The Chronicles of Quiver Dick

The Chronicles of Quiver Dick

You had my attention with the crazy name, but when I saw myself on that store page screenshot I was sold!

(Haha, so in all seriousness, anyone reading this will probably assume I have a biased opinion, considering the developers decided to toss me in their game. Fuck that though! I’m gonna be honest as fuck!)

First off, let me say this is a very short game. Shorter than ‘MaP’ (Metal as Phuk) but that’s kind of the point. It’s a quick and comfy adventure. Flooded with dialogue that eminates some (sweet, sweet) low-brow humour. Sometimes it’s great, and sometimes it falls flat; which leaves you waiting to move on to the next joke. It’s kind of like SNL in a way.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horror Turn-Based Tactics Games.

UPDATE: I have changed my review to negative, which is unfortunate. The developer has been proven to be a deplorable human being, and one that cannot be trusted. Do not support them. The game was fun, sure, but I’m not supporting this person anymore.

I, too, hope they cast a substantially less racist version of Mel Gibson in the movie about MY life. Guess I’ll have to settle for an awesome cameo in this game. (Seriously!)

And, while I have a cameo, I won’t let it affect my review of the game. I played and beat this in a single setting (took about 3 hours) and laughed so hard my throat still hurts. The game’s humor is crass, and in your face often, but it never feels overstated, nor does it seem ham-fisted. The pacing is well done throughout, and when a joke seems like it might be wearing out its welcome, it ends.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

The Chronicles of Quiver Dick on Steam



Ahh, Monstrum. Has been a long time my darling! How have you bee- dies

Monstrum is a very peculiar horror game. It has a unique setting, interesting and terrifying Monsters, and some hilarious bugs and glitches to expl- wait, oh fuck, they fixed those. Shit

What is Monstrum?

Monstrum is an indie horror game. It follows the player waking up in a very cramped room on either the upper decks or the lower decks of an abandoned cargo ship. You must find the equipment required to repair one of the three escape routes and get off the ship. There’s just one problem. You’re not alone.

Real player with 67.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Horror Survival Horror Games.


All things considered, monstrum is a better than average indie horror game at an indie horror game’s price. The monsters are interesting, the collectable and RNG systems bring about a fair amount of replayability to the game, and the general feel of the game are superb. Though it is obvious that this product has recieved a vast amount of care from the developers, bugs still remain. These bugs aren’t exactly the most common, or the most game breaking, but in certain situations it can lead to a bit of headache or confusion. All in all, the game is worth the price in my eyes, and it’ll certainly grant satisfactory hours of entertainment in the time that one plays it.

Real player with 52.0 hrs in game

Monstrum on Steam

City Night Carnage

City Night Carnage

City Night Carnage is a first-person survival horror in the setting of a night city. Make your way through the city blocks filled with terrible creatures from nightmares. Find weapons and ammunition, first-aid kits and mysterious records that reveals what is happening here. But most important is to find a key in the apartments of the neighborhood that will help you avoid a deadly encounter with HIM!

Game Features:

  • Find weapons and ammunition to fight the disgusting monsters that drool on you.

  • Explore the city blocks to find clues that shed light on the horrors that are happening.

  • Look for components for crafting ammo, first-aid kits and weapon upgrades that will help you defeat the nightmare creatures.

  • Several districts of the city each you will have to pass to get home.

  • An original soundtrack from a talented composer will help you feel the full weight and heaviness of the oppressive atmosphere of the events.

  • Plan your route carefully, beware of dark areas because HE can wait for you in any shadow. The end will be quick and bloody then…

Read More: Best Horror Retro Games.

City Night Carnage on Steam

Mortal Sin

Mortal Sin

The most intense and exciting Roguelike ever made! Steel yourself in this brutal nightmare and grab the most powerful weapon you can find. Hack and slash your way to victory and destroy the source of evil that has cursed you.

  • Beautiful graphic novel inspired art style

  • Brutal dismemberment system that affects enemy behavior

  • Environmental hazards and traps to knock enemies into

  • Completely randomized levels and items for infinite replay value

  • Open ended game world with different paths

  • Tons of items, spells and perks for endless gameplay variety

  • Spooky atmosphere and shocking scares

Mortal Sin on Steam

Outbreak: Endless Nightmares

Outbreak: Endless Nightmares

Been playing for about 12 hours and its a good game if you want to play a rogue-like that carries over your equips, levels and meta progression. As you play, you will find Conductor coins that unlock said features but the spawn rate of these coins slow down by midgame. You can tweak the dungeon difficulty by yourself before entering, with higher difficulties giving better loot.

As for the gameplay, its Resident Evil 1-3 with tweakable camera angles. And randomised dungeon layouts. Weapon types are like in RE. AI could be better, they usually stand around unless you take too long to clear the level. I’m kind of disappointed with the costume unlocks but the gameplay is fun enough to grind for coins. Some enemies can one shot you so the difficulty is definitely there.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Its a really fun game but I feel the weapons certainly need some rebalancing, to go from needing 3 bullets to kill a fat zombie with a target pistol mk.2 to needing legit 6 bullets with a tactical rifle mk3 is beyond a problem, especially when the rifle only has 7 bullets. The game is really fun and i still am finding new enemies that i absolutely didnt expect to run into but the camera certainly needs some work and it is definitely very very janky. Theres a lot of potentional here and hopefully it continues to improve. What’s here is a great game though, and it can only get better

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Outbreak: Endless Nightmares on Steam

Witch’s Reign

Witch’s Reign

So first things first, this game is not worth the $10 price tag. That’s a steep price for a game that is fairly short, at the time of this review.

I got this game on sale for $3 and that is a pretty good price!

This game is pretty good, it’s got some solid puzzle ideas and I like the simple art design. It’s a memory puzzle where you explore a dungeon of sorts and make sure you don’t die to traps and monsters. You have a small line of sight due to a candle that can be blown out or lit again in order to trick the monsters onto the traps.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Lucky me gets to write the first review for Witch’s Reign. This is a very simplistic, bare bones top down “survival horror puzzle”, whatever that’s supposed to mean. What you really get is what seems like a mobile app where you can only see one square ahead, and in only one direction, so you need to move around an obscured grid/maze without getting eaten by baddies or falling in traps.

This has been slapped together with Unity, the game engine that’s been enabling mediocrity everywhere and giving Starbucks baristas delusions of grandeur since 2005. However, it’s very unpolished, to the point I don’t think this is an asset flip or a copy+paste of someone else’s tutorial or game demo. Nor could I find it on app stores, although they have higher QA than Valve, so probably wouldn’t permit this. So, I guess kudos to the developer for having a try. I think that’s more likely the explanation, that someone wanted to make a game but didn’t really know how, but put it on Steam anyway. I kind of wish Steam wasn’t a dumping ground for half baked ideas, there’s places like for that.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Witch's Reign on Steam

44 Minutes in Nightmare

44 Minutes in Nightmare

Very nice game, similar to Monstrum, Granny, etc.

You have to find various items to escape the level and there are three exits.

Finished in hard too, I really enjoyed it :D

Real player with 22.8 hrs in game

Really a good game. Keep working on it.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

44 Minutes in Nightmare on Steam

Catacombs Of The Yokai

Catacombs Of The Yokai

After finishing a late shift at work you find a mysterious amulet that was dropped on the ground.

As you go to return it to the woman that dropped it, you encounter a strange doorway that you haven’t seen before. Entering the door leads you into an unnerving nightmare realm.

On your way through the depths you will encounter various enemies (many inspired from Japanese/Taiwanese urban legends and myths) that must be tricked, conversed with or eluded in sometimes unconventional ways.

Can you survive and return the amulet banishing this portal forever?

  • Randomly Generated Levels: Each new play-through will generate a random set of floors. However, these change with each new game file started, allowing for extended re-playability.

  • No combat. Survive by hiding, using your wits and clever use of the items at your disposal.

  • Use magical items at the cost of health to help navigate the catacombs and help locate enemies.

  • Urban legends and myths from Japan and Taiwan were used as reference for many enemy designs and behaviors including: Kuchisake-onna (Slit Mouth Woman), Kunekune (Wriggling body) and Spirit Houses.

  • Unique Enemy AI: Survive by leaving offerings, making smart conversational choices, causing a distraction or even closing your eyes to avoid death.

  • Creepy and foreboding atmosphere.

  • Created by 2 people, allowing for more direct communication with players on the content and direction of future updates.

Catacombs Of The Yokai on Steam

Dead Estate

Dead Estate

I think it speaks to the strength of this game that I got the true ending with a broken run before I unlocked all the characters and I’m taking a break to write this review before going back in again.

Dead Estate is a fun little isometric roguelike akin to an Enter the Gungeon or diamond shaped Isaac. You go in, fight enemies, pick up weapons and items, die to bosses, unlock new stuff, rinse and repeat. I don’t really need to tell you the basics of this kind of game. There are multiple playable characters with their own default weapons, stats and strengths/weaknesses. I will give it to them, once you start heading away from the starting characters they do come up with some pretty unique gimmicks. Gotta say, the one involving money is a personal favorite.

Real player with 39.0 hrs in game

As someone who really didn’t care for the genres gold standards “Binding of Isaac” and “Gungeon” i just thought that maybe this style wasn’t for me. Then i saw this game and something clicked as i started to play. It was actually fun, not just in the gameplay sense but in how it handles it’s own presentation. Everything is vibrant and colorful being overall very pleasing to look at, the characters and stages all have a level of charm and personal touches that make them stand apart, and the music is fairly simple but charmingly retro and fits very well with the tone of the game. Add to all that a wholesome and strange story that you will continue to discover through multiple runs and you have the recipe for one of the best Twin-Stick Rougelikes in the genre. The game is worth every penny and with the promise of more content to come I honestly cannot recommend this game enough.

Real player with 27.4 hrs in game

Dead Estate on Steam

Space Beast Terror Fright

Space Beast Terror Fright

This is a good game, but there’s a lot I wish I knew going in that will make your experience better. I wouldn’t call anything below a spoiler since the game has no story whatsoever, but if you want to go in completely without primer, skip to the bottom for my summary views.

What you need to know:

-As others have said, it’s basically Aliens: The Game, but without the license.

-Click the Help item on the title menu. Make a note of the controls and the game flow. You WILL need to know this stuff and it’s not accessible once you start a match.

Real player with 283.2 hrs in game

Aliens. If you ever wanted a game to give you the same paranoia those marines had in the second installment of the Aliens franchise, this is probably the one to pull it off.

You have a near-dead space ship you need to nuke along with its unsightly wild alien infestation.

You have a number of datacores to access in order to unlock the reactor core so you can set the joint to nuke itself and take the skittery buggers with it.

Once you set the reactor to blow, you have a few seconds to get back to your ship so you don’t go down with this one.

Real player with 57.3 hrs in game

Space Beast Terror Fright on Steam