Re:Turn - One Way Trip

Re:Turn - One Way Trip

I wrote a super long review for this describing everything I enjoyed, the negatives, and the positives. Something I hardly ever do… and accidentally pressed back. While I go kms, you should play this game because it’s fun!

Also: This game did start to crash for me toward the end. It has been pointed out by many reviewers that it has some play issues, or makes your PC run hot. I wasn’t sure if this was the case because I didn’t have any issues with PC temp, but, it did start to crash by the end. I thought it might be a save file issue as it usually crashed right after I saved.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horror Story Rich Games.

Re:Turn - One Way Trip is a good Horror, Adventure game. Okay what is the story.

Saki and her four friends are on a camping trip, a last hurrah before they have to enter the adult world after college.

But after a stupid argument everything goes to hell, her friends gone. But as Saki looks for them she discovers an old abandoned train, what Horrors will she find? All aboard for Pure Terror next stop evil.

So what is there to like about the game? The pixel art style/graphics is very good; it’s pretty detailed and nice to look at from the old broken old train.

! To the new train.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Re:Turn - One Way Trip on Steam

Children of Silentown: Prologue

Children of Silentown: Prologue

I really enjoyed playing this demo. The fact that it runs on my laptop is a MASSIVE plus and the storyline has so much potential. Definitely a big fan of the cat’s personality and the integration of music into the core of the game. I don’t often play horror games but I love watching the gameplay. For once, I actually want to play a horror game (ie. this one) and that is a big deal. I think there are a couple of spelling and grammar issues that I noticed pop up here and there, but they could be intentional. I can’t remember them right now, but it is something the developers are likely to fix before releasing the game. The graphic style is adorable and eerie simultaneously, but the quality is crisp and motion is smooth. I actually found it quite relaxing despite the foreboding that’s lurking throughout the storyline. I had not realised this was just a demo and I was heartbroken when I found out because I wanted to play more immediately. I was surprised at how interactive the game turned out to be and it’s definitely perfect for people who like puzzles. So even more positives. The only major issue I had was that the trailer was laggy the whole way through, but that may just have been poor internet connection on my end. But overall, I am so excited for this game and I cannot wait to play the rest of it. ((Side-note: Thank you so much for creating something super fantastic that actually works with the specs I have!))

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horror Point & Click Games.

Children of Silentown: Prologue is a 30 minute long introduction to the full game which release is still to be announced.

Game’s premise:

**_You play as a little girl who often experiences horrific nightmares and spends time playing with neighborhood kids in the backyard, which sums up pretty well the image we get right away from this game’s story - cozy, peaceful, laid back, heartwarming… yet somehow really unsettling.

Living together with your parents, spending days helping doing house chores while your kitty misbehaves a bit and singing with your mom is not all you get to experience on daily basis. In fact, there are strict rules coming to heading outside from the house due to some mysterious disappearances of children taken place quite frequently. You can’t leave the backyard and you have to respect the curfew._**

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Children of Silentown: Prologue on Steam



(Note: If don’t want to read long points go pass the line)

Intro: In the game you play as protagonist by the name Claire who is trying search for her comatose mother while searching for answers within the darkness about herself, however be aware you’re not alone so now let explain base off my experience why I would recommend Claire.

Atmosphere/Environment: In general atmosphere is important in a horror game if the goal if not scare to at least cause a form of discomfort in terms of survival-horror which for a 2D horror game like Claire for the most part does a great job in this regard when it comes to sounds, visuals and music in general will keep you on edge throughout the game now that is not to say there are no areas of calm moments but they are far in between. For instance areas that are calm have eerie sense of sadness, loneliness, abandonment and little hope while areas that are chaotic have intense emotions of fear, suffering, hopelessness and madness while at certain times the atmosphere takes a combination of these two (To experience fully recommend not going objective too fast and also lights out and headphones on.)

Real player with 32.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horror 2D Games.

Claire is a 2D psychological survival-horror game that pulls a lot of inspiration from Silent Hill, Clock Tower, and a few other horror games of the early 2000s. I had been following the title since mid-2013, and finally gave it a play after a few patches had been delivered for the game post-release (which to the developers credit, they have been very active in responding to problems the game has via patches and being active on their steam community forums and twitter). I had played about an hour of the game last February off Desura, which was very rough at the time. I wasn’t quite sure what the final product was going to end up like.

Real player with 22.6 hrs in game

Claire on Steam



“in 1674, reverend of Isokyrö, Israel Ulftanus wrote that human bones have risen up from Leväluhta spring throughout the ages”

Inspired by the book “Leväluhta” by Marko Hautala, the story revolves around an ancient burial site in Orismala, a struggling eldercare nurse, and a lonely old woman. Beautifully photographed 2D graphics inspired by movies like The Lighthouse, Night of the hunter, and Persona. With gameplay-driven storytelling and slow-paced claustrophobic dread, Leväluhta is a unique horror experience like no other.


    Noir horror set in real-world Finnish locations, no jumpscares or splatter.


    Classic adventure game mechanics but fully modernised with a heavy emphasis on movement and strategy. Play as a eldercare nurse without the resources for her job - to take care of an old patient and her house. Vacuum, make food, clean, fix, and so forth, based on job descriptions. Race against the clock, manage your stress levels, and fight against randomised daily complications.


    Taking a twist to the horror mansion trope, your patient has a small house with unexplained hidden layers. Uncover its secrets at your own pace, with your own smarts.


    One-time branching dialogues & small special randomised events that don’t show up on each playthrough. Instead of vast content, Leväluhta focuses on small, meaningful, curated details.

Levaluhta on Steam



The stage where the story takes place is atmospheric and scary, and the diary in the game is also terrifying. There are also various riddles and gimmicks to solve, making it fun to explore. And Eve is so cute. The way she hides from enemies is Eve-like and very good. I’m looking forward to the next chapter.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

This is my first impression of the game since as of right now, only Chapter 1 is available while the rest of the game will come as time passes. Once the game is complete, my opinions may be subjected to change and then and only then will I give a grade.

When I read that this game is inspired by Ib and The Witch’s House, it made me want to play this game for this October as I already planned on reliving all my favorite RPGMaker Horror games on said month; And that’s what I did, saving LIRE for last. As I played LIRE, it was a treat seeing some similarities with the other games I recently replayed.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

LIRE on Steam



DreadOut is an Indonesian survival-horror game that takes inspiration from the Fatal Frame franchise, and pulls a lot from Indonesian myths and folklore.

You play as a non-talkative protagonist known as Linda, who with a few friends is on a car trip. They stumble upon a weird deserted city that isn’t marked on their map… The friends go to investigate the town, and soon get wrapped up in some severe hauntings from the strange ghost that start coming out when night falls.

The game has a low-budget, and it shows. Graphically everything looks outdated, with low-res textures, odd character animations, and the like. There’s also no real-time shadows. The game also has a few bugs. I didn’t encounter anything game-breaking, but a few ‘look through the wall with the camera’, ‘get stuck on an object for a moment’, ‘that character is levitating,’ type of bugs, However, something I found interesting was that they didn’t copy and paste many models. There were a lot of posters around town, and each one was legitimately different. Same with pictures, and just small details all about.Outside of a few chairs or piles of garbage, most of the models were unique to each other, and I was surprised the developers didn’t take many shortcuts.

Real player with 21.7 hrs in game

“Hey, doesn’t that look like the bench we used to sit on in elementary school?”

- What?

Is it polished? No. Does play well? Not really. Does all of the challenge come from the darkness being so obnoxiously in-your-face that you’re not quite sure where you are? Kinda.

Would I still recommend DreadOut? Yeah alright. Sure.

This is a PS2 game in spirit, that would’ve been lost to time before the magical garbage world of now. A bargain bin pickup that you spend an evening with and decide that, while it’s not perfect by any stretch, it’s somewhat enjoyable and does some interesting stuff, then you see a couple years later and think “Hey, it’s that game” with a half-cocked smile.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

DreadOut on Steam

FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Maiden of Black Water

FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Maiden of Black Water

The best horror game this year.

When i first saw the announcement of this game being released on Steam and modern consoles I was very excited. Years ago I used to play Project Zero on my Xbox original and I finished it quite a few times they were excellent games and very scary, I also enjoyed the third one on my PS2.

This game is just as good if not better I like the fact that the gameplay is something a little bit different. I think the game is creative for requiring the player to use the Camera Obscura, its a really cool way of fighting the ghosts and spirits. To be honest I cant really find many modern horror games that are similar to this one except for a few. The story had me immersed from the beginning and I enjoyed many of the cutscenes, the characters or the girls mostly are awesome I like Yuri she is my favorite one.

Real player with 59.4 hrs in game


The camera mechanics




Playing multiple characters with different stories in one sitting

Repeated and recycled levels and scenes

limited enemies

Recycled enemies

Enemies are easy, extremely predictable, and boring

Story fell flat and feels all over the place.

Characters and enemies are over sexualized and the bouncing breast are distracting. It takes away from the game being a horror genre and more like someone’s creepy fetish.

Controls were sluggish when it came to moving the character around.

Real player with 45.0 hrs in game

FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Maiden of Black Water on Steam



THIS IS THE SCARIEST GAME I EVER PLAYED, I LOVE IT. Its so weird, I don’t understand what the heck is going on and the jump scares are so unexpected, I hit my head on my dresser cause I got so scared. I’m just so confused and I love the game, I recommend you to play it.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

Hedera is a game of inconsistency, but of quality that far far FAR supercedes its issues. It is tonally inconsistent with moments of gameplay that toe the line between appropriately confusing and too hard for its own good, however the pure nightmare atmosphere and visceral terror more than make up for this. For what it is, it is executed excellently, not flawlessly. Its a game made by a single developer, a single storyteller, on person did it. I left the game feeling as though i witnessed the skin and bones of a true masterpiece of horror, one that is simply outside of the scope of a single developer, and as such its important to judge the game on merit of what it is and not what it could be with a triple A studio. Or, any studio.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Hedera on Steam



I am so sorry, but I have to do this. I have to be cruel to be kind.

I… felt so much thing while I was playing The Cat Lady and Downfall. Their subtext were full of our fears, sadness, despair and hope. So I WAS sure that “Lorelai will also touch our souls, like its predecessors”. Thus, I expected a strong final story for Devil Came Through Here trilogy. I’ve waited Lorelai for approximately 2 years, since I’ve learned that it’s release date is 2019. At the end of the day, it is just a frustration, a disappointment for me.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Lorelai isn’t The Cat Lady. It’s not Downfall either. That’s a good thing. But there are aspects in its storytelling that feel lacking and rooted in the past, and that unfortunately holds it back from being as emotional as it could be. Even so, the game is absolutely gorgeous to look at and is accompanied by micAmic’s best soundtrack to date, either of which is reason enough to play through and experience this final chapter in the “Devil Came Through Here” Trilogy.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Lorelai on Steam



Cassie Thorton is a blind girl who has been raised in an institution, now she has dreams about a house on echo bluff. She can’t resist and hops on public transport to investigate it for herself! This is where the adventure begins!

Perception is a horror experience game ala Outlast (but a bit less intense. That doesn’t mean there’s no scares and intense moments. They just are presented in a more abstract way. Which makes for an unique experience on its own.

Perception gives a good impression of how a blind/visually impaired person has to puzzle bits and pieces together to make up the environment they arein, done purely on tactile and auditory “inputs”. The wind outside is made visible for the player, otherwise you might not really preceive to be outside yourself. This is mostlly how it is for blind people as well. Blind people pay attention to reverb, wind and obstacles to determine their environment. Suddenly you arrive in a place that seemingly looks like a garage and voila, there’s a car. Because you only really see ahead of you when you interact, or tap your cane and walk forward,, it gives the player a motivation to use these “senses” constantly to assess their position and to re orient. As a visually impaired person myself, I find this very well done. The irony is that true blind people will ofcourse not be able to play this game, as the game world is a nonphysical environment and the only thing that makes it physical is it’s VISUAL representation.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

There are lots of reasons I recommend this game: interesting premise, moments of incredible immersion, outstanding sound, great voice acting, an atmosphere and vibe that is successfuly creepy (at least for a short while). Those strengths never quite come together to make a cohesive whole, however. Gameplay, while simple, also has a few issues. So it’s frustrating that the reasons I should be recommending it (because it has a great story or consistently awesome gameplay, neither of which are quite true) are not why I could conditionally support it. Ultimately, “Perception” is just one more example of a terrific idea with poor execution.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Perception on Steam