

Babylon is to be destroyed

Ilum is an open-world game that includes elements of exploration, action and city destruction. Taking place in ancient Babylon and the surrounding region, including cities like Borsippa, Sippar, Kutha and Kish, among others. The year is 539 BC, the time when the Babylonian empire feel to the Persians and its Jewish captives released from servitude after 70 years. As prophesied, Babylon is to be destroyed. Ilum accurately depicts archaeological findings and cuneiform inscriptions from buildings such as the Tower of Babel, Hanging Gardens and Nebuchadnezzar’s palaces. Voice-acted in Akkadian language in a Biblical and Babylonian mythological background.

Key Features

  • All Buildings Furnished - Every single house, building, palace, temple and ziggurat in the game contain characters, furniture and you can get inside. They are thousands!

  • All Objects Destructible - All objects in the game are independent from each other and can be destroyed for releasing points. From a small water cup on a table inside a house to the biggest temple standing in the city!

  • All characters playable - There are thousands of characters walking around the streets of the cities and inside the houses, from 20 different social classes. You can control any of them if you manage to convert them!

  • 100 quests - These are linear quests that unlocks the game progress. Reach the indicated checkpoints and accomplish the quest to be able to proceed further in the game. As you travel, you will be exploring the beautiful scenery in a 224 km2 map!

  • 20 idol gods bosses - Each character in the game has a patron idol god that you can battle with. If you destroy it, the character is then “converted” and you can play as him!

  • Learn Cuneiform Writing - Collect syllables and get the actual correspondent phonetic values exactly as they were in ancient times. If you have a good memory you can start writing in cuneiform. Its a lot of fun!

  • Ancient Music - Soundtrack includes Hurrian Hymn No. 6, the oldest playable musical score in History!

  • Change between 5 weather modes at any time - Weather modes will completely change game visuals, add special effects and affect objects look and feel. The weather modes are: Normal, Water, Air, Earth and Fire. Just have faith and you can change it!

  • Archaeologically accurate buildings - A lot of time was spent to match the actual foundations and visuals from buildings, palaces and temples, exactly as they were found in past archaeological works. When no evidence exists, an approximation was made according to existing patterns. See yourself what the ancients have seen thousands of years ago!

Read More: Best Historical Mythology Games.

Ilum on Steam

Assassin’s Creed® Unity

Assassin’s Creed® Unity

This is the only game in the entire Assassin’s Creed series that truly embodies the soul of all the Assassin’s Creed games. The stealth is very well implemented and the AI does seem to be smarter too. The game features actual interactive interiors in most of the buildings which was really amazing for an open world game. And the Parkour - it is hands down the best of all the games in the series. I loved the all over gameplay and the story line.

But, the only thing that bugs me is the part where I have to play as an initiate. I really did hope that we’d get a successor as Subject 18. But we get what we get.

Real player with 92.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Historical Assassin Games.

I almost felt bad for buying such a good game for only $5.

To be honest, I have bought this game with little expectations, mainly because It was made in those “Ubisoft’s decadent years”, when they launched way too many games with way too poor quality, the worst AC main games in my opinion.

I expected something similar with this one, but it greatly surprised me from the first minute with agile parkour animations and impressive visuals. Arno is by far the most agile, stylish and elegant assassin in the franchise. Just search “pro stealth AC Unity” on youtube and you will see for yourself.

Real player with 59.6 hrs in game

Assassin's Creed® Unity on Steam

NovaMundi: The Spear of Chaquén

NovaMundi: The Spear of Chaquén

I love the game. It is very refreshing to find a game in a new world and based on a new-old mythology and set up. This is not a medieval fantasy or your generic story. This is about real events, with some changes in order to improve gameplay and storytelling but in such a way that is interesting. Of course, because it is in early access it has a lot to improve and tweak but I recommend to give it a chance and help the developer to develop…

Now, gameplay wise you have a party and you need to explore the (huge) map to finish missions. There are towns with markets where buy supplies and hire party members. At least for now and for me, the game can be hard. But there is a lot to learn that scratch that final part.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Historical Early Access Games.

I’ll update my review as needed, but so far…

The game has huge potential. There are a few bugs, but it just released in early access, so give it a minute. Other than the bugs, I really like some of the game concepts.

The map is pretty big. I’m in day 35 or so and have only explored maybe 1/3 of it. Combat can be optimized, but it’s still pretty rewarding to watch 40 dudes just melt to your warband.

Excited to see what the coming months bring.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

NovaMundi: The Spear of Chaquén on Steam



So, after this game got some patches and new features were added I thought it would be the right time to revise my review. I started and tested this game every time they released a patch. After over 120 hours and completing every achievement in this game here is what I think after all the patches and new features. Notice I played every Dynasty Warriors game from 2 to 9 as well as the extreme legends and empires variants.



The game still has huge performance issues. It depends on the version of the game. 1.13 was okay while the newer versions have big frame drops again. I have a pretty good pc and still get these drops.

Real player with 143.8 hrs in game

While this game is not as terrible as some people claim it to be, almost every aspect of it is mediocre at best. It is obviously rushed, maybe with additional 6-12 months of development it could be a better a game, but it’s Koei we are talking about. They have fanatical devotion to “quantity over quality” principle, so instead of taking time to make one good game, they will make 5 identical shallow games and milk them with DLC. Back to the topic:

1)Open world, the main feature of this game (and the savior of the franchise in Koei’s dreams) is the biggest flaw. While the map is pretty big, exploring it is not fun at all. Cities look mostly identical and they are relatively small. Besides the standard visiting traders and blacksmiths routine just like in any other game, there is nothing to do in them. Resources are everywhere and very easy to find and obtain. From aesthetic point of view landscapes look very bland in comparison to real China (compare some photos with screenshots). You can find bandits and animals in the wilderness doing completely nothing. That is everything I can say about exploration. Then we got super fun activities to do in a hack and slash games. Fishing (mashing button to become the richest man in China in 10 minutes), hunting (beating or shooting animals for no particular reason), housing (inviting officers to make bonds with them which are completely pointless), errand boy quests (beside being boring, they offer pitiful reward), setting traps (just getting materials from them after some time), everything we could ask for a musou game.

Real player with 90.0 hrs in game


Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey

Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey

Depending on how you entered (or re-entered) the franchise; if you start Odyssey, expecting the same gameplay and theme and enclosed feeling and aesthetic as the original AC games like Brotherhood then you’ll be disappointed.

But if you start Odyssey, expecting an RPG with a leveling system and skill trees and is somewhat unfamiliar (or not that fond) with how the original AC games play out, then you’ll be fine.

Odyssey is ::

BLOATED but CHILL… Which I actually appreciated because I fired up the game when I was exhausted by some fast-paced strategy games.

Real player with 301.7 hrs in game

A Game for Greek Mythology Fans

This is my first Assassin’s Creed Game, though I’ve watched some gameplay of Assassin’s Creed, so I know a bit about the lore of Assassin’s Creed. To be honest, this game is unlike the other Assassin’s Creed game. Do not play this game if you are expecting it to have the same formula as all the other Assassin’s Creed games before Assassin’s Creed Origins.

This game takes place in an open world Ancient Greece. Only probably less than 5% of the game takes place in the modern world, most of the time the player will be playing as a Spartan Mercenary in Ancient Greece, so even without playing the other Assassin’s Creed games, there is no issue in understanding the storyline. To be honest, it is a great game as a standalone game, so just assume you are not playing an “Assassin’s Creed” game and keep an open mind, then you’ll be able to enjoy it.

Real player with 208.7 hrs in game

Assassin's Creed® Odyssey on Steam

Assassin’s Creed® Syndicate

Assassin’s Creed® Syndicate

Taking place closest in history to us, the game takes place in Victorian England following the Frye twins and their goal of taking back control of London from Templar hands, following the assassination of Edward Kenway years earlier. Having a unique opportunity to play as two different people, switching from one to another in a matter of a second, the game gives us two different perspectives from the same side, one that abides by the Creed and follows in her father’s footsteps focusing on the Piece of Eden, and the other swaying away from his sister’s goal to take matters into his brawling hands by forming a gang to take down Templar lieutenants, crippling their control. Gang members act in the similar way as Assassin recruits did in some previous games, helping protagonists in a more direct way rather than from the shadows.

Real player with 99.5 hrs in game

A bit on the shorter side probably due to my 100% only if it seems fun approach. I love London as a city irl anyways and seeing all the places in ac-style was as awesome as it gets. The story is pretty light weight and after the first few missions you can go to pretty much the whole map. Some features from brotherhood I kinda missed and you look always so classy. Never really figured out how to do the multi finishers tho and refuse to learn it after completing all story missions and all side missions at least once

Real player with 68.0 hrs in game

Assassin's Creed® Syndicate on Steam

Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword

Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword

This game is fantastic. I’ve put hundreds of hours into it, and I’ll likely put hundreds of house more into it. Takes place in the real world in mid-17th century Eastern Europe. There’s 5 factions; Muscovite Tsardom (Russia), Sweden, Poland, Crimean Khanate (Crimea, which is a location in the game), and the Cossacks. You’ll meet people from these areas as well as Spaniards, Frenchmen, Germans, and even Scotsmen. There are muskets, and because of the time period, they come in a variety of flavours. Home made, matchlock, wheel lock, and Miquelet (flintlock) are the main ones, in order of quality. Accuracy is in short supply of course, but I do believe there are some rifled muskets in the game, however they are VERY expensive, and not something you can give normal soldiers. Only your own character, and heroes.

Real player with 485.8 hrs in game

With Fire and Sword, a Winged Hussar’s wet dream (at first glance).

The cover of the game might wow you with it’s fancy looking armor and “updated” gameplay, but once you have it, it gets boring quick and the lack of options is a huge disappointment.

Unlike Warband, this game doesn’t have a troop/progression tree. Instead this game just has you upgrade troops to “veteran”, and while that might not be that bad, the lack of variety can get really old, really quick.

There is no diplomacy, at all, ever.

Real player with 244.2 hrs in game

Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword on Steam

Whiskey Island

Whiskey Island

Early days yet, but this game has more content than half of the “finished” games that leave Early Access nowadays. It has some minor issues, but you can sink several hours into it already. Whiskey Island is honestly a mishmash of several other titles, but what it really comes across as is Prohibition-era Satisfactory minus the alien threat but with a healthy dose of chill.

You’ll spend most of your time shuttling cargo between raw material production like the logging camp and further processing facilities such as the lumber mill, all the while having to keep the entire island supplied with…well…Supplies from the visiting cargo freighter, lest you want everything to grind to a halt. Once something is refined far enough, you’ll then haul the final product to the Dock so the ship can haul it off and deposit a healthy sum in your account - of course, the option’s always there to just sell off products before they’re refined but doing so will earn you less overall. The more deliveries you do, the more gold earned and the greater the happiness level…which in turn causes colour to gradually bleed back into the game world.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

WOW!! this game is, even regarding it is EA, so bad!!!!! WhenI I finaly managed to get in a truck or train, I am walking in it. I mean while driving the truck, I hear footsteps and the screen is moving like I am walking and it does not res[pond like as if I am driving.

I got a refund

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Whiskey Island on Steam

Assassin’s Creed® III Remastered

Assassin’s Creed® III Remastered

If you want to buy this, please keep in mind that AC Odyssey Ultimate Edition will grant you a free copy of AC III Remastered, with other benefits as well (it can go as low as £24 to collect both games during the right sale). If your plan is to play all AC games, might as well keep that in mind.

Real player with 37.5 hrs in game

game bad

Real player with 30.0 hrs in game

Assassin's Creed® III Remastered on Steam

Assassin’s Creed® Origins

Assassin’s Creed® Origins

Simply put, AC Origins is a fantastic title that does an excellent job giving players an in-depth view into both Greco-Roman and Old to New Kingdom Egypt. The strength of the story line comes on the back of the great voice acting and story arc of the protagonist, Bayek of Siwa.

Exploring the ancient temples and pyramids across Egypt was an amazing adventure, and the new Discovery Tours feature is fantastic as you can now immerse yourself in a guide history tour of Ancient Egypt! No wonder university professors have been using it as a learning tool recently. With minimal bugs, great graphics, a solid story line with an amazing protagonist who rivals Ezio, AC Origins is a strong entry into the franchise.

Real player with 117.1 hrs in game

I played this after AC Odyssey, expecting it to be a carbon copy in sepia tones and I gotta say it’s not. I despised AC Odyssey and while this game isn’t perfect either, it is a vast improvement (which is funny considering it was released first). The story is unique and tragic, and most importantly makes sense as an origin story for the creed.

Because there is no level scaling, you can finally feel like you’re making progress, while at the same time still requiring you to use a strategy. You can’t just hulk smash every enemy. Stealth matters here and there is no better feeling than taking out an entire stronghold without being detected. You are an assassin after all, which, yes, means you finally have a hidden blade again. Treasure it, keep it close, don’t let it drift away.

Real player with 112.2 hrs in game

Assassin's Creed® Origins on Steam