illuminati Simulator VR

illuminati Simulator VR

illuminati Simulator VR is a Free to play indie VR game where you explore the map and figure out what to do. It worked on my HTC Vive system, looked bad, played bad, sounded bad. Not a good game! I think the game actually has horrible coding, was running in the background for four hours after i ran it and then exited it. Avast active defense didn’t like it either. The VR movement was terrible. Has crappy 3D models. Objects floating in air.

Do NOT download this game, not worth it.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Historical 6DOF Games.

[0.2] Controls & Training & Help

[0.2] Menu & Settings

[0.1] Sound & Music

[0.5] Graphics

[0.4] Game Design

[0.2] Game Story

[0.3] Game Content

[0] Time to complete feels ok? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites?

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0.7] BONUS point: Review for VR

Stars received: 2.6/10 ___ Note: v.3 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

Game description key-points: more of a museum view

Overview: definitely should work for Oculus Rift, by default isn’t officially tested and supported on other platforms, my case unplayable.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

illuminati Simulator VR on Steam

Lost Cosmonauts ARG

Lost Cosmonauts ARG

A short game that involves very basic web searches (most of the time I didn’t even need to read any info on the pages ) in order to answer what amounts to quiz questions. Interesting content but not really much of a game.

Real player with 23.1 hrs in game

I’ll keep the review as short as the game:

There’s not much to this game. It’s a trivia game of sorts, with only 10 questions that don’t change. You’re presented with one riddle-like question at a time (which you must answer in order) where a lot of the challenge is to figure out what the authors are getting at in the first place. All of the questions focus on the Lost Cosmonauts conspiracy (if you’re not familiar with it, look it up). What’s unique is that it’s asking you to leave the game, do research online, and provide the answer based upon your findings. This might be interesting if the answers that the game seeks weren’t so rare, obtuse or redundant (e.g., looking for the name of a lake near some Gagarin tribute site? Well, this could be one of several lakes, depending upon the site…you’ll just have to type in each one until you get the right one).

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Lost Cosmonauts ARG on Steam

Secret Government

Secret Government

I really want to like this game, and in a lot of respects I do. I actually wish Steam had a middle option between the binary of recommend: yes/no, and the last thing I want to see is the devs give up on this due to negative feedback. However, I’m sure most people would be disappointed by the game in its current state, so “no” it is.

It’s a great concept and it has a lot of promise, but the game is incredibly game breakingly buggy and there are some very obvious gaps where development just never caught up to what was planned. The developers have stated their intentions to keep working on the game, and I really hope I can rewrite this review into a recommendation at some point. Outside of the issues, what the devs were going for is very apparent, and I would love to see it more fleshed out. There is one circumstance in which I would recommend this game that I will include at the bottom of the review.

Real player with 90.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Historical Grand Strategy Games.

Let me level with you: this is a thinking person’s game. Though its aesthetics reminds one of the Europa Universalis games, if you lack the patience to tackle your goals in a subtle, clandestine way, you will suffer. Unlike the EU games, you cannot simply go up to a ruler and order them to go to war with another country, nor can you simply go to the citizens and order them to support your newly created political party. In fact, it is best if neither are aware of your existence at all as they will crush you if their Awareness of your Brotherhood is high enough and it doesn’t necessarily have to reach 100 first for them to start weakening your Brotherhood.

Real player with 54.4 hrs in game

Secret Government on Steam

Adam’s Venture: Origins

Adam’s Venture: Origins

“Adam’s Venture” is a 3D adventure, stealth and puzzle game in the tradition of Tomb Raider. Just without monsters. But with a companion who could be the “Tomb Raider”. Just without guns. But a sharp tongue. ;-)

So far I had fun playing it, but you should be aware that it’s a strictly linear game. Sometimes it feels like there’s more to explore… but there isn’t. All dead ends, just one single way to go, one single thing to do. Environment can be pretty large at times and is overall beautifully crafted and textured. Character movement animations are a bit stiff, buuuuuut it’s OK.

Real player with 17.7 hrs in game

Adam Venture Origins is simply a 2016 next-gen reimagining of the previous trilogy. Essentially it’s the same franchise we have already probably played with only a few differences here and there.


  • Lizard no longer does river dance in the sky.

  • More plants and flowers everywhere.

  • Snake monster now sparkles too.

  • Puzzles have been made easier so that those asleep at the keyboard can solve.

  • Adam Venture has lost weight. His MC Hammer pants have been thrown out.

Other than that it’s essentially the same trilogy with a few differences in some of the previous endings.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Adam's Venture: Origins on Steam

Kings of Israel

Kings of Israel

Great PC adaptation of the board game. Set up works for multiple players only if sharing the same device; play can be split between two players (1 prophet per player) from what I can tell. So far I’ve only played solo. Love the Bible study/trivia option!

EDIT: On the standard play mode, I have now reached level 5 (Saul), which increases the number of prophets involved to three. I personally take about 20-30 minutes per game (unless I lose in the first ten). Based on the settings available for the Custom game option, it looks like there may be as many as four prophets in play at once. In Custom mode, you can also choose which prophets are in play, whereas the standard play-by-ranking mode assigns prophets at random. Definitely recommend playing in Custom or Bible Study mode if you don’t want to affect your level ranking status! Bible Study mode provides both good and bad consequences to your multiple-choice response, making it worth cracking open your Bible (or clicking the online Bible links provided) for the right answer. Highly recommended to you if you like turn-based games, strategy, and fun ways to engage with the Holy Bible!

Real player with 56.0 hrs in game

From a secular perspective, it really depends on what you are looking for in a game. This game is rich in its representation of historical content, if you accept that it is based entirely on the Bible. It makes extensive use of RNG, which I understand is not popular among many gamers, but is a very appropriate way to represent human behavior. Not that it is random per-se, but in life humans will often either surprise you, or at the very least the number of things they might do is so varied that trying to make a specific prediction in a moral-political context is not likely going to be accurate. It really feels appropriate to have so much RNG in this context, but there is a little you can do to maximize your output. In short, this game uses mechanics that are generally not very popular, but in a highly appropriate manner for the subject matter.

Real player with 40.1 hrs in game

Kings of Israel on Steam

Playing History 2 - Slave Trade

Playing History 2 - Slave Trade

25 hours into this riveting game and I’m still finding more and more things to experience and learn. I love how they implemented childhood games into this educational experience such as Tetris, made me feel like a kid again but now I get to oppress a lower class of society.

I feel as this game has allowed me to become closer to my white roots and really bring out my inner white European. In my 25 hours I have learn so many things that have helped shape me into the human I am today and I think this game is a must pick-up for anyone looking to further their education and to become close to their family tree. For people of colour I also think this would be enjoyable as it may help you get a grasp on how us white people felt the many years ago when we felt the need to oppress the coloured people, I guess we felt threatened in a way and perhaps this can help you understand why. And also give you a view from a slave trader, something no black person would have experienced back then.

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

Before anything else. The developers removed the tetris with slaves portion of the game so if you are buying it to be edgy, don’t bother.

Now on to the game. Playing History 2 is supposed to be an educational point and click adventure held together by a bunch of little mini games that teaches you about various aspects of the transatlantic slave trade. It’s meant for children so obviously it can’t really get anywhere near the truth of the subject and the end result feels very whitewashed even if that’s not the intention.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Playing History 2 - Slave Trade on Steam

Assassin’s Creed® Rogue

Assassin’s Creed® Rogue

The same year, when AC Unity was released, Ubisoft gave us another Assassin’s Creed game. Rogue completes the North-American Trilogy with AC III and AC IV, and turns as well into the story of Unity.

When you start playing Rogue you could have the feeling to play Black Flag in another setting. It is located during the Seven Years War, and the character we play is Shay Patrick Cormac, a young assassin who is still learning , but also questioning if everything the assassins teach him is the truth. After he was sent on a special mission and made fatefull experience, he decides to leave the Brotherhood of Assassins and finds after that his way to the Order of the Templars. This is the first AC game in which we play a templar most of the time during the story. There aren’t any historical persons, but many other ones you already know from AC III, AC IV and Unity as well.

Real player with 82.4 hrs in game

Did you think Black Flag was the utmost heights that Pirate vs. Ninja combat could climb to? Were you under the (foolish) impression that Ubisoft(in the head) couldn’t further refine the ship combat introduced in AC3 and then perfected in Black Flag? Did you skip this game thinking it’s just ANOTHER reskin of Black Flag?

If you answered yes to any of these questions - then you are REALLY missing out.

The first thing most players say about Rogue is that it’s shorter than Black Flag. That isn’t quite true - Black Flag was a sweeping epic spread out across several years; all leading up to AC3. Rogue is more self-contained and (dare I say it?) streamlined than Black Flag. Take a couple of weeks off from playing Black Flag - you’re likely to forget the story when you start it up again. Rogue is all-involving. The plot is a lot more personal. It does something that no other AC game has done before… and shows the story from the BAD GUY point of view. Not only that, but it does it in a way that makes YOUR character a good guy (well, as good as a guy can be when he’s a member of a top secret murder cult) while still ticking all the bad guy tropes. Best of all, it actually SHOWS the good guys (again, murder cult) the heroes - as villains without MAKING them villains. This whole story - by and large - is a series of misunderstandings. Arrogance. Mistakes and one man (the main character) trying to clean up afterwards.

Real player with 74.3 hrs in game

Assassin’s Creed® Rogue on Steam

Middle Ages Jigsaw Puzzles

Middle Ages Jigsaw Puzzles

Middle Ages Jigsaw Puzzles - Do puzzles in a new puzzle way! Advanced puzzle layout and involving gameplay will help you to relax after a hard-working day. Middle Ages Jigsaw Puzzles is designed for adults.

  • 5 difficulty settings: Up to 280 pieces!

  • Every puzzle is unique: Different piece shapes every time!

  • Saves all puzzles in progress, so you can work on several at the same time.

  • 1080p HD Graphics.

  • Support multiple screen sizes.

Middle Ages Jigsaw Puzzles on Steam

The Council

The Council

“Mr. president, are you a killer?”

~Keir Simmons

For whatever reasons out there, “choose your own adventure” games, in which you make your way through the story by making certain choices, become more and more popular nowadays. I mean, we had quite a lot of those back in the days. Brilliant Digital Entertainment alone released tons of such games back in nineties, but somehow, even though they’ve made games based on such popular names as Superman, Popeye, Xena and even Ace Ventura, those games were never popular. Heck, most of the people nowadays don’t even know about the fact that 7th Level’s Ace Ventura game wasn’t the only one out there. Nowadays, on the other hand, we have all sorts of popular games of that kind. From Detroit: Become Human to Until Dawn / The Dark Pictures Anthology and Life is Strange. People love that stuff. So… yeah. Here comes another one of such games. Can’t call myself a big fan of the genre, though. Personally, I prefer proper Point-and-Click or puzzle experience, while “choose your own adventure” is something I prefer in the books, but… you know how it is. I don’t mind such games as long as the story is interesting, the choices are satisfying and they’re well-written. So… let’s have a look at The Council, shall we?

Real player with 37.4 hrs in game

ORIGINAL POST = 08-08-2021 at 11:51 AM EST:

I’ve been playing The Council on the PC (over on Steam) lately. I certainly have some thoughts on it, as I’m currently on Episode 4 (out of 5).

So far, it has been ranging somewhere b/t really good to great. Namely, Episodes 1-3 were great; and Episode 4 at a certain point has taken a turn…and I’m not sure where it belongs yet, as it has hit a really shocking moment that sets quite bit of a change in both story elements & your skills; and I’m not sure how fleshed-out this will get, as it happens late in Episode 4 and the fact that there’s only one Episode left.

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

The Council on Steam

Adam’s Venture Chronicles

Adam’s Venture Chronicles

(Got this game courtesy of the user Dom. Thanks, man!)

“My name’s Adam Venture. Danger trembles when it hears MY name! I am…” random interuption

What do you get when you throw Indiana Jones, the Bible, and some puzzles into a boiling pot? Well, you get Adam’s Venture Chronicles, a 3-episode puzzle adventure and platformer hybird that focuses on Christian (or Catholic…both are the same to me) mythology involving primarily the Old Testament of the Bible, namely the Garden of Eden and Solomon…who I don’t really remember all that well (being a former Catholic).

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

As has been noted by everyone else, the three Adam Venture games which was at one time sold individually have been grouped together to produce one long game named Adam Venture Chronicles (2015) created by a Dutch company which can be found here

It claims to be an online adventure similar to Allan Quatermaine and Indiana Jones and it does have that type of feel about it all. It was also created to be suitable for Christians and young children as it contains little to no violence or bloodshed in the entire adventure series. However let’s still look at each individually.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Adam's Venture Chronicles on Steam