

AI smarter than me (

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Historical Turn-Based Tactics Games.

The scenario mode is quite fun, even with AI opponents. The trade mechanics is quite simple. But when you’re combining it with event cards from the scenario mode, it is becoming interesting.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Kupechestvo on Steam

Egyptian Senet

Egyptian Senet

To summerize, if you are someone who goes for something with content and thought then try this out; it’s for literally 50 cents when it’s on sale.

This game’s graphics are higher than the screenshots posted, so don’t be fooled. This version is made for normal desktop resolution so I don’t know why any kid would complain. The design is pretty good for a 2D design, and the effort put in the details in the art were meticulously done and not just randomly copied. Everything to me seems like it has its own cham, the victory screen is cute and pleasant, while the prompt when you lose is unpleasant: as to be desired since this is a game for anyone to play and is meant to be symbolic, hence its accessibility to all ages is a plus.

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Historical Mythology Games.

Purchased for a reduced price of £0.79 so can’t say I’m not happy with the purchase!

In all Senet is captivating and this version acts as a good introduction, it is quite addictive as a casual game.

In way of criticism the game presentation is dated and I get the distinct feeling when moving up the difficulty levels the AI gets ‘luckier’ rather than more tactical. This makes the game short-lived as it soon becomes tiresome knowing the AI will often throw the correct combinations to rapidly progress pieces. Something that rarely happens for the human player!

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Egyptian Senet on Steam

Hoards of Glory

Hoards of Glory

I really enjoy the attack/defense dynamics. It adds a level of strategy beyond luck of random die rolls.

Being brand new, the game has a few quirks, but i’m confident the devs will deal with them in time.

Real player with 52.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Historical 3D Games.

Edit: I have found a few bugs. D3D error that froze the game, upon resuming that save, the AI’s kept rolling their winning shields but continuously used them for shields rather than winning the game.

A simple dice placement game. With dice games, luck is always a big factor and as long as their is a mechanic to mitigate the luck, the game becomes interesting. In Hoards of Glory your dice choices are: place dice on the board to try to fill it for the win, attack another players dice pool to set them back, defend your dice pool from players that have a large dice pool and may go on the attack, put dice in the bank so you can buy new ones at the beginning of your next turn, any combination of these can be done in a turn. The game has AI players and online, although I don’t know how many people have this game so I’m not sure if finding opponents is possible. This is one of those hidden gems, simple and fun.

Real player with 25.3 hrs in game

Hoards of Glory on Steam

Through the Ages

Through the Ages

Through the Ages : 2nd edition is a fantastic port of a physical board game to the digital space. A hit board game created by Vladimír Chvátil (Vlaada Chvátil) in 2006. The rules have changed slightly from the original version mainly with tactics cards being shared.

Gamelay-wise, a turn-based action point game. Each turn, you start with a political phase where you play an aggression card, event card or war card. Then, you have your action phase, where you get to use your civil actions (white) to build civil units, draw cards and place leaders. With military actions (red), you get to build military units and play tactic cards.

Real player with 710.8 hrs in game

I’ve been holding off making a review for this game. Reason being, the developers had some server issues until recently. Something to do with the providers of the multiplatform system they used pulling out from supporting it. This happened at the same time they were upgrading compatibility from IPv5 from IPv6. With them being a small development team, this pulled all their resources to get stability back. For some months there was some frustrating server moments.

Now I won’t profess to understand exactly what was going on behind the scenes, BUT… they fixed it!! Through the Ages is now fully stable!!

Real player with 489.1 hrs in game

Through the Ages on Steam

Twilight Struggle

Twilight Struggle

I’m coming up to 1000 hours of online play over a twelve month period. Despite the lack of support from Playdek, this is a great game well worth buying. Hands down, one of the best strategy games ever released.

This is an excellent port of the boardgame and is the better alternative for frequent play. I save my hard copy for special occassions because this is just so convenient. Set up and play are a snap. AN entire game can run in just under an hour. Even better, it functions well on tablets so you can play in bed or generally while relaxing. Much better than being stuck in front of a desk or laptop.

Real player with 1304.9 hrs in game

I’m going to write two reviews, one for fans of the board game of which this is an adaptation, and one for people who have no experience with TS at all.

If you have never played TS before, I highly recommend you play against a human opponent (preferably one who is a competent player) before you try going up against the AI. You’ll have a few moments of fun, for sure, and if that’s all you’re looking for you would probably get a better value for your money elsewhere. But in the process of having that fun against the AI, you’ll learn all kinds of bad habits which, ultimately, will make you a worse TS player. I recommend definitely should NOT buy this game UNLESS you have a friend to play against, but if you do, then I think you SHOULD consider buying it.

Real player with 144.6 hrs in game

Twilight Struggle on Steam

Field of Glory II

Field of Glory II

If the Panzer General of old was considered a Beer & Pretzel game, then Field of Glory II is surely the craft beer and gourmet pretzel of the wargaming genre. With its simple to comprehend mechanics, yet deep tactical applications, it is a direct translation from table top to the computer (with all the benefits that entails) and a love letter to the history of ancient warfare as well. Before you shake your head, let me tell you, it’s true.

Field of Glory II is a turn based (IGOUGO) system, which allows for a leisurely, thoughtful pace, while making far reaching tactical decisions, hopefully three steps ahead of your foe. How fast you click has no bearing on your generalship and ability to conduct war. There’s plenty of time to think and plan and execute. It’s a play style that compliments the game mechanics as well as the Early Roman (and DLC) era battles, quite nicely. But don’t let that fool you. There is as much stress and imminent threat in a given round of FoG II as any Real Time game can offer (when your center fragments during the first move of your opponent’s turn you’ll understand). And woe unto you if you think the enemy can’t take advantage of a mistake you make during your turn. He can and he will.

Real player with 367.7 hrs in game

Update 2017.10.14

Just wanted to post again to comment on the AI. The higher level AI does have some issues with specialized battle types. I played the Advanced Guard and Escort Baggage Train types and the AI didn’t seem too interested in fulfilling the objectives, however it still gave me a challenge to win the scenario. I’m not really counting this against the AI; for instance the Advanced Guard scenario is kind of a odd fellow, the object is to keep as many of your units over in the center of the opponent’s side of the map for as many turns as possible. The AI pretty much doesn’t care about that, it just wants to beat you. I’m OK with that.

Real player with 129.9 hrs in game

Field of Glory II on Steam

Axis & Allies 1942 Online

Axis & Allies 1942 Online

No game has made me hate my friends more……………love it

Real player with 300.4 hrs in game

Whether it’s nostalgia for the board game, general interest in WWII history, or mere affection for turn based strategy games, you’re going to fall into both love and addiction with Axis & Allies 1942 Online.

Real player with 44.7 hrs in game

Axis & Allies 1942 Online on Steam

Brass: Birmingham

Brass: Birmingham

I love Brass Birmingham (The Boardgame) and reviewing an Early Access game is somewhat unfair - I based my review on both that it is Early Access and the actual gameplay experience.

1. The AI gameplay is rubbish right now and is far from developed - far too easy (even on the expert level) and predictable - Maybe it is good for beginners to learn the mechanics of the game (I can’t really know since i’ve played 20 + times)

2. The Tutorial was good for an intermediate player that has’nt played for a while but for a total beginner I would draw the conclusion that it is far from enough to actually get to know the game.

Real player with 30.5 hrs in game

Most reviews here seem to be written for single games.

Below are the questions my friend and I asked when we tried to play an online game last night, in chronological order.

Why do you have to sign up for an account for Brass when you already have a Steam account?

Why doesn’t the tab button on my keyboard work as usual when signing up?

Why is there no option to invite your friends, instead they would have to scroll through all available games, to find the name of your game? (good luck if you use the default name Brass)

Real player with 19.0 hrs in game

Brass: Birmingham on Steam

Ur Game: The Game of Ancient Gods

Ur Game: The Game of Ancient Gods

Great game! It’s an earlier version of backgammon, dating back 4500 years, when it was known in most parts of the world.

There is this hilarious video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZskjLq040I of the curator who actually translated the rules from an ancient clay tablet playing this.

The AI is not bad and you can play it against steam-friends, though sadly there is no public matchmaking. Extra points for the Horus(?)-like avatars.

Still getting updated with things like daily challenges.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Addictive little game, especially for times like these. Would you like to play a board game with your friend, but you can’t due to corona? Try this game, it’s fun, and I can say it’s definitely one of those games, in which you and your friend would be like “rematch?” after each game :)


  • easy to play, hard to master (due to combination of luck and tactic/strategy)

  • low price

  • multiplayer

  • bots (various difficulty, so you can practice your tactic and skill to beat your friend next time ;) )

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Ur Game: The Game of Ancient Gods on Steam

Valor & Victory

Valor & Victory

I was a beta tester, and from the start it gave me that original Squad Leader board game feel, more than any other computer game I’ve played, and I’ve played a lot, really since the beginning, since Pong. It is not overly complex, but the basics of fire and maneuver apply to the game, just like SL. The scenarios are small compared to many games, and they are short. You can play from either side and the AI does a good job. Depending on how fast you play, 30-60 minutes for a scenario would be my guess. There was great improvement in the AI during the beta period. Yobowargames was very responsive during beta testing and worked extremely hard on honing the AI. As with all such games, the AI plays better on defense, but it now can give you a challenge on offense. The AI can now, for example take Pegagus Bridge as the British in that scenario, something it could not do when I became a tester. If you want the elegant Squad Leader feeling without layers of complexity, you will like this game.

Real player with 84.5 hrs in game

If you have any interest in Squad Leader type board games you will not be dissapointed. This is a labor of love by a small team and I think they have delivered on a simple game style that flows quickly yet leaves the player many decisions during game play. I will play any and all squad level games and they each have their own strengths and weaknesses but I keep coming back to V&V for one more play.

The scenarios are quickly played and the AI actually uses some fairly good judgement most of the time. The dev’s have been pretty open to ideas and responsive and I believe there will be a bright future for the game.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

Valor & Victory on Steam