. Running out of ammo can be stressful, and stumbling upon ammo is a huge relief.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Abyss of Neptune on Steam

Last Stitch Goodnight

Last Stitch Goodnight

Very fun game so far. The characters are entertaining, the gameplay is fun, the music is great, and the story is interesting.

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

This game is 70% story, 40% movement, 20% sass, and 90% scientific fact. Do not question. You’re going to explore a mansion, use tools, smash nerds, and acquire items. Use KBM or a controller. I feel most comfortable using my original xbox controller.

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Last Stitch Goodnight on Steam

Leon’s crusade (La cruzada de León)

Leon’s crusade (La cruzada de León)

A ver, que nadie me mal interprete, el juego está bastante bien en concepto. El problema es que necesita actualización para mejorar el gameplay y no estaría de más el que hubiera algo de información a la hora de hacer las misiones ya que muchas veces no hay forma de averiguar “a excepción de la bruja o el sabio” que debes hacer, aparte de lo inaccesible de muchas zonas que lo convierten en algo innecesariamente complicado.

En cuanto estos detalles mejoren, lo recomendaré ya que la idea es muy buena y el juego es la mar de entretenido.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

buggy mess

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Leon's crusade (La cruzada de León) on Steam

Zombie Soldier

Zombie Soldier

Why did I buy this?

Why did I waste money on this?

is it playable? Yes.

Is it enjoyable? No.

You can jump over the fence at the beginning and jump into the purgatory of empty space. If you try shooting while running, it doesn’t shoot straight left or right, and in fact shoots where the gun is pointing which is down towards the foreground or background. Sometimes you can face towards the foreground and shoot at the no enemies there. The foreground gets in the way of what you’re trying to see ALL THE TIME. Shooting while jumping delays your fall.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Zombie Soldier on Steam

100 Pumpkins

100 Pumpkins

Super tight controls, it’s a whole lot of fun. Took me about 4-ish hours to achieve my first perfect run!

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

This game would be easy to write off because it’s….well….kinda ugly but I think that was the point.

Can YOU find all the pumpkins?

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

100 Pumpkins on Steam



Wandering what would it be if Dante’s Inferno (2010) became a metroidvania game? Now you have the answer, it’s Blasphemous! I’ll try to be as brief and honest as possible telling what I saw and experienced during my playthrough.

Before anything else my entire playthrough was during “V. 1.0.6” so, if there’s something missing the devs might have patched it. At this moment the game is on “V. 1.0.8” and according to the devs:


“You’ll also notice that this is Patch 1, which means more patches and content updates will be on their way - launching Blasphemous doesn’t mean we’re finished! - Wed, 25/09/2019”

Knowing that let’s get to move on to the review…

Real player with 86.2 hrs in game

If someone reads this - Sorry for my English.

I really wanted to like this game. But it seems to me that the logic of exploring the map is fundamentally broken.

How does metroidvanias work? At the location, you find obstacles that you can not overcome. –- You explore the location, find the ability. — Overcome obstacles and feel progress. The game designer organizes the game levels in such a way that you can collect the necessary abilities for game progression and explore old locations to find secrets. And in portions, you get more and more freedom to move.

Real player with 39.2 hrs in game

Blasphemous on Steam