This is a new engine. It doesn’t have the plethora of models that the old workhorse of WO2 and 3 had. So it’s a smaller roster. That being said, it still feels like SW game. I enjoy it more as I play more of it.

Each weapon does have a basic moveset. But each character brings a couple special moves to their weapons. For instance Saito’s spear has very basic moveset up to C5. Toshiie’s spear has an unique C1 and unique C5 barrage and a max of C6. Tadakatsu’s spear has an unique C1 and an unique C6 move also.

Real player with 241.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Historical Hack and Slash Games.

Koei has taken a huge risk here, effectively rebooting the Samurai Warriors franchise, and it amazingly works.

I’ve been a fan of the Warriors series for most of my life, starting with DW2, I’ve seen the highs and lows of this franchise, and the start of the Samurai side series. I consider DW8XL one of, if not the best of the series, and everything about 9 was a complete failure to reimagine and reinvigorate. So when news broke of Samurai Warriors 5 and it also attempting to reimagine the series, I like many, dreaded the worst. Now, 16 hours in, I can confidently say Koei has a massive success in this rebooted franchise.

Real player with 59.6 hrs in game


Soldiers: Heroes of World War II

Soldiers: Heroes of World War II

This is a more modern rendition of the old Commandos (1998) that we used to know and love. It’s every bit as difficult but hosts prettier graphics; this was a sort of forerunner to Relic’s venerable Company of Heroes with similar map views and destructable environments. I’ve not struggled in a game so much since Dark Souls. And I hate how that game has become a meme for any other game with any degree of difficulty, but to give you an idea I played this on medium difficulty and it still took me 96 hours to beat. Doh!

Real player with 96.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Historical RTS Games.

Started playing this game at my friends place when I was 9, then he didn’t wanna let me play so I got my father to pirate it for me. Couple years passed and I forgot all about it and I rediscovered it on GOG and I bought a copy there, now I bought it on Steam, I even have a physical copy of the game IRL now cause I don’t wanna lose my memorys of this game. Basically the game has a sentimental value to me so my review is biased but basically this is the 1st ever Men of War’s game that got released in 2004. The game was supposed to be a test or a demo, luckily they saw that the project was successful due to the game being technologically and in graphics ahead of it’s time, the game is fantastic cause it’s basically like the old Commandos game where you only have couple of soldiers to defeat the whole German/English army on each map and depending on the 4 campaigns you will fight different enemys such as Soviets, British, Germans and Americans. Also the music is fantastic. The AI is pretty smart also and each mission is with it’s own difficulty like snipers, hidden Anti tank squads in bushes, Tiger tank hiding inside a building. Anyway they sold their game engine to a new company who started spamming Men of war assault sqaud 1/2, and other DLC games but the newest successors that are coming out are Gates of Hell and Soldiers: Arena. These 2 games are being made by the original developers, and if you go check out Soliders: Arena then you’ll see that they are using exact unit copys of the 1st game and the games logo + a little teaser of how they turned the old game units into our todays and modern graphics. My only downside to Soliders: Arena is that it’s gonna be Free 2 Play, I’m not against that but the game might die quickly due to maybe having some Pay 2 Win elements like buyable unit camoflages and unit decks so because of that I’m looking forward to Gates of Hell.

Real player with 40.7 hrs in game

Soldiers: Heroes of World War II on Steam

Blazing Sails

Blazing Sails

Early acces? It’s already insanely playable, nothing seems to be really missing and no huge bugs.

It’s a 4man team battle royale, it seems to take a lot of inspiration if not downright most of it’s stuff from sea of thieves.

The rounds are 5 - 20 minutes, divided in mostly 2 parts:

Looting and fighting.

during the looting fase you might run into other people on land, so combat ensues.

When sailing to the next island you might run into another ship, ship to ship combat ensues.

The safe area, as with every BR gets smaller and smaller, forcing ships closer and closer, these fights can turn very hectic very quickly.

Real player with 256.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Historical Early Access Games.


☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☒ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it



☐ Very good

☒ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t


☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☒ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I’m now deaf


☐ Kids

☒ Teens

☒ Adults

☐ All

—{PC Requirements}—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☒ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer


☐ Just press ‘W’

Real player with 119.5 hrs in game

Blazing Sails on Steam

Scourge of War: Waterloo

Scourge of War: Waterloo

This is a wargame and isn’t ashamed of it. It is a good representation of the Napoleonic battlefield. With the three DLC it covers the entire Waterloo campaign. The best praise for the game I can think of is that descriptions of game battles read exactly like descriptions of the real battles (see the end of this review for an example). Watch some videos, read some after action reports, see what the game is like. You will know very quickly if this is a game for you.

There are a lot of options on how to play, and there is even a game mode that puts you in the saddle of your commander so that you can only see what he sees. There is also a mode where commands have to be given by courier. The experienced Napoleonic wargamer (or historian) will find that he can do pretty much everything in the game that would have been done in the original battle.

Real player with 317.1 hrs in game

This is actually not a review of the vanilla/base game and instead a review of

the mod named Kriegspiel. Since that mod actually is what Scourge of war

Waterloo never became.

My top favorite games:

Scourge of war Waterloo/Ghettysburg, Syrian warfare, NTW3mod for Napoleon total war, Take command 2nd manassas, Sid meiers Gettysburg, Fields of glory (Amiga), Men of war Assault squad, Project reality, Arma2

Here is my review about the Kriegspiel mod and the Kriegspiel gaming group:

Now the KS mod has been updated to 1.29 but the only person that really knows and can explain the KS mod in a good way is DarkRob316.

Real player with 197.6 hrs in game

Scourge of War: Waterloo on Steam




I can’t believe how petty some people are. It’s a good thing that these people are only a minority and don’t represent Total War community as a whole - seeing some people raging and trying to review bomb a game over something like this is just downright sad: not even allowing comments on their spam reviews and hiding behind private accounts. “Forcing us to buy the game again! Stupid naming the game again! Prince increased!” First for the people going on about “price thieves!”, Total War Saga: Fall of the Samurai includes the DLC that originally had to be purchased separately - the price takes this into account and isn’t more expensive than previously purchasing them separately with the game. It would help if you would actually bother checking what you are going on about instead of just riding along as some sad meme: no one is forcing you to buy the game again. If you already own Fall of the Samurai you will still own it - the rebranding does not affect you. Fall of the Samurai was always a standalone game - it did not require Shogun 2 to be played, and being a standalone game set in a more constrained time period (like Thrones of Britannia) as opposed to a more open-ended experience like the mainstay Total War titles, rebranding it under the Total War Saga is actually fitting. That some people are raging like this without even knowing what they are on about is simply ridiculous. Fortunately Steam now has a system in place to disregard raging kids like this with their attempts at review bombing.

Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai is one of the best Total War games. The game has most of the positives of the base Shogun 2 game, The game looks great, performs well and has late game difficulty. Unfortunately, the game’s multiplayer can be extremely unbalanced at times. However, the game’s innovation and experimentation make up for any flaws or roughness it may have from being a stand-alone game made between major releases.

Fall of the Samurai does not look as amazing as Shogun 2, but it still looks great. The modern units look dignified but still rough in a realistic way. The old school samurai look traditional and plain, but their simplicity is oddly intimidating. The campaign map is a 19th century styled geographic map that places less emphasis on beautiful mountains and more on the great plains and seas that can be traversed by rail and steamship.

A Total War Saga: FALL OF THE SAMURAI on Steam

Assassin’s Creed® Unity

Assassin’s Creed® Unity

This is the only game in the entire Assassin’s Creed series that truly embodies the soul of all the Assassin’s Creed games. The stealth is very well implemented and the AI does seem to be smarter too. The game features actual interactive interiors in most of the buildings which was really amazing for an open world game. And the Parkour - it is hands down the best of all the games in the series. I loved the all over gameplay and the story line.

But, the only thing that bugs me is the part where I have to play as an initiate. I really did hope that we’d get a successor as Subject 18. But we get what we get.

Real player with 92.4 hrs in game

I almost felt bad for buying such a good game for only $5.

To be honest, I have bought this game with little expectations, mainly because It was made in those “Ubisoft’s decadent years”, when they launched way too many games with way too poor quality, the worst AC main games in my opinion.

I expected something similar with this one, but it greatly surprised me from the first minute with agile parkour animations and impressive visuals. Arno is by far the most agile, stylish and elegant assassin in the franchise. Just search “pro stealth AC Unity” on youtube and you will see for yourself.

Real player with 59.6 hrs in game

Assassin's Creed® Unity on Steam

Men of War: Vietnam

Men of War: Vietnam

After playing this game for a good amount of time and pursuing to beat it on Hard, I’ve noticed this game isn’t the failure that most people deem it to be. In order to play this game, there must be a basic understanding of proper guerilla warfare, and knowing this is VERY useful. This game is not for everyone however. This game is a test of skill for those who are familiar with the Men of War series and its mechanics.

A few thoughts after in-depth play (Post Scriptum Edition):

First of all, if you can earn every achievement without cheating, kudos to you. It is not an easy task to earn all of these achievements, because the final US Mission can be quite intimidating on Hard difficulty.

! Expect to be screaming, “OH MY GOD IT’S LIKE THE FALL OF SAIGON BUT WORSE!” at the end.

Real player with 67.7 hrs in game

Hell yes best game next to men of war 1 assault squad and men of war 2 assault squad in my personal opinion because of the story and how it feels so good it feels right like you have special operations that are so hard and tactical and you have the iconic huge battles And I love it it is awesome and so difficult to beat such as in any men of war game you get shot in the chest you are probably going to die on easy difficulty and it makes it so satisfying after so much planning and hard work to finally solve a huge issue you have I have played 39 or so hours since this review I am posting and I am only on the first big battle mission it is an amazingly good game I recommend it to anyone who loves realism and loves the men of war franchise I haven’t played all the games just men of war assault squad 1 and 2 and call to arms and ostfront and faces of war There are a few more I want to buy as well I love this franchise it is just something I love you got so many advantages and disadvantages but there is always a way through I challenge myself by playing on easy But I make sure no one in my squad dies infantry or special forces I have never had a casualty on the US Army side except the first mission I didn’t plan no deaths till mission 2. my grandpa was in the MAC V SOG In Vietnam after being selected out of the USMC and he told me stories and things about the war when he was in as a soldier from 1956 to 1973 and about his time as a POW and the game captures the Image perfectly special operators pushing in and being such as how my dad was a Marine raider then green beret it is like that and it has uniforms and weapons exactly to the time period of 68 of course there are exceptions but they got the south Vietnam special forces and they got standard soldiers I haven’t seen standard Southern troops but I have seen NVA and Russian and Northern troops native to Vietnam they make it so real and so good and enjoyable to play I love it personally.

Real player with 49.0 hrs in game

Men of War: Vietnam on Steam

WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate - 無双OROCHI3 Ultimate

WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate - 無双OROCHI3 Ultimate

I missed Warriors Orochi 3 on consoles, so getting this on PC is really a treat.

Well, for starters, it’s the same Warriors Formula since PS2, so anyone who wants to sit on a couch (or chair) and slaughter NPCs, you’ll feel right at home.



  • It runs smoothly in 60 FPS most of the time - although it drops to 40-ish when you use some magic, especially with that bow.* Same old Warriors formula, not that one in DW 9. Something you can really enjoy.* Checkpoints - This is an incredible boon, you don’t have to repeat all those annoying moments in the game just because you get hit by lots of arrows in Chaos mode.

Real player with 89.8 hrs in game

So, blazing through both vanilla WO4 and WO4U for the first time, and getting somewhat up the final tower in Infinity Mode, I think I’m finally in the position to give this game a proper review.

TL;DR: It’s an extremely solid entry in the Warriors lineup, especially considering the combat from both DW8 & SW4-II are here + Sacred Treasure system, so I feel it’s worth a purchase. However, it is undeniably weaker compared to WO3U in terms of richness of features, and presentation in terms of visuals, story, and unique environments.

Real player with 68.4 hrs in game

WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate - 無双OROCHI3 Ultimate on Steam



So, after this game got some patches and new features were added I thought it would be the right time to revise my review. I started and tested this game every time they released a patch. After over 120 hours and completing every achievement in this game here is what I think after all the patches and new features. Notice I played every Dynasty Warriors game from 2 to 9 as well as the extreme legends and empires variants.



The game still has huge performance issues. It depends on the version of the game. 1.13 was okay while the newer versions have big frame drops again. I have a pretty good pc and still get these drops.

Real player with 143.8 hrs in game

While this game is not as terrible as some people claim it to be, almost every aspect of it is mediocre at best. It is obviously rushed, maybe with additional 6-12 months of development it could be a better a game, but it’s Koei we are talking about. They have fanatical devotion to “quantity over quality” principle, so instead of taking time to make one good game, they will make 5 identical shallow games and milk them with DLC. Back to the topic:

1)Open world, the main feature of this game (and the savior of the franchise in Koei’s dreams) is the biggest flaw. While the map is pretty big, exploring it is not fun at all. Cities look mostly identical and they are relatively small. Besides the standard visiting traders and blacksmiths routine just like in any other game, there is nothing to do in them. Resources are everywhere and very easy to find and obtain. From aesthetic point of view landscapes look very bland in comparison to real China (compare some photos with screenshots). You can find bandits and animals in the wilderness doing completely nothing. That is everything I can say about exploration. Then we got super fun activities to do in a hack and slash games. Fishing (mashing button to become the richest man in China in 10 minutes), hunting (beating or shooting animals for no particular reason), housing (inviting officers to make bonds with them which are completely pointless), errand boy quests (beside being boring, they offer pitiful reward), setting traps (just getting materials from them after some time), everything we could ask for a musou game.

Real player with 90.0 hrs in game




I really enjoy the historical setting of this game, however Britannia is no where near as well crafted or as engaging as most of the other titles in the Total War collection. It is slow-paced and the battles are a cakewalk, even on Legendary difficulty. Look to Shogun II or Rome for a challenge. Marginal recommendation.

Real player with 394.1 hrs in game

A nice little total war game. I appreciate that the game is quicker to play than standard total wars while keeping the main game play. You can play a campaign through in an evening when you know what you are doing (as oppose to a week with some other games in this series). I like to play this as a pallet cleanser between Total Warhammer campaigns. Their are a few annoying quirks with the game (like building guardposts makes your govenors disloyal) and some of the mechanics are not well explained, especialy around estates. But the key charm of this game is planning ahead and building effective armies from small pools of warriors, then leveraging those units to best effect using formations and combined arms tactics.

Real player with 71.5 hrs in game

A Total War Saga: THRONES OF BRITANNIA on Steam