古代人生 Ancient Life

古代人生 Ancient Life

This is a charming ancient life sim game.

While the controls and concept can be a bit difficult to master, once you get the hang of the game this is an absolute delight. For those that like dynasty games like cursader kings-why on earth is this not a cateogry of games on steam?-will be happy to know this game follows that concept of a dynasty rpg with an even closer lence than in crusader kings. There are many life paths for characters to experience and many mini-games to play to advance along these life paths. The majority are a lot of fun and give a nice taste of the ancient life.

Real player with 23.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Historical Drama Games.

it is fun to play but I don’t recommend

too difficult to earn income

1). sell crickets: this is best way to earn income so far

2). crickets tournament:

only won provincial match once

… even your opponent’s bugs were weaker than yours but you still lost the game - make no sense to me

3). Special products: once your honor value reach each threshold (100, 200, 300), you will unlock different special product (max 3 kinds per city) … and here is a bug.

you can buy the highest rank special product, but you won’t have earn any income once you sell it ..

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

古代人生 Ancient Life on Steam

Evil Shogun

Evil Shogun

Finished in less than an hour. Too short for this price. Dialogs are lame and the story is underwhelming. Puzzles take 3-4 seconds to complete.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Historical Visual Novel Games.

❗❗❗ Warning: Mac/iOS ONLY ❗❗❗

There is no warning about this anywhere on the Steam page, this game does NOT work on Windows.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Evil Shogun on Steam

Guardians of Infinity: To Save Kennedy

Guardians of Infinity: To Save Kennedy

January 2087. Mankind has no time to lose. The time continuum is inexplicably unravelling by the hour, threatening to destroy the planet Earth.

Only one man can save time: temporal physicist Adam Cooper, inventor of a miraculous time travel machine - the Time Sphere. Cooper traces the cause of the time crisis to the events of November 22, 1963 and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a tragedy that should not have occurred in the normal course of history.

Determined to prevent President Kennedy’s death, Cooper assembles the Guardians of Infinity, a unique and diverse group of five individual agents who will journey back in time to November 15, 1963. You assume the identity of Adam Cooper. Your mission: to thwart the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and successfully return to the future with all of your agents.

You guide your agents and send them to critical cities such as Washington, D.C., Hyannis Port and Dallas where they must convince the President’s family, friends, and associates that his life is in jeopardy. Send your agents to see Attorney General Robert Kennedy, Vice President Lyndon Johnson, or confront assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. This sets the stage for your climactic face-to-face meeting with President Kennedy where you must convince him of the impending danger awaiting him.

Can you save President Kennedy? Can you successfully return to the future? Can you discover the identity of the evil mastermind behind the assassination and the plot to destroy time?

Paragon Software’s Guardians of Infinity: To Save Kennedy is a complex strategy text game challenging the imaginative mind. This revolutionary game features:

  • Unique character interaction with sophisticated human communication and emotional response so life-like you will think you are carrying on an actual conversation with your agents.

  • Over 125 historical figures from the Kennedy era to utilize in your plan to save the President.

  • A background novel explaining the time crisis in detail and setting the stage for your historical mission.

  • A highly classified picture disk containing top secret illustrations of the events leading to your mission.

  • A climactic meeting between you and President Kennedy.

  • State of the art, highly advanced artificial intelligence techniques.

Read More: Best Historical Sci-fi Games.

Guardians of Infinity: To Save Kennedy on Steam

Nikola Tesla: War of the Currents

Nikola Tesla: War of the Currents

Alter the course of history as an inventor at the dawn of the electrical age! Can you outsmart Thomas Edison and help Nikola Tesla realize his dreams of worldwide wireless power, alien contact, death rays and sapient machines?

Nikola Tesla: War of the Currents is an interactive novel by Dora Klindžić. It’s entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

The man who invented the 20th century was a queer immigrant from Serbia. Nikola Tesla dreamed of distributing free energy to all of mankind but passed away in a New York hotel room alone and forgotten. What if it had gone differently?

In the year 1886, you join the eccentric Tesla as his laboratory apprentice. Notoriously bad at

monetizing his inventions, but nonetheless ingenious at building them, Tesla needs your help with making a living wage as much as with performing his experiments.

Fend off Edison’s spies, Wall Street bankers, electrical industry magnates and other unsavory types as you navigate real historical adventures involving electrocuted elephants, the Niagara Falls electric plant, pigeons, and that time Mark Twain had the mishap of soiling his trousers in Tesla’s lab.

Develop your own science skills, your social life, or opt to be more business-minded. Manage your mentor’s fragile mental state while balancing your laboratory’s checkbook. Love your work, your pigeon, or pursue a risqué romance with Edison’s daughter. Will you manage to maintain enough funding and influence to prevent the destruction of Wardenclyffe tower and perform the most esoteric of experiments? Bring free power to all, contact the aliens, or accidentally flatten a city. The history of the last great independent inventor, as well as the future of society, are in your hands.

  • Play as male, female, or non-binary; gay, straight, bi, or asexual/aromantic.

  • Achieve fame through spectacular inventions, people skills or cunning business.

  • Influence historic events such as the invention of the electric chair, the Chicago World Fair,

the social unrests of the turn of the 20 th century, and more.

  • Monetize your inventions or uphold Tesla’s ideals of working for the betterment of mankind.

  • Uncover secret societies lurking in the background of early-capitalist New York.

  • Meet a cast of historic characters such as Thomas Edison and his family, George

Westinghouse, Mark Twain, J.P. Morgan, Joseph Pulitzer, Lewis Latimer, Charles Steinmetz,

Lord Kelvin and many more.

The world awaits in darkness, ready for your electric light.

Nikola Tesla: War of the Currents on Steam

Scarlet and Blank

Scarlet and Blank


-Great writing

-Nice soundtrack

-The melancholic vibe

-Art style

-It’s FREE


-A bit too short (characters don’t really get fleshed out).

-A few bugs.

I really enjoyed this short visual novel.


Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

I enjoyed this beautifully tragic tale, the narration and music set the atmosphere nicely for the read

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Scarlet and Blank on Steam

The Play’s the Thing

The Play’s the Thing

This one was enjoyable, would recommend

Real player with 89.3 hrs in game

My mom was very much into theater.

Real player with 45.9 hrs in game

The Play's the Thing on Steam

Time Fragments: 24h in Capua

Time Fragments: 24h in Capua


Time Fragments: 24h in Capua is an adventure RPG game set in 73 BC during the famous slave rebellion in Capua lead by the infamous Thracian soldier Spartacus.

In the future the human race have found a way to send up to three persons to a specific time and place in the past for observation purposes. The “Bridge” is open for only 72h. After no contact has been made with the three scientist for 48h, you and a companion of your choice are sent in to find them or at least one of them, having only 24h to do so!


Game focuses on a unique style of play. At your disposal you have skills like manipulation, intimidation, negotiation, sneaking, distracting, pickpocketing, lockpicking, forgery, running, jumping and climbing, rather than the traditional “hit and kill” your way through the game type of RPGs. Luck is a part of these encounters and it has a special way of being intertwined with the game mechanics.

The game is “turn based” with a top down view. This will force you to organize your every move as every action, except conversations, costs some number of minutes or hours. Stories are flowing and ever changing depending on your actions and skills you harness. Choices will echo throughout the game, leading you to new encounters in each playthrough.


If you ever wondered how would it feel to be the general of the Roman army, a good senator or maybe even gladiator or the new leader of the rebellion, you will have that option. It will not be easy, it takes some serious planning, but it will be worth it. A completely new and fun way to play ones obtained.You can play for both sides, double or triple cross. Each choice will matter, for better or worse. Will you end up as a slave? maybe the richest person in the whole Capua, prominent doctor or the “Champion of Capua”…and many more outcomes will depend on the choices you make but never lose sight on the end goal-to find the missing scientists.


The map has over 100 locations. You are free to chose any direction and any way, but be mindful of the time it takes to get to them! Some locations will require disguises or special items to get in, others can be infiltrated in other nefarious ways.

Each location offers some clue on the whereabouts of the missing scientists. You can obtain them in multiple ways, manipulating and distracting the guards or maybe setting the place on fire to empty the room. Each location is unique and can be played differently each time.


  • Chose the background of your character to coincide with your unique style of play

  • Over 12 skills available within 4 groups of abilities (Social, Thievery, Endurance, Intelligence)

  • Special system for “luck effect”

  • Find your gear to further enhance your character

  • Disguise yourself as with one of 25 disguises and gain access to forbidden areas, new stories previously unattainable

  • Explore the map with over 100 locations

  • Plan your every move within in-game 24h. EVERY ACTION costs time…and minutes add up!

  • Choose your style of play, whether is to approach silently making a domino effect or use your highly tuned skills help you out

  • Chose your Companion! Each one has a different need, but offers different help

  • Replay it more than 15 times each time with a unique story, different way of playing and a new ending

  • Richly diverse world with possible alternative history

  • Try to rise through army, political or rebels ranks, do completely new quests and meet new people

  • Try saving all three scientists that are lost, but most of all try to SURVIVE!

Time Fragments: 24h in Capua on Steam

A Curse From Beyond

A Curse From Beyond

Really fun for a text-based game which is not my normal game. I felt freaked out in my gut about certain moment. Really impressive work from a solo-developer. Worth it.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Full play through w/ all achievements and time stamps here (once it uploads):


Overall it’s a pretty interesting story about some cave folk doing cave folk things WHEN BOOM A FLYING HUNK OF SPACE S*** changes their mundane lives FOREVER. I dug the story and it does a pretty good job of grabbing your interest it’s a bit short and the plot seems pretty familiar, but it’s not frustrating to play through as a text based game(which is nice) and there’s multiple endings. You can see the effort the creator put into the game and it’s definitely a good solid first game.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

A Curse From Beyond on Steam

Cliffhanger: Challenger of Tomorrow

Cliffhanger: Challenger of Tomorrow

Just finished it today. Here are my thoughts:

Elements I adored:

The writing itself. Wow, William sure can turn a phrase! I really enjoyed how he described the action, the settings, etc. You can tell he’s put his work in strengthening his craft.

The richness of the world. Talk about a fully-developed universe! I can’t imagine how much mental energy William put into world-building for this game, like seriously I can’t imagine. I’d conservatively estimate that one could spin off an entirely new game from any of over 100 references he makes to different individuals, settings, ideas, phrases, etc. I kept thinking, “Oh that’s a cool premise!” “Oh that is a really neat idea!”

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

I highly recommend this adventure to anyone who enjoys getting into the heat of the situation and calling all the shots! Its an amazing tale that takes not only history as we know it, but legends and myths we have all heard about, and spins them into something at once recognizable and yet completely new.

You will constantly be making choices while confronted with situations that are utterly familiar, in settings that remain completely relatable, while obviously not being the from the world as you know it. Its a high adventure romp that none the less still has the Player making some tough moral choices. Best part imho being that even though the “story” is to be continued in another book, This story wraps its self up nicely. Every plot point gets resolved, in a way that is very satisfying.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Cliffhanger: Challenger of Tomorrow on Steam

If It Please the Court

If It Please the Court

ive always loved Choice Of games, so i was pleased to find that Heart’s Choice lived up to my expectations. despite what my hours might say, ive only played through this game once (charlotte route) and it was riveting. the writing flowed very well and the plot itself was fun and fitting for a oneshot like this (though i wouldnt mind seeing it continued!). it felt like my choices mattered and that there was weight to the actions i decided on taking. the LI’s were all pretty alluring, too, so that always helps. id love to see more sapphic-centric period pieces coming from Heart’s Choice in the future!

Real player with 101.0 hrs in game

Very much a classic Choose Your Own Adventure novel, with absolutely exquisite writing and choices that are at once subtly worded and very clear in their intention. I would recommend this game to anyone who needs more 18th century French sapphics in their lives (which is everyone).

Real player with 44.0 hrs in game

If It Please the Court on Steam