I’m going to offer a counterpoint to all the bad press here about DSP 4.0. While individually, valid criticisms are made by reviewers, collectively the overall picture being painted is of a very poor game. While the Daisenryaku franchise may not be to everyone’s taste, and clearly from the comments here it is not, this game is a representative sample. Not the best, but by no means the worst.

I’ll admit my bias. I’ve been a fan of this series since Daisenryaku VII for the original XBOX some 15 years ago. Since then I have played many of the games for all varieties of platforms, mostly on emulators, almost invariably the Japanese version. That’s why getting this title, and in English, is a milestone of sorts. The tricky bit to playing in Japanese is not fighting the battles, it’s just getting there. So to those who complain this is a poor localization, I say 95% of the work has been done for you. Yes, some of the translations are a little wonky and not all the unit names are properly translated. But understanding the menus is what you need to play effectively and most here would have a lot of difficulty navigating the game interface and editors in Japanese text. And the manual, so far as it goes, is clear and comprehensible.

Real player with 267.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Grand Strategy Games.

Daisenryaku Perfect 4 is not perfect , but it is much better game than you would be led to believe from these reviews. There are a few things that you need to understand at the outset though. First, this is not Daisenryaku VII. The Daisenryaku series originated in 1985 and since that time has splintered into a number of similar but quite different products. The Perfect series is 2D, and in many ways is a direct descendent of the original game. (which only ran on NEC PC-98 computers - well before Windows took over the world). If you are expecting Daisenryaku VII, this is not it. I personally prefer the Perfect series myself, but some might not. Chocolate and vanilla.

Real player with 74.6 hrs in game


Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm Player’s Edition

Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm Player’s Edition

This is an excellent game that combines playability with a design philosophy that rewards authentic gameplay. You give your subordinates broad directives and waypoints, which they will carry out to the best of their abilities. The game abstracts the busywork and assumes that your subordinates are handling their own responsibilities. Fire support can be automated in case plotting artillery targets becomes tedious. Battle command becomes the player’s main concern over micromanagement. It’s very easy to plot out a battalion or brigade-size action and coordinate timings between the component units.

Real player with 1271.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Tactical Games.

A very strange beast of a game, aiming to tackle myriad of unique aspects that are rarely represented in games of similar nature. Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm is not only a treat for fans of turn based strategy games, but also a must have for ‘Cold War-turned hot’ scenario fans, meaning those who liked Tom Clancy’s most famous book about same topic will feel ultimately at home with this game.

FC:RS gives us a plethora of operations and separate missions, which we can play against the AI, from any angle, or in multiplayer with hotseat mode as an option. Be warned though, it’s a hefty game, meaning battles may last hours of real time, and despite it being a sort of old school tile/hex based strategy, it very much aims to simulate the outcomes rather then entertain you as a ‘game’ in it’s strict sense. That said the simulation itself sets of to tackle so many aspects of modern warfare it still amazes me to no end how many features are being calculated over span of a turn.

Real player with 295.6 hrs in game

Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm Player's Edition on Steam



*** Updated for v1.2.2.0 ***

Short TL:DR - A faithful translation of the original boardgame with lots of potential, but still rough around some edges. Overall, good enough to get your “fix” for classic Ogre, but G.E.V. is still a ways off and some minor bugs still need to be addressed. I currently rate it a 4 out of 5 (previously rated at 3.5).

I’m going to try to itemize the good and bad as much as possible so you get an accurate view of what the game (v1.2.2.0) looks like. I was part of the beta test and there are a lot of things that have been improved since the beta, but there’s still more work to do.

Real player with 471.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Turn-Based Games.

I have experience with the Ogre 6th Edition board game, and this game feels very similar.

One thing I very much appreciate is that there are a few mechanics in place to speed games up. In the board game, if you target an Ogre’s treads, you have to fire individually with each unit doing so. In this PC game, you select your target first (like, the treads) then select every unit in range, and the game rolls for them all in sequence, faster than selecting each one individually. You can also stack multiple units on the same hex and move them as a group, which speeds up the process of closing with the opponent.

Real player with 32.8 hrs in game

Ogre on Steam

Advanced Tactics Gold

Advanced Tactics Gold

A really great game, it is my favorite game, and here’s why…

Random Games

The random games and the editor allows you to play this for a decade straight, every random games match has led to a completely different match, and can be randomized more with the ability to choose size, age (How flat the terrain is, older is flatter), weather (None, or Tropical to Arctic), and more


The editor is very, very powerful, it (As in the description of the game) is very versitile, all you have to do is, a couple clicks of a button, and nearly everything is able to be changed, or replaced all together. Rulvars allow you to change the rules of the game, SFT’s allow you to add or take away units from the game, Items allow you to change how you build the SFT’s or resources. The editor is also ingame, and on the main menu!

Real player with 2561.9 hrs in game

Advanced Tactics Gold is an excellent wargame in terms of concepts and incorporating the real world with supply, supply issues and bottlenecks, morale, experience, production, technology (political points) using command leadership for combat bonus, tactics such as encirclement to give bonus, combined arms tactics, etc.

Six negatives that I hope are addressed:

1. The time between each turn can run 3 minutes and that is with only two players, you vs AI.

2. The interface and associated programming/code can stand for a MAJOR upgrade. For example, you are constantly building new units and the number of clicks to accomplish what you need to do each turn is astounding. There are some very simple solutions.

Real player with 1466.5 hrs in game

Advanced Tactics Gold on Steam

Civil War: Battle of Petersburg

Civil War: Battle of Petersburg

For the price, what’s the risk? BATTLE OF PETERSBERG will appeal to hisorical and strategy turn based gamers. Sure, there is room for improvement, especially with the hexagonal map, camera perspective and color scheme, which make it difficult to see terrain and to select units. And, I can’t speak to historical accuracy because I’m no expert. But you get an entire campaign providing several hours of gameplay through multiple battles. The gameplay is simple and no-frills that gives artillery a lot of power (they can move, condutct ranged attack, and destroy entire units, all in one turn). Your strategy will focus on using artillery to blast away entire sections of the enemy front line, followed up by infantry to clean up anything missed by the artillery, and cavalry to exploit the hole you’ve just punched. My recollection of the Petersburg campaign is that this is basically the strategy used. Recommended despite its problems.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

In short - quick and easy to play, arcade game with strategic elements. Low price but also low content.

  • Quick and easy to play

The game is far from being complex. You need only 1-2 minutes in menu to adjust all the graphic settings and the same amount of time spent using tutorial is more than enough to start first scenario. Simple rules of combat, relatively small maps as well as not much of a variety of units make the play fast and easy to finish even during eating dinner.

  • Hot seat

It is always nice addition to the simple&short games. It could be strategic game but the truth is that you won’t make complicated plans and cunning strategies as this game lacks of any strategic depth. So there is no fear to play against each other using “hot seat” option as it suits such “strategic-arcade” game.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Civil War: Battle of Petersburg on Steam

Krim: The War in the Crimea 1941-42

Krim: The War in the Crimea 1941-42

Too many glitches–and crickets from the developers. Ashamed that it has to be this way. I wanted to like this game and their coming titles, but beware–there are unaddressed issues.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

decent idea but the game is like a couple of tries of trying to win and then your done and you have no use for it anymore its still pretty decent for what it is tho but id say wait till sale not worth 10 quid

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Krim: The War in the Crimea 1941-42 on Steam

Civil War: 1863

Civil War: 1863

It’s a nice game especially for the price. Its a simple fun little game. There is some thinking and strategy involved. The AI has actually beaten me a couple times on normal difficutly which is extremely rare. It has worked great on my computer and was easy to learn. It is a good edition to a library because sometimes you only have an hour to relax and play. I have other games much more in depth. Often the wife will say go play one game and dinner will be done in an hour. Most of my games take two weeks to finish so at least with this one I can make it down to dinner. Plus there just arent many Civil War games out there. I really liked, mid 1990’s, Civil War I and II by Sierra and Sid Meiers Gettysburg it would be great if Steam could sell these so I could play them again.

Real player with 100.8 hrs in game

In my opinion, this game and others by this developer - Hexwar Games - got a bad rap from many reviewers. First of all, comparing it to a real time strategy game is apples and oranges. Ultimate General may just be a great game, but rts isn’t for everyone, or doesn’t have to be every time you want to play a game. I like turn based hex games!

Other games of this style and genre may be more historically accurate and more complex, but again, it’s apples and oranges. This game is a little on the casual side, and it definitely isn’t a real battle simulator. But sometimes I just want to charge those cannons or outflank that line, without feeling like I need a Ph.D. in military history just to play a game. Every tree may not be in the right place, but that’s OK with me.

Real player with 53.2 hrs in game

Civil War: 1863 on Steam

Möbius Front ‘83

Möbius Front ‘83

I think this is my first Steam review; I watched a talk from Zach and he said that he takes feedback seriously so I figured, why not?

I love Zachtronics’ coding games, and I also love turn-based wargames, so I was pretty excited for this one. Unfortunately I think they’ve missed the mark this time. There’s a lot to like, but while it has the pleasing simplicity of games like Into the Breach (single-digit numbers for health, damage, range, and speed, grid map, etc.) it lacking some of the elegance.

Real player with 53.5 hrs in game

Möbius Front 83 is a simple and good game. Yet to finish it, but played enough of it to say what I think.


  • Great presentation, graphics is aesthetically pleasing, great animations of units – I love how dust animation is used to indicate direction of movement of vehicles.

  • Outstanding sound design. Muffled sound of weapon fire and explosion sound like you hear weapons firing in the distance or if, like I imagine it would be to hear sound of weapons firing while you sit in an armoured vehicle.

Real player with 39.7 hrs in game

Möbius Front '83 on Steam

Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris

Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris

As mentioned before, this is a game that sits between Panzer General and War in the East. The card system gives you plenty of variation for replays. Poland and France put up a bit more of a fight than you would expect but there would be no challenge if the campaign allowed Germany to steamroll the opposition.

The campaign allows you to play as Germany in the Polish and French campaigns as well as Sealion if you perform well. It is possible to play as the opposing armies in scenarios. The game has play by e-mail multiplayer. The game is not difficult to grasp and there are Youtube lets play videos that will clear up any confusion.

Real player with 303.4 hrs in game

Very good operational strategic game with an excellent A.I. In fact one of the best I have seen for a long long time. Very addicting. You can try out several different routes and variants in the same scenario. The map is large and allow for huge encirclements if you are fast and clever enough but beware that the A.I is not silly and will eventually understand what you are doing.

Updated 2021-01-27

Since my first review I have played the full campaign and also the netherlands scenario. In Case Yellow the A.I was not able to play in a good way. It never used its local superiority. Never tried to break out of my encirclements and except for a few bombards never attacked me at all as I advanced with my army. I could expose myself a lot and take huge risks with my encirclements but the A.I never tried to stop me or do the same to me. In the Netherlands scenario the A.I played the germans and didnt take a single victory hex because the advance was very slow the first 5 turns moving units back and forth from the frontline without attacking. When it finally started attacking it was too late.

Real player with 184.3 hrs in game

Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris on Steam

The Campaign Series: Fall Weiss

The Campaign Series: Fall Weiss

I was like you, innocently purchasing this game and opening up and saying YOLOSWAGBROYOLO and choosing Poland as your first game because you’re so cool. Then you get wrecked from every direction and then you rage quit back to your little kiddy call of duty.

This game isn’t a joke, this game isn’t a fast paced game. It’s a hardcore armchair general turn-based slow-paced strategy game. You take control of either Poland, Germany(Then called the Nazis, or, in aircraft terms, Jerries), or Russia (Then called the Soviet Union). You can take control of many other nations in custom gamdemode, but they’re near useless unless you mod the game, and believe me.. modding this game is unbelievably easy, finally something easy about this game. :D. If you like really hard games, or relaxing games that make your brain think, then get it. But beware, it’s a major armchair-general styled game for you to complete a campaign it’s 122 days, with one turn a day. Each turn you’ll be spending some 10-15 minutes. (sometimes 30 or more even) So for $25 you’re going to get a lottttt of hours played. And if you mod it… even longer. Beware, playing Poland your goal isn’t to beat the Axis, that’d be like Britain taking on Russia, your goal is to hold the germans off for longer than historically, say, two weeks or so longer. Germany is a more relaxing gameplay, but it’s still very challenging (The AI is hella good), if you play Russia, you have to wait 17 turns (verrryyy longgg) before you can even attack poland, though, I’ve heard you can declare war on Lithuania and fight them in the meantime.Wasteland Interactive has been out for a couple years roaming Desura and finally each of their tactical turn-based games got greenlit. So go check out: Time of Wrath, Strategic War in Europe, and of course this game. They have a couple more on steam but they’re pacific theatre so I don’t have them. They’re all amazingly good, especially if you like this one.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Fall Weiss covers the German invasion of Poland. Starting September 1 1939 the game allows players to control the Germans, Polish or the Russian forces. Players have 122 turns (each representing one day) to either conquer Poland or hold against the invaders. Each of the three factions has its own victory conditions:

German: Defeat Poland and Peace with/or defeat Russia

Poland: Hold against the Germans

Russia Defeat of Poland and Peace with Russia

(NOTE the following has been fixed by the developers and custom games are now working)

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

The Campaign Series: Fall Weiss on Steam