Holdfast: Nations At War

Holdfast: Nations At War


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Real player with 809.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Historical War Games.

Absolutely fantastic game. Nothing beats the feeling of charging into battle with your brothers in arms while blasting jazz through the mic. 10/10.

Real player with 117.6 hrs in game

Holdfast: Nations At War on Steam

Battle Grounds III

Battle Grounds III

This might be particularly long but… Who cares.


  • Poor graphics by today’s standards

  • Mic spam (sometimes)

  • Physics aren’t amazing

  • Community can be cancerous - like most online games to be fair.

  • Servers aren’t so populated (they are populated currently due to its Steam release but I can’t see it staying like this -

would like to be proven wrong in some aspects


  • Community can be fantastic - events such as sieges, line battles and clan/regiment matches can be great when organised properly

Real player with 1122.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Historical Early Access Games.

I spawned in the game, everyone i see in front of me is wearing redcoat uniforms, this must be the British army, they all proceed to make a straight line with each other, one of the redcoats is at the front of the line, using his strong voice to order the redcoats to move out and follow him in a neat line formation.

We continue to move over some hills and in the distance we can see a group of 20 silhoutes standing still, all of a sudden we hear a blasting sound and one by one redcoats are falling in front of me, our commander orders the line to stop and face the silhoutes, and orders our line “Make ready…. Take Aim….. FIREEEE” and just like that we shoot off a incredible volley that is deafining, smoke all over the front of us. and again in the distance the silhoutes are coming closer, we see they are wearing blue uniforms, its the American continental army! they are charging straight toward us with their bayonets attached, our commander orders us to fire another volley, and we see the americans are dropping like flies, but continue onwards anyway.

Real player with 1031.7 hrs in game

Battle Grounds III on Steam

War of Rights

War of Rights

One of the most fun games I have ever played.

This game is one that I would definitely recommend. Some of the these reviews will say:

1. “The playerbase is dead”

It’s definitely true that this game’s servers aren’t as packed full of people as games such as Squad, but they are far from dead. The community is alive and well. There’s is always a server full of at least 40+ people at the dead hours, and during active hours the populated server reaches up to 200 people. There aren’t countless, full-pop servers all the time, but there’ll always be someone to play with. I have over 1,000 hours on this game, and I have NEVER had the problem of having a server with people to play in.

Real player with 1082.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Historical War Games.

Talked my friend into getting this game. We were forced to fight on separate sides for balance. Found him on the battlefield and had no choice but to kill him with my bayonet. Now I get to live with the guilt of knowing I’ve slain my best friend in cold blood all because he wore a different uniform. 10/10 realism, no more brother wars

Real player with 226.2 hrs in game

War of Rights on Steam



If you grew up playing Medal of Honor and other similar games on Play Station 1, this game will certainly take you right back to those golden days.

It is still in early stages so a few glitches and future changes are to be expected. Over all the game is fun, the shooting is done well although here and there, there are some of the terrain issues interfering with the shooting. But I’m sure that it will get sorted out in future patches.

The movement is fun, kind off like a mixture between most other major FPS games like the older CoD’s and MoH’s, and games like the original Quake games and similar other games. Again, a few minor terrain interferences and some of the enemy movements and animations can be improved, but nothing major and of course I’m sure they will be sorted out as future patches comes out.

Real player with 47.8 hrs in game

I stopped playing FPS games around the time Battlefield 4 became really big. It got too intense! The maps got too big and there were too many players in every match. You can’t spawn without being F*%#ed by a tank or chopper… I missed the simpler times of fast “Arena” based FPS games like the older call of duty’s. That’s exactly what GRUNT1914 is! The maps are small but big enough to snipe in and although some of them are still a bit buggy, they feel fast and smooth. The guns seems to be accurately modeled after real guns from this era, however the sounds of some of the guns can still improve!

Real player with 47.7 hrs in game

Grunt1914 on Steam




I can’t believe how petty some people are. It’s a good thing that these people are only a minority and don’t represent Total War community as a whole - seeing some people raging and trying to review bomb a game over something like this is just downright sad: not even allowing comments on their spam reviews and hiding behind private accounts. “Forcing us to buy the game again! Stupid naming the game again! Prince increased!” First for the people going on about “price thieves!”, Total War Saga: Fall of the Samurai includes the DLC that originally had to be purchased separately - the price takes this into account and isn’t more expensive than previously purchasing them separately with the game. It would help if you would actually bother checking what you are going on about instead of just riding along as some sad meme: no one is forcing you to buy the game again. If you already own Fall of the Samurai you will still own it - the rebranding does not affect you. Fall of the Samurai was always a standalone game - it did not require Shogun 2 to be played, and being a standalone game set in a more constrained time period (like Thrones of Britannia) as opposed to a more open-ended experience like the mainstay Total War titles, rebranding it under the Total War Saga is actually fitting. That some people are raging like this without even knowing what they are on about is simply ridiculous. Fortunately Steam now has a system in place to disregard raging kids like this with their attempts at review bombing.

Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai is one of the best Total War games. The game has most of the positives of the base Shogun 2 game, The game looks great, performs well and has late game difficulty. Unfortunately, the game’s multiplayer can be extremely unbalanced at times. However, the game’s innovation and experimentation make up for any flaws or roughness it may have from being a stand-alone game made between major releases.

Fall of the Samurai does not look as amazing as Shogun 2, but it still looks great. The modern units look dignified but still rough in a realistic way. The old school samurai look traditional and plain, but their simplicity is oddly intimidating. The campaign map is a 19th century styled geographic map that places less emphasis on beautiful mountains and more on the great plains and seas that can be traversed by rail and steamship.

A Total War Saga: FALL OF THE SAMURAI on Steam



Watch intro which lasts 5+ minutes and cuts off before its' conclusion.

Start my first race, the AI pull ahead.

The AI swap positions with each other off screen.

Catch up with said AI, and they are in a perfect line, no swapping of positions.

But, still shows AI swapping positions on the side bar?

Insert confusion.

Pass some chariots - shows me in last position.

Pass all chariots, cross the start/finish line first, tells me I lost.

Insert more confusion.

Restart race…

The AI start climbing up the scenery and doing doughnuts.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

After getting this game as a gift, I now want to pay my friend for getting it. I also want to pay him for getting himself a copy because I now have a seriously dangerous urge to get into a car crash. This games CPU has an IQ worse than its fps as they will slam the walls cheeks harder than Jordi El Nino. The worse thing about this though is the 5 minute intro. The only reason we all played this is because of the lore. 11/10

PS if you’re into 500cc mario kart, this is for you.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game


Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI

They ruined this game with the gathering storms release. They took out the ability to have larger maps not only in gathing storms but even in my game that I paid for the first to releases. They should give me a refund since the game has been broken for 2 years and I paid for what I wanted. I didn’t pay for gathering storms and didn’t like the entire concept of that release but they screwed up the versions I already paid for. Been playing this game since Civ 2 about 20 years and I will never give them another dollar. I keep looking every couple months to see if they will fix this issue but they never do. I am done with Civ games. They don’t respect their player base and don’t respect what I have paid for the game and now I can’t even play it.

Real player with 3255.4 hrs in game

I usually don’t bother to write reviews for games but the poor management of Civ VI has made me to.

This game used to run fine on launch but now it just constantly desyncs in multiplayer and is very prone to crashing. The latter which after some research turned out to be because for whatever reason the game can’t handle multiple CPU cores anymore and just crashes irregularly. I even turned a bunch of mine off to test it and voila: the game runs like shit because I artificially made my computer run like crap but it doesn’t crash anymore which proves the core issue. The desyncs in mp-games might be caused by whatever but completely brick your games, something that also was only introduced with the later DLCs and patches and did not exist earlier. Which brings back fond memories of Civ V, which had the exact same issue which, there too, made us stop playing it in multiplayer altogether.

Real player with 2236.7 hrs in game

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI on Steam

American Conquest

American Conquest

When it comes to strategy games, this is probably one of the best you can find. For its time the graphics and gameplay are amazing. The different civilizations you can play require different kinds of skill levels. Though it can sometimes feel like the game is a bit unbalanced. (Britons fight with guns and mounted musketeers, Aztecs fight with bows and spears). By having the opportunity to mass up a huge army of spearmen as a native American against a Briton that can only have a limited amount of musketeers, you can still fight quite a fair battle. The campaigns are also really well made. The maps look absolutely beautiful and the kind of strategy you’ll have to apply to each campaign can get you some more variety than just a random map game. There’s definitely plenty of stuff left for you to find out when you’ll start playing this game. You’re going to love it if you’re into strategy games (like me ^^).

Real player with 94.7 hrs in game

American Conquest!

American Conquest. Back when it first showed up around 2003; I was quite young and I didn’t understand “strategy” games but somehow this game kept me playing it, if It was the campaign or fighting against the A.i and even on the editor mode. I never made maps, I just spawned Units and played for hours and hours on end

Skip to a few years later(this year) I’ve came back to love this little game again after all this time.

Playing the Campagin is all fun and it helps you get used to the controls and different units. Options are there for you to change your mouse and scroll speeds and the Game/Music volume sliders are serviceable but has no options for re-binding keys.

Real player with 72.1 hrs in game

American Conquest on Steam

Imperial Glory

Imperial Glory

This is basically Empires: Total War. I had never played any of the total war games until steam had a total war weekend, and although I definitely would choose to play a total war game before i’d choose to replay this one due to the wider maps and stronger gameplay, this game does not lag behind. I’m not sure who developed this, but when i play Total War Empires, there isnt a single element of the game that doesnt lead me to believe that Total war blatantly plagarized this entire game. For being made 3 years before Rome and about 6 years before Empires, Imperial Glory beat the Total War series to the punch in Naval RTS. I see no significant difference between the Naval element of this game vs Empires Total War’s Naval battles, except maybe asthetics. Even at 5 bucks this is a bargain, but if u’re pinching pennies, this goes on sale often at anywhere from .99 to 2.99.

Real player with 133.8 hrs in game

Imperial Glory has been out for awhile. This was my first game I played, purchased the CD. Its pretty straight forward, no complications. When I saw this on Steam, snapped it for $4. and some cents, It has multi-player but I have not used that aspect? So can’t comment! But the game is very addictive, with plenty of action. You are given several countries to lead. If you have never played game, don’t choose, Austria. It is the most difficult country to defend because it is surrounded by enemies. Which love to gang up on the about the first 3-4 turns of the game. Once you have played the game and get the hang of it, try Austria. Each country or empire has a special strenght, the British, their Royal Navy and industry. France, professional armies and cannon. Prussia, military tactics. Russia, population and plenty of territory to retreat from their attackers! Plus u get to gobble up all of the secondary countries! But watch out, they may be allied with a more powerful empire or two. The key is to develop your country as quickly as possible and form alliances with others in order to survive! Plenty of action, naval battles, army battles, foreign policy action, trade, industrial growth and political structure. All must be monitored and nutured in order to afford those huge armies and navies. You can even foster political unrest in other countries, once you develop a huge budget! So, yes its an oldie but a goody! Recommend this action game!

Real player with 115.6 hrs in game

Imperial Glory on Steam

Wars of Napoleon

Wars of Napoleon

Initially i was quite skeptical about this game, also i don’t like the buggy turns which sometimes crash and the stupid AI, so for years i didn’t play it despite purchasing it just for the sake of HISTORICITY/AUTHENTICITY for which AGEOD is well known.

However, in the last 2 years since the onset of China virus, as i had a lot of free time, i ended up playing the full French campaign, all the small scenarios from either side and fell in love with the game.

It’s attention to detail bordering on OCD is amazing and it recreats Napoleonic wars and the era in ways none can.

Real player with 266.0 hrs in game

I don’t have any problems running it. lucky me ;) great game

Update1: had couple crash to desktop and seems to be caused by me being too impatient and trying to click things too fast. But I can deal with it and still think its a good game.

Update2: had couple random ‘crashes’ to main menu. since I always save as much as i can, I just clicked ‘resume’ so nothing was lost but really weird :|

Update3: random CTDs with “[Critical ] TScriptEngine.Parse Exception caught: Violation d’accès à l’adresse 00899DC3 dans le module ‘NGC.exe’. Lecture de l’adresse 0000022C while parsing line 41998 : EvalStrucCount” a lot of access violation done by NGC.exe which is fine but seems to be the random “critical” errors(happened twice with different address) force it to crash to desktop. It’s really random. I played it with no crash for a long time and this happened this morning so it is really really random. Can’t find solution so just keep saving before ending turns. Still fun to play.

Real player with 172.6 hrs in game

Wars of Napoleon on Steam