

Really great game, I am having lots of fun with it, would highly recommend!

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Historical Medieval Games.

The game is absolutely terrible. The controls are sluggish and you will get your tail feathers handed to you about 99% of the time. There is no time to even try to aim your lance. Shield or Head I can’t see to aim for them. You just put your lance over the line and pray you either break your lance or do some serious damage to your opponent. The balance mini-game is an absolute joke. It is totally unresponsive. I hit right as soon as the dot appears, and it shoots straight to the left and throws me. The Rock Paper Scissors mechanic of Barding, Shield, Lance, and Armor need to be explained better than “Oh, just play around with it.” All these elements make for a frustrating and unpleasant experience. I do not mind a challenge. I do mind a skill-based game leaving it up to lady luck to make the final judgement. This game has so much potential but in its current state I do not recommend it.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Gallantry on Steam

Glory of the Arena

Glory of the Arena

It is all about the viewers. They came to the arena to be entertained. Show them your best moves. Defeat the enemies with style. Make a ruthless kill, or spare a life when they demand.

The Audience will reward you with money and glory!

Use the Streaming mode to connect with Spectators, or just use AI viewers.

Let the audience decide whether you shall get more challenging enemies, a powerup, a thumb up or a thumb down.

Or maybe you would prefer to be just the viewer, cheer and vote for the best fighter?

Choose your avatar, armor and weapon. Train your skills and unlock the moves.

Never hold back, never hide nor run from a fight as the audience will hate it.

Jump on a horse or switch weapons.

Fight with honor to win the hearts, or get a reputation of a merciless killer.

Enjoy the single player campaign. From a small local stadium, through battles on ships and fighting animals, to the colosseum itself. Fight your way up from the province to the greatest areas of the Empire.

Read More: Best Historical Fighting Games.

Glory of the Arena on Steam

Historical Games: Chariot Racing

Historical Games: Chariot Racing

Fun. Like this. But overpriced for 15 minutes of indie game.

Wish there was an option to get rid of the stupid Vignette.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Historical First-Person Games.

Mario Cart 64 B.C. baybee! Love the idea around this.

But in all honesty this game is low quality garbage.. which is quite apparent after watching the gameplay video. I had a pretty rough time even getting through the first level. Too easy & boring. That being said, I knew what I was getting in to and still want to reward the devs for good behavior (the idea not the execution).

This game needs:

Multiplayer - Everything bad about this experience would be excusable if you could play with others, Bonus: Let us yell insults as we ride by each other.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Historical Games: Chariot Racing on Steam

Rectifying Zion

Rectifying Zion

Rectifying Zion is based on historical events from around 450BC, Israel. In a time when the city of Jerusalem was being rebuilt and its people were returning after a period of exile.

As player you will be faced with moral challenges and need to make choices that will ultimately direct the outcome of the game as you try to rebuild the city.

Rectifying Zion is an open world role playing game that allows the player to roam around a large open world based on Israel, including Jerusalem and the temple, as well as other smaller cities, villages and farms.

Rectifying Zion on Steam



I really enjoyed this one. I wish it had a sandbox type scenario without the time constraint.

Want to play more but don’t really want to repeat the main campaign.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Theme park meets jousting!

It’s a good little sim game. There’s more complexity to the it that I thought it would have when I bought it - but it’s actually been quite fun for the last couple of days I’ve been dipping in and out. Well worth a punt.


  • Good feel to it, familiar tycoon game mechanics, building, hiring staff and all that jazz.

  • It looks nice, good art style and cute characters.

  • Music is pretty good.

  • It’s got some nice humour - you can see little thought bubbles from time to time with funny stuff people are thinking & the story is humor driven

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Tourney on Steam

Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword

Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword

This game is fantastic. I’ve put hundreds of hours into it, and I’ll likely put hundreds of house more into it. Takes place in the real world in mid-17th century Eastern Europe. There’s 5 factions; Muscovite Tsardom (Russia), Sweden, Poland, Crimean Khanate (Crimea, which is a location in the game), and the Cossacks. You’ll meet people from these areas as well as Spaniards, Frenchmen, Germans, and even Scotsmen. There are muskets, and because of the time period, they come in a variety of flavours. Home made, matchlock, wheel lock, and Miquelet (flintlock) are the main ones, in order of quality. Accuracy is in short supply of course, but I do believe there are some rifled muskets in the game, however they are VERY expensive, and not something you can give normal soldiers. Only your own character, and heroes.

Real player with 485.8 hrs in game

With Fire and Sword, a Winged Hussar’s wet dream (at first glance).

The cover of the game might wow you with it’s fancy looking armor and “updated” gameplay, but once you have it, it gets boring quick and the lack of options is a huge disappointment.

Unlike Warband, this game doesn’t have a troop/progression tree. Instead this game just has you upgrade troops to “veteran”, and while that might not be that bad, the lack of variety can get really old, really quick.

There is no diplomacy, at all, ever.

Real player with 244.2 hrs in game

Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword on Steam

Secret of the Magic Crystals

Secret of the Magic Crystals



–—Basic Info—–

Here you see the overview of all of your buildings. You can upgrade them

from here in exchange for cash.You can also find pickups here.All you

need to do is click on them…

—–Info Board—–

This gives you a list of all your ponies. It tells you their level,

current amount of training, amount of time until they become available,

if they qualifyfor breeding, and tells weather or not they are sick.

It’s really only useful if you keep several ponies around at one time

Real player with 301.1 hrs in game

I’d like to start off by saying that I’ve actually beaten this game.

Second, I should note that I’m a horse person. I’ve been riding hunt-seat for quite a few years now, and consider myself fairly well-versed in equine knowledge. But you don’t need a lick of knowledge to play this game.

You got this game from a friend, didn’t you? Probably during the Winter or Summer sale. Because no one in their right mind would buy this game for themself, unless it was to occupy a seven year-old for a while.

But whatever. It’s in your library now. And if you want to 100% it, you have to beat it. And to beat it you need five level 5 horses of each different breed.

Real player with 40.2 hrs in game

Secret of the Magic Crystals on Steam

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

it’s a review so i have to say that this game is MAGIC (no magic involved in the actual game). If you’re a geek who loves medieval history, then just buy it already! it’s just 10$ on sale right now which feels criminally cheap for what you’re getting. you’re going to get tons of hours and an incredible amount of options to choose from in terms of skills, combat and play style which ultimately allows your Henry be exactly who you want him to be. The combat is challenging, and even though my coordination and rhythm is poor in life and all video games i’ve played, there are ways around this (in most cases), as you have many ways to resolve issues. I play a charismatic yet weaselly man who can talk or run his way out of anything. i can handle a sword if it comes to it, but i’d rather not. what i’m getting at is that you shouldn’t be intimidated by some reviews that rightfully point out how challenging some scenarios can be. get creative! the game allows for that.

Real player with 169.6 hrs in game

As a game, it’s very difficult in the early parts. Food and money are really hard to come by, though there are some “public food pots” if there’s no choice. You are weak and getting ambushed is hell, especially when you haven’t saved recently. Speaking of saving, you have to CRAFT a potion to save, or find a comfy bed. Fighting more than 2 enemies is an automatic fail, more so if they are armored. Though to be fair, anyone would struggle to fight 2 people in real life.

Yet, once you have top level armor and weapons, this game is one of the best “knight simulators” of all time imo. Get some potions that fortify your defense and raise your warfare/strength skill and you’re a killing machine. Then there’s also the fact that money and food become pointless because you’ll be filthy rich (even without ‘that’ DLC) and you’ll get hungry a lot slower. I absolutely love the combat system. Even if many people aren’t fond of it, i don’t think there are other games that can capture the essence of medieval fencing. This game got me interested in HEMA. Anyone who says the combat is “trash”, is actually trash at understanding the combat mechanics themselves.

Real player with 162.7 hrs in game

Kingdom Come: Deliverance on Steam

Knights of Light: The Prologue

Knights of Light: The Prologue

I like the concept, but there are too many bugs that should have been addressed before release. I have had to restart many times over due to my character being stuck or the quest not updating etc. There are also floating soldiers over horses, not mention the optimisation is horrific.

I have to be honest in my reviewing! This game is way too expensive in its current state. I think it should be priced at around 10 USD on steam, to try and get more people involved with feedback.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

تعليقى على ال 30 د ال لعبتهم شوفت فيهم التالى

الفكره انا مكنتش متحمش ليها بس كان عندى حلم ان اشوف حاجه من مطور مصرى تكون حلوه

ودا تقريبا اتحقق من الاعلان والاعلان بس غير كدا بلح


حرفيا اال كان فى دمغهم هات اى مودل موجود فى المحرك وحطه انهار فيها صحره فيها صباح مزروع فى صخر

واى حاجه هطها فوق بعض

اول لما فتحت اللعبه حصل لها مشاكل وانا بفتحها اصلا انا ال بلعب

gta5 4k

محصلش معيا زى اللعبه دى انا بحاول شغلها بشكل تمام نقلتها على ssd

وغيرت الرمات ال هى اصلا 32 جيجا

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Knights of Light: The Prologue on Steam

Wanted in Hell

Wanted in Hell

Wanted in Hell™

Rumors of a hellish creature terrorizing the frontier have spread to every saloon West of the Mississippi. Grab a gun and saddle to join the hunt or become the beast for a wild west monster hunt game like no other.

Wanted in Hell™ is developed in Unreal Engine 4 and currently in pre-alpha testing.


Multiple Play Styles

Turn in monster heads for bounties as a Hunter.

Haunt the lands and attempt to return to the land of the living as a Ghost.

Terrorize hunters and slay innocents as a Monster.

Randomized Environment

Every match you play of Wanted in Hell™ is different. In addition to randomized loot found in most battle royale games, entire buildings and environment areas are randomized. You will ride into the hunt aboard a steam engine train with randomized train tracks and disembark at the Terminus; a 4x4KM map that has four distinct biomes including desert, snow, canyon, and forest as dusk turn to night. Be prepared for every match to be just different enough to keep you on your toes.

Wild West Gunplay

Wield the legendary weapons of the wild west to face off against player-controlled hunters and monsters. These old gunpowder weapons have limited ammo and there’s no automatic fire. You will need to carefully time your shots to outplay your enemies with simulated physics projectiles that can ricochet off metal and penetrate wood. Ride to victory on over 30 breeds of horses with unique appearances and statistics in skill based mounted combat.

In Match Leveling System

Fortune favors the bold and hiding won’t help you. As a Hunter, you start at level 0 in every match. Reap the rewards of a stone cold killer by improving your stats and unlocking unique abilities to stand toe-to-toe with the monster and live to tell the tale.

Character Customization

The hunt has attracted folk from all walks of life. Stand out from the rest by customizing your Hunter with over one million face, body, and hair combinations. Dress to tell your story with a modular clothing and dye system featuring signature styles of the old west including lawmen, outlaws, cavalry, native American, and more.

Wanted in Hell on Steam